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教育王國 討論區 幼校討論 $4,700 registration fee
樓主: GAT

$4,700 registration fee [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-4-14 13:02 |只看該作者
我個仔都會係今年9 月係YORK 讀K1, 阿B 唔係無OFFER, 而係我同我老公係真係鐘意佢咁重商業味, 你哋去買嘢, 會睇咩呀 ? 你會唔會睇個間公司邊個係CEO, 邊個係CHAIRMAN, 大多數啲人都會睇吓個QUALITY, BRAND, 又可能聽人哋講, 而我哋真係睇到YORK 小朋友讀得好開心, 而佢哋讀書真係OK.

返學係讀書, 放咗學之後學其他嘢, 平衡吓, 我又覺得幾好喎, 因為阿B 咁細, 仲未知佢鐘意咩, 叻啲咩, 比佢哋玩多啲唔同嘢, 咁會唔會更好呢 ? 而唔係只為放晒啲時間係中文, 英文, 數學到.

各位未來YORK 的家長, 如果想SHARE 吓, 傾吓計, PM 我啦

Rank: 1

發表於 11-4-14 13:41 |只看該作者
me too as well.  international stream or local stream??

發表於 11-4-14 18:55 |只看該作者
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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-4-15 22:41 |只看該作者
Local stream ! but we try to get a seat in international class.

How about you ?

原帖由 waiwai_kwan 於 11-4-14 13:41 發表
me too as well.  international stream or local stream??

Rank: 4

發表於 11-4-15 23:17 |只看該作者
我很認同你說法,我們都是上午local, 亦waiting list 國際班 。st.ca / 培正/宣道都收我個仔 , 但我都選了York , 因這校給到我要求。很多朋友都我為何不選St. CA ,因為她們一班40人,會很容易勿略較一般的小朋友,我小兒比較怕羞,會更加被忽略。

原帖由 vanessa_louis 於 11-4-15 22:41 發表
Local stream ! but we try to get a seat in international class.

How about you ?

Rank: 1

發表於 11-4-16 13:42 |只看該作者
u can confirm local stream student also good in ENG & PTH, no need to pay extra $$ to learn it outside???  do u know the teacher speak english or cantonese at school hours???  Thx! :)

Rank: 4

發表於 11-4-16 21:43 |只看該作者


Rank: 4

發表於 11-4-16 21:47 |只看該作者

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-4-16 23:15 |只看該作者
我覺得主流班都OK, 咁當然可以等到INTERNATIONAL CLASS 更好啦.

無論主流或國際班, YORK都好注重英文, 所以我可以完全放心比阿B 係學校學. 語文上, 他們有方法敎小朋友, 只要我們和他們傾多啲計已經OK.


我小朋友係比較好動, 他係啟思讀緊N1, 我哋要揾啲學校係敎學方法係活動, 又有小小谷啲小朋友.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-4-17 00:44 |只看該作者
Thank you for mammys sharing their expereince. I have been searching for mammys' comments on York, as most are saying it is "commercial", but no one mention how curriculum, will it too many homework and harsh for 2 Yr old baby (as I am struggling between York and Think pm class), and whethere their kids enjoy school lift.

I prefer York as I like their ideas on emphasizing on academic and English, these are good for kids to pick up P1 and learning good Eng, including speaking Eng, since they are small is good for their future.

But we are also worry about it will be less emphasis on self-managment, ethics, develop their creativitiy and innovative and independent thinking, which other schools always emphasis on. And my baby is not smart, and can speak very few words even he is 22 mths old now, we are worry if he can catch up with other kids; if not, he may lose confidence.

Also, can any mammys tell me whether there are many homework in PN and K1, and will the school be very pushy? We are worry if it is too harsh for the little boy to start they harsh school life so early, and if he is not happy in school, I will feel guilty, seems forcing him to follow my way. But I do really want him to learn good Eng, and have a good environment for study, with big outdoor playground that many schools have indoor ones only.

Also, I saw many mammys say their kids are happy in school, right? This makes me feel more relieved; as we are so worry that the school is too pushy and my son can't catch up and feel unhappy in school, then we have to prepare to change another KG next yr.

About the expense, so happy that I find out detail in this thread (searching for long time since we got offer), it is ok for us about the fee for uniform (they say they are designing new ones so no sample can be seen when I went to register on 12 Apr), and it doesn't cost much on plate, bowl, spoon, etc., or accessories (as it includes costs for some functions like birthday party). But is the price $18xx for books and $2100 for snack are paid twice a yr? It seems quite expensive. So we can choose to bring our own snack?

Wish mammys can give me some advice and thank you so much in advance.

Rank: 1

發表於 11-4-18 17:25 |只看該作者
hi, vanessa_louis, local stream pm class, most of my friend's children are KV or SC students, so no update info for york......just wondering the english level for seat in 主流班 are same as 國際班 and their P1 allocation.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-4-18 17:40 |只看該作者
原帖由 考考2008 於 11-3-9 17:17 發表



我都係首當其沖之一(得一個offer係手),肉隋針板上,又有咩辦法呢?? :loveliness: ...

你都幾Q bor,阿Q個Q,哈哈,輕鬆下!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-4-19 09:21 |只看該作者
I don't know their P1 allocation and they seems not disclose this information to public. I believe York will provide all round skill to kids, such as language ( York have their teaching skill to educate a kid ), music and sports. It should be good enough to enter good primary school.

I asked York the difference between local and international class, they answered me  " basically is the same, but international have 1 local and 1 NET teacher in class.".  

原帖由 waiwai_kwan 於 11-4-18 17:25 發表
hi, vanessa_louis, local stream pm class, most of my friend's children are KV or SC students, so no update info for york......just wondering the english level for seat in 主流班 are same as 國際班 and ...

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 11-4-24 19:16 |只看該作者
If people say they are so commercial, then why York does not announce their P1 allocation result?

If this is their strong points, for sure the school principal will advertise this as one of their selling points. In the parent's seminar, Mrs Fung also mentioned their grauduates perform very well in P1, sometimes top of the class.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 11-4-25 04:17 |只看該作者

原帖由 GAT 於 11-4-24 19:16 發表
If people say they are so commercial, then why York does not announce their P1 allocation result?

If this is their strong points, for sure the school principal will advertise this as one of their sel ...

[ 本帖最後由 fishballbaby 於 11-4-25 04:25 編輯 ]
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