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教育王國 討論區 幼校討論 2006年8月入(藍田)啟思幼兒園既媽咪大召集 ...
樓主: Marcus媽

2006年8月入(藍田)啟思幼兒園既媽咪大召集 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-9-10 22:06 |只看該作者

其實,唔係Stxxxxrd差(起碼個負責人都話observed到個problem,作出調配),只係Ngai Ngai今次唔好彩撞着兩個唔夠愛心和耐性的教練,佢兩個分工分得太清楚,而同Ngai Ngai同一組的女孩又demanding,所以阿仔被"完全忽視"。我本身都唔期望佢要教到甚麼,但她們的態度和藉口實在要不得。兩個教練,一個眼見另外一個被纏住走唔開,見到阿仔走去另一端想跨過去隔離線,瞥了一眼,也不走上去幫一把,只望住那兩個較大的男孩在岸邊踢水,我真的有點 ;後來,我老公走到池邊了解,我老公未出聲,那個照顧兩個較大的男孩的女仔即自己出聲話"我地分左工,佢負責照顧你仔仔",我老公講俾我聽,我真係扯火,這麼按本子辦事,見到另一個搞唔掂,就因為唔係自己責任見有危險都唔理!!! 於是,我咪落去接返Ngai Ngai上來,然後投訴。 3歲人仔點會只講一次/示範一次就識跟住做,(仲要係我一早已經同佢兩個講阿仔有點怕水),如果o甘就話佢唔聽教,周圍走,我覺得對Ngai Ngai好唔公平,就算佢真係唔聽話唔肯/唔敢放個咀落水入面,唔等於要放逐佢,由他在水中自生自滅 卦?! 所以我至o甘激氣!

唔講呢樣,講番DL,星期日我最終到有去DL。Surprise! 中午入到去都唔算多人, Buzz Light Year fast pass 都只不過等了30~45mins 就有位,其他遊戲都係排30~45mins左右,not too crowd! 如果你地可以遷就的話,我prefer 29/09再一齊去 :) ,因為22~26/09我有事唔得閒

[ 本文章最後由 TongSzeLai 於 07-9-11 09:33 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-9-10 23:49 |只看該作者
Tong C9,

Wa! Buzz Lightyear need to wait 30-45 min?    
I waited for 15min on Sat & feel that DL was quite crowd.... So...so, I believe I'm not patient enough for queue up la..

I arrived DL around 4pm last Sat.  Then have train, taxi & bus ride in main street as Ching Ching's cousins crazy love all transportation mode.  Then took photos with Mickey, Minnie, Pooh and Marie.  That spent us for almost 2 hours then saw the Golden Mickey show (6:30pm).  After that, I spent  waiting time:15 min. - Buzz Lightyear & 30 min. - sport car ride (saw the firework during driving).  We had dinner at Maxim and left DL around 9:30pm.  Children feel everything alright and expecting next DL trip already la.....

For swimming course, I feel that their admin. may be not quite mature but their attitude is quite OK.  If they accept to swap the coach, I feel that they are seeking solution for you already.  Don't feel upset and angry la ^_^  Let think about our nxt DL trip la.... FYI, my DL annual pass will expire on Oct 5.  I'm still thinking whether I should extend it or now.  How about you & Marcus Mom, will you extend the pass?

Rank: 4

發表於 07-9-11 00:04 |只看該作者
Tong C 9,
其實marcus 個 年輕女仔教練 都唔得有愛心, 只不過我中場 落去講左佢幾句佢先叫做好d, 不過我都睇唔過眼教ngai ngai o個個教練, 如果係我我都會去話佢, 不過依家另有安排就好了, 落堂後我見到上次個位男教練, 佢好似去左深水少少個邊教, anyway,希望ngai ngai 下次個教練會好d。  

原文章由 TongSzeLai 於 07-9-10 22:06 硐表

其實,唔係Stxxford差(起碼個負責人都話observed到個problem,作出調配),只係Ngai Ngai今次唔好彩撞着兩個唔夠愛心和耐性的教練,佢兩個分工分得太清楚,而同Ngai Ngai同一組的女孩又demanding,所以阿仔被"完 ...

Rank: 4

發表於 07-9-11 13:15 |只看該作者
Hello Ching Ching Ma,

My DL annual pass will expiry on Nov.Most likely I think I will extend the pass, due to the free parking .  I don't know why I like DL more than Ocean Park... I will still go to OP but will not buy the annual pass lah.  I agreed with you we should do some lucky draw in My GYM sound more fun.  So how many gift should we prepare?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-9-11 23:04 |只看該作者
Marcus Mom,

I have same feeling..... may be OP have too many mainland China visitors la.  I love the facilities in OP but I like the arrangement in DL la (esp. free packing).

By the way, do you heard about 喜包店 (地址 : 觀塘協和街55號地下).  My husband told me that the cake there is quite good and the price is cheap (around HKD80/lb).  As your home is quite close to that shop, can you give me some comment.....

Rank: 2

發表於 07-9-11 23:46 |只看該作者
Hi gkmyeung,

If you re-new your annual pass, disneyland offers a discount rate.  Please click the link to see details.


原文章由 gkmyeung 於 07-9-10 23:49 硐表
Tong C9,

Wa! Buzz Lightyear need to wait 30-45 min?    
I waited for 15min on Sat & feel that DL was quite crowd.... So...so, I believe I'm not patient enough for queue up la..

I arrive ...

Rank: 4

發表於 07-9-12 00:06 |只看該作者
Ching Ching ma,
Oh yes...it is the one next 日本城right.  I've never try the Cake, but their bread is really nice..my son is trouble eater, but he also like the bread there. I like it too, especially 菠蘿油...when it is hot...OH....SO NICE.

原文章由 gkmyeung 於 07-9-11 23:04 硐表
Marcus Mom,

I have same feeling..... may be OP have too many mainland China visitors la.  I love the facilities in OP but I like the arrangement in DL la (esp. free packing).

By the way, do you hear ...

[ 本文章最後由 Marcus媽 於 07-9-12 13:47 編輯 ]

Rank: 4

發表於 07-9-12 00:07 |只看該作者
Hayden Ma,
Will you consider to renew the DL annual Pass later?  Next time we should go together!  

Ching Ching ma,
Forgot to ask you, how's ching ching hand now?  Is she OK!  石膏 removed?   

原文章由 Hayden_ma 於 07-9-11 23:46 硐表
Hi gkmyeung,

If you re-new your annual pass, disneyland offers a discount rate.  Please click the link to see details.

http://park.hongkongdisneyland.com/hkdl/zh_HK/annualPass/overview?name=AnnualPa ...

[ 本文章最後由 Marcus媽 於 07-9-12 09:43 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-9-12 11:19 |只看該作者
My DL annual pass will expire in early Dec.  Most likely, I will renew the pass because my prince still keeps asking us to go there.  In fact, it's a good place for children/family gathering   My 62,99, sister-in-law etc. love to have dinner gathering and watching fire work inside.

原文章由 Marcus媽 於 07-9-12 00:07 硐表
Hayden Ma,
Will you consider to renew the DL annual Pass later?  Next time we should go together!  

Ching Ching ma,
Forgot to ask you, how's ching ching hand now?  Is she OK!  石膏 removed?   


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-9-12 19:20 |只看該作者
OK, I will extend my pass too as Ching Ching can have friends to play with her together la.....

Ching Ching just have doctor visit yesterday and still can't remove 石膏!!! .  Fm X-ray, the bone return straight and some parts connected (org: broken into 6 pcs).  But it's still have a gap between 2 parts.....  She will have doctor appointment again on Mid-autumn festival (2 weeks later).  Hope I can reward the gift that day la.....

Rank: 4

發表於 07-9-12 20:40 |只看該作者
Is Ching Ching go to school?  with that 石膏?

原文章由 gkmyeung 於 07-9-12 19:20 硐表
OK, I will extend my pass too as Ching Ching can have friends to play with her together la.....

Ching Ching just have doctor visit yesterday and still can't remove 石膏!!! .  Fm X-ray, the bone re ...

Rank: 2

發表於 07-9-12 23:01 |只看該作者
Marcus Ma,

I will renew DL annual Pass but mine will be expired on Feb 2008.

Ching Ching ma,

What?  Broken into 6 pcs!!  Ching Ching is vey poor; . I really hope she can recovery soon.

原文章由 Marcus媽 於 07-9-12 00:07 硐表
Hayden Ma,
Will you consider to renew the DL annual Pass later?  Next time we should go together!  

Ching Ching ma,
Forgot to ask you, how's ching ching hand now?  Is she OK!  石膏 removed?   


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-9-12 23:40 |只看該作者
Hayden ma, hope to have a DL visit together with you & Hayden and other families later ^_^  Are your pass can go to DL on Sat & Sun?

Marcus ma & Tong C9, seem that my daughter is really missing your angel la.  She keep asking "when will we go to <xxxxx> (different places we went there together before) with Marcus/Ngai Ngai".  

Although the X-ray result was really scare us before but the response from Ching Ching is very positive.  She can go to school normally (except can't join the sport time) even teachers don't need my maid to stay & take care her.  She make use of 1 hand already even can do drawing la....

[ 本文章最後由 gkmyeung 於 07-9-12 23:46 編輯 ]

Rank: 4

發表於 07-9-13 00:00 |只看該作者
Would you consider to go to DL this SAT or SUN.  I hv n't been to DL for long time.  Marcus asked me to bring Ching Ching and Ngai Ngai to DL   I was so surprise he suddenly said that to me when we watching Disney Channel.   I think he do missing Ngai Ngai and Ching Ching.  I will bring Marcus to Wanchai for Speech treatment this SAT morning....would you all like to go somewhere together later?  

原文章由 gkmyeung 於 07-9-12 23:40 硐表
Hayden ma, hope to have a DL visit together with you & Hayden and other families later ^_^  Are your pass can go to DL on Sat & Sun?

Marcus ma & Tong C9, seem that my daughter is really missing your  ...

[ 本文章最後由 Marcus媽 於 07-9-13 00:01 編輯 ]

Rank: 2

發表於 07-9-13 23:47 |只看該作者
Hi Ching Ching Ma,

My annual pass can't go to DL on Sat & Sun.  Too bad :cry:

原文章由 gkmyeung 於 07-9-12 23:40 硐表
Hayden ma, hope to have a DL visit together with you & Hayden and other families later ^_^  Are your pass can go to DL on Sat & Sun?

Marcus ma & Tong C9, seem that my daughter is really missing your  ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-9-13 23:59 |只看該作者
Marcus Ma,

We're only available on Sat. fm 1-4pm & Sun. morning as Ching Ching have playgroup Sat.morning then dinner gathering that day.  On Sun, Ching Ching's cousin have Mcdonald birthday party that afternoon.  How about a short gathering this week and have DL trip next week?  

PS: DL is quite crowd this few weeks due to 1 share 1.

Rank: 4

發表於 07-9-14 11:42 |只看該作者
hello Ching Ching ma My husband will coming back this SAT night ....as I planned is I will go to DL for short while and pick him up at HKIA at night.  SO if you guy want to join I will only go at late afternoon.  

原文章由 gkmyeung 於 07-9-13 23:59 硐表
Marcus Ma,

We're only available on Sat. fm 1-4pm & Sun. morning as Ching Ching have playgroup Sat.morning then dinner gathering that day.  On Sun, Ching Ching's cousin have Mcdonald birthday party th ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-9-14 14:06 |只看該作者
Hello! gkmyeung & marcus ma,

Ngai Ngai's this Sat schedule is full (training course + mid-autumn Festival gathering at my mum home) and I can't go DL next week.  Can we have a short gathering in Sun morning/noon at the park nearby?

原文章由 gkmyeung 於 07-9-13 23:59 硐表
Marcus Ma,

We're only available on Sat. fm 1-4pm & Sun. morning as Ching Ching have playgroup Sat.morning then dinner gathering that day.  On Sun, Ching Ching's cousin have Mcdonald birthday party th ...

Rank: 4

發表於 07-9-14 21:22 |只看該作者
Hello TC9,
Is Ngai Ngai going to WanChai Training Course? Marcus will go on 11am.  I agreed to have short gathering at SUN morning.  maybe at Laguna City Park lah!  
How are Lok Lok ma, Hayden,.......

原文章由 TongSzeLai 於 07-9-14 14:06 硐表
Hello! gkmyeung & marcus ma,

Ngai Ngai's this Sat schedule is full (training course + mid-autumn Festival gathering at my mum home) and I can't go DL next week.  Can we have a short gathering in Sun  ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-9-14 21:38 |只看該作者
No, we seldom go to Wanchai Centre.  Actually, Ngai Ngai joins a short term playgroup/drawing class at Kln Bay.  

It's a good idea to have a short gathering at Laguna Park especially in the morning.  Good weather and fresh air

原文章由 Marcus媽 於 07-9-14 21:22 硐表
Hello TC9,
Is Ngai Ngai going to WanChai Training Course? Marcus will go on 11am.  I agreed to have short gathering at SUN morning.  maybe at Laguna City Park lah!  
How are Lok Lok ma, Hayden,....... ...
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