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教育王國 討論區 浸信會呂明才小學 一呂九月推行國民教育,大家有乜睇法?
樓主: imkksm

一呂九月推行國民教育,大家有乜睇法? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-9-2 20:51 |只看該作者


然而,按照《德育及國民教育科課程指引(小一至中六)》 p.86


moominchan  非常欣賞您的分析能力。講得好好!!  發表於 12-9-6 01:00
leo_lee_in_hk  只有一個看法:好恐佈!即是隨時都會有:Big brother is looking at you!!  發表於 12-9-3 18:27

Rank: 2

發表於 12-9-4 22:46 |只看該作者

Rank: 4

發表於 12-9-5 00:21 |只看該作者
disneycs 發表於 12-9-4 22:46
睇完課程內容,唔覺得有問題喔。身為中國人,學習國情好正常。好心唔好未知學習內容就唔好咁敏感政治化啦。 ...
絕對同意。但現在的社會, 已容不下意見不同的人... 誰人站作生果報的一方, 誰人就是真理, 主流。。

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 12-9-5 12:14 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 ctf60400 於 12-9-5 12:16 編輯

作為一呂小的家長應該團結, 獨立思考整件事情。從學校及學生的好處出發。

Rank: 1

發表於 12-9-5 18:57 |只看該作者
其實洗腦一直都係生活上存在, 奶粉廣告就係一個例子. 消委會都話各牌子標榜的重要成份與個人智力成長關係不大, 啲人又走信.

每個國家都有國民教育, 英, 美, 等發達國家都有, 香港百幾年因殖民地關係, 所以沒有名言叫國民教育. 還有所謂公民參與咪又係港英八十年代後準備回歸祖國才出. 但實質上, 佢推出的公民教育又是政治教育一種, 未有公民教育教育課程又係只是標榜港英時代的經濟發展成就, 淨係國民身份就已經係問題, 課程有否強調出我們是什麼人? 中國人? 香港人? 香港的中國人? 英國殖民地下的中國人?
我們已回歸中國了, 認識多些中國的情況是否有罪? 當然, 國內的人民素質及管治係要改善, 反對國教科的人有幾多看過教育局的課程? 知啲唔知啲咁就話洗腦. 話說回頭, 佢地又是否洗我們市民的腦? 如果你對一件事的內情有充份的理解才去分析總結, 就不會道聽途說, 被人洗腦.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-9-5 20:49 |只看該作者
回復 bakusensei 的帖子

非常認同bakusensei 的看法。

Rank: 2

發表於 12-9-5 23:29 |只看該作者
我都認同大家的講法, 但現在負面聲音佔99%, 可以點.....

發表於 12-9-6 00:06 |只看該作者


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發表於 12-9-6 00:18 |只看該作者

回覆:imkksm 的帖子

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發表於 12-9-6 00:20 |只看該作者

回覆:imkksm 的帖子

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Rank: 4

發表於 12-9-6 08:24 |只看該作者

引用:+ +

原帖由 imkksm 於 12-09-06 發表
有什麼問題? 我反而欣賞這小孩子很聰明, 明辨是非, 愛國只為考試.... 等如下年通識科考試, 問你支唔支持國教, 小孩子只可以答"支持"一樣.... 要反對, 通識科已經要開始反對啦...

發表於 12-9-6 16:51 |只看該作者

回覆:winnie@pooh 的帖子

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 12-9-6 17:19 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 ctf60400 於 12-9-6 17:23 編輯

回復 imkksm 的帖子

怎可以用一個虛假嘲弄的故事作真。 再者蘋果的報道信一成都死。上次話強迫簽保密協議都係做假啦。仍欠一個道歉。

發表於 12-9-6 17:28 |只看該作者

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發表於 12-9-6 17:55 |只看該作者
回復 imkksm 的帖子


發表於 12-9-7 00:15 |只看該作者

回覆:ctf60400 的帖子

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Rank: 1

發表於 12-9-7 08:24 |只看該作者
最弊有啲報章會借機抽水做新聞, 有咁衰寫到咁衰.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 12-9-7 09:42 |只看該作者
回復 dennisip 的帖子


Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 12-9-7 10:34 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 猴子爸 於 12-9-7 10:36 編輯

A very good speech on the difference between civic education and national education.

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 12-9-7 12:01 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 猴子爸 於 12-9-7 12:03 編輯

From the Diocesan Boys' School Headmaster, regarding the school's stance in the Moral and National Education Issue (德育及國民教育):

"This is our position: The Diocesan Boys School will not adopt the MNE (Moral and National Education) curriculum and outline as recommended by the EDB (Education Bureau) in the year 2012-2013, or in the near future.

Our school, along with the Sheng Kung Hui Anglican Dioce...se of Hong Kong will convene and design our own teaching material that contributes to our collective goal of training our students to be upright citizens of our nation, citizens of the world and citizens of the Kingdom of God.

I hope that you will agree with me that some vital elements must be in place to serve as a foundation before asking loyalty from people.

There is no short cut to this. We believe that the integrity of a nation lies not only in her ability to rejoice in the glorious pages of her history; It also lies in her willingness to face and make amends of the dark chapters of her life.

Before we ask our citizens to pledge allegiance to their country, the people must know that their voice and right to opinions are safe guarded. That discourse is not an act of treason but a way to reach consensus. The strength of our nation must be measured by
our willingness to protect the right of those who hold dissenting views. In short, we must protect your right to disagree with me.

As the lone bastion of Democracy in the People’s Republic of China, the citizens of Hong Kong cannot take this responsibility lightly. We completely understand and appreciate the complexities of running a vast country with a diverse population. But Hong Kong also has her role to play. We must make a stand.

As the leading education institution in Hong Kong, We must do our best to present an open platform for our boys to understand the full spectrum of our nation’s history. Our goal is to empower our boys to be independent thinkers - utilizing their full knowledge and discernment, to decide for themselves how best to serve their country.

We believe that there are more ways then one-way to express one’s patriotism: And that the adoption or the rejection of the MNE is no measuring stick by any means.

For 10 years, Diocesan Choristers have lifted their voices to the hoisting of our national flag (at the Bauhinia Square on National Day and July 1). Our National Anthem was played on the world stage at least 5 times as our students brought glory to Hong Kong and the great nation of China. In the London Olympics, one of the 4 sprinters of the 4x100 relay is a former DBS boy. I do not know of anyone who does not express pride in being the citizens of our great country.

I can tell you that our teachers have been doing a great job in providing us with a healthy education in character building, in our views of the family, our nation and the world. Mr. Wong, Mr. Im and Mr. Lau, the RS and LS teachers, in their respective subjects have tried their best to present our nation’s history in the most comprehensive view possible.

In the greater scheme of things we are not as concerned about which side you are on – whether you lean to the right or to the left. We are more concerned that you do not cease seeking for the truth. It does not matter to me if you are a Christian or an atheist as long as you keep searching. Because I believe that the Truth can stand up to scrutiny and Truth will set you free. The greatest theologians and Christian writers: the Apostle Paul, The great modern Christian Thinker: C.S. Lewis and the very Patron Saint of our school’s Chapel: St. Augustine were once dissenters of the gospel.

As exemplified by the life of Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s life in the 1940’s we must not tire in seeking the Lord’s will for our lives. Our goal is not merely to ask you to take a side, or merely to think critically, we are asking you to do the right thing in this convoluted world where everyone claims to have the monopoly on absolute truth.

I quote from from Mr. Bonhoeffer’s Letters and Papers from Prison “We have learned … that action springs not from thought but from a readiness for responsibility.” Let us take up the responsibility of our individual calling.

So this is the great commission of the DBS to you, the citizens of this great institution. That whether you play the part of a compliant citizen, or a civilized contrarian; or a revolutionary thinker like Dr. Sun:

May you set sail on your journey with Dignity, Honor and Courage.

God bless you all. And God bless the Diocesan Boys School.
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