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樓主: peercheer

言語治療事件簿 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-9-29 21:00 |只看該作者

Re: 言語治療事件簿

Dr.Chan 寫道:
"更難得是這裡的討論幾乎沒有半點廢話,參與者的素質極Dear Miss Sung,
how to justify what is good quality?
Do you still remember that you have replied  the following enquires that:
1. doctors are not expert in child language, ST should be the expert.

Dr. Chan

雖然我知道承媽想息事寧人, 吾想再引起任何的風波/言語間的衝突, 但我反覆思量左好耐, 都忍吾住講一句, 就在言語上的問題/自閉症, 我吾係懷疑醫生的專業, 但實際上我真是遇上一個不負責任的兒科醫生.

想起當初仔仔1歲半的時侯, 還未懂一個單字, 因為我仔仔所有的針都係私家醫生到打的, 無返去健康院, 所以當我去醫生處時, 曾經問醫生, 我仔仔都未能發一個單字, 是否有問題?

當時醫生答我, 每個小朋友的發展都有快慷, 無需要擔心.

我相信醫生的專業, 所以亦回家.

到兩歲的時侯, 又返去醫生樹, 醫生, 仔仔到現在亦未能說一個單字, 有無問題? 無問題.....醫生當時答我.

好啦, 到2歲4個月, 再去, 醫生, 吾係呢, 真係一個字都未有wor, 真係有d問題wor, 醫生答: 看佢就吾似有問題, 未識講野吾緊要架, 男仔係慢小小, 返左學好快就識講架啦.

我就話, 吾係呢, 我好擔心.  醫生跟住就話, 如果你真係擔心, 我寫紙比你去做評何啦, but要等半年wor,我話吾緊要, 我等我.

ok, 我等, 等到2諺8個月, 去做評估, 居然話自閉症..........

ok, 我吾嬲醫生的專業, 點解由1歲半到2歲4個月都話無問題, 點解一去評估就話自閉症.

最嬲係當我再返去的時侯, 再喊住問醫生, 醫生, 評估中心話佢係自閉症, 我點算呀? 你估醫生點答我:

望人望仔仔, 跟住話: 甘佢係吾望人wor.....我頂佢個x, xyzxxxxxx我真係頂到上心口

ok, 算.......到出去拿藥, d姑娘當我個仔係傻仔甘望, 跟住就同我講, 嘩, 佢真係吾望人架wor.



我講出我的經驗出黎, 吾係想踩低醫生的專業, 而係想提一提為人父母的, 如果有懷疑, 信自己, 因為你先係小朋友的父母, 佢地的發展/媛慢, 你最清楚, 無論醫生/言語治療師都好, 佢地都係比comments.

有懷疑, 早評估.

我為左呢1年2個月的遲誤, 相信我會後悔一生, 如果我早一年堅持去做評估, 軒軒可以早一年接受training, 早一年讀s位, 早d追得返.         

Rank: 1

發表於 05-10-21 13:44 |只看該作者

Re: 言語治療事件簿

  I do not want to comment on any messages and issues in the forums. I just would like to express my little dream with you.
  I think the management of children with special needs depend on the close collaboration between professionals in the same field, multidisciplinary co-operation (professionals in different filed) and importantly, parents. The greatest reward for all these people is common – the progress of children.  The first word and ‘mummy’ spoken from a child mean a lot to all of them. It is valuable to develop trust and work closely together. With these in mind, any misunderstanding can be worked out towards the DREAM – a close & warm team for children.
  I trust that all messages posted here are out of sincere concern, with good intention for children. It's a matter of different viewpoints. Our children mean a lot to us; we use our whole heart & mind to respond. I hope things can be worked out towards the DREAM.
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