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教育王國 討論區 小學雜談 日學生成績大跌 歸咎無壓力教育
樓主: judy

日學生成績大跌 歸咎無壓力教育 [複製鏈接]

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發表於 05-1-8 18:16 |只看該作者

Re: 日學生成績大跌 歸咎無壓力教育


'Luck' is 'opportunity meets prepararion. '

Pressure comes from competition, pressure comes from peer, pressure comes from school, pressure comes from comparison. There are lots of pressure exists in this world. The least we would like to do is to COMPARE your child with individuals than to standards. No child is born equal and some may perform one thing better than the other one, so be it and explain to your child that you may need more time to catch up with it or you can try something else which he is good at.

Pressure can be positive when it is self-driven or self-motivated. I do not oppose driving my boy to achieve certain standards but not direct to individual.

Moderation is the word and there is a fine line between reasonably to overly asserting pressure to a child. Afterall, if the child really enjoys pressuring himself to be better, that's fine but of course at the beginning we have to find out what he is really likes the most and encourages him to that direction.

Rank: 4

發表於 05-1-8 21:19 |只看該作者

Re: 日學生成績大跌 歸咎無壓力教育

The discussion here is really interesting, hence I just read back from the very first post. While I was reading, some questions came across my mind..."What is the assessment criteria/standard of PISA? If the ranking is dropping, does it mean the performance of the studuents in that country  is dropping or just other countries are improving? Will this assessment insert unnecessary pressure to teacher/students/parents and generate unnecessary competition amongst countries......" Perhaps my questions are a bit silly.

發表於 05-1-10 10:50 |只看該作者


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發表於 05-1-10 11:07 |只看該作者

Re: 日學生成績大跌 歸咎無壓力教育

Philipwhau 寫道:

自己也做過學生和考過A Level。眼見有很多同學很勤力地每天花上十多小時、不眠不休地在圖書館自收室溫習、結果他們考試出來成績也不太理想。同樣有些同學花上讀書的時間比前者少一些,但考試結果卻是出乎地好。我相信除了資質外,我觀察所得後者的讀書方法是關鍵因素。學生學習和他們將來出來社會做事也是一樣。關鍵因素在於策略(strategies)和方法(Tactics)。


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發表於 05-1-10 11:57 |只看該作者

Re: 日學生成績大跌 歸咎無壓力教育


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-1-10 12:01 |只看該作者

Re: 日學生成績大跌 歸咎無壓力教育


I totally agree with you that foundation is utmost important. Strategies and textics will only be effective if you possess a good foundation.

Especially when the other day, I tried to teach my son some simple math addition, I suddenly realize that he doesn't grasp the concept and the real need for additional. Therefore, I have to give him some interesting real life examples in order for him to understand the foundation of numbers and need of every day life addition (I remembered how I feel so awkward when facing the work questions when I was a kid). So often school teaches formulas and simply ask the child to memorise and apply them w/o even knowing the reason and concept of it.

Foundation takes a much longer time to build but forms an important basis for the child's future learning. The child may be slow to catch up with the curriculum but in the long run, be able to learn faster when compare witht the typical fast-track learning style in HK since he can always go back to the fundamentals and work himself up and solve the problem. Math can be fun or hell and the difference is only depending on how you teach the kid!

發表於 05-1-10 12:16 |只看該作者

Re: 日學生成績大跌 歸咎無壓力教育

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發表於 05-1-10 14:16 |只看該作者

Re: 日學生成績大跌 歸咎無壓力教育

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發表於 05-1-12 00:42 |只看該作者

Re: 日學生成績大跌 歸咎無壓力教育

Matt's mum,

I think 成績 is important, though NOT the most important issue in life. As a student, 成績 is directly related to a student's sense of achievement / satisfaction, which can be transformed to his motivation in learning. Sense of achievement is one psychological need of human beings. Somehow I think 成績 and learning motivation can be like chicken and egg.

I am not saying only 成績 contributes to learning motivation, but it works for those who are achievers. Of course there are other motivators, such as genuine interest in learning.

If 成績 is used to measure how well a student performs in school, imagine, if a student does not care about how he performs, how can he know how well he is doing?

If a student is always commented as poor 成績, I don't believe he will not be discouraged and still feel happy about going to school. With such low motivation will he be able to create a fruitful life?

I am no expert. Just for sharing.


發表於 05-1-12 09:36 |只看該作者

Re: 日學生成績大跌 歸咎無壓力教育

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發表於 05-1-12 09:38 |只看該作者

Re: 日學生成績大跌 歸咎無壓力教育

Dear so.san,

when you talk about 成績, do you mean report card ranking? If so, I disagree.

成績 is very important when you are comparing to YOURSELF. Any improvement is considered 成績. Local school judge a child's 成績 by measuring his abilities at a dedicated time frame against dedicated group of children in a class. I mentioned earlier that different child has his own learning path, some quicker when young, slow down when grow up; some slow starting but caught up at later stage.

Int'l School do NOT rank a child against others and they sure know that it does harm more than good. Instead they will assess the child against certain recognised standards. For example, they will rank a child's reading ability to be good, vg, surpass his age group etc but they don't tell you his ranking nor do they ever rank them. They also give out a wider range for a child to achieve a certain standard, e.g. between age 5-7, a child will be able to write in simple sentence etc. If that is not achieved, it will be time for you to alert.

Of course, when a child grew older, he will face a lot of competition not only in academics, but in sports and music competition  etc. However, the initial years of schooling must be aim at triggering a child's urge and eagerness to learn instead of blindly chasing after 成績 that is ranked by comparing with others. 成績 is just a by-product after you have successfully triggeria child to learn with eagerness. Ranking a child amongst his peers is in itself not fair since the "young" ones in the class are in a adverse situation when compare with the "older" ones in the same class.

Yes, 成績 is important but depends on how you apply it.

My two cents


發表於 05-1-12 10:24 |只看該作者

Re: 日學生成績大跌 歸咎無壓力教育

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發表於 05-1-12 11:09 |只看該作者

Re: 日學生成績大跌 歸咎無壓力教育


只有一點反對:", 我唔信....每晚同呀仔呀女說說故事便可增強語文能力. "


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-1-12 11:15 |只看該作者

Re: 日學生成績大跌 歸咎無壓力教育

any other point of view?

"is good result a garentee to good and happy life?

Usually it guarantees a better life, as Judy's mentioned before. But not definitely.

"If a student is always commented as poor 成績, ..."
-who blame the student? can any change in our thinking about result bring a new point of view in result and avoid blaming student but give them courage?

You (and any parent) can do this while it is difficult to persuade the school to do so.

Select a school which is close to your approach. If there exists, unfortunately not much :cry:

發表於 05-1-12 11:33 |只看該作者

Re: 日學生成績大跌 歸咎無壓力教育

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發表於 05-1-12 11:33 |只看該作者

Re: 日學生成績大跌 歸咎無壓力教育

ykwong 寫道:

"is good result a garentee to good and happy life?

Usually it guarantees a better life, as Judy's mentioned before. But not definitely.

諗諗下都唔o岩。Judy 應說好成績會有較好生活(水平?)。但 good and happy life?很難定義。



Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-1-12 11:38 |只看該作者

Re: 日學生成績大跌 歸咎無壓力教育

wunma 寫道:

"多聽、多講和多看都能提高語文能力" 當然沒錯, 我是不相信"單憑"每晚同呀仔說說故事, 而完全唔注重校內成績, 可以滿足得到升上好中學的要求.


發表於 05-1-12 11:39 |只看該作者

Re: 日學生成績大跌 歸咎無壓力教育

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發表於 05-1-12 11:51 |只看該作者

Re: 日學生成績大跌 歸咎無壓力教育

Matt's mum,

Well said, what if a child come back and ask you to have lots of money or deamnd to have a better car etc., what would you say, tell him no need to compare with others? But on the other hand, you are using your child's results to compare with other parents' child. YOUR CHILD IS NOT A TROPHY OF YOURSELF!


Agreed wholeheartedly. Not many schools in HK have the vision or dare to even mention this approach!


The danger in blindly chasing good results is that the purpose of learning is distorted. Achieving good results on a subject does not necessarily mean the child will fully understand the subject. A child will chase for good results and study only the minimum required in the syllabus and will not concern whether they fully understand it or not. He will also tend to memorise without understanding thoroughly the material if time is not allowed and that is more terrible than getting poor results in long run during his life long quest for knowledge!

I agreed a child shall thrive to improve himself, but not by comparison with peers, but instead by recognised standards.

發表於 05-1-12 12:04 |只看該作者

Re: 日學生成績大跌 歸咎無壓力教育

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