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教育王國 討論區 幼校討論 York 迎新註冊日
樓主: bingbingo

York 迎新註冊日   [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-1-20 13:20 |只看該作者
Interesting,... my girl is at 3.30pm but also pm PN.... guess they have diff. time slot for diff. class..!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 12-1-20 13:53 |只看該作者
回復 leungsiupig 的帖子

Is your baby a "small baby"? Plus mine is "small baby" and will start PN on Nov


leungsiupig  My girl was born in jun10.  發表於 12-1-20 22:11

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-1-20 14:00 |只看該作者
My son is ar 3:30pm too, and pm PN.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-1-20 14:18 |只看該作者
leungsiupig & kartimmi,
My son is at 3:30pm, PN pm too ar~
See you and your son & girl on 31 Jan!

kartimmi - maybe we were at the same playgroup class!


km_chung  I attend 11:15 PG, how about others?  發表於 12-1-30 15:30
leungsiupig  Ta_ta & kartimmi,
See u all on 31st jan! Happy CNY in advance!
Btw, may I know if u speak English with yr kid at home?b'cos I am impressed by the way that they can cope with English conducted playgrp   發表於 12-1-20 22:14

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-1-20 15:20 |只看該作者
回復 ta__ta 的帖子

ta_ta, my girl is also of the group of 3:30 p.m. on 31.1.2012.   She is offered PN pm class.  I think we may be of the same class.  Are you also offered K1(Int'l)?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 12-1-20 15:36 |只看該作者
我係 1月31 號 330PM


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-1-20 16:06 |只看該作者
bingbingo 發表於 12-1-20 15:20
回復 ta__ta 的帖子

ta_ta, my girl is also of the group of 3:30 p.m. on 31.1.2012.   She is offered  ...
Yes! My son has got offer for 2013/14 K1 for International Stream~
He's now at York's playgroup Sat 10am session.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-1-20 16:57 |只看該作者
Hi Tata, yes, I think we were, but it was usually my husband who attended the Playgroup with my son.
It is a pity that we cannot join the Feb playgroup, but we will be joining the Playgroup in May.

My boy also has international stream offer for 2013/14 K1.

Rank: 4

發表於 12-1-22 11:13 |只看該作者
smile_w99 發表於 12-1-17 08:43
loveannis, as you said b4, it's a good chance to pay $30 for practice!  And my hubby likes this sch ...

Yes, I like York so much that even though I have decided to give up its offer, I still keep an eye on its movements. I wanna know more about York's practice. If York is really good, I may come back for K1 next year.

But frankly speaking, the reason that I give up York is because it seems they are issuing too many offers out. I am not sure my son was being accepted because York found my son suitable for their school or just because they want to secure more $660 registration fee. In addition, they are doing too many mysterious things in this critical moment when other famous kindergartens have not yet started pn interview, like organising welcome party so early that makes everyone to pay right now, and issuing special case letters to those parents who haven't got accepted yet. What are the purposes of doing so?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-1-22 11:52 |只看該作者
回復 loveannis 的帖子

Yes, that's also my concern/doubt!  I also recently heard from my colleague that she knows a friend whose kid is also studying in York!  But comment is so so~  My colleague's elder kid was studying in HKPS (Ascot) long time ago and she highly recommends it!  Her little daughter studied in KV b4 but she said she would prefer HKPS more than KV!


loveannis  Oh really? That gives me more confident upon HKPS Ascot as I was struggling whether I should apply for other kindergartens like KV or SC next year.  發表於 12-1-22 19:30

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-1-22 17:22 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 ta__ta 於 12-1-22 17:43 編輯

回復 loveannis 的帖子

York has always been criticized as a commercial kindergarten.
Me and my husband totally agree with this comment, yet we will still send our kid to York for 4 years study. I am alright that the school needs to make money because at the same time, they are delivering high quality  education to my kid (in terms of teachers, infrastructure, curriculum etc.).

HKPS (Ascot) is a good school, too bad that it didn't offer a place for my son. If I got an offer, I would have a really hard battle in choosing HKPS (Ascot) and York.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-1-22 17:30 |只看該作者

leungsiupig Ta_ta & kartimmi,
See u all on 31st jan! Happy CNY in advance!
Btw, may I know if u speak English with yr kid at home?b'cos I am impressed by the way that they can cope with English conducted playgrp  
We speak Cantonese most of the time to my kid. We used to speak half English half Cantonese, but since he's still a bit behind in speaking, we switch to Cantonese hoping that he can at least speak Cantonese first to communicate.

Kids are very easy to adapt to different language environment, there's no need to worry! I am very confident that they will do fine in the playgroup or PN with mostly English speaking teachers. There's always a local teacher, in case the kids don't understand the NET teacher, local teacher will step in to do some translations. That's why I like York so much!

Rank: 4

發表於 12-1-22 19:34 |只看該作者
ta__ta 發表於 12-1-22 17:22
回復 loveannis 的帖子

York has always been criticized as a commercial kindergarten.

This is the situation I am facing. York just gave me a pn am offer but K1 international is not guaranteed. I live in Shatin, location doesn't matter to us as we drive our kid to school. If you were me, which school would you choose?


retriever  hi... really strange indeed... while it was said in the intro session they could not secure a k1 int place for those pn kids... they issued many many k1 int offer for those failing in pn offer...  發表於 12-1-24 16:42

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-1-22 22:26 |只看該作者
回復 loveannis 的帖子

No matter being offered a K1 place or not, I think all children can be promoted to K1 upon their completion of PN.  But I don't know what will be the criteria of promoting to Int'l class.


loveannis  There were just nearly half of them promoted to K1 international stream last year. Chance is low right? But I think main stream is not bad either.  發表於 12-1-23 02:55

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-1-23 15:18 |只看該作者
Loveannis, u may try HKPS first and also apply for other K for the time being! Make decision later on!

Rank: 4

發表於 12-1-23 15:27 |只看該作者
smile_w99 發表於 12-1-23 15:18
Loveannis, u may try HKPS first and also apply for other K for the time being! Make decision later o ...
Thanks. This is what I think as well.


retriever  if i were u, i will choose HKPS in a heartbeat...  發表於 12-1-24 16:43

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-1-24 22:44 |只看該作者
回復 loveannis 的帖子

I can't speak for you as everyone's situation and criteria are different.
However, if I got an offer from HKPS (Ascot) Int'l stream in the first round, I would have chosen HKPS (Ascot) as it's closer to my home and the tuition fee is much lower.

Having said that, if HKPS (Ascot) offers my son a place say in July this year, I will stay in York. It is because by July, my son will have been in York's playgroup for 8 months and that I have been keep telling him that he's going to this school.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-1-25 12:05 |只看該作者
Loveannis, I think u're struggling because u like York but everyone around u tell u they will go for HKPS and it seems that it's more difficult to get a place! Also, all my friends didn't apply for York for PN and that's why I also struggled for a long time whether to submit application or not!
Anyway, others can't make decision for u since different parents have different target! So don't be affected by others! Just believe in yourself since u're the one who knows clearly what your son/yourself want!

Rank: 4

發表於 12-1-26 19:50 |只看該作者
Thanks for all your opinions. Actually I concern English more than Putonghua. My son got Anglo-Chinese offer from HKPS only, while York is famous in its English curriculum. I am worried if he can cope with English speaking environment in primary school if I choose HKPS for him. Moreover, HKPS doesn't have as much certs and training as York. I am afraid HKPS is not as competitive as York.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-1-26 20:24 |只看該作者
唔知係唔係搬屋關係, d信轉寄唔到去新居, 我仲未收到迎新信, 我今天打過去york, 但無人聽, 唔知係咪仲未放完新年假, 但係31號就係迎新日, 咁點算?
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