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教育王國 討論區 小一選校 SPCC 2nd Interview
樓主: afhjl

SPCC 2nd Interview [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-11-3 22:11 |只看該作者
Right, I've got the called this Monday but just wondering what to bring if i didn't receive the formal letter.  But finally got it this afternoon.

原帖由 Arosa 於 10-11-3 17:38 發表
It seems AnotherHalf has received the phone call from the school for 2nd round before.....

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-11-3 23:52 |只看該作者
if all of the students in any class have achieved
reading 80 books by the coming April, then that class will be entitled to a treat (of picnic) to
Ocean Park. If not, that class cannot enjoy the

原帖由 AnotherHalf 於 10-11-3 16:39 發表
For those who have the 2nd interview, have you all received the letter yet ?  I still haven't but tomorrow will be the interview date, I have no idea whatto bring....

Could someone give a hand on th ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5


發表於 10-11-4 00:57 |只看該作者
原帖由 AnotherHalf 於 10-11-3 16:39 發表
For those who have the 2nd interview, have you all received the letter yet ?  I still haven't but tomorrow will be the interview date, I have no idea whatto bring....

Could someone give a hand on th ...

上面嗰位家長已經答咗 !!

唔敢同 Marymount 比較,不過能否完成 80本 讀書報告,唔單只係個人成績,重會影響全班其他 29位同學 !!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-11-4 09:44 |只看該作者

回覆 421# AnotherHalf 的文章

Good luck to you anotherhalf.  Our interview is on coming firday, we start a bit nervous!  Can anyone tell me how to dress? Should we wear suit or formal dress?  Give us some tips, please!

Rank: 1

發表於 10-11-4 11:36 |只看該作者
No letter/call so far.  Feeling a bit disappointed.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-11-4 12:31 |只看該作者

No need to be nervous.  The atmosphere during the 2nd interview should be relaxed and friendly.  Headmistress Lee is pretty nice to talk to. For dress code, it is really a personal preference.  For my own occasion, we parents dressed in suits (formal wear to show respect to the school) and the children dressed in decent long shirt and trousers.

原帖由 pho2009 於 10-11-4 09:44 發表
Good luck to you anotherhalf.  Our interview is on coming firday, we start a bit nervous!  Can anyone tell me how to dress? Should we wear suit or formal dress?  Give us some tips, please!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-11-4 12:34 |只看該作者
Hi Ka hei baba,

I also have 2nd interview of SPCC, I am very nervous now as I am in group 4.  Could you kindly share your experience of your last year's interview.  Thank you very very much for your help.  

(I am new to BK and I am learning how to use it !!)

原帖由 KaHeiBaBa 於 10-10-27 15:03 發表

冇錯,唔需要更正 !!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-11-4 12:50 |只看該作者
Hi 12810 ,
請問你幾時收到通知有2nd interview 架 ?
Thanks ~

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-11-4 13:48 |只看該作者
Nervous is normal but actually as 'Chess' said, the headmistress is nice.  She is not asking you any hard questions.  She simply wants to let you know the 'aim' of the school, the schemes they use to inspire your kids.  If your kid likes to compete and LOVES challenges, no doubt SPCC fits your kid and vs.  

For myself, i put on little make up, a blouse and skirt in dark color (usually dark color represent formal).  For father, it is better  to wear suit.    The headmistress put on a 'pink' suit herself.

原帖由 pho2009 於 10-11-4 09:44 發表
Good luck to you anotherhalf.  Our interview is on coming firday, we start a bit nervous!  Can anyone tell me how to dress? Should we wear suit or formal dress?  Give us some tips, please!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-11-4 13:52 |只看該作者
Thanks Chess,  I learned it this morning from the headmistress.   I have no special opinion on the method they use.  Tho their target is clear and highly appreciated !  Reading books indeed is a very good habit.   

原帖由 Chess 於 10-11-3 23:52 發表
if all of the students in any class have achieved
reading 80 books by the coming April, then that class will be entitled to a treat (of picnic) to
Ocean Park. If not, that class cannot enjoy the
tr ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-11-4 13:55 |只看該作者
Add oil.  You never know what choices are out there waiting for you.  But understand that once you handed in the application form , we all expect a good result...

原帖由 Cider 於 10-11-4 11:36 發表
No letter/call so far.  Feeling a bit disappointed.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-11-4 13:56 |只看該作者
KaHeiBaBa, thanks anyway.   

原帖由 KaHeiBaBa 於 10-11-4 00:57 發表

上面嗰位家長已經答咗 !!

唔敢同 Marymount 比較,不過能否完成 80本 讀書報告,唔單只係個人成績,重會影響全班其他 29位同學 !!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-11-4 14:09 |只看該作者
me too

原帖由 Cider 於 10-11-4 11:36 發表
No letter/call so far.  Feeling a bit disappointed.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-11-4 14:11 |只看該作者
I received the call in the morning of 1/11.  

原帖由 dordorbear 於 10-11-4 12:50 發表
Hi 12810 ,
請問你幾時收到通知有2nd interview 架 ?
Thanks ~

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-11-4 16:22 |只看該作者
You are welcome.  All the best to your kid.

原帖由 AnotherHalf 於 10-11-4 13:52 發表
Thanks Chess,  I learned it this morning from the headmistress.   I have no special opinion on the method they use.  Tho their target is clear and highly appreciated !  Reading books indeed is a very  ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-11-4 16:57 |只看該作者
Thanks for your tips.  I'm really nervous now....... I know our preformance will affect my boy. Wish me luck!!!

原帖由 AnotherHalf 於 10-11-4 13:48 發表
Nervous is normal but actually as 'Chess' said, the headmistress is nice.  She is not asking you any hard questions.  She simply wants to let you know the 'aim' of the school, the schemes they use to  ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-11-4 17:31 |只看該作者
The chance is not slim at all.   I wish you good luck too.  

原帖由 pho2009 於 10-11-4 16:57 發表
Thanks for your tips.  I'm really nervous now....... I know our preformance will affect my boy. Wish me luck!!!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-11-5 10:37 |只看該作者
Do you mean 80 books for each school year applies to P.1 till P.6?

Or the number of books expected to be read increments for each grade?

80 books with any kind and any language?

So, that means the kids should love reading very very much !!

:  )

原帖由 Chess 於 10-11-3 23:52 發表
if all of the students in any class have achieved
reading 80 books by the coming April, then that class will be entitled to a treat (of picnic) to
Ocean Park. If not, that class cannot enjoy the
tr ...
.........No worry.... Be Happy !!!  : )

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-11-5 11:02 |只看該作者
Yes, same number to all levels. Many read students read much more than that basic figure.
I think, by this scheme, the school aims to cultivate a good reading habit and atmosphere among the children.

原帖由 maynjune 於 10-11-5 10:37 發表
Do you mean 80 books for each school year applies to P.1 till P.6?

Or the number of books expected to be read increments for each grade?

80 books with any kind and any language?

So, that means the  ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-11-5 18:56 |只看該作者
原帖由 Chess 於 10-11-5 11:02 發表
Yes, same number to all levels. Many read students read much more than that basic figure.
I think, by this scheme, the school aims to cultivate a good reading habit and atmosphere among the children....

Yes, the school inspired my elder girl who now loves to read.  She has completed 2xx Chinese books uptill now.  Reading helps composition a lot !!

[ 本帖最後由 濤兒 於 10-11-5 22:05 編輯 ]
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