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教育王國 討論區 小一選校 SPCC 2nd Interview
樓主: afhjl

SPCC 2nd Interview [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-11-2 17:03 |只看該作者
Relax..... no matter what we/they say or what we/they do, the result cannot be changed any more....  What we can do is wait... until 22 Nov lor....

Or maybe they just help to tell what they heard for clarification.  I think they are not intended to create chaos....

Let's move forward ......

Don't Worry ... Be Happy  !!!

原帖由 ABTreasures 於 10-11-2 14:12 發表
I just told other what I heard and it is 100% true.  It is up to you guys to believe or not.  But my friend and their circle of friends are all come from the kindergarten that is closely related to SS ...
.........No worry.... Be Happy !!!  : )

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-11-2 22:18 |只看該作者
I know that somebody in group 4 received call
this morning for 2nd interview scheduled next
Don't give up hope!

原帖由 maynjune 於 10-11-2 17:03 發表
Relax..... no matter what we/they say or what we/they do, the result cannot be changed any more....  What we can do is wait... until 22 Nov lor....

Or maybe they just help to tell what they heard for ...

Rank: 2

發表於 10-11-3 01:22 |只看該作者
Hi KaHeiBaBa,

Hearing that parents and kid need to wait for a long time during the 2nd interview .. talking about 2-3 hours before meeting the principal (as mentioned in some discussion last year). Is this normal waiting time?  How to keep the kids patient and behaved well? I know your daughter is very polite and disciplined so it may not be a problem to you.  But with your experience, what would you suggest us to do/ bring (besides stories books) to kill waiting time and keep the child good mood?

Appreciate your advice.


原帖由 KaHeiBaBa 於 10-11-1 15:26 發表

Yes !!

No problem, I'll try my best to answer your questions !!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-11-3 01:47 |只看該作者
Very disappointed.  My girl told us after the interview that the Headmistress said she did well, and she was quite happy with her own performance... which apparently was still not good enough to make to the 2nd round.  Still figuring out how to convey this message to her...

A tough, painful and disappointing process.  Nevertheless, good luck to those who made it!

Rank: 5Rank: 5


發表於 10-11-3 03:50 |只看該作者
原帖由 Haymama 於 10-11-3 01:22 發表
Hi KaHeiBaBa,

Hearing that parents and kid need to wait for a long time during the 2nd interview .. talking about 2-3 hours before meeting the principal (as mentioned in some discussion last year). I ...

妳好呀 Haymama,

如果妳細心 D 留意吓舊年嘅 discussion,妳會發現要等得比較耐嘅 (家長及小朋友),多數都係喺下晝先 interview,而且又係當日比較遲先見校長嘅一些家長及小朋友 !!

我哋舊年比較幸運,面試當日係第一個家庭面見校長;記得面試信中要求我哋,要喺面試時間前15分鐘抵達學校嘅 General Office,而我哋當日係喺面試時間前30分鐘,已經到達校務處,等候校長嘅接見;而我哋喺等候其間,亦不停咁見到有家庭抵達,印象中,喺我哋未入校長室之前,起碼都有 4~5 個家庭,已經抵達校務處向職員報到,所以我估計,我哋入校長室時,排最後嘅一個家庭,可能都需要等個多小時;因此,我相信被安排愈遲見校長嘅家庭,佢哋需要等嘅時間,相對就會愈長 !!

我都明白,如果要等 2~3 個鐘先見校長,唔好話小朋友,連大人都會感到唔多耐煩;所以若然真係要面對呢個情況的話,我諗除咗希望小朋友唔好扭計之外,亦都要好好咁控制自己嘅情緒 !! 除咗帶本小朋友喜愛嘅書俾佢睇之外,亦都可以利用嗰段時間,好好咁同小朋友溝通 (如果平日工作忙,可以借呢個機會,賺多一 D 親子時間);妳可以想像一吓,如果要同小朋友一齊坐長途車、搭飛機時,妳會點樣做,希望小朋友唔好扭計 ?? 妳會喺嗰段時間同小朋友做 D 咩 ?? 咁我當然唔係主張小朋友自己打機啦,好似我哋平時坐地鐵去比較遠嘅地方,我哋一家三口會玩 "接龍" 遊戲 (詞語馬拉松:地鐵個鐵、鐵路個路、路口個口 .....),千祈唔好睇少 D 小朋友,周不時我哋都會輸俾囡囡 (啞口無言) !! (咁當然唔可以太大聲,影響到其他人啦)

以上只是部份意見 (個人分享),希望妳嘅小朋友成功獲得取錄 !!


Rank: 2

發表於 10-11-3 12:31 |只看該作者
Hi KaHeiBaBa,
You are so efficient. I thought I were quite late sending the questions.  Unexpectedly, you were even later! 3am midnight? So hardworking

My interview time will be ard 2pm so may be a bit tough!. Anyways, thanks very much for your advice and they are very inspirational!


Rank: 2

發表於 10-11-3 12:36 |只看該作者
You are so efficient! I thought I were quite late sending the questions. Unexpectedly, you were even later! 3am midnight! So hardworking!

My interview will be ard 2pm so maybe a bit tough! Anyways, thank you very much for your advice!! They are very inspirational!


原帖由 KaHeiBaBa 於 10-11-3 03:50 發表

妳好呀 Haymama,

如果妳細心 D 留意吓舊年嘅 discussion,妳會發現要等得比較耐嘅 (家長及小朋友),多數都係喺下晝先 interview,而且又係當日比較遲先見校長嘅一些家長及小朋友 !!

我哋舊年比較幸運,面試當日係第一個家 ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-11-3 14:47 |只看該作者
原帖由 nataliepsc 於 10-11-3 01:47 發表
Very disappointed.  My girl told us after the interview that the Headmistress said she did well, and she was quite happy with her own performance... which apparently was still not good enough to make  ...

我都覺得系,呢兩日成日幻想有無奇蹟出現...........我個女話甘多面試,SPCC最容易,佢group game又贏左,又最遲出黎............

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-11-3 15:22 |只看該作者
無心冒犯, 但相信你只係睇得太多BK討論, 才有此觀念。

group game並非睇贏輸, 而係睇小朋友群體活動時既行為, 贏或輸後既反應。
時間長短亦非主因, 只是先後問題, 可能小朋友剛好排在該組最後一名。

無論自己小朋友真的有幾叻, 有時我地或者要承認: 一山還有一山高……

原帖由 share123 於 10-11-3 14:47 發表

我都覺得系,呢兩日成日幻想有無奇蹟出現...........我個女話甘多面試,SPCC最容易,佢group game又贏左,又最遲出黎............

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-11-3 15:33 |只看該作者
[quote]原帖由 vaga 於 10-11-3 15:22 發表

我都明,我無因此而推論自己有好大機會,只系作為家長,邊個唔想得呢,只系搵機會呻下,表達下失望既情緒遮, 唔使甘認真既.

Group 4, 我地系417XX,斷估呢一組最多選幾十個出黎,17XX甘多人,輪唔到自己都好正常丫.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-11-3 15:34 |只看該作者
[quote]原帖由 vaga 於 10-11-3 15:22 發表

我都明,我無因此而推論自己有好大機會,只系作為家長,邊個唔想得呢,只系搵機會呻下,表達下失望既情緒遮, 唔使甘認真既.

Group 4, 我地系417XX,斷估呢一組最多選幾十個出黎,17XX甘多人,輪唔到自己都好正常丫.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-11-3 15:45 |只看該作者
人生當中有無數成敗得失, 放眼明天!

只要記住, 能插班入、 或中一考入的小朋友, 比小一考入的勁。  咁樣我地就有另一個新目標!  加油!

原帖由 share123 於 10-11-3 15:34 發表
[quote]原帖由 vaga 於 10-11-3 15:22 發表

我都明,我無因此而推論自己有好大機會,只系作為家長,邊個唔想得呢,只系搵機會呻下,表達下失望既情緒遮, 唔使甘認 ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-11-3 16:39 |只看該作者
For those who have the 2nd interview, have you all received the letter yet ?  I still haven't but tomorrow will be the interview date, I have no idea whatto bring....

Could someone give a hand on this ?  Thanks !!

A parent told me that the students need to read 40 chinese and English leisure books a year respectively.  May I know if the school use the 'credit' method or 'compulsory' method on this to encourage kids to achieve the target ?  Let say Marymount, if the girls achieve a certain target, they will give an award (an award stamp and a pin).   In such case,I would have a better understanding on the school how they inspire the students to learn.  Thanks for your information.

[ 本帖最後由 AnotherHalf 於 10-11-3 16:41 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-11-3 17:03 |只看該作者
I agree... we understand there are always smarter children out there. I was just trying to express our disappointment and feelings here... and wondering how to convey this message to the kid.

Anyway, it's all over & it's unlikely that we will re-apply next year for p.2 again.  Emotionally the child also has to overcome a lot if they have to change schools in a very short period of time.

原帖由 share123 於 10-11-3 15:34 發表
[quote]原帖由 vaga 於 10-11-3 15:22 發表

我都明,我無因此而推論自己有好大機會,只系作為家長,邊個唔想得呢,只系搵機會呻下,表達下失望既情緒遮, 唔使甘認 ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-11-3 17:31 |只看該作者
If you still haven't received the letter, you can just go without it.

原帖由 AnotherHalf 於 10-11-3 16:39 發表
For those who have the 2nd interview, have you all received the letter yet ?  I still haven't but tomorrow will be the interview date, I have no idea whatto bring....

Could someone give a hand on th ...

Rank: 4

發表於 10-11-3 17:38 |只看該作者
It seems AnotherHalf has received the phone call from the school for 2nd round before.....

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-11-3 18:00 |只看該作者
That's what I meant. The lady in the office mentioned that if you haven't received the letter before the 2nd interview, it's OK just to go at your time slot. No need to show the letter.

原帖由 Arosa 於 10-11-3 17:38 發表
It seems AnotherHalf has received the phone call from the school for 2nd round before.....

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-11-3 18:01 |只看該作者
That's what I meant. The lady in the office mentioned that if you haven't received the letter before the 2nd interview, it's OK just to go at your time slot. No need to bring the letter.

原帖由 Arosa 於 10-11-3 17:38 發表
It seems AnotherHalf has received the phone call from the school for 2nd round before.....

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-11-3 18:01 |只看該作者
That's what I meant. The lady in the office mentioned that if youhaven't received the letter before the 2nd interview, it's OK just togo at your time slot. No need to bring the letter.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-11-3 22:09 |只看該作者
Thanks... i have just received it this afternoon.
I just need to bring the letter and the 3 of us.  ^^

Good luck to you all.

原帖由 ahtan 於 10-11-3 17:31 發表
If you still haven't received the letter, you can just go without it.

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