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教育王國 討論區 選科選校 如果數學和物理底好,大學什麼科目合適而且有前景 ...
樓主: cpecpr

如果數學和物理底好,大學什麼科目合適而且有前景 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 4

發表於 17-11-12 00:38 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 humble123 於 17-11-12 00:47 編輯
kls12 發表於 17-11-11 23:04
想請教若讀Computer Science, 只是要考 Maths 卷?而份數學試卷是否同讀Maths的是同一份卷?不知有否記錯 ...

呢樣真係間間唔同,之前講既入學試係就咁揀讀數 straight Maths,Oxford/ Imperial 都係同樣要考 MAT (Imperial 如果無考 MAT 的話而佢又想出 CO 俾你的話就可能會係 CO 要求度加埋 STEP),而 Cambridge/ Warwick 就通常都會係 CO 度加埋 STEP。

至於 Computer Science,Oxford 有 Mathematics and Computer Science 同 Computer Science 兩科,兩者都係要考 MAT,不過要考既題目唔同。頭先既 Straight Maths 就要答 1-5 題、Mathematics and Computer Science 就要答 1,2,3,5,6 而 Computer Science 就要答 1,2,5,6,7。所以就算係同樣考 MAT,大家考既野都有分別。

到 Imperial,佢既 Mathematics, Mathematics with Statistics... 等等要考 MAT,都係答 1-5題,但係佢既 Mathematics and Computer Science 同 Computer Science  就唔駛考 MAT,不過 CO 就通常都會加埋 STEP,正如你朋友一樣。

至於 Cambridge,佢既 Computer Science 又唔同,應該係 interview 時考 CSAT,好似 Computer Science with Maths 仲會係 CO 加埋 STEP。總之間間科科都唔同,想報之前真係要研究清楚,睇下要考咩野試。

p.s. 如果選擇要考 STEP 既課程要小心諗清楚,因為 STEP 出名難考 (Cambridge 就係用佢黎篩走接近一半學生,所以佢出既 CO 會比 Oxford 出多好多)

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 17-11-12 11:04 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 kls12 於 17-11-12 11:11 編輯
cpecpr 發表於 17-11-10 11:41
想請教,女兒中五對數學十分濃厚興趣和有信心奪星星,修讀M1 和Physic
她參觀完3 大後, 想讀Balc ...

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 17-11-12 11:11 |只看該作者
humble123 發表於 17-11-12 00:38
呢樣真係間間唔同,之前講既入學試係就咁揀讀數 straight Maths,Oxford/ Imperial 都係同樣要考 MAT (Imp ...
是的,我朋友要考STEP,是CO 的一部份。不知在11月考或在第二年的6月GCE後考,心理上或預備考試上,有甚麼分別?

其實,MAT 、 STEP 同 CSAT 是如何運作的?例如是否祗可在指定日期考?讀DSE不用考? Imperial 或其他大學都可要求考? 甘Imperial 會否知道Oxbridge 有否比offer?

看見一個英國補習CSAT網站,內容都是和STEP差不多,CSAT的資料也不多,只能找到兩份sample paper,不知怎様預備才好呢?

Rank: 4

發表於 17-11-12 12:17 |只看該作者
humble123 發表於 17-11-11 19:59
好似答漏左「讀什麼科目?」,最普遍就係讀 Straight Maths,可選擇三年讀一個 Bachelor 或者讀四年拎埋個  ...


Rank: 4

發表於 17-11-12 13:02 |只看該作者
kls12 發表於 17-11-12 11:11
是的,我朋友要考STEP,是CO 的一部份。不知在11月考或在第二年的6月GCE後考,心理上或預備考試上,有甚麼 ...

心理上或預備考試上,對於 DSE 學生來說係有一定影響的。如果係 11月考 MAT,因為距離 DSE 考試時間尚遠,有時間可充分準備,心理上亦不會放鬆。如果係 6月考 STEP,雖然5月已考完 DSE 有時間準備,但係同學們大都放鬆晒心情,要再重拾心情去準備另一個考試並不容易,尤其其他不用考試的同學會經常約你出去玩!

MAT 是 Oxford 搞出來的入學試,主要係 Oxford / Imperial 會用。STEP 是 Cambridge 搞出來的入學試,主要係 Cambridge / Warwick 會用,雖然有個別大學學科亦會要求 STEP (例如 Imperial 的 Computer Science)。兩者都係每年只考一次,一定要係指定日子考。無論你係讀 DSE, GCE, IB 的學生,只要你報呢幾間大學相關學科都必須要考的。在香港的報名及日子詳情可在 British Council 網站搵到︰


另外,Imperial 並不會知道學生有沒有 Oxbridge offer 的,不過為免學生將佢放係 insurance choice 作為 Oxbridge 的後備,佢出的 CO 不會低過 Oxbridge,Typical 的 offer 會係 A*A*A 或 A*A*AA (如果係 DSE 即會變成 5*5*5 或 5*5*55)。

至於 CSAT,因為無詳細研究過,所以答不到你,只知係 interview 時期即場考埋的。

Rank: 4

發表於 17-11-12 13:03 |只看該作者
cpecpr 發表於 17-11-12 12:17

Rank: 8Rank: 8

發表於 17-11-12 13:31 |只看該作者
kls12 發表於 17-11-12 11:11
是的,我朋友要考STEP,是CO 的一部份。不知在11月考或在第二年的6月GCE後考,心理上或預備考試上,有甚麼 ...

我想補充一下。其實Warwick和其他英國大學的數學系都會參考MAT成績。香港人的數學係幾好,所以考MAT係有著數。另外,Warwick其實有個data science的學士課程,都可以考慮。

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 17-11-13 14:00 |只看該作者
Shall she be really good in those subjects, UK is not the right choice. Take the QE two across the Altanic and find the new continent there, it is at least, bigger.

Rank: 13Rank: 13Rank: 13Rank: 13

發表於 17-11-13 15:02 |只看該作者
Mattison 發表於 17-11-13 14:00
Shall she be really good in those subjects, UK is not the right choice. Take the QE two across the A ...
突然諗起John F Nash & Princeton.......

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 17-11-13 15:23 |只看該作者
Yanamami 發表於 17-11-13 15:02
突然諗起John F Nash & Princeton.......
Were you good friends? Sorry, are you?


Yanamami    發表於 17-11-13 15:24

Rank: 13Rank: 13Rank: 13Rank: 13

發表於 17-11-13 15:26 |只看該作者
Mattison 發表於 17-11-13 15:23
Were you good friends? Sorry, are you?
A Beautiful Mind.

Rank: 4

發表於 17-11-13 15:26 |只看該作者
Mattison 發表於 17-11-13 14:00
Shall she be really good in those subjects, UK is not the right choice. Take the QE two across the A ...

It's very difficult for a HKDSE student to get an offer from a prestigious US university nowadays.  Even SPCC could only get a few offers from the likes of HYPSMC over the last few years whereas they had dozens of offers from Oxbridge:


To get across the Atlantic, you have to get on board the QE II first!

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 17-11-13 16:33 |只看該作者
humble123 發表於 17-11-13 15:26
It's very difficult for a HKDSE student to get an offer from a prestigious US university nowadays.  ...
There are still a few not as competitive as those. The only question is will she be that good. With a ticket on QE II, I prefer off to the Carribean Islands where I can join with those rums and ?ums.

Rank: 4

發表於 17-11-13 17:17 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 humble123 於 17-11-13 17:52 編輯
Mattison 發表於 17-11-13 16:33
There are still a few not as competitive as those. The only question is will she be that good. With  ...

OK, follow up on your advice, how to proceed then?  

The poster’s daughter is now in F.5 already.  When to take the SAT exams (core and subject), TOEFL, AP exams? How many APs to take and which subjects? How to fit all these exams and studies (maybe lessons too) on these exams in her daughter’s tight DSE schedules?  In addition, what extracurricular activities (which are essential for US college applications) to take on and how to squeeze time for these activities?  Since nearly all US universities need to be applied separately and each one takes tremendous amount of time and effort, how many universities to apply to and which ones?  How to pick?  

I hate it when people come up with a single line comment just to show how “insightful” they are without any elaborations, ignoring all facts and most importantly, ignoring the poster’s situations.  This is not helpful!   

We had gone through all these before and we knew how difficult it was.  And it’s definitely not JUST how good your kid is!

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 17-11-13 17:59 |只看該作者
humble123 發表於 17-11-13 17:17
OK, follow up on your advice, how to proceed then?  

The poster’s daughter is now in F.5 already. ...
Looks like it is all your schedule than AP's. Or you may argue further that this is a normal expectation from whoever normal. Yet, what is normal?
My say here is, if one cannot find sufficient time to fulfill all of them in one go, do it separately. Once again, if one is really this good, then one can manage without your hurries and worries.

I do not and should not spoonfeed my juniors once they can, my motto, so as I don't expect someone likes my spoonfeeding without their permission or even with their permission.

Be easy and cool, QE II is vast but may not huge enough to carry the odour.

In short, one example I can quote is one grasped it with his CE result. Why bothers with all that you suggested.

Rank: 4

發表於 17-11-13 18:47 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 humble123 於 17-11-13 18:52 編輯
Mattison 發表於 17-11-13 17:59
Looks like it is all your schedule than AP's. Or you may argue further that this is a normal expecta ...

Having read your comments three times, I still have no idea what you're trying to say.  

So in short, it seems that you don't have a single clue on how to apply for a US university.

I'm sorry if I have offended you.  My bad.  I'll stop the argument here.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 17-11-14 18:32 |只看該作者
humble123 發表於 17-11-13 18:47
Having read your comments three times, I still have no idea what you're trying to say.  

So in sho ...
I agree with you. US universities first degree 唔值得報! 申請花時間、花錢、競争大(强國富二代)、難考入、公開試另類、面試煩、給港生quota又少、學費貴、讀完又唔覺搵工好D。


humble123    發表於 17-11-17 19:57
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