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教育王國 討論區 幼校討論 劍嗚幼稚園
樓主: yuenmanwai

劍嗚幼稚園 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-3-8 14:40 |只看該作者
但係外邊玩緊都唔知邊個打邊個, 個有名嘅label都係入去課室in之前先派喎... 如果聽大家講果日情況咁混亂咁多人, 更加唔知d老師點打分啦!

原帖由 joenjac 於 10-3-8 14:29 發表
我個女都係km讀緊,佢in 左幾間.但個女自己話想讀km.(姓cat都收佢)

in 個日,我老婆話見到老師係外邊睇d細路玩緊個陣,已經靜靜打緊分數.我唔在場,祗係將聽到既同大家 "些牙" ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-3-8 14:53 |只看該作者
打分數? 佢地如果有人手有時間打分數..不如安排那些人攪好個秩序同流程重好啦....如果真係咁就更加對呢間學校失望....自己都未處理好自己運作重來評人地.....

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-3-8 15:11 |只看該作者
原帖由 wendycyp 於 10-3-8 14:40 發表
但係外邊玩緊都唔知邊個打邊個, 個有名嘅label都係入去課室in之前先派喎... 如果聽大家講果日情況咁混亂咁多人, 更加唔知d老師點打分啦!

可能而家多左人報名啦,其實我覺得邊間都無所謂,當時就係因為個女去到,講左句"好鐘意呀"我就唔再比佢in第二間.之後另一間都話收,我都係比個女讀 km.


Rank: 1

發表於 10-3-8 15:31 |只看該作者
My son is one of the students at KM in K1.  Last Saturday, the interview day, I was also there being one of the 家長義工.  Since my son has studied in KM since N1, I was also 家長義工 last year.  As only 家長義工, we did not know the detail arrangement of the interview day, but truely it was the most crowded interview day we have ever see.  We also wondered that why the school did not set up two interview days instead of one so that it will be less crowded.  Well, anyways it is not our decision.

Let me talk more about this school.  N1 was easy, there is only 1 worksheet per week, recognize (not write) one Chinese word and one English word per week.  K1 is getting more serious, 2 kinds of homeworks a day and lots of things to learn.  My son is a 大仔, and he likes to write and draw, so he has no problem with it.  But some of the parents find it difficult for their kids to manage already.  Overall my son like to go to school, and he is happy everyday when he comes home from school.  

I also feel that the overall management of the school is not good, but what I really care is that if they are good to my kid.  So as long as my son can learn happily there, I am okay with it.

Rank: 2

發表於 10-3-8 15:50 |只看該作者
原帖由 joenjac 於 10-3-8 14:29 發表
我個女都係km讀緊,佢in 左幾間.但個女自己話想讀km.(姓cat都收佢)

in 個日,我老婆話見到老師係外邊睇d細路玩緊個陣,已經靜靜打緊分數.我唔在場,祗係將聽到既同大家 "些牙" ...

唔係呀話 ?  同一時間兩百幾人仲可以打分 ? 真唔真 ?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-3-8 15:58 |只看該作者
里個比喻真係好貼切.....不過.....唉! 估唔到我個女變左隻馬.......

原帖由 whoistheman 於 10-3-8 13:32 發表

我鐘意 e 個比喻, 99% 貼切, 但係一場馬唔只 5 分鐘行沙圈, 有 15 分鐘.  所以, 衰過睇馬 .

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-3-8 16:07 |只看該作者
I am also one of the 家長義工 on that day,  the arrangement is a bit confuse in the afternoon due to the rain.   There are few patches of rain in the afternoon, out of a kind intention,  the school principal ask the waiting parents and kids to go to indoor area instead of queuing up in the outdoor area to get wet.     The interviews at 1-3:30 were delay.   But things are getting smooth after 3:30pm.  

Please do not judge the school  base on just the interview performance.   My daughter was studying N1 this year,  overall the teachers are caring and nice,  they will call the parents every 2 weeks regarding the kid performance and progress at school.   My daughter always talk about the teachers and her classmates at home, she enjoy school a lot.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-3-8 16:16 |只看該作者
原帖由 joenjac 於 10-3-8 14:29 發表
我個女都係km讀緊,佢in 左幾間.但個女自己話想讀km.(姓cat都收佢)

in 個日,我老婆話見到老師係外邊睇d細路玩緊個陣,已經靜靜打緊分數.我唔在場,祗係將聽到既同大家 "些牙" ...

原來我講得唔清楚!!  sorry sorry

我個女係2年前 in 既,當時好似無咁多人,估唔到而家多左咁多人報@@

Rank: 2

發表於 10-3-8 16:33 |只看該作者
原帖由 daddy2007 於 10-3-8 16:07 發表
I am also one of the 家長義工 on that day,  the arrangement is a bit confuse in the afternoon due to the rain.   There are few patches of rain in the afternoon, out of a kind intention,  the school pr ...

Hi daddy2007, first of all we are not against any 家長義工, and I knew all of you have a very difficult time that day too. But I really would like to know, what is the standard of that 5 minutes interview in order to rate if the kid are qualify or not.  This is the part that upset most of the parents.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-3-8 16:58 |只看該作者
Base on my experience last year, I guess the story telling section is used to rate the child attention span,  the dancing section is to rate the child participation,  and the tunnel section rate on the child obedience.    Also, the child must say "good morning/afternoon" to the teacher when she enter the classroom and say "good bye" to the teacher before she leave.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-3-8 17:21 |只看該作者
1) 明知超過1,000人黎in, 點解唔可以分2日?  
2) 明知咁多人, 仲要做埋攤位賣書? 你估e+ 書展呀?
3) 點解唔可以之前收哂d(要求家長郵寄) 什麼出世紙, 針咭副本...簡化當日程序?
4) 點解需要咁多義工家長? 我見好多都係行行企企冇野做?

唔係只係km收過過千信, 其它hkps, 啟思...etc. 但係人地做得好好....點解km會咁差?:;pppp:   一間所謂名幼稚園...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-3-8 17:51 |只看該作者
你睇嘢真係好客觀 希望你嘅小朋友入到適他的學校

原帖由 luiflora 於 10-3-8 00:25 發表

唉~~講真,出名D的學校大多數都比人投訴過啦!!THINK在交申請表時,等了兩小時,在太陽下排到滿頭大汗,回家頭痛了兩日!!樂基仔仔IN8:30,我地8:15到,要在馬路等,學校一開門即叫即IN,全家人都未清楚發生咩事!!劍嗚我唔 ... 講真如果學校不好,那有機會人山人海??沒人山人海那有機會亂七八糟呢??唉~~這幾年我們做父母的都會比較辛苦,鬼叫出生BB多左甘多??所以我會冷靜及睇看D!!為小朋友選擇一所更合適他的學校!!!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-3-8 17:55 |只看該作者
完全同意! 希望學校可以吸取教訓, 唔好令到想入 KM 嘅家長卻步啦

原帖由 daddy2007 於 10-3-8 16:07 發表
I am also one of the 家長義工 on that day,  the arrangement is a bit confuse in the afternoon due to the rain.   There are few patches of rain in the afternoon, out of a kind intention,  the school pr ...

Rank: 4

發表於 10-3-8 17:56 |只看該作者
After viewing so many feedback, I have no regret that I didn't bring my son to interview. It really gave the parents bad impression to the school.

Rank: 1

發表於 10-3-8 19:29 |只看該作者
2 years ago when my son interviewed KM for N1, the interview was also short, and I believe that it is somewhat the same as this year.  At that time after the interview, I throught that my son did not get it, but he was accepted.  Maybe because my son is a 大仔.  But at that time there was not as many students interview as this year.  



[ 本帖最後由 cwsleung 於 10-3-8 19:39 編輯 ]

Rank: 2

發表於 10-3-8 23:10 |只看該作者
原帖由 cwsleung 於 10-3-8 19:29 發表
2 years ago when my son interviewed KM for N1, the interview was also short, and I believe that it is somewhat the same as this year.  At that time after the interview, I throught that my son did not  ...

其實你地都係義務, 所以點都唔關你地事, 我當時亦冇打擾到你地, 因為見到你地有 d 不知所措.  問題就出在管理層, 冇變通既能力, 有突發事點樣變通, 知道天氣報告早應該兩手準備, 有 plan b/ plan c, 唔係落左雨先諗.  另外, 我好同意你講, 大B 既機會高好多, 因為佢地比較大可能在短時間內比反應同做哂所有野.  所以你地可以反映比學校聽, 倒不如 IN  1月 至 3月出世反而會人少好多, 亦唔會有今次既問題, 又唔洗比錯覺 細B, 根本細B唔會有機會.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-3-8 23:21 |只看該作者
原帖由 whoistheman 於 10-3-8 23:10 發表

其實你地都係義務, 所以點都唔關你地事, 我當時亦冇打擾到你地, 因為見到你地有 d 不知所措.  問題就出在管理層, 冇變通既能力, 有突發事點樣變通, 知道天氣報告早應該兩手準備, 有 plan b/ plan c, 唔係落左雨先 ...

9月打後既細b已經係安排起6月先interview. 公道d, 我個女果班都有起碼幾個8月出世既小朋友.

Rank: 2

發表於 10-3-9 02:51 |只看該作者
我11:30去到學校,見到咁混亂真係想走人,真係以為去左bb展,好似趕鴨仔咁,group interview幾分鐘,怱怱忙忙求求其其,一間學校行政咁混亂,對家長及小朋友咁唔considerate, 好難說服自己俾個小朋友佢地照顧及教導...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-3-9 11:01 |只看該作者
原帖由 luiflora 於 10-3-8 00:25 發表

唉~~講真,出名D的學校大多數都比人投訴過啦!!THINK在交申請表時,等了兩小時,在太陽下排到滿頭大汗,回家頭痛了兩日!!樂基仔仔IN8:30,我地8:15到,要在馬路等,學校一開門即叫即IN,全家人都未清楚發生咩事!!劍嗚我唔所以又何必只看學校安排面試當日的表現而不信過來人的幾個月至幾年的感覺及分析呢??講真如果學校不好,那有機會人山人海??沒人山人海那有機會亂七八糟呢??唉~~這幾年我們做父母的都會比較辛苦,鬼叫出生BB多左甘多??所以我會冷靜及睇看D!!為小朋友選擇一所更合適他的學校!!! ...

多謝你o既中肯言論,其實我個女都係讀緊KM o既PN,剛剛上年9月入學,我上年都係好似大家去interview,可能你o地係老鼠年人數比我o個年金豬仲要多,我都係成個過程到完參觀完學校大概2個小時啦,我老公反而覺得上年in4間學校搞得最好係KM,我上年係老公陪入課室面試,佢就無講話老師有D咩問題.



Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-3-9 11:22 |只看該作者
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