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教育王國 討論區 小學雜談 HKUGA 面試
樓主: kck

HKUGA 面試 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 2

發表於 04-10-4 17:58 |只看該作者

Re: HKUGA 面試

It's seem not fair to show the details of the yesterday interveiw in here. As those childs & parents which shall attend the coming invterview could make perparation.  I feel HKUGA should take a look into this problem.

Rank: 1

發表於 04-10-4 18:15 |只看該作者

Re: HKUGA 面試

I don't agree with Minnieb, we just share our experience here

even though you know what questions will be asked, you cannot teach/control how your kid will answer/behave

kids are innocent and bright who will act at his own accord

eg. you cannot ask your kid to draw a picture that he doesn't like
that's why family education is very  important

I found some kids cried when they met their parents after the group interview, so my dear friends, don't give to much pressure on them

Rank: 1

發表於 04-10-4 23:00 |只看該作者

Re: HKUGA 面試

Hi, So San & Siubo,

Regarding your questions, I think it is much contributed by school & family education. We did not take any training course for our child but started to teach him to have a good manner before nursery class. We really believe family education is very important becasue it is too long time of contact between children and parents. We always tell ourself that our child is our mirror. What we say and behave, he will follow us to say and behave.

For formal notice, principal told us it will be released at the end of Oct. HKUGA is also our favourite PS and we hope to get the formal result asap even though our son get good comments.

Rank: 4

發表於 04-10-4 23:25 |只看該作者

Re: HKUGA 面試


Can anyone tell me the chinese name of HKUGA???  Ths a lot!

Rank: 1

發表於 04-10-4 23:33 |只看該作者

Re: HKUGA 面試


Rank: 1

發表於 04-10-5 00:09 |只看該作者

Re: HKUGA 面試

Hi kck,

Congratulations. I am happy to hear that your son was received good comment from principal. Would you tell me what the questions were asked by the principal?

My daughter was interviewed by 陳校監 yesterday. I don't think she was 敷衍. She asked similar questions to my daughter.  She led my daughter to answer her questions. She did not push child. Although my daughter was shy in the interview, I didn't feel that she made my daughter in difficulty.

But I think that she asked questions to child selectively. Since a girl was interviewed before my daughter. She just went into the the room for few minutes. I talked with my daughter last night what she did in the room. She told me that the girl did not attend any activities until drawing.

Rank: 1

發表於 04-10-5 00:46 |只看該作者

Re: HKUGA 面試


Totally agree to your opinion! The questions asked by principal are as same as that of Director Chan. We also did not have chance to say anything because of tight schedule. I think who conducted an interview is not the main point. Indeed, it is the performance of children, not the interviewer.

Other parents, do put much pressure on children. I saw a parent to seriously blame his son after Logo's interview. We still do not receive any phone call to inform 2nd interview of Logo. I am not surprised that becasue I beleive the performance of my son is not so good in Logo interview.

Take it easy!

Rank: 1

發表於 04-10-5 00:48 |只看該作者

Re: HKUGA 面試

Sorry! It should be" DO NOT put much pressure on children"

Rank: 2

發表於 04-10-5 01:53 |只看該作者

Re: HKUGA 面試


my daughter have already interview last saturday.
我地都等好耐, 我都覺時間等侯長了些, 面試只不過是幾分鐘, 但面試時間是不可控制的, 唔通學校放個計時器在桌上, 你地未面試完夠兩分鐘叫你走咩, 學校都要尊重家長和小孩的, 如果未講完叫你走, 這學校我們就不用考慮啦, 好似有些家長說沒有機會發言, 我覺得一定有架, 如果唔係點會要等"口架"! 所以這時雙方的, 不是一面倒指學校安排有問題,
有些家長說陳校監求其, 唔通她見的小孩一個都唔收咩, 校長和校監的問題來去兩三條, 只不過現釋方式不同"口者", 如果小孩臨場面試好, 邊個見都無問題架, 面試準則大家都知啦,
其次成績, 至於禮貌, 待人處事,應該從小就教, 不是為小一面試而教. 是為小孩將來而教 這是我地家長應有的責任, 我亦相信大家都知道有些小孩真的沒有禮貌, 面試當日有一位小孩搶我個女玩具, 你估老師唔知道嗎! 大家心中有數啦! 總知大定take it easy, 無論已面試有好, 未去都好啦, 有些事情知道都不可能在這一星期內改變小孩的態度, 可來有不公平呀!
:-x  :-x  :-x

Rank: 2

發表於 04-10-5 11:11 |只看該作者

Re: HKUGA 面試

Dear All,


Rank: 1

發表於 04-10-5 14:44 |只看該作者

Re: HKUGA 面試

Beauty Bird,


Rank: 2

發表於 04-10-5 15:46 |只看該作者

Re: HKUGA 面試

I agree with Qu Qu.
I saw 副校長, the first question he asked my son is what did he doing in the room? My son  呆一呆, as he didn't know what place did he means. (the play group room or waiting room) , and addition waiting for about an hour. So he answer no confidence and not his normal standard.
I also feel this family interview is no use and can be cancelled.  

Rank: 2

發表於 04-10-5 19:31 |只看該作者

Re: HKUGA 面試

其實各家長有無察覺到學校見小孩, 都會根據前之session再問番小孩野架, 在第一個session裡是留意小孩禮貌, 能否與人分享, 專注等問題, 是一些小孩的個人教養為主, 第二部份是再加深了解小孩的, 或者有些小孩在第一部份未完全發揮呢, 所以才再問的, 我覺得學校一定有佢地的model question, 如果有家長覺得自己沒有發言, 是不是自己的小孩未能發揮你理想的表現, 而家長又沒有機會為小孩補充, 所以覺應該取消面見家長時間呀, 我真想問各家長, 你們不想知道小孩的面試情況嗎? 其實我覺這是一個好機會去留意小孩的表現, 有無小動作, 為以後的學校面試而改善, 不要在花時間去討論一些已過去的事情, 但學校亦有檢討的必要羅!!!! :idea:  :idea:

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-10-5 23:32 |只看該作者

Re: HKUGA 面試

beautybird 寫道:
....面試時間是不可控制的, 唔通學校放個計時器在桌上, 你地未面試完夠兩分鐘叫你走咩, 學校都要尊重家長和小孩的, 如果未講完叫你走, 這學校我們就不用考慮啦, 好似有些家長說沒有機會發言, 我覺得一定有架, 如果唔係點會要等"口架"! 所以這時雙方的, 不是一面倒指學校安排有問題,
有些家長說陳校監求其, 唔通她見的小孩一個都唔收咩, 校長和校監的問題來去兩三條, 只不過現釋方式不同"口者", 如果小孩臨場面試好, 邊個見都無問題架

We fully understand that it may be hard to control the time and it's impossible to request the school to drive the parents away when 2 mins is up. But they should have a better evaluation of the time as it stated only 1.5 hrs to be taken in the letter for the whole process but actually turn out to be more than double of the time. You can imagine the performance of the kids will definitely be different for 1 only need to wait for half an hour vs 1 need to wait for over 2 hrs in the same classroom and are hungry to death. They are kids only !  It has nothing to do with family education.

The letter also states clearly there will be individual interview together with parents. It really gives a perception of parents being offered a chance to communicate with the interviewer. And that's really what the Principal has said in their introduction seminar. But the old lady after asking a few questions, just said 'that's all, you may leave la.' We were so surprised at that time as she only asked my kid no more than 5-6 questions. I just wonder what's the purpose of meeting the parents. Every parents should be wearing the same smiling face, know how to greet the interviewer. Are they just looking at our dressings ?

What I felt most disconsent is the attitude of the old lady (here seems most being interviewed by her got the same feeling). I do think the attitude and skill of the interviewer will affect the performance of the kids. An interviewer with a friendly face and know how to arouse a kid's interest (may be simply praise his/her drawings first) will certainly make a difference to one which straightly brings out the questions and shows no further interest to your answer. Remember those being interviewed are kids of 5 yrs old only.

I'm not meaning to make anyone feel uncomfortable. Just want to share my own view as the arrangement of the interview really make me and my husband feel disappointed. Anyway, it's over. No matter what the result will be, I still think this school has its merits in bringing in new ideas in school education.

Lastly, congratulations to those who received favourable comments from the principal. Good luck to those who aim at this school.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-10-6 01:03 |只看該作者

Re: HKUGA 面試

I can see a lot of anger.  It seems to me that HKUGA's interview was worse than last year or even the year before.  

As a matter of fact, I think they are trying to spend more time and effort this year to meet all parents and students.  But ending up getting even worse than not doing it.  May be due to poor time management, so they are not able to achieve what they wanted.  e.g. Initially planned to allow parents to say something to give some more chance for those marginal students.

Please think, they can do it the same way as last year, 10 students in a group and go to the class room, parents go to the school hall for a presentation, one hour later all students released to go home.  Look, life is much easier for the school, no more complaints.

No matter you are still interested or have totally lost interests of this school due to this interview.  Ask yourself the following:

1.  Have you talk to those parents of students or students who are studying at HKUGA to find out more about what is the real school life of this school, are they "learned" and study "happily" at this school.  

2. Look at their website again, learn more about this school, don't just listen to what your friend's friend say.  

If you are confident that this school is able to deliver what you want for your child and accept the teaching concepts and approach.

Then, I am sure you are able to calm down your anger and able to make the right decision.

Rank: 2

發表於 04-10-6 02:46 |只看該作者

Re: HKUGA 面試


我說的家庭教養是在第一部份要考的, 不是說在等侯面見校長時做, 況且在這短短的時間, 教不什麼. 跟等侯時間是兩回事, 希望你不要誤解. 你說面試的只不過是一位五歲小孩, 但我又覺得不對, 這學校算溫和啦, 係時間等得長些, 可能令你和小孩覺得不耐煩, 有些學校考paper 六,七份卷,  這樣重折磨小孩, 當小孩發現考卷大部份不懂作笞, 他們承受的壓力比在課室裡等面試重大,


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-10-6 23:16 |只看該作者

Re: HKUGA 面試


Yes, you are right.  

For example, St. Francis Assiss, a team of 10 to 15 students sit in the class room for a hour to do test papers with double digit mathematics.  Papers are in fact up to P1 standard.  

No complaint at all for this type of interview for so many years.  They still have a lot of applicants.

Rank: 2

發表於 04-10-7 00:12 |只看該作者

Re: HKUGA 面試


請留意又一直資名校面試長達兩至三小時, 小孩及家長在校內發呆, 故不想在學校發呆, 請詳細考慮是否去面試啦!!!!!!!!!

Rank: 2

發表於 04-10-7 16:00 |只看該作者

Re: HKUGA 面試


Rank: 2

發表於 04-10-7 18:49 |只看該作者

Re: HKUGA 面試



我也同意學校今次是poor time management,希望學校吸收經驗後,來年可改進,至於3小時苦候的interview是否太長,這是見人見智,其實St Paul Co-ed. 的interview也差不多是3小時(而且是weekday!),但applicant 仍是絡驛不絕!( 通常有口碑的食肆總是大排長龍,要方便還是要質素?悉隨尊便!)



1. 各家長是否真的會憑學校的interview是否安排得好與差來決定是否選此校?
2. 各家長是否會因為這次Poor time management來判斷這學校是否一所好學校?

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