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教育王國 討論區 教育講場 用左杜曼方法flash card小朋友, 有無見到成效 ...
樓主: Minniechung

用左杜曼方法flash card小朋友, 有無見到成效 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 1

發表於 09-8-8 14:19 |只看該作者
我唔會用Glenn Doman 既閃咭教學法, 因為凡係有參與商業活既學者, 我都會懷疑佢既中立性, 更何況Doman 仲自己開間公司黎賣呢個教學法

之前我都有留意呢個教學法, 我上網search過有關既資料, 首先關於Glenn Doman, 佢最開頭係讀physical therapy 物理治療, 之後去研究有關兒童腦創傷治療,1960年出左一份文章(學術界係要將佢D研究成果發表係學術期刊), 呢份係佢唯一一份期刊文章. 我見到佢個title Dr. Glenn Doman, 咁我就去搵佢係邊間大學既博士學位畢業, 但係搵左好耐都搵唔到. 呢一刻我就開始懷疑佢既學術地位

如果一個讀物理治療, 治療腦創傷既人, 可以去做教育家, 咁仲得了既??


好多出名大學既學者, 有討論過佢既研究, 仲出埋warning, 仲話doman既方法好有問題, 其中包括
- doman 1960 既唯一一張文章, 出現好多問題, 同埋言過其實(many methodological errorsand overstatements of findings)
- 自然科學一早唔用左佢呢個方法(has been discarded by the natural sciences.)
- 佢既方法已經係破產同一早被放棄(technique ispremised on a bankrupt and discarded theory)
- 閃咭教學法每日做既程序, 可能傷害小朋友 (maybe harmful to its participants)

最搞笑係呢段, 有個教育學家Kathleen Ann Quill仲寸doman, 話好多家庭用左佢既方法, 浪費好多錢都時間, 只係因為doman 既銷售策略(即係家長對子女既希望同幻想)
("thousands of families have wasted time and money to follow Doman'smethods.....they have plenty to learn from his marketing strategy...  which is aimed at parent's "hopes andfantasies".)

之後我見到IAHP (doman間公司), 搵到個諾貝爾獎得人黎做講者, Linus Pauling, 初頭以為呢間公司好勁啦, 有再諾貝爾獎得人支持, search, Linus Pauling 1954年諾貝爾化學獎同埋1962年和平獎…(2個獎, 又關兒童教育乜事呢). 之後仲有幾個出名既支持者, 例如Liza Minnelli (演員同歌手) 同埋RaymondArthur Dart (解剖學家).

睇左呢幾樣野之後, 我已經唔會考慮比我個仔學閃咭囉.

[ 本帖最後由 poweranger 於 09-8-8 14:32 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-9-10 22:32 |只看該作者

發表於 09-12-21 10:45 |只看該作者
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Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 09-12-21 11:48 |只看該作者
montessori and doman are completely different approaches.  From what i have heard, doman's approach also have other aspects - not just flash cards.  But the flash card aspect gets the most attention.  If you are comparing montessori to the "popular" doman we know in hk, then you are talking about 2 opposite approaches.  montessori is an involved approach. it is not possible to explain to you in a thread.  i suggest you go out and do some research.  i am sure articles are easily available on the internet.  If you don't want to spend a lot of time to read, join a parent class by little montessorian or infinity children will also give you an idea.

發表於 09-12-21 14:56 |只看該作者

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發表於 10-1-2 00:51 |只看該作者
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Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 10-1-5 10:42 |只看該作者
negative aspect of flash card method from hearsay -

1.  children used to passive reception.  they are used to being fed information.  Montessori encourages active approach by children, grooms enthusiasm in learning

2.  children exposed to flash card method early and on an extensive basis may lose interest in other things as well. they are sensitive to 2-D (paper, book ,card) learning and tend to do less with their hands, curiosity level lower, etc.  attention span may be shortened because flash cards are ... well, flashed quickly.  

at the end of the day, you need to ask yourself - does knowing X number of words early on mean anything? is that what life is about?

i have no experience with LM parent class.  I only went to IC parent class.  it is OK.  instructor encourages you to ask questions, so that's a plus.  if you take the 40-hour class (? when I took it, it used to be 60 hours), they teach a lot about montessori tools.  I think it gives you a good concept, but do not begin to think you can execute it at home.  They crammed in 80+ tools in 40 hours, so it is too intense for anyone to remember.  best thing is to send your child to a montessori school.

I have some experience with IC, Best concept, ICMS, IMS, and LM.  IMS my child didn't really go, but she went for the interview.  I also toured CASA.  IC has moved to a new campus in kowloon tong.  Since I haven't been there, can't comment on their hardware.  Anyway, out of all, I liked BC the best!!!  both my kids go there.  their place is small, but their teachers are really caring and knowledgeable.

[ 本帖最後由 elmostoney 於 10-1-5 10:50 編輯 ]

Rank: 2

發表於 10-2-8 23:11 |只看該作者
I think both approaches, Doman & Montessori have its own pros & cons.  Is it possible to combine & apply both methods to our kids?  Please share your experience if anyone is doing so.  Thanks!

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 10-2-9 11:02 |只看該作者
babylulu, generally people who are for montessori are against flash card method because it goes against the backbone of montessori philosophy.  How can it not be contradictory? As I pointed out already, flash card method encourages passive learning, while the montessori approach encourages the child to be a self-learner with assistance.  The flash card method will yield quicker result, while the montessori approach believes that a child's foundation takes years to lay.  I think it will be hard for you to find somebody who can share with you experience on a combination of these approaches as they just don't click!  just totally different fundamentals from the beginning.  I fail to understand how can a person implement both methods and doesn't confuse the child.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 10-2-9 11:44 |只看該作者
I hesitate to say the flash card method is "doman" as it is obviously one very small aspect of the "doman" approach.  So let's just call it "flash card."

The benefit of the flashcard method is obvious - picking up reading earlier.  What are the benefits of Montessori? I think it is almost a religion.  In our society of quick fix, it is difficult for parents to accept nurturing a child and not seeing any obvious results until years later.  To further understand the Montessori philosophy, I suggest further reading.

Rank: 2

發表於 10-2-10 01:54 |只看該作者
Thanks for your comments elmostoney.  I am thinking whether it is possible to apply flash card method for my twins from 6 months to 1 year old, as they are less mobile and might be easier to apply the passive learning approach.  All I want to do is helping them to build up their passion from readings. (Hopefully this is the correct approach) But in the meantime, I also want them to become initiative learners not only from the textbooks.   Besides attending the parental courses of Montessori, is there any other "quick" method that I can understand further about this approach?

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 10-2-10 12:44 |只看該作者
parental class is the quickest way already.  You can have Q&A sessions with the instructor vs. reading on your own means understanding and interpreting montessori yourself.  but any montessori instructor will discourage you from using flash cards.  My question is - does reading X number of words EARLY mean so much?  My daughter is 3y9m.  I still read with her.  I think it is a great time for bonding.  

IMHO, reading (I presume you mean passion to read books, not words!) habit can be built up through different ways.  I started reading with my daughter early.  When she was younger, she didn't care for it so much.  She suddenly picked up reading around 18 months.  There were times that she would ask to be read to for one hour!  Even now, she has a habit to ask me to read 2 to three story books before going to sleep.  My son, who is 25m, also loves reading.  Maximum reading time at one go is 2 HOURS! (of course, having somebody read to him)

I think it is a parental commitment and less "learn to read your words and you start reading on your own."

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 10-2-10 12:48 |只看該作者
pls understand that 60% of a child's brain develops between 0~3.  To apply a passive learning approach for a 6-month-period can contribute to a passive habit.  Again, some kids may not be affected, but who knows?  Montessori is strongly against force-feeding the child, but rather ride on the child's sensitive periods and give appropriate stimulants and guidance.

Rank: 2

發表於 10-2-10 23:09 |只看該作者
Thanks again elmostoney. It is very scary to know that the flash card method can affect the children to become passive learners.  I really don't want to see that happens to my own children.  

However, how can I start teaching my 6 months old bbs with Montessori methods?  Or is it just too early to apply any teaching method to them until they are older?

原帖由 elmostoney 於 10-2-10 12:48 發表
pls understand that 60% of a child's brain develops between 0~3.  To apply a passive learning approach for a 6-month-period can contribute to a passive habit.  Again, some kids may not be affected, bu ...

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 10-2-11 09:46 |只看該作者
I am not so familiar (even familiar is an exaggeration) with dealing with kids age 1 and under using the montessori method.  I started my daughter out when she was 18 months.  When my son was born, because their age is too close, I was very busy with my daughter and never tried a lot of montessori for my son.  I started sending him to a REAL montessori preschool (Woodlands is NOT) at 18 months ON HIS OWN (no adult company).  He is 25 months now and is absolutely flourishing.  I am just so amazed at his progress!  My daughter didn't start going to a montessori preschool on a daily basis until 2y4m, and I really regretted it.  Of course, character is probably a factor.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 10-2-11 10:09 |只看該作者
For age 1 and under, based on my limited knowledge, I would suggest the following:

1. observe their sensitive periods, e.g mouthing (put objects in their mouth), feeding themselves if they have an urge.  Don't discourage them.  Of course, as a parent, you have the responsibility to ensure that the objects they put in their mouths are reasonably clean. A parent needs to provide a safe environment at home for the kids to explore instead of telling them off all the time.  If you try to suppress their sensitive periods, either certain actions will be prolonged (e.g. mouthing) or the internal need for that action is not satisfied, causing a certain void in their development.  It sounds a bit abstract.  You can search for some articles on the internet, borrow a book for further reading or go to a parent class.  Personally, I like going to a class - really a quick way to get the basic concepts down.  

2.  Let your kids do lots of crawling, flipover, etc. - anything that deals with motions is good.  Academic learning is not based on how much math, language, etc. a child knows.  It starts with motions.  My son is a wonderful example.  He was unusally active (but not hyperactive).  When he started walking just hitting one, he also started jumping, climbing, etc. everywhere.  He was literally a pinball in a pinball machine.  He did that for about half a year.  When he started his preschool, he has great focus on everything he does.  He can read for 2 hours, do puzzles for 20 minutes, really finish on activity before moving on to the next, clean up this things, etc.  I am so impressed with him - not because I am his mother.  I was in a montessori classroom with my daughter for a long time, have friends whose kids are montessori trained, and I really can tell my son is good.  

3.  talking to them is a good way for bonding, teaching them interaction, observation and language skills.

4.  go find a good montessori preschool if you are committed to the theory and it is affordable to you.  Good montessori preschool are not easy to get into.  My son's class (細仔班, age 18 m ~ 2.5y) has a waiting list of 170 kids!

Rank: 2

發表於 10-2-11 21:44 |只看該作者
Hi Elmosney,

Thank you so much for such useful advices.  I wil make sure to encourage my twins in their mouthing / tummy down stages as suggested.

Is it possible if you could advice by PM which montessori school your son goes to?  

原帖由 elmostoney 於 10-2-11 09:46 發表
I am not so familiar (even familiar is an exaggeration) with dealing with kids age 1 and under using the montessori method.  I started my daughter out when she was 18 months.  When my son was born, be ...

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 10-2-22 10:40 |只看該作者
my son goes to best concept montessori.  You can arrange for school tour and compare the different schools:

兒童無限 (new campus at kowloon tong)
Casa del bambini(西環,聖類斯對面)
ICMS (天后)

Rank: 2

發表於 10-2-24 21:12 |只看該作者
elmostoney,  thank you so much for the useful info.

原帖由 elmostoney 於 10-2-22 10:40 發表
my son goes to best concept montessori.  You can arrange for school tour and compare the different schools:

兒童無限 (new campus at kowloon tong)
Casa del bambini(西環,聖類斯對面)
ICMS (天后) ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-3-9 15:21 |只看該作者
原帖由 elmostoney 於 10-2-11 09:46 發表
I am not so familiar (even familiar is an exaggeration) with dealing with kids age 1 and under using the montessori method.  I started my daughter out when she was 18 months.  When my son was born, be ...

Then, how old can the little baby go to the class? and also, which school is used montessori method that is good?
thanks =)
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