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教育王國 討論區 小學雜談 NO MORE
樓主: motheroffour

NO MORE [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-12-26 22:43 |只看該作者


Welcome ah Fanny.  You just registered as a bk user today (and only posted on this thread and no others) and already got a personal message from MOF. i envy you a lot .

what say i no lying?  i wont tell you what part i lie and what part i tell true.  i take piss out of MOF, just like u take piss out of a lot of people here.  

i am going on holiday tomorrow and will miss you all.  I will have a lot of friends who will post messages here.  See you after the new year.  

Rank: 2

發表於 05-12-26 23:00 |只看該作者


anxiousparent 寫道:

Welcome ah Fanny.  You just registered as a bk user today (and only posted on this thread and no others) and already got a personal message from MOF. i envy you a lot .

what say i no lying?  i wont tell you what part i lie and what part i tell true.  i take piss out of MOF, just like u take piss out of a lot of people here.  

i am going on holiday tomorrow and will miss you all.  I will have a lot of friends who will post messages here.  See you after the new year.  


you say funne things, you lie or not lie, i don't know. my c9 friend's son study in wah yan, classmate of mof's son; and she is friend with mof so introduce me to mof, i pm her to say hello and she asked me to go her house and meet her. y you suspect me and y you suspect mof also? your english is hard to understand, sometimes you say mof is not real, and sometimes you say mof is real. don't understamd you. please forgive me if i say wrong things to you.
.......please enjoy your holiday......., mof is a very nice woman and clever, you to remember this during your holiday. she is very kind-hearted, not like many persons who made fun on her. when do you back? bring some fotos to us. you very rich, go holiday on xmas, me work to make money ah, where you go ah? swisszerland, france or usa ah? Tell me when u back.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-1-2 19:25 |只看該作者

Re: No More

又要驚, 又要曬, 乜你都需要d"shame"o既警察幫故咩?  

你放心啦, 我無興趣去知你係邊個, 你只係呢個笑話中的一個主角.  我雖然學歷低, 亦有可能係你口中講果d黑社會, 不過我唔會做犯法既事, 我住緊間屋仲貴過你口中所講既紅山半島apartment, 不過如果你住 house 就可能差不多.  我話過我只有小學畢業, 不過唔等於我今日的收入少得過 Ivy Leag 的畢業生.  我唔係你唸過d爛命一條果d.

唔一定讀得書多, 英文好, 人格就高尚既.  知唔知道點解你英文咁好, 而生活得又咁唔如意, 身邊又無真正朋友的原因係乜? 同 fannycheungmc 傾下睇下有無啟示?
[img align=left]http://img7.picsplace.to/img7/25/0578-1.jpg[/img]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-1-2 19:36 |只看該作者

Re: No More

"同 fannycheungmc 傾下睇下有無啟示?"

What?  Are you asking her to talk to herself?

(by the way Fanny fank q for your interest in my holiday: I have just been come from Shenzhen with fake goods - "tut tut" MOF does not approve -
sorry for my poor english fanny i had to lower the standard in case u do not understood)

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-1-2 20:01 |只看該作者

Re: No More

anxiousparent, I know fannycheungmc is MOF.  Actually, you don't need to lower the standard when talking to fannycheungmc, because she can write good English in an other thread, and sound exactly the same as MOF:


Maybe she thought she had loged in to the account of MOF at that time.

fannycheungmc and mof posted in Three topics, this one, 塵日君並非主教而是教主, and http://www.baby-kingdom.com/modules/newbb/viewtopic.php?topic_id=493519&forum=7#8098100.  It's easy to tell that they are the same person.

[img align=left]http://img7.picsplace.to/img7/25/0578-1.jpg[/img]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-1-2 20:04 |只看該作者

Re: No More

Dear hkchina,

That sounds much better. So stop checking on me, or else you will find yourself behind bars in year 2006.

hkchina2000 寫道:
又要驚, 又要曬, 乜你都需要d"shame"o既警察幫故咩?  

你放心啦, 我無興趣去知你係邊個, 你只係呢個笑話中的一個主角.  我雖然學歷低, 亦有可能係你口中講果d黑社會, 不過我唔會做犯法既事, 我住緊間屋仲貴過你口中所講既紅山半島apartment, 不過如果你住 house 就可能差不多.  我話過我只有小學畢業, 不過唔等於我今日的收入少得過 Ivy Leag 的畢業生.  我唔係你唸過d爛命一條果d.

唔一定讀得書多, 英文好, 人格就高尚既.  知唔知道點解你英文咁好, 而生活得又咁唔如意, 身邊又無真正朋友的原因係乜? 同 fannycheungmc 傾下睇下有無啟示?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-1-2 20:22 |只看該作者

Re: No More

我有check過, 不過你吹水吹得太大, 無邊句係真既, 所以check 唔倒.  不過check倒有兩次mof 同 fannycheungmc 係用同一個 IP adress ( 上網留言, 證明係同一人.

下次可disconnect左各連線, 再 connect 返, 再用另一個account login 就無人知咖啦. 仲話自已"definitly not stupid" 添.  笑死人.
[img align=left]http://img7.picsplace.to/img7/25/0578-1.jpg[/img]

Rank: 3Rank: 3


發表於 06-1-2 20:33 |只看該作者

Re: No More

I guess we just all knew what's going on, from day one "F" appeared. It is only someone who "thinks" we don't. Isn't that pathetic? I mean, after everything she has tried so hard to do. And she made that little minor mistake --- forgot to logout and then login in another name. She did try hard to pretend to be another person. Honestly, it is not easy to write in good English but sometimes it is equally not easy to write in poor English, especially when you need to write in equally poor English in all messages. Obviously, she has shown us THAT was a difficult task.
I really feel sorry for her. Wonder what kind of life is she living. Doesn't she have better things to do? Well, maybe she is just one of those interneter who has nobody in real life and who has nothing else better to do.
She is probably so lonely that not only she does not have friends in real life to talk to, she does not even have enemies in real life to fight/argue with her.
Poor soul.

hkchina2000 寫道:
anxiousparent, I know fannycheungmc is MOF.  Actually, you don't need to lower the standard when talking to fannycheungmc, because she can write good English in an other thread, and sound exactly the same as MOF:


Maybe she thought she had loged in to the account of MOF at that time.

fannycheungmc and mof posted in Three topics, this one, 塵日君並非主教而是教主, and http://www.baby-kingdom.com/modules/newbb/viewtopic.php?topic_id=493519&forum=7#8098100.  It's easy to tell that they are the same person.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-1-2 21:25 |只看該作者

Re: No More

don't understood you ah, you used two accounts ah in the past, remembered? why you used two accounts?

hkchina2000 寫道:
我有check過, 不過你吹水吹得太大, 無邊句係真既, 所以check 唔倒.  不過check倒有兩次mof 同 fannycheungmc 係用同一個 IP adress ( 上網留言, 證明係同一人.

下次可disconnect左各連線, 再 connect 返, 再用另一個account login 就無人知咖啦. 仲話自已"definitly not stupid" 添.  笑死人.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-1-2 21:26 |只看該作者

Re: No More

who are you pals,? tell me so I can talk to them about MOF.

Darth 寫道:
I guess we just all knew what's going on, from day one "F" appeared. It is only someone who "thinks" we don't. Isn't that pathetic? I mean, after everything she has tried so hard to do. And she made that little minor mistake --- forgot to logout and then login in another name. She did try hard to pretend to be another person. Honestly, it is not easy to write in good English but sometimes it is equally not easy to write in poor English, especially when you need to write in equally poor English in all messages. Obviously, she has shown us THAT was a difficult task.
I really feel sorry for her. Wonder what kind of life is she living. Doesn't she have better things to do? Well, maybe she is just one of those interneter who has nobody in real life and who has nothing else better to do.
She is probably so lonely that not only she does not have friends in real life to talk to, she does not even have enemies in real life to fight/argue with her.
Poor soul.

hkchina2000 寫道:
anxiousparent, I know fannycheungmc is MOF.  Actually, you don't need to lower the standard when talking to fannycheungmc, because she can write good English in an other thread, and sound exactly the same as MOF:


Maybe she thought she had loged in to the account of MOF at that time.

fannycheungmc and mof posted in Three topics, this one, 塵日君並非主教而是教主, and http://www.baby-kingdom.com/modules/newbb/viewtopic.php?topic_id=493519&forum=7#8098100.  It's easy to tell that they are the same person.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-1-2 21:42 |只看該作者

Re: No More

motheroffour 寫道:
don't understood you ah, you used two accounts ah in the past, remembered? why you used two accounts?


其實我根本check 唔倒佢個 IP address, 我靜係希望佢好似依家咁"親口"承認MOF即是 fannycheungmc 嗟.  仲話自已唔係 "stupid".             

06年回港第一日就有d咁開心既事, 睇來今年應該唔會差過去年.  多謝你, MOF.
[img align=left]http://img7.picsplace.to/img7/25/0578-1.jpg[/img]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-1-2 21:57 |只看該作者


哦! 原來你以為 Joanneeee 同我係同一人, 所以就唸倒搵個fannycheungmc 出來支持下自已, 仲贊自已 is a very nice woman and clever 添, 又話去左MOF搞果個關於Oxford既talk.  哈哈哈, 真係笑死人, 仲有面係度獻世?  不如再改過個名, 如果你要求到, 我應承唔再拆穿你又點話. 你PM俾我, 我保證唔公開.

人少少問你一句, 你覺唔覺得面紅既嗟?   

fannycheungmc 寫道:
anxiousparent 寫道:

Welcome ah Fanny.  You just registered as a bk user today (and only posted on this thread and no others) and already got a personal message from MOF. i envy you a lot .

what say i no lying?  i wont tell you what part i lie and what part i tell true.  i take piss out of MOF, just like u take piss out of a lot of people here.  

i am going on holiday tomorrow and will miss you all.  I will have a lot of friends who will post messages here.  See you after the new year.  


you say funne things, you lie or not lie, i don't know. my c9 friend's son study in wah yan, classmate of mof's son; and she is friend with mof so introduce me to mof, i pm her to say hello and she asked me to go her house and meet her. y you suspect me and y you suspect mof also? your english is hard to understand, sometimes you say mof is not real, and sometimes you say mof is real. don't understamd you. please forgive me if i say wrong things to you.
.......please enjoy your holiday......., mof is a very nice woman and clever, you to remember this during your holiday. she is very kind-hearted, not like many persons who made fun on her. when do you back? bring some fotos to us. you very rich, go holiday on xmas, me work to make money ah, where you go ah? swisszerland, france or usa ah? Tell me when u back.

[img align=left]http://img7.picsplace.to/img7/25/0578-1.jpg[/img]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-1-3 01:37 |只看該作者


Thanks HKCHina200 for introducing such an hilarious and entertaining thread! I would never have a single thought about clicking this one as I hate people posting a subject which is so damn vague.

It is just like a i-soap opera hahaha

Thanks again and Happy New Year. Just take this thread with a grain of salt, don't get too serious!!

BTW, I never knew about the name Paulinians, we used to called them "Ma Kee Mui"  but we didn't mean any insult at all! Just like DG Mui , we used to call them "Chu Kee"! Even DG Mui uses this name to address each other.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-1-3 09:02 |只看該作者


lochan 寫道:
Thanks HKCHina200 for introducing such an hilarious and entertaining thread! I would never have a single thought about clicking this one as I hate people posting a subject which is so damn vague.

It is just like a i-soap opera hahaha

Thanks again and Happy New Year. Just take this thread with a grain of salt, don't get too serious!!

BTW, I never knew about the name Paulinians, we used to called them "Ma Kee Mui"  but we didn't mean any insult at all! Just like DG Mui , we used to call them "Chu Kee"! Even DG Mui uses this name to address each other.

Hey LoChan, I thought you are a La Salle Jai?

Paulinians are "Convent Mui".  "Ma Kee Mui" are girls from MSS or MCS (depending on whether you are a HK-er or Kowloon-er).  

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-1-3 11:30 |只看該作者


我在外國讀中學, 都有聽d香港來的學生話自已係"La Sa 仔", "皇仁仔" 等等.
[img align=left]http://img7.picsplace.to/img7/25/0578-1.jpg[/img]

Rank: 3Rank: 3


發表於 06-1-3 13:25 |只看該作者

Re: No More

motheroffour 寫道:
who are you pals,? tell me so I can talk to them about MOF.

唔明,請問 mof 係邊個 ?

Rank: 4

發表於 06-1-3 13:32 |只看該作者


Hi hkchina2000,

Just let her go, I think she has learned a lesson about what are the most important qualities of being an admirable person.

Factors making a person an admirable person:
1.        Being rich: 50/50
2.        Being well-educated: 50/50

3.        Being honest: 100/100
4.        Being modest: 100/100
5.        Being considerate: 100/100

If anyone has 1 and 2 without 3, 4 and 5, the chance of being an admirable person is zero.


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-1-3 13:36 |只看該作者



Buddha has said," Cannot tell, Cannot tell"

Only thing I can tell you is that I'm also from a 所謂香港名校, hahaha. Maybe you can hire a detective to search my real identity.


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-1-3 14:20 |只看該作者


Alex, 我在另一個thread度都表明左, 一般情況下, 我唔會再回應佢.

同意你所講, 而且想加一樣:  想要別人尊重自已, 自已必須先尊重別人.  如果經常對別人實行惡性的人身攻擊, 即使有個幾o力既老公, 子女讀幾有名的名校, 自已住在什麼豪宅, 經常去什麼Club 又如何呢?

alexlui 寫道:
Hi hkchina2000,

Just let her go, I think she has learned a lesson about what are the most important qualities of being an admirable person.

Factors making a person an admirable person:
1.        Being rich: 50/50
2.        Being well-educated: 50/50

3.        Being honest: 100/100
4.        Being modest: 100/100
5.        Being considerate: 100/100

If anyone has 1 and 2 without 3, 4 and 5, the chance of being an admirable person is zero.

[img align=left]http://img7.picsplace.to/img7/25/0578-1.jpg[/img]
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