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想問下德望waiting list&大約在幾時2nd in [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-11-16 10:32 |只看該作者

想問下德望waiting list&大約在幾時2nd in

有幾多人係waiting list

Rank: 1

發表於 06-11-16 10:50 |只看該作者

Re: 想問下 德望 waiting list

幾多人係 waiting list我就唔知,但係正選就只有5%。如果你係waiting list的話都不要緊,聽講(GH家長話)在11月至07年開學這段時間;校長都會call學生second in只要你的女兒有實力一定有幾會入gh。
Don't give up! I wish you to be good in the future.
Isadora 寫道:
有幾多人係waiting list

Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14

醒目開學勳章 王國長老

發表於 06-11-16 11:01 |只看該作者

Re: 想問下 德望 waiting list

我聽過有人臨開學至收到取錄通知, 我同事個大女更加係開左學, 12月至話收!
所以, 希望一定有, 努力d, 誠意幾時都加分架!!

Rank: 1

發表於 06-11-16 11:14 |只看該作者

Re: 想問下 德望 waiting list

chungyan 寫道:
幾多人係 waiting list我就唔知,但係正選就只有5%。如果你係waiting list的話都不要緊,聽講(GH家長話)在11月至07年開學這段時間;校長都會call學生second in只要你的女兒有實力一定有幾會入gh。
Don't give up! I wish you to be good in the future.[quote]
Isadora 寫道:
有幾多人係waiting list

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-11-16 11:14 |只看該作者

Re: 想問下 德望 waiting list

chungyan & Charlotte_mom

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-11-16 11:20 |只看該作者

Re: 想問下 德望 waiting list

如有second-in, 多數都收。

Rank: 4

發表於 06-11-16 11:25 |只看該作者

Re: 想問下 德望 waiting list

到第2輪大抽獎之後通常會大執位架,好多hold咗幾間私校嘅抽到咪放返啲位出嚟,有啲holder住一間直資同埋私校嘅,到要交學費同買書先決定讀邊間,所以到7、8月,甚至開學前都有機會收到取錄通知,最緊要send your letter at the right time,show吓你嘅誠意。


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-11-16 14:15 |只看該作者

Re: 想問下 德望 waiting list

How do you know, I really want to know how many to apply & why the ratio only 5% (咁少)for 正選, I've heard
before 正選收好少 & make the 2nd interview, so I phone to gh to confirm,they said they'll take 100% 正選, the others for waiting list.
I don't know what game they want to play, & why they need to pay the deposit on 17/11/2006-突然咁急, (before 20/11/2006-大日子).
I feel so sad that my girl is also one of the waiting list.
chungyan 寫道:
幾多人係 waiting list我就唔知,但係正選就只有5%。如果你係waiting list的話都不要緊,聽講(GH家長話)在11月至07年開學這段時間;校長都會call學生second in只要你的女兒有實力一定有幾會入gh。
Don't give up! I wish you to be good in the future.[quote]
Isadora 寫道:
有幾多人係waiting list

Rank: 4

發表於 06-11-16 17:48 |只看該作者

Re: 想問下 德望 waiting list


Don't be sad. Last year,  2 of my friend's girls received calls from GH right after the registration date of central allocation. They said they send only 1 letter to the headmistress in mid of May. So I think you have the chance to get the seat. Keep on !

Rank: 1

發表於 06-11-16 18:09 |只看該作者

Re: 想問下 德望 waiting list

在11月20日之前就收留位費;就可以令到心急的家長立刻交$300。如果在11月20日後才收的話;抽到好籌的家長點會交$300留位費。你抽到maryknoll convent會唔會比錢呀!總之越早收越多家長交錢。好,回應5%問題,那是gh家長答我的。second in全部由校長親自接見。waiting lists越先,越早見;機會越大。
校長在開學第一天早會說"在這裏只有少部份人未見過我,大部人都見過我" see! 大部份人在second in入gh。如果你真係好想入GH,你要比D誠意打動梁校長。佢心地真係幾好嫁,好多時留低睇學生做功課,對教育有熱誠,相信佢好願意教多一位學生的。
queen65921 寫道:
How do you know, I really want to know how many to apply & why the ratio only 5% (咁少)for 正選, I've heard
before 正選收好少 & make the 2nd interview, so I phone to gh to confirm,they said they'll take 100% 正選, the others for waiting list.
I don't know what game they want to play, & why they need to pay the deposit on 17/11/2006-突然咁急, (before 20/11/2006-大日子).
I feel so sad that my girl is also one of the waiting list.[quote]
chungyan 寫道:
幾多人係 waiting list我就唔知,但係正選就只有5%。如果你係waiting list的話都不要緊,聽講(GH家長話)在11月至07年開學這段時間;校長都會call學生second in只要你的女兒有實力一定有幾會入gh。
Don't give up! I wish you to be good in the future.[quote]
Isadora 寫道:
有幾多人係waiting list

Rank: 2

發表於 06-11-16 21:31 |只看該作者

Re: 想問下 德望 waiting list

Dear Parent,

My daughter is now studying P.2 in GHS.  
She was also in waiting list last year and was admitted to GHS in August 2005.  As you know there may be many parents give up if they have other choice.  So I think the chance to admit into GHS from the waiting list is very high.

By the way, I'm quiet appreciate the teaching attitude of this school though I heard a lot of bad news of GHS (especiall in Baby Kingdom).  I think if the girl is matched with this school, she can get many things from GHS (besides the academic achievement).  

Snoopy MUM

Rank: 1

發表於 06-11-16 21:57 |只看該作者

Re: 想問下 德望 waiting list

chungyan 寫道:
在11月20日之前就收留位費;就可以令到心急的家長立刻交$300。如果在11月20日後才收的話;抽到好籌的家長點會交$300留位費。你抽到maryknoll convent會唔會比錢呀!總之越早收越多家長交錢。好,回應5%問題,那是gh家長答我的。second in全部由校長親自接見。waiting lists越先,越早見;機會越大。
校長在開學第一天早會說"在這裏只有少部份人未見過我,大部人都見過我" see! 大部份人在second in入gh。如果你真係好想入GH,你要比D誠意打動梁校長。佢心地真係幾好嫁,好多時留低睇學生做功課,對教育有熱誠,相信佢好願意教多一位學生的。[quote]
queen65921 寫道:
How do you know, I really want to know how many to apply & why the ratio only 5% (咁少)for 正選, I've heard
before 正選收好少 & make the 2nd interview, so I phone to gh to confirm,they said they'll take 100% 正選, the others for waiting list.
I don't know what game they want to play, & why they need to pay the deposit on 17/11/2006-突然咁急, (before 20/11/2006-大日子).
I feel so sad that my girl is also one of the waiting list.[quote]
chungyan 寫道:
幾多人係 waiting list我就唔知,但係正選就只有5%。如果你係waiting list的話都不要緊,聽講(GH家長話)在11月至07年開學這段時間;校長都會call學生second in只要你的女兒有實力一定有幾會入gh。
Don't give up! I wish you to be good in the future.[quote]
Isadora 寫道:
有幾多人係waiting list

學校應知道很多家長會在大抽獎後會放棄學位, 那我更不明白為何校長只選5%正選而大量備取?起碼也取錄所有正選而將所有學位填滿, 就算將來放棄也不至再做咁多工夫找學生. 故我真不明白校長的理念?若她喜歡見學生及參予面試 , 那為何不在第一次就直接面見?愈想愈不明白, 可否有高人告知, 謝謝.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-11-16 22:00 |只看該作者

Re: 想問下 德望 waiting list

snoopy_mum :
妳囡今年p.2我好想知妳囡讀得開心嗎...我見gh每班收40幾人好多 會唔會有d小朋友跟唔上...學校有冇要求小朋友要幾多分 如果唔達摽會唔會要小朋友退學   

Rank: 1

發表於 06-11-16 22:06 |只看該作者

Re: 想問下 德望 waiting list

so actually how many children apply GH?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-11-16 23:54 |只看該作者

Re: 想問下 德望 waiting list

Hi queen65921,

Do u mean except those already accepted girls, all others are in waiting list and no reject list.  If this is the true, then there are many many girls are also waiting.     

Rank: 2

發表於 06-11-17 00:37 |只看該作者

Re: 想問下 德望 waiting list

During the interview, I talked to a teacher and asked about how many applicants this year.  She said around 800 something, after 1997, every year is around that figure.  Except last year, all the class is full, Max 45 in a class & 5 classes, total 225.  Before that was around 40-42 per class, which means not full. Cos last year was a year of dragon.  The chance to get accept is 1 out of 4 this year.  I thought the chance for my daughter is quite high, but end up on waiting list, so disappointed.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-11-17 00:58 |只看該作者

Re: 想問下 德望 waiting list

My daughter is so lucky and we have received advice that she has been accepted for GHS in 07. Don't worry so much that your daughter is on the waiting list. Heard that in the past years, lots of girls were accepted from the waiting list. Those who were accepted in the first round might have lots of choices and chances for them to release their place is very high.

One thing I would suggest for the waiting list girls is to write a letter to the head principal to show her your thankfulness to be accepted as waitinglist and really hope the school will consider your daughter later and confirm her application. The chances of acceptance later will be much higher, trust me...then if your girl has a good school report card for K3 1st term, or other awards/certs, do attach them to impress the school.

Well after Nov 17, trust me lots of waitinglist will be confirmed.

Good luck to all waiting list.  
If friends were flowers, I will pick a bunch of you!

Rank: 4

發表於 06-11-17 02:22 |只看該作者

Re: 想問下 德望 waiting list

For further information regarding GH, please go to a title of:  收到德望取錄通知書

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-11-17 10:20 |只看該作者

Re: 想問下 德望 waiting list

仲想問下大家知唔知,如果有機會second in 會大約在幾時呀!!!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-11-17 11:55 |只看該作者

Re: 想問下 德望 waiting list

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