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教育王國 討論區 二手市場 出售DSE課本 F.4-6 (core + sci subjects)
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出售DSE課本 F.4-6 (core + sci subjects) [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 12-7-17 18:40 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
本帖最後由 EL1234 於 12-8-9 02:02 編輯

For those who are interested, please PM. Trading on Kwung Tong Line is prefered.
All are 80 - 90% new, except items 19 and 20.
Books in RED = SOLD

1. Longman - NSS Mathematics in Action Book 4A (Compulsory Part)(Modular Binding)(with Learning CD-ROM 4A and Revision Handbook 4A) ($95)

2. Longman - NSS Mathematics in Action Book 4B (Compulsory Part)(Modular Binding)(with Learning CD-ROM 4B and Revision Handbook 4B)

3. Longman - NSS Mathematics in Action Book 5A (Compulsory Part)(Modular Binding)(with Learning CD-ROM 5A and Revision Handbook 5A) ($95)

Maths Ex.
Pan Lioyd Publishing - HKDSE Maths MC Questions (Compulsory Part)(With Solution Guide) (98% new)

4. Oxford - NSS Physics at Work 2 - Force and Motion (For Physics)(with Free Examination Handbook 1) ($110)

5. Oxford - NSS Physics at Work - Practical Workbook 2 ($40)

6. Oxford - NSS Physics at Work 3A - Wave Motion I (For Physics & Combined Science) ($50)

7. Oxford - NSS Physics at Work 3B - Wave Motion II (For Physics & Combined Science) ($80)

8. Oxford - NSS Physics at Work - Practical Workbook 3A ($18)

9. Oxford - NSS Physics at Work - Practical Workbook 3B ($30)

10. Oxford - NSS Physics at Work 4 - Electricity and Magnetism(For Physics & Combined Science) (with Free Examination Handbook 2) (SOLD)

11. Oxford - NSS Physics at Work - Practical Workbook 4 ($45)

12. Oxford - NSS Physics at Work 5 - Radioactivity and Nuclear Energy (For Physics) (SOLD)

13. Oxford - NSS Physics at Work - Practical Workbook 5 ($12)

14. Oxford - NSS Physics at Work E2 - Atomic World ($70)

15. Oxford - NSS Physics at Work E3 - Energy and Use of Energy (SOLD)

16. Aristo - HKDSE Chemistry A Modern View Experimental Workbook 2 ($35)

17. Aristo - HKDSE Chemistry A Modern View Experimental Workbook 3 ($35)

18. Aristo - HKDSE Chemistry A Modern View Experimental Workbook 4 ($40)

19. Aristo - HKDSE Chemistry A Modern View Experimental Workbook 5 (100% new) ($20)

20. Aristo - HKDSE Chemistry A Modern View Experimental Workbook 7 (100% new) ($50)

21. 香港教育圖書 - 新高中中國語文新編 第一冊 ($90)

22. 香港教育圖書 - 新高中中國語文新編 第二冊 ($90)

23. 香港教育圖書 - 新高中中國語文新編 第四冊 ($90)

24. 啟思 - 新高中中國語文 選修單元五 新聞與報道 時人時事寫真 ($40)

English Language
25. Longman - Longman Elect Theme Book ($50)

26. Oxford - Thematic Anthology 1 (Set B) ($60)

27. Star Publishing - Star Summit Electives - Social Issue ($53)

28. Star Publishing - Star Summit Electives - Drama ($53)

Below are LS textbooks and all are 2009 1st Edition. $35 each.
29. Manhattan - Liberal Studies in Life Senior Forms 1 (With Learning Focus, Issue Explorer and Exam Practice)

30. Manhattan - Liberal Studies in Life Senior Forms 2 (With Learning Focus, Issue Explorer and Exam Practice)

31. Manhattan - Liberal Studies in Life Senior Forms 3 (With Learning Focus, Issue Explorer and Exam Practice)

32. Manhattan - Liberal Studies in Life Senior Forms 4 (With Learning Focus, Issue Explorer and Exam Practice)

33. Manhattan - Liberal Studies in Life Senior Forms 5 (With Learning Focus, Issue Explorer and Exam Practice)

34. Manhattan - Liberal Studies in Life Senior Forms 6 (With Learning Focus and Issue Explorer)

   0    0    0    0

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 12-7-18 21:10 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 EL1234 於 12-7-23 16:00 編輯

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 12-7-19 13:16 |只看該作者
7. Oxford - NSS Physics at Work 3B - Wave Motion II (For Physics & Combined Science)
- % new, how much, with free exam handbook 1?
Pls send email to [email protected]

Rank: 4

發表於 12-7-19 17:47 |只看該作者
回復 EL1234 的帖子

4. Oxford - NSS Physics at Work 2 - Force and Motion (For Physics)(with Free Examination Handbook 1)  麻煩請pm我幾錢.


Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 12-7-19 21:29 |只看該作者
7. Oxford - NSS Physics at Work 3B - Wave Motion II (For Physics & Combined Science)
10. Oxford - NSS Physics at Work 4 - Electricity and Magnetism(For Physics & Combined Science) (with Free Examination Handbook 2)
12. Oxford - NSS Physics at Work 5 - Radioactivity and Nuclear Energy (For Physics)

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 12-7-23 16:08 |只看該作者

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 12-7-25 18:47 |只看該作者
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