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教育王國 討論區 特殊教育 pls help icanhear can u give some advise of my case?
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[聽/語障] pls help icanhear can u give some advise of my case? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-4-8 22:32 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
hello, icanhear , can u give me some advise?

my bb is now 25 month, we have been one test (VAR)at 政府last month (when he is 2 year old) , the result is

"Bilateral mild to moderate grade high frequency hearing loss, likely sensorineural in nature"

VRA with insert earphones (minimum presertation level at 20 DBHL)

the audiogram show overall hearing level are around 20 DBHL - 30 DBHL,but when it is 4k-8k (frequency Hz) , the hearing level change to 40DBHL - 50 DBHL for both ears

my son is very cooperate in this test, the audiologist also said thetest result is consisten with  the previous test since new born , butshe said it is nothing can do for my son, no need to wear any ear phoneor attend training.

Dear icanhear, what advise u can give me? the audiologist said it ismild case for my son, he can be same as normal people, nothing impacton his learning and communication ......

is that true? what I need to do next ... thanks!!!
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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-4-22 18:47 |只看該作者
why icanhear didnt reply me? : O

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-5-21 20:00 |只看該作者
I am really sorry. I finally have time and information to come back to you. I did some research for you on your case....

"the audiologist said it is mild case for my son, he can be same as normal people, nothing impact on his learning and communication ...... " 這個是不對的。既然有弱聽, 即係比其他正常聽力的小朋友聽得少左, 又怎會不影響到學習?學習就需要良好的聽覺, 沒有良好的聽覺, 就會影響學習。問題是, 影響到什麼程度?

較正確的說法, 因為程度是輕度, 所以你的小朋友在大部份時間都會聽到。不過,當在嘈吵的環境 (即有旁邊有人在對話、開了電視或收音機等等), 你的小朋友就會聽得較不清楚, 高音弱聽 (4k-8k), 就是聽s音時會較弱,例如會將”食”聽為”滴”….在學習語言時, 尤其是英文, s音就更加重要 (3rd person singular, plurals, possessive, etc)。在網上找來一篇文章是講高音弱聽的…你可以看看…

高音外語 學極唔識


[ 本帖最後由 icanhear 於 09-5-21 20:08 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-5-21 20:07 |只看該作者
因為小朋友太細, 我會有以下建議:

1.          Consistently monitor hearing level, once per half year or per year

2.          Be careful of middle ear infections which would future minimize hearing

3.          Attend intervention programs learning effective communication strategies with your child. (Auditory-verbal training)

4.          Learn developmental milestones of development, monitor the children’s development

5.          Monitor her listening skills at home

6.          Communicate with school teachers about child’s hearing loss. Arrange for preferial seating (always sit in the front row)

7.          Always maintain a good listening environment and minimize noise when communicating or learning

8.          Consider hearing instrument (e.g. hearing aid and/or FM system) if the child’s hearing is not adequate for learning.


[ 本帖最後由 icanhear 於 09-5-21 20:14 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-6-30 02:00 |只看該作者
多謝你的建議,哪你認為我個仔個情況有需要佩戴助聽器嗎? 現在我已 0.5 年做檢查

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-7-3 22:07 |只看該作者

若可以, 試做play audiometry (聽聲放物), 結果可能會比VRA準確一點。而且兩歲多應該完全可以有能力做到準確結果。

助聽器方面, 最好根據你小朋友Play audiometry的result 再決定。另外, 語言發展如何, 有沒有/f/ 及/s/音的發音? 如"花" "火" "四" "蛇"...etc.

[ 本帖最後由 icanhear 於 09-7-3 22:08 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-7-6 00:03 |只看該作者
多謝你的意見,我個仔最近兩次做測驗,都係左右頭轉跟sound方向, 結果如上

我下次做測驗是12月, 你認為我個情況有需要去私家check?

我個仔而家28個月,講野算OK, "花, 火,... " 都講到 ...
有時天空有aeroplane 經過都話比我知
我因為上次政府聽力專家及一個耳鼻喉醫生而話我個仔唔需要用機,除非情況差了, 所以我先放心 .....
而家聽你講, 開始擔心了......

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-7-6 22:02 |只看該作者
28個月...絕對可以做play audiometry了...

不如你試下搵峰力check check...政府唔係完全唔可信, 不過永遠都係搵多個意見好...我o係度都好難比到實質意見你...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-7-7 16:06 |只看該作者
我已幫你問了問言語治療師朋友。她說, 要看看小朋友的言語發展才確定...

小朋友若要40-50 dB才聽到4-8k, 即是有可能會聽漏/s/ 音(遠距離, 講者講得快, 有噪音環境下), 因為/s/音是太約5k 的, 而且是輕音
但由於你的小朋友只有28個月, 有可能未識發/s/音的字
(有25% 正常小朋友在4歲仍未能發出/s/音的字, 如三, 四, 沙, 思, 鎖, 蛇)

所以..未必是戴不戴機的問題, 而是早一點取多一點意見, 為小朋友將來的復康治療、教育安排打算一下


[ 本帖最後由 icanhear 於 09-7-7 21:27 編輯 ]

Rank: 1

發表於 10-7-1 10:10 |只看該作者


Don't worry, as far as I know, our speech range is mainly from 500 - 2kHz, of course those /s/ or /th/ sound may go all the way to 4k Hz, but your baby is just mild to moderate impairment in high tone, so basically the speech development should be ok without any hearing aid.

I do not suggest you to consult too many centres, it just make you and your baby more anxious without any practical help. If you find your baby has normal speech development, just stick to the government audiologist and ENT doctor, their advises should be more neutral.

It's not a matter of money, but unnecessary consultation may not be good to your baby.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-7-3 00:15 |只看該作者
對你說的"your baby is JUST mild to moderate impairment in high tone, so basically the speech development should be ok without any hearing aid."有所保留。想問問, 你覺得什麼為之"Basically OK"?

言語的範圍是250 Hz至8000 Hz. /s/音對語言的理解非常重要, 包括中文及英文。聽不到4000 Hz的人, 將會分不清很多字, 例如會混淆/先/及/天/, 可能會將"我頭先去廁所"說成"我頭天去廁躲"。這樣是否叫做"Basically ok"? 對於學習英文有更大的負面影響。

高音弱聽的小朋友並不是必定要戴機, 亦不代表一定不用戴機。若他叻, 可以追及正常小朋友, 那樣當然好, 不用戴。但當弱聽影響小朋友的說話能力,又怎樣呢?所以先有一個準確的聽覺測試結果, 及根據小朋友的語言及言語發展才可以有一個肯定的答案。

而有關聽覺測試。從不少家長的口中得知, 政府"有時候"在聽覺跟進方面較慢。由於小朋友的聽覺非常重要, 若政府醫院不能給予一個肯定的診斷, 或是家長聽覺測試結果有所懷疑, 我會建議去另一個聽覺中心或私人醫院再驗一次。因為及早診斷弱聽對於小朋友有重大的意義。聽不清, 就說不清。越遲發現弱聽對小朋友的影響越大, 將來要面對的學習困難亦更大, 復康過程亦更難。

所以, 家長們。若你對小朋友的聽覺有懷疑, 就請早一點帶你的小朋友做測試。政府醫院有時候要等上幾個月才可以安排到聽覺測試, 小朋友就有機會在這幾個月內一直聽得不清楚, 多可憐!

[ 本帖最後由 icanhear 於 10-7-5 19:52 編輯 ]
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