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教育王國 討論區 保良局蔡繼有學校 PLK CKY能培養學生變得主動和presentable,還是.. ...
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PLK CKY能培養學生變得主動和presentable,還是.. [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-9-1 14:39 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
Dear PLK CKY parents,

學校培養學生變得主動和presentable,還是主動和presentable的小朋友才應入PLK CKY呢?

I always have the above question in mind!

My kid is clever but a bit timid. He has lots of ideas in mind but a bit shy to express them out bravely and is not fond of presenting things in front of people.  While I know he could be polished to overcome the weakness, I am concerned if PLK CKY is suitable for him.

Assuming his is lucky to get in 2009/10, I wonder which of the following will be more likely in the learning environment of CKY:

1. as all classmates might be outspoken, active and not shy, he may find himself isolated and refuse to express himself.

2. he is impacted by all his peers and become outspoken, bold to speak out and present his ideas in front of a big audience.

Please share your views on this. I don't wish to put my son in the wrong place though I am sure CKY is a very very very good school!!!

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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-9-1 15:36 |只看該作者

仍記得他小一時,英語老師評他的聲線「very soft voice」,中文老師又會形容他文靜。鬼咩,一來人新路不熟,二來又唔識講「煲冬瓜」,梗係寧願講少句啦。

到二年級,英語老師的評語是「有自信,及勇於表達,經常想show off 自己的認知」,而中文老師反饋他願意對自己懂得的問題舉手作答。





[ 本帖最後由 kyliema2006 於 08-9-1 15:38 編輯 ]

Rank: 4

發表於 08-9-2 22:05 |只看該作者
Hi Ferriswheel,

My girl is now studying in Y2.  She was a shy girl in her kindergarden life.  The words "quiet", "shy", "not particpate" were always seen in her shool reports.  Both my husband & I knew that she could read well in local school since she was very "attentive and quiet" in class.  But, we chose CKY and we did a right choice.

Now, she is a "confident", "cheerful", "active joining in class discussion", "not hesitate to seek help" girl in teacher's eyes.

I think her change is due to the "positive encouraging" environment provided by CKY.

Rank: 1

發表於 08-9-3 09:10 |只看該作者
原帖由 睡美人 於 08-9-2 22:05 發表
Hi Ferriswheel,

My girl is now studying in Y2.  She was a shy girl in her kindergarden life.  The words "quiet", "shy", "not particpate" were always seen in her shool reports.  Both my husband & I kn ...

Hi 睡美人 or other Y2 or above mums,

My boy is Y1. He is also a shy boy and behave the same as your girl. I agreed with you that they can do well in traditional school because of the characters, attentive and follow all the rules. That's also the reason I choose CKY - Chinese style "international" school.

In respect of languages teaching quality, all the classes will be conducted by English or PTH since Y2. For PTH, are they speak "Beijing" or "Taiwanese" PTH? Which publishers' book were usually used? I can hardly find good quality chinese reading books to my boy and the variety is very limited. How's the student standard?


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-9-3 09:55 |只看該作者
Dear LeungJ,





原帖由 LeungJ 於 08-9-3 09:10 發表

Hi 睡美人 or other Y2 or above mums,

My boy is Y1. He is also a shy boy and behave the same as your girl. I agreed with you that they can do well in traditional school because of the characters, at ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-9-3 11:29 |只看該作者
Dear All,

Thanks for all your feedback so far.  

This is a relief to me if I will try CKY as well.  

Btw, do you think the school fee of CKY will surge like rocket soon?  Next year would be HK$50000+ per year............cannot imagine for the 12th year....

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-9-3 11:33 |只看該作者
One more enquiry:

1. Given some of your kids are also a bit shy and introvert, that means PLK CKY does not necessarily only pick up those super-active and outspoken kids during the interviews?  Am I right?  Do you think it would no longer be so given higher competitiveness these years?  

2.  Did your kid go to CKY at 5 yrs or 6 yrs old?  I know some kids get admitted at 5 yrs old. I did not try that for fear that my kid would be too 'bb' to be interviewed at K2.

3.  How do CKY train kids to recognise Chinese words? Just by reading Chinese books or by some calligraphy classes?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-9-3 14:53 |只看該作者


原帖由 ferriswheel 於 08-9-3 11:33 發表
One more enquiry:

1. Given some of your kids are also a bit shy and introvert, that means PLK CKY does not necessarily only pick up those super-active and outspoken kids during the interviews?  Am I  ...

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 08-9-3 18:39 |只看該作者
小兒也是一個較害羞的孩子, that's why I am looking for a school where can train him up on being proactive.  The school fee of CKY is the only reason I am hesitated.
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