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高度敏感的孩子highlysensitivechild [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-9-17 23:50 |只看該作者



A Parent's Questionnaire  (from Elaine N.Aron, Ph. D所寫的"The highly sensitive Child" 一書(香港都買得到架﹗)

Instructions: Please answer each question as best as you can. Check answer if it is true or at least moderately true of your child, or was for a substantial time in the past. Leave unchecked if it has not been very true of your child, or was never at all true.

My child:
1.startles easily.
2.complains about scratchy clothing, seams in socks, or labels against his/her skin.
3.doesn't usually enjoy big surprises.
4.learns better from a gentle correction than strong punishment.
5.seems to read my mind.
6.uses big words for his/her age.
7.notices the slightest unusual odor.
8.has a clever sense of humor.
9.seems very intuitive.
10.is hard to get to sleep after an exciting day.
11.doesn't do well with big changes.
12.wants to change clothes if wet or sandy.
13.asks lots of questions.
14.is a perfectionist.
15.notices the distress of others.
16.prefers quiet play.
17.asks deep, thought-provoking questions.
18.is very sensitive to pain.
19.is bothered by noisy places.
20.notices subtleties (something that's been moved, a change in a person's appearance, etc.)
21.considers if it is safe before climbing high.
22.performs best when strangers aren't present.
23.feels things deeply.

If  you answered true to 13ormore, your child is probably highly sensitive. But no psychological test is so accurate that you should base how you treat your child on it. If only one or two questions are true of your child, but they are exremely true, you might also be justified in calling your child highly sensitive.

根據作者所云(她是a research psychologist as well as a licensed clinical psychologist)﹕the information you will find in her book is based on solid evidence. In fact, it has
been studied for fifty years in infants and children but described in other terms, such as low sensory threshold, innate shyness, introversion, fearfulness, inhibitedness, negativity, or timidity. So one could say that the basic reason for this book is that the trait needed renaming, especially when the old terms are applied to children. And in renaming it , we gain not only a more accurate description but new ways to think about our sensitive children.

她之前出版的書the highly sensitive person, became a best-seller and has been translated into Dutch, Japanese, Chinese, Greek, and Polish so far.我中英文版也有,而hsc則是在2002年出版,都頗新,所以仲未找到中文版。




「對弱者的同情往往變成對強者的仇恨,我們尤其要學會如何將這種愚蠢的傾向昇華。」 ---馬斯洛,<<人本心理學>>

Rank: 1

發表於 04-9-21 00:59 |只看該作者

Re: 高度敏感的孩子highlysensitivechild

it seems you are very interested in "HSP" ... i guess you are trying to find proof or recognition to show that HSP = Gifted Person ..... but be careful ... not to be obssessive about such kind of term/label.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-9-21 14:06 |只看該作者

Re: 高度敏感的孩子highlysensitivechild

     我不大明白你的意思是甚麼,但我想應 不是如你所想的那樣的,HSP並不是代表GIFTED,我根本很清楚,冇須證明﹗hsp在人口中佔15%-20%,難道gifted也是這個比例嗎?


     anyway,我還是不明白你真正的意思是甚麼? (
我也不知道為何對hsp那樣奇怪,外國對這個term已很普遍認識,香港很多事情都較別人慢半拍的,真的不用那樣奇怪。好似資優,也是近年才在香港 "定名"來定義gifted。

      "according to my own scientifid research and professional experience as well as that of many others who have studied this trait under different, less accurate labels, your child has a normal variation in innate human temperament..... "
希望你明白,這個你完全不認識的term已令無數人從depressed 中得到安慰和自信心。如果我要證明甚麼,只是想說出很多有心理性抑鬱者都很可能是hsp而不是證明hsp=gifted。

另外,我其實是想分享我對知道hsc/hsp的欣喜而已,而我還不知道甚麼是gifted的時候,早在十多年前唸書時已對心理學和" 人"很有興趣,我跑去社工系(我是唸文學的)修了一科心理學概論,還取了全班八十多人之冠,並不是炫耀甚麼,我也真的不是gifted,只想說明我對心理方面真的很有興趣,冇機會讀心理有關的研究,但我好想有人可以和我分分享討論。僅此而已。.........我真的很想哭呢......覺得自己是笨蛋似的.....



「對弱者的同情往往變成對強者的仇恨,我們尤其要學會如何將這種愚蠢的傾向昇華。」 ---馬斯洛,<<人本心理學>>

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-9-21 14:18 |只看該作者

Re: 高度敏感的孩子highlysensitivechild


A highly sensitive child

A highly sensitive child is one of the fifteen to twenty percent of children born with a nervous system that is highly aware and quick to react to everything. This makes them quick to grasp subtle changes, prefer to reflect deeply before acting, and generally behave conscientiously. They are also easily overwhelmed by high levels of stimulation, sudden changes, and the emotional distress of others. Because children are a blend of a number of temperament traits, some HSCs are fairly difficult--active, emotionally intense, demanding, and persistent--while others are calm, turned inward, and almost too easy to raise except when they are expected to join a group of children they do not know. But outspoken and fussy or reserved and obedient, all HSCs are sensitive to their emotional and physical environment.

Is my child highly sensitive?
One way to know is to complete the online questionnaire 'Is Your Child Highly Sensitive?', which also provides a good sense of what is meant by a "highly sensitive child." The items come from a longer list given to over a hundred parents and then statistically selected to best identify HSCs. It is one way to know if a child is highly sensitive, but not always accurate for a given child. Another way to know is to read more about the trait and decide for yourself.

So, what now?
First, appreciate that this is a wonderful trait. It is no illness or syndrome. Nor is it something new I made up or "just discovered." It is an inborn temperament or style that is found in about twenty percent of children and of nearly all animals. Anything so persistent is not abnormal. It represents a strategy of taking everything into account before acting (the other, more common innate strategy is to act quickly and be first, then think later). The trait serves an important purpose for the individual sensitive person and for the larger society--for example, sensitive persons sense danger and see the consequences of an action before others do.

Unfortunately, the trait has been somewhat misunderstood in our culture, so that most psychologists and parents tend to see only one aspect of some sensitive children and call this trait shyness, inhibitedness, fearfulness, fussiness, or "hyper" sensitivity. If one could see inside the mind of a sensitive child, however, one would learn the whole story of what is going on--creativity, intuition, surprising wisdom, empathy for others...

But, for all of that to blossom, they absolutely must be raised with understanding. Otherwise, as adults they are prone to depression, anxiety, and shyness.

So, the second "what now" might be to read The Highly Sensitive Child. I wrote this book because so many adults were telling me that their childhoods were excruciatingly difficult, even when their parents had the best intentions, because no one knew how to raise them. Parents and teachers told them there were "too sensitive" or "too shy" or "too intense." They tried to change and could not, and so felt increasingly isolated or ashamed. My hope is to spare some children such unnecessary suffering and the world the waste of so much talent, because HSCs have a tremendous amount to offer the world. But they do need special handling. They need to be appreciated, to have their special needs and sometimes intense reactions and behaviors understood, and, when correction is needed, they need to be handled with special care so that they do not become anxious or ashamed of their failure.

This book is rooted in years of my experience as a psychotherapist and consultant to HSPs and parents of HSCs, plus interviews with parents, teachers, and HSCs themselves for the book. Then there are my experiences from my fumbling efforts to raise an HSC before I knew what that was. And there's what I know from having been an HSC myself.

Again, few parents and teachers understand this trait-–and as a result, HSCs are often mislabeled as "problem children" (and in some cases, misdiagnosed with disorders such as Attention Deficit Disorder). But raised with proper understanding and care, HSCs are no more prone to problems than nonsensitive children and can grow up to be happy, healthy, unusually well-adjusted and creative adults.

  :-|  :
「對弱者的同情往往變成對強者的仇恨,我們尤其要學會如何將這種愚蠢的傾向昇華。」 ---馬斯洛,<<人本心理學>>

Rank: 1

發表於 04-9-21 15:09 |只看該作者

Re: 高度敏感的孩子highlysensitivechild

Hi faith,

The terms HSP or HSC and the checklist you posted are not new to me.  I came across this terms in the past and have idea about it ......so .... I do know what you were talking about.

That was only my wild guess in my last post.  If it's not correct, please don't feel offended.  If you do, you have my apology!

Many people around me are sensitive.  I think being sensitive is an ordinary "trait" in human beings. But again, I would like to say ..... be careful with "labelling" or "stereotyping".

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-9-21 20:23 |只看該作者

Re: 高度敏感的孩子highlysensitivechild

Dear Gamermom,

這類人其實一早已被LABEL了很多負面的TERM “神經兮兮” , “緊張”, “膽小”, “麻煩”、“怕羞”、 “ 敏感”、 “怪胎” 、 “孤僻” 、 “愛哭鬼”......相信冇人喜歡這些LABEL吧?

我節錄這些資料也 "只"是想提供給一些有類似敏感孩子的家長參考而已,或有興趣的人士,可以大家分享照顧這類孩子或自己本身就是這類人要如何和孩子相處。

並非要label甚麼,真的不明白自己做錯甚麼,如果是有問題的話,香港應不會准進口這類書吧?也不會翻譯做幾種語言,應該給人禁制---"妖言惑眾...甚麼邪說理論",我真不知道為何有咁 "大不了"

其實我也並不在意甚麼label,雖然覺得蠻不錯(正如你說我好 “標青”我當然會喜歡一樣,也喜歡自己在九型人格中所屬型格,即使別人討厭這型格) 。
其實單是 “敏感”兩個字就已是一個label, “害羞”、內向、外向、友善、善良等也是label。
而hsp你可以只是形容某個人其有高度敏感的特質,而不是當成甚麼label或term,正如其字面解釋(高度敏感的人),並不是任何 DISORDER或病名。我只是想分享對於這類少數人的敏感特質及生存之道的一些很有用的研究吧了。

Elaine 在書中說出﹕This book(HSP) involves seeing yourself as having a trait common to many . That is , it labels you. The advantages are that you can feel normal and can feel normal and benefit from the experience ane research of others. But any laabel misses your uniquenes. HSPs are each utterly different, even with their common trait. Please remind yourself of that as you proceed.

“ I have been trying to find out who I am and what I can do. Many of the situations described in the book I find fit my situation...I wish I could send (it to) everyone I know and have known.”
----C. m., Riverside, CA

“ i cannot thank you enough for the inner peace your book has given me!” ---S. P., Sacramento, CA

“First, let me express my deep gratitude to you if I can. I have just finished reading your book....You have truly given me hope for a new life at the age of 52. I hardly know how to express the comfort and joy I have received from you....Once again, thank you, thank you, thank you!”
---J.M., N        ew York, NY

“ This book has opened my eyes to the fact that I am not alone in my sensitivity and that it is OKto be this way.....I’ve always felt that there was something wrong with me.....It has given me tremendous insight....So thank you for your research and your words of encouragement. They ‘ve both been a blessing,” ---M.G., Belle River, Ontario (Canada)

如果我不是知道了 hsc(你把它說這個孩子很敏感也可以,不要在意甚麼label),我便會和一般人一樣覺得我孩子古怪、難侍候、脾氣差、膽小,和別人不同,太緊張,甚至誤以為他是自閉,因為已有兩位幼稚園主任懷疑他是自閉了,搞到我都以為可能係。而且才一個快四歲的孩子,叫他去街都話唔去,叫你自己去,他說不怕 “狼叔叔”找上門 ,他不會開門給牠,叫我和他爸爸自己去,留他一人在家。

可能我找錯分享的地方吧??早在我決定發表時已想過自己會變成 “大笨蛋”, 沒有人會理會我在發嗡瘋....但得出你個人這樣的論點就更是傷心。我在英文yahoo加入了hsc(給家長)和hspbook(有七百多個members來自不同地區)的group,但都是用英文,我的英文不好,難於表達,令我苦惱了很久,想在香港若有人可以和我分享有多好。但結果如我所料.....對不起,我並沒有很生氣,只是很沮喪吧了﹗希望你也不要介意﹗


:cry:  :cry:

「對弱者的同情往往變成對強者的仇恨,我們尤其要學會如何將這種愚蠢的傾向昇華。」 ---馬斯洛,<<人本心理學>>

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-9-22 07:04 |只看該作者

Re: 高度敏感的孩子highlysensitivechild





     和你分享一點我作為一個極敏感的人的一些經歷(我不用hsp這term)) ,來說出為何知道"敏感"是禮物,是正常不是咀咒所帶來的欣喜。
       一出世我便是個愛哭鬼,日哭夜哭,又難侍候,大人以為是甚麼鬼怪導致我哭,外婆去黃大仙求了道符貼在我床仔上 "驅邪";玩輸了或猜輸了也常發脾氣走去。因為說話太細聲,老師要見家長----上堂我聽不到你女兒回答些甚麼﹗
       很多時睡覺都一堆夢,迂迴曲折,夢中人的樣貌、食物的味道、事物的顏色、氣味,都非常清晰鮮明,情節有如在拍電影(我會把精彩的夢寫出黎),這也困擾著我,因為會很影響我情緒,白天也會很疲累。我還覺得發咁多 "精彩" 一定是自己有甚麼精神問題了。
 HSPs know all about being "too tired to sleep" They are actually too frazzled to sleep........sensitive children seem to hav fewer periods of deep, imperturable sleep. And once awake, they have greater difficulty going back  to sleep.

"    個性較追求完美"內向" "膽小" "被動" ,情緒顯得壓

以上一大堆當時對我來說都是負面label (terms),自我形象就更低啦。最近卻嚇然..又驚又喜地發現elaine卻把這些負面變成正常,我想任誰都寧可 要"小心"被別人label了那些負面 terms,而不是正面的hsp term吧?。
我介紹了給一些朋友甚至自己妹妹,原來大家都有一些共同敏感的特徵和不為人知的 "自卑" (覺得自己就如外人所認為的古怪、麻煩和某程度的"自閉"),只是大家的敏感程度不一樣而已。
         敏感是很普遍,但其實也有強度之分,而個體在極敏感的心理和生理狀態下所面對的困擾和不適甚至痛苦不是非敏感者可以體會的。所以我才咁想把hsp(不要用label or term來看)的共同可能有特徵和 "生存"技巧 介紹給 高度敏感的人和有這些孩子的家長,而不是非hsp。



「對弱者的同情往往變成對強者的仇恨,我們尤其要學會如何將這種愚蠢的傾向昇華。」 ---馬斯洛,<<人本心理學>>

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-10-2 18:52 |只看該作者

Re: 高度敏感的孩子highlysensitivechild

Dear faith,

Thank you for sharing this topic. I haven't finished reading your information yet. But I just want to tell you that I know what you are talking about.

I also felt very excited when I found books on highly sensitive people and child. :    :

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-10-14 15:04 |只看該作者

Re: 高度敏感的孩子highlysensitivechild

hello, faith,
i'm smalle, do u still remember me?
I lost the website of the yahoo group u make,
can u show it here again?


By the way, does ur son go back to school?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-10-14 17:42 |只看該作者

Re: 高度敏感的孩子highlysensitivechild

pls check pm.

Rank: 2

發表於 04-10-14 18:01 |只看該作者

Re: 高度敏感的孩子highlysensitivechild

hi faith,

thanks for your sharing and it really inspired me, I guess I'm a sensitive person, and so do my elder son. however, I just don't know how to raise him up, as he's making so many trouble ! I need to try hard to learn.
I'd come across the book "Your Spirited Child", with quite similar aspect, have you heard about it ?

I haven't finish reading all your message, but will do so !

thank you !

Teach us to number our days aright,  that we may gain a heart of wisdom. Psalm 90:12

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-10-20 00:01 |只看該作者

Re: 高度敏感的孩子highlysensitivechild


zimba, 你已買了那兩本書嗎?
「對弱者的同情往往變成對強者的仇恨,我們尤其要學會如何將這種愚蠢的傾向昇華。」 ---馬斯洛,<<人本心理學>>

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-10-20 00:11 |只看該作者

Re: 高度敏感的孩子highlysensitivechild

dear smalle,
     gifted group : http://hk.groups.yahoo.com/group/yourgiftedgroup/
不過...那兒看的人多過發表的人,有人發問了問題卻冇乜人回應,導致可能人人都不再問問題,結果就冰封了....或許大家可以放資料入去,當做information group也不錯....不過和我設立的原意有點出入,很無奈﹗

「對弱者的同情往往變成對強者的仇恨,我們尤其要學會如何將這種愚蠢的傾向昇華。」 ---馬斯洛,<<人本心理學>>

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-10-20 00:22 |只看該作者

Re: 高度敏感的孩子highlysensitivechild

dear 2001
    check pm pls )
   中文版的highly sensitive child 應未翻譯,英文版應該買得到或訂到,我在 "天x圖書"買的。
但有一本 中文版 "孩子太敏感怎麼辦" 新迪出版,珍妮.波蘭著,可以看看,不過我個人覺得有點亂,和不太全面和有系統,覺得elaine的內容較容易讓人明白和很清楚及正面...不過遲些一定有中文版﹗

「對弱者的同情往往變成對強者的仇恨,我們尤其要學會如何將這種愚蠢的傾向昇華。」 ---馬斯洛,<<人本心理學>>

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-10-20 00:30 |只看該作者

Re: 高度敏感的孩子highlysensitivechild

dear caseman,
「對弱者的同情往往變成對強者的仇恨,我們尤其要學會如何將這種愚蠢的傾向昇華。」 ---馬斯洛,<<人本心理學>>

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-11-10 14:28 |只看該作者

Re: 高度敏感的孩子highlysensitivechild

Dear faith,

I thank you so much for recommending the book "Highly Sensitive Child". I've borrowed from public library and am reading it with tears. My daughter is a highly sensitive child. She gets 16 out of those 20 testing questions. I'm a full time mum, and she sticks to me all the time. She will enter K1 next September. I can't imagine how she will react when I leave her alone at school.

By the way, it's really a good book and helps me a lot. Thank you!

God Bless,

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-11-10 16:17 |只看該作者

Re: 高度敏感的孩子highlysensitivechild

Dear Hera,
       You 're welcome!
「對弱者的同情往往變成對強者的仇恨,我們尤其要學會如何將這種愚蠢的傾向昇華。」 ---馬斯洛,<<人本心理學>>

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-11-16 14:51 |只看該作者

Re: 高度敏感的孩子highlysensitivechild

dear faith,

I have pm to you. please check.


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-11-17 13:21 |只看該作者

Re: 高度敏感的孩子highlysensitivechild

dear faith...

thanks for your sharing...in fact me and my kid do hv the symptom of  a  HSP....and now i do understand myself better....as well as the struggle btw me and him...haha!...i feel sorry for me silly wife!!!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-11-17 21:35 |只看該作者

Re: 高度敏感的孩子highlysensitivechild

dear wings230
          You are welcome!HA HA,hsp其實是很可愛的人,我們其實.....真的很可愛.....hahahahaha...果真有點神經兮兮...       
請到my hsp group給點意見...
(only for HSP or parents of hsc)
「對弱者的同情往往變成對強者的仇恨,我們尤其要學會如何將這種愚蠢的傾向昇華。」 ---馬斯洛,<<人本心理學>>
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