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Victoria North Point vs Kornhill [複製鏈接]

Rank: 2

發表於 07-5-8 15:56 |只看該作者

Victoria North Point vs Kornhill

我小朋友將會在八月讀Victoria North Point PN.想問一下家長,North Point的PN老師(PM Class)有沒有耐心和愛心?

我小朋友現在番緊的North Point Playgroup,以前曾經番過Kornhill Playgroup.相比之下,Kornhill好似好D因爲我小朋友的投入感比North Point大好多.

想聽聽大家的意見 - 我是否應該request轉去Kornhill?有沒有家長聽過轉校的case?

Rank: 2

發表於 07-5-9 13:24 |只看該作者

Re: Victoria North Point vs Kornhill

Hi dicdicdada,

My daughter was a PN pm class student of Victoria North Point last year.  The teachers she met were very patient and caring, and she has all along been very happy in school.  

Last year my daughter was admitted to PN pm class, but  I wanted her to go to am class.  So I applied to transfer to either Harbour Heights or Kornhill am class.  At the end of academic year in PN, I recieved a notice from Victoria that my daughter could shift to Kornhill am class in K1.  So I appoint the teacher to visit Kornhill Victoria.  Thereafter I found the environment in Harbour Heights Victoria is better than Kornhill.  

However, if your child is studying the Eng/Cantonese class, he will be required to go to Causeway Bay Branch in K2 if he study in HH.

Hope the informations can help you!

Rank: 2

發表於 07-5-9 14:43 |只看該作者

Re: Victoria North Point vs Kornhill


Thanks so much indeed for your response. Your info helps a lot!

In fact, I was referrring to Upper Kornhill.  Not sure if you're the same.  Upper's playgroup area is quite big in comparison with HH.  Unfortunately, Upper Kornhill is going to move to Middle Kornhill (MK) in PN.  Since I have no idea if the environment of MK is good or not, I think I will stay in HH.  Hope we'll be assigned a good teacher.

May I ask you one more question?  Are you targetting for traditional primary schools for your daughter or you prefer staying at Victoria?

Many many thanks.

Rank: 2

發表於 07-5-9 22:38 |只看該作者

Re: Victoria North Point vs Kornhill

Hi DicDicDaDa,

The Kornhill Victoria I visited last time was near "Jusco Co." Are there only 2 Victoria in Kornhill? If so, I think that was MK.

Actually I am targetting for traditional primary schools for my daughter and I'm planning to move her to SKH in K2 next year.  However, Victoria is asking us to pay the school fee next year, and I'm still wondering whether I should pay first or not.  How about you and what do you think?


Rank: 2

發表於 07-5-10 11:00 |只看該作者

Re: Victoria North Point vs Kornhill

Hi Cinder

There're 2 Victorias in Kornhill (Upper & Lower (ie near Jusco)). MK has been closed as warehouse long ago. Now that they want to move students from Upper to Middle and use Upper as an office. That's what I was told by Upper's teacher.

If SKH's seat is not secured, I think I will pay the school fee for Vic's K2.  What SKH stands for? 聖公會?

I'm targetting at traditional schools for my son.  I'll try St Jo K2. I'll be facing the same dilema's question.

Do you mind sharing with me what students learn in Victoria's PN.  Any vocabularies? or just play toys, sing songs like playgroup?  Any other activities not done in playgroup?  

Actually, I worry that my child will be running behind other traditional kindergartens, like handwriting & vocabs.

Thanks so much.

Rank: 2

發表於 07-5-10 13:29 |只看該作者

Re: Victoria North Point vs Kornhill

Hi DicDicDaDa,

Thanks for your advice.  SKH stands for 聖公會 Kindergarten.

I don't think your child will run behind other traditional kindergartens if he study in Victoria, as it's level is quite high as compared with other kinders.  As a 2-year-old child, the main things they learn are self-care, communication in English and Chinese, counting etc.  Also, they sing and play a lot of toys like playgroup and recognise simple Chinese words.   As for handwriting, they were only taught to draw lines and circle in PN and K1.  They only start writing words in K2.  

These are what I remember so far.  You're wellcome to ask if needed.

Rank: 2

發表於 07-5-10 16:45 |只看該作者

Re: Victoria North Point vs Kornhill

Hi Cinder

Thanks so much for your info.  You're really kind to share.

I really worry that same playgroup teachers will be assigned for my son in PN. Do you remember if same teacher assigned?

Thanks so much!

Rank: 2

發表於 07-5-10 22:26 |只看該作者

Re: Victoria North Point vs Kornhill

Hi dicdicdada,

May I know the reason of your worry? Are the playgroup teachers nice? My daughter was not in Victoria when she was in playgroup, so she never met the same teacher.  However, I heard that her classmate met one playgroup teacher when she was in PN, and she was very happy!


Rank: 4

發表於 07-5-11 09:25 |只看該作者

Re: Victoria North Point vs Kornhill

Hi there,

My daugter is currently at UK - PN (AM) class.  And I have a 家長觀學 session yesterday.  My daugter is in the "smaller children" class (born Aug to Dec).

From my observation, all the children can participate well in the activties, and can master both Eng and Cantonese well.  Some of them may not able to "speak" a lot, but they can understand the instructions and perform.

Also, the Vice-Principal assure that the "smaller" and "bigger" children class of PN has no different at the end of the term.  It's just at start, the "smaller" children need more comfort during separation.

And for K1, the school won't differentiate "smaller" or "bigger" children, and just mix them up.  As they believe that "smaller" child under PN curriculum this year, can have a very smooth transistion to K1.


Rank: 2

發表於 07-5-11 10:42 |只看該作者

Re: Victoria North Point vs Kornhill

Hi Cinder

My playgroup teachers are not very patience in comparison with the former teachers in UK.  Since I participate in every lesson of playgroup, I see a lot.  The current teachers spends too much time with the maids instead of approaching children.  In UK, teachers never chat with maids.  I saw once that a child cried loudly and English teacher still sitting on the floor chatted with other maid.

Since your daughter was in PM class, how did you plan her sleeping time schedule? Could she has a nap before she went to school?

Hi chan_wingyee

Thanks for sharing as well! I didn't attend the session yesterday.  Did many parents raise up many concerns?


Rank: 2

發表於 07-5-11 22:47 |只看該作者

Re: Victoria North Point vs Kornhill

Hi DicDicDaDa,

Yes, it was a hard time when I planned the daily schedule of my daughter when she was in PN class.  I could not let her sleep after school at 5:00 pm because I want her to sleep before 10:30 pm at night.  So, every morning she would wake up somewhat before 8:00 am before we went out to work, and then I'll go out together with my maid to bring her to the podium to play for a while, and afterwards my maid would bring her back home to sleep again at 10:00 am until somewhat about 11:45 pm while she need to have her lunch.  In this way she could have enough energy to go to school, and could have a good sleep at night.  However, It seemed quite "cruel" to force her to sleep in the morning at the beginning, but later on she'll accustom to the schedule and she was happy to follow.

Hope your daughter would meet a nice teacher next year!


Rank: 2

發表於 07-5-15 10:56 |只看該作者

Re: Victoria North Point vs Kornhill

Hi Cinder

I've no time to go online until now.  I'm so happy to hear your sharing again. Many thanks!

My son wakes up at about 8am as well, but I think it's hard to put him to sleep at 10am.  I totally agree that he needs to have enough energy before he goes to school, so I'll try to put him to sleep before lunch.  

Really many thanks to your sharing.  It helps me a lot!


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-5-15 12:07 |只看該作者

Re: Victoria North Point vs Kornhill

想知道下康怡d老師及校長好唔好, 因為我個囡今年讀pn班. 聴朋友話師資唔係幾好??  請大家指教!

Rank: 2

發表於 07-5-16 10:22 |只看該作者

Re: Victoria North Point vs Kornhill




Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-5-16 14:49 |只看該作者

Re: Victoria North Point vs Kornhill


下康怡無playgroup上, 要報上康怡, 但係on waiting        list, 因為八月先開學, 可以當熟習環境.
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