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[學校課本] Sell : CHEMISTRY (New) [複製鏈接]

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發表於 19-7-21 17:29 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
1. New 21st Century Chemistry / 21st Century Combined Science (Chemistry Part) 1A - Planet Earth(2nd Ed.)

2. New 21st Century Chemistry / 21st Century Combined Science (Chemistry Part) 1B - Microscopic World I (2nd Ed.)

3. New 21st Century Chemistry / 21st Century Combined Science (Chemistry Part) 1C - Metals (2nd Ed.)

4. New 21st Century Chemistry 2A - Acids and Bases (2nd Ed.)

5. New 21st Century Chemistry 2B - Redox Reactions, Chemical Cells and Electrolysis (2nd Ed.)

6. New 21st Century Chemistry 2C - Microscopic World II (2nd Ed.)

7. New 21st Century Chemistry 3A - Fossil Fuels and Carbon Compounds (2nd Ed.)

8. New 21st Century Chemistry 3B - Chemistry of Carbon Compounds (2nd Ed.)
9. New 21st Century Chemistry 3C - Chemical Reactions and Energy
       (2nd Ed.)
10. New 21st Century Chemistry 4A - Rate of Reaction (2nd Ed.)
11. New 21st Century Chemistry 4B - Chemical Equilibrium (2nd Ed.)
12. New 21st Century Chemistry 5 - Patterns in the Chemical World
        (2nd Ed.)
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