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parent activities [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-7-29 21:53 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
Dear all,

I'm a new comer.  My girl will join your big family in the coming Sept.  I'm keen to join the Parent Choir and Fellowship.  Can anyone tell me more on this?  

By the way, is there another orientation on Aug 22?

Looking forward to seeing you.
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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-7-29 23:12 |只看該作者

Welcome to Logos Big Family

原帖由 tinching821 於 09-7-29 21:53 發表
Dear all,

I'm a new comer.  My girl will join your big family in the coming Sept.  I'm keen to join the Parent Choir and Fellowship.  Can anyone tell me more on this?  

By the way, is there another ...

Hi tinching821,

Welcome to Logos Big Family !!
Just want to say "HI" to you and your girl.  .  My boy will be FS2 student in coming Sep.   

See you !!

Thomas23   :loveliness:

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-7-30 00:11 |只看該作者

Parents choir stops practice in summer. We're going to resume practice in 1st Saturday of September. We will certainly recruit new member then.

Our practice normally last from 3-6pm in every Sat, except the 5th in a month. We sing different pieces selected by our conductor, Principal Paul Yau, such as songs of John Rutter, western folk songs, Cantonese folksong from local conductor, Chinese art songs, traditional and contemporary christmas hymns...etc.

Any new or existing parents are most welcome to join! (Thomas23...hear me?)

There is no need to worry if you're not trained before or having no experience at all...practice makes perfect.

I understand coming up there are quite a few performing occassions arranged. Do come if you enjoy singing!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-7-30 20:21 |只看該作者
等我介紹吓家長團契,聚會時間每月第1 & 第3個星期五晚7:30pm小學部(如果新學年無變,請家長留意通告)
家長團契是另一個家長平台,讓家長們互相認識,互相溝通的地方   。
大家唔好聽到「團契」兩個字就以為只係for基督徒家長,其實團契非常歡迎未有信仰嘅家長參加,我哋會一齊唱詩歌,每次有不同主題,一齊為學校/家長/同學們祈禱,一齊分享(家庭/工作/孩子 ...........)

Rank: 4

發表於 09-8-3 23:18 |只看該作者
Dear Tinching821,

Be an element in Logos, be unite and gather under the LAPA (Logos Academy Parents Association). This is the official association organized and run by the parents. Every year new comers are welcome to join in. My own opinion is that the non-members should join in and the current members should proactively renew their memberships annually with an aim of not just to get but also to give. Parents should come together to co-operate with the school to generate more enhancements for the kids.

www.logosparents.org for reference.
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