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Give up KV or SC? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-12-16 19:23 |只看該作者 |正序瀏覽 |打印
Give up KV (am) or SC (am)
any parents have just made that tough decision?

can you share with me how you made the decision? what are the most critical factors?

my own problem is that I share different views with my husband - I like SC and he prefers KV.

My reasons - good Eng; better choice if your dream school is DBS; kids are relatively smart and creative.

His reasons (and agree as well) - good academic foundation; kids are disciplined; do their homeworks by their own; like reading books.

I have paid the registration fees for both school and want to release one asap for those in the waiting list.
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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-12-24 23:24 |只看該作者
原帖由 babyakambm 於 09-12-23 18:31 發表
Seems that parents always say the English level at SC is much better than KV, is that true ???

Also seems that comments always says KV is a non-creative school, is it true ?

I really want to know. ...

Personally, I would say English is not just being learn at school but also through your daily life.  Similarly, creativity will not be killed if the kid do have!  Family education is equally important as well.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-12-24 23:21 |只看該作者
原帖由 smartmatt 於 09-12-16 23:48 發表

Good dilemma to have, both are good schools.

When we made this decision our critical factor was what was the weakness of our kid and that was she couldn't sit, stand, sleep, be quiet, etc., still  ...

Very good choice and achieved what you need

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-12-24 16:59 |只看該作者
原帖由 hecabb 於 09-12-24 11:37 發表
每次見到呢個sc vs kv嘅topic都好開心, 因為每一次都分唔到高下,又一証明兩間都係一樣咁好, 學littlekiwi話齌一間係中餐, 一間係西餐...我話兩間都係米之蓮級餐廳, 但你只好揀其一, 咁咪睇下你想食邊間囉~~

學校同 ...

You are so wise!  I agree with you 100%!

學校同家庭教育係相輔相成, 睇下邊間可以補你不足咪揀邊間囉~

Just hope kids don't turn out to as michilean mans!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-12-24 11:37 |只看該作者
每次見到呢個sc vs kv嘅topic都好開心, 因為每一次都分唔到高下,又一証明兩間都係一樣咁好, 學littlekiwi話齌一間係中餐, 一間係西餐...我話兩間都係米之蓮級餐廳, 但你只好揀其一, 咁咪睇下你想食邊間囉~~

學校同家庭教育係相輔相成, 睇下邊間可以補你不足咪揀邊間囉~

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-12-24 08:15 |只看該作者
原帖由 babyakambm 於 09-12-23 18:31 發表
Seems that parents always say the English level at SC is much better than KV, is that true ???

Also seems that comments always says KV is a non-creative school, is it true ?

I really want to know. ...

Me too...never ending comparison...and probably no definite answer unless you can compare the English syllabus and define "creative".

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-12-23 18:31 |只看該作者
Seems that parents always say the English level at SC is much better than KV, is that true ???

Also seems that comments always says KV is a non-creative school, is it true ?

I really want to know. Actually I studied at KV when I was a kid ... hehe ! I want my son to go to KV too(just because I studied there before, haha).

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-12-17 12:00 |只看該作者
個人選擇啦, 岩唔岩口味仍是言之尚早, 亦有可能是覺得屋企食開中餐反而想出去食西餐, 仲有漫漫長路慢慢嘆.....   
原帖由 NICOLE123 於 09-12-17 11:55 發表


Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 09-12-17 11:55 |只看該作者
原帖由 LittleKiwi 於 09-12-17 11:49 發表
其實小朋友適應力好強, 無需太擔心, 不過入sc 的小朋友之所以英文好, 不單是因為有net, 而是他們的家通常都有外籍傭工, 多機會接觸英語自然好, 所以我相信就算kv 的學生也可以操流利英語, 關鍵在於家長提供什麼環境, ...


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-12-17 11:49 |只看該作者
其實小朋友適應力好強, 無需太擔心, 不過入sc 的小朋友之所以英文好, 不單是因為有net, 而是他們的家通常都有外籍傭工, 多機會接觸英語自然好, 所以我相信就算kv 的學生也可以操流利英語, 關鍵在於家長提供什麼環境, 就等如sc 的學生的中數其實也不差, 只是他們的英語比較突出。

我囡囡都是好動型, 我們照顧上都是以中文為主, 我並沒有擔心過她的英語水平, 因為要懂的東西學校遲早會教, 我個人會先讓她學好母語, 打好基礎, 學習還有漫漫長路, 不必急在一時。

最後我囡囡自己揀了kv (因為sc interview 表現失準, 結果waiting list, 我說是她自己揀kv的 ), 一個人的性格是天生的, 每天三小時的課不可能改變一個人的性格(邪教除外), 不過行為是可以管教, 的確這兩間都是很好的學校, 要取捨的確很難, 不過兩家學校提供的東西都不同, 就等如中餐和西餐, 沒有必然地說西餐是最好, 每個人的背景和口味都不同。

原帖由 choichoimum 於 09-12-17 11:00 發表
多謝咁多位無私嘅分享, 小女也是一個十分好動的小朋友,參考了大家的意見,相信sc會適合她。

但是我們在家中是以中文溝通的,之前看過其他主題,知道sc的學生有很多在家中是以英語溝通的,所以英文才那麽好,很擔心女兒會跟不 ...

Rank: 2

發表於 09-12-17 11:21 |只看該作者
其實學校好是其次, 最緊要是小孩子本身.
學校的教學是否適合小孩子性格和特質, 讓小朋友有一個開心學習的開始.

Rank: 1

發表於 09-12-17 11:00 |只看該作者
多謝咁多位無私嘅分享, 小女也是一個十分好動的小朋友,參考了大家的意見,相信sc會適合她。

但是我們在家中是以中文溝通的,之前看過其他主題,知道sc的學生有很多在家中是以英語溝通的,所以英文才那麽好,很擔心女兒會跟不上。另外, 跟net老師&同學溝通會有問題嗎?  大家有否類似的擔憂和經驗?  可否分享一下!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-12-17 10:18 |只看該作者
只是看以上幾位回覆, 都說兩間都是好學校, 中立地說出某些地方不同, 由家長自行選擇, 就知道"踩低人地抬高自己"的不會出現在sc 和 kv 的家長身上, 正正就証明了這家學校揀的不只是學生, 還有有質素的家長。

原帖由 cutecutewing 於 09-12-16 20:10 發表
最需要咩嘢只有你自己先會知道... ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5


發表於 09-12-17 09:29 |只看該作者

原帖由 kittynmelody 於 09-12-16 19:23 發表
Give up KV (am) or SC (am)
any parents have just made that tough decision?

can you share with me how you made the decision? what are the most critical factors?

my own problem is that I share differe ...

[ 本帖最後由 qoo_pooh 於 09-12-17 13:48 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5


發表於 09-12-17 09:20 |只看該作者
幫到等緊 waiting 的小朋友

原帖由 kittynmelody 於 09-12-16 19:23 發表
Give up KV (am) or SC (am)
any parents have just made that tough decision?

can you share with me how you made the decision? what are the most critical factors?

my own problem is that I share differe ...

Rank: 1

發表於 09-12-17 02:25 |只看該作者
I gave up KV and chose SC because I think language and creativity are more important to establish for kids before 6. If the kid is confident and happy, he/she can catch up easily for academic results when promote to P.
I have friends who are teaching in some famous primary schools, they shared their experience with me that the kids from KV may probably have better results in P1 - P2. But other students will catch up start from P2 and may excel them afterwards. So, they also think that creativity is more important for kids.
Also, SC's cirriculum is also aimed at traditional P.
But if your boy is "spoiled" as descibed by the other mom in this thread, then it maybe a good idea to go to KV to have the "soilder training"!

原帖由 kittynmelody 於 09-12-16 23:44 發表
thanks for all your sharings. I applied both coz both are very competitive and hoped that one of them could accept my son.

I will try my best to persuade my husband - I personally think that SC is m ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-12-16 23:48 |只看該作者
原帖由 kittynmelody 於 09-12-16 19:23 發表
Give up KV (am) or SC (am)
any parents have just made that tough decision?

can you share with me how you made the decision? what are the most critical factors?

my own problem is that I share differe ...

Good dilemma to have, both are good schools.

When we made this decision our critical factor was what was the weakness of our kid and that was she couldn't sit, stand, sleep, be quiet, etc., still for 5 secs.   Hence, we choose KV and now she still can't be still but at school she is very good.   Going to KV hasn't changed her character but she knows how to behave in certain situations and environment, which will be very beneficial for the future.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-12-16 23:44 |只看該作者
thanks for all your sharings. I applied both coz both are very competitive and hoped that one of them could accept my son.

I will try my best to persuade my husband - I personally think that SC is more suitable for my son. Definitely want to release the place asap.

babe725, my friend also needs to make a decision between SC or GH (and pending for SP's interview in Feb). She also thinks that it's v difficult to make a decision.

Rank: 1

發表於 09-12-16 23:19 |只看該作者
Really hard to choose, we all know that.  Either one has its good and bad things, all depenns on how you value their teaching style and which one is better fit for your kid to have a better and happier learning environment.  Don't make yourself too hard - why you intially apply for both of them? just for a better chance to get into a better primary school?  Think more from the shoes of your kid, which school can provide him a happier learning environment and give him more room for his development?

Rank: 4

發表於 09-12-16 22:55 |只看該作者
原帖由 kittynmelody 於 09-12-16 19:23 發表
Give up KV (am) or SC (am)
any parents have just made that tough decision?

can you share with me how you made the decision? what are the most critical factors?

my own problem is that I share differe ...

I registered for SC and gave up to register for KV. Actually, both are good kindergartens. They are completely in different teaching styles. I chose SC (as compared with KV) because my daughter is the "active-type". It is not easy to make her to sit still for 5 minutes. I afraid that she has difficulty to cope with the teaching style in KV which required the students to be more disciplined. Also, I and my husband want my daughter to have a good English foundation and SC would be a better choice for my daughter.
I understand that you must be very headache now. I had a similar situation as you, but not between SC and KV. I and my husband cannot compromise whether my daughter should go to SC or GH. Although we though that SC is more suitable for my daughter, but I dare to face the selection process again after three years. So... really SUPER headache.
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