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教育王國 討論區 小一選校 St. Joseph (Choi Shek Lane, Kowloon)
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St. Joseph (Choi Shek Lane, Kowloon) [複製鏈接]

Rank: 2

發表於 08-11-14 13:21 |只看該作者 |正序瀏覽 |打印
SJ started to issue the notification letter today.
Did you receive it ?

What is the total number of P1 applicants for SJ this year ? Will it be less or more than 1000?

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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-11-27 14:27 |只看該作者
Thank you very much for your detailed information. I have a much clearer picture of St. Jo now.
原帖由 mummy123 於 08-11-26 13:29 發表
I completed the registration after doing a small research on SJ. I believe it is a good place for my son to study. This is my own opinion only. I summarize my information on SJ below for sharing. I gu ...

Rank: 4

發表於 08-11-27 13:25 |只看該作者
THANKS ! 我睇見了唔該!

發表於 08-11-27 13:20 |只看該作者
You may see the message #6 below posted by Mummy123.
原帖由 cecichan 於 08-11-27 13:16 發表
請問有冇人知 ST.JO 升中係點? 係唔係真係咁差?

Rank: 4

發表於 08-11-27 13:16 |只看該作者
請問有冇人知 ST.JO 升中係點? 係唔係真係咁差?

Rank: 2

發表於 08-11-27 13:08 |只看該作者
原帖由 mummy123 於 08-11-26 13:29 發表
I completed the registration after doing a small research on SJ. I believe it is a good place for my son to study. This is my own opinion only. I summarize my information on SJ below for sharing. I gu ...

發表於 08-11-26 21:18 |只看該作者
原帖由 Adrian_mom 於 08-11-26 14:22 發表
Thanks for your information !

Rank: 4

發表於 08-11-26 14:22 |只看該作者
Thanks for your information !

Rank: 2

發表於 08-11-26 13:46 |只看該作者
very good sharing...thanks

原帖由 mummy123 於 08-11-26 13:29 發表
I completed the registration after doing a small research on SJ. I believe it is a good place for my son to study. This is my own opinion only. I summarize my information on SJ below for sharing. I gu ...

發表於 08-11-26 13:29 |只看該作者

Some information on SJ (KLN) for sharing

I completed the registration after doing a small research on SJ. I believe it is a good place for my son to study. This is my own opinion only. I summarize my information on SJ below for sharing. I guess the best information is to be obtained by parents direct from all possible channels. You may also consider taking observation on your own at the school.

I have contacted a few parents of SJ kids direct via all possible channels (friends of my friends, friends of my friends' friends). They are very helpful. Their kids are now S1 students in band 1 schools (EMI) but not the SJ Secondary School. The overall comments are:

1. The subject curriculum for academic development is quite strong, especially the English standard but the students had better get support from parents or other channels (e.g., private tutor), or they will fall behind easily. Once they fall behind, their internal examination performance will be bad and they will then lose the sense of achievement. That may be the reason of having a big deviation of students' performance in SJ. Some are very strong but some are really poor. The parents should closely monitor the kids progress.
Also, they said that the language programmes (i.e., International Phonetic Alphabet and Hanyu Pinyin) were exceptionally well designed.

2. The moral education is good. The discipline is good. As told, it was possible to find that some P5 students started to speak in foul language occasionally. No gang fighting was found.
My friends said that all kids are okay. During the registration day, I saw that some of them (at higher form or lower form) nodded when seeing the school workers in the front gate. If I were you, I would certainly spend around half an hour in the morning at SJ (between 7:30 and 8:00) to see how the SJ kids behaves and take a chat with their parents. You 'll then get more information.

3. For 2008/2009, around 15+ SJ kids were allocated to each of the two band 1 (EMI) secondary schools, SING YIN and KWUN TONG MARYKNOLL COLLEGE.
Around 10 students entered other famous schools (e.g., DBS, LS, WY, YW, etc.) in other districts. The majority will enter SJ's secondary school. Also, there were SJ kids who were allocated to school like KO LUI (band3??).

[Note: The above figures were told by a parent of the SJ graduate for your reference only. I havent seen the figures on my own.]

4. For reference, I have checked the HKCEE and HKALE performance of SING YIN. I do believe that their academic performance is really comparable with some "top" schools.

http://www.syss.edu.hk/schoolweb/eng/archivement_publicexam.htm http://www.syss.edu.hk/schoolweb/eng/archivement_examresult.htm#

You can see that the performance in the public examination for the past 19 years is quite steady and good. I must declare that I am not a fan of SING YIN but just for sharing of the facts. It is not a bad allocation if a SJ kid can enter these band 1 schools.

5. As checked with SJ's secondary school, it was said that the school planned to swap back to EMI at all forms
(i.e., all subjects will be taught in English except for subject of Chinese Language). For 2008/2009, after examination of sub-division for S1 students, 3 classes adopted EMI and 2 classes adopted CMI (i.e., all subjects are taught in Chinese Language except for the subject of English Language.
For S2 and S3, there is one class in EMI out of 5 classes at each form. All classes at S4 and S5 are in EMI.

>>> I do believe the school is on the way back to their good old days (i.e., all forms in EMI).

6. Referring to the web site of SJ Secondary School (http://www.sjacs.edu.hk/popup_msg07082007.html), there is not too much information on the HKCEE performance of SJ secondary school. The most outstanding performance was made in 1994, with a kid with 9A s. For 2007/2008, the best is 8A s (i.e., 6As and two 5*s for English Language and Chinese Language ). But there is no information on the performance of other S5 and S7 students.
Perhaps, you may try:

(click on 升學)

原帖由 Adrian_mom 於 08-11-17 14:49 發表

You can also check the school bus route in the school website.

[ 本帖最後由 mummy123 於 08-11-26 14:07 編輯 ]

Rank: 4

發表於 08-11-17 14:49 |只看該作者
原帖由 phoebelau 於 08-11-17 10:23 發表

You can also check the school bus route in the school website.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-11-17 10:26 |只看該作者

回覆 # 的文章

I have asked the teacher when sending the application form.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-11-17 10:23 |只看該作者
原帖由 Tommum 於 08-11-17 10:01 發表
is SJ good actually?  i live in hunghom, the school bus route is not good ... my son has to take the school bus at 6:45 and back home at 4:45.  i think it is too tired for the kids ... if it is not a  ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-11-17 10:01 |只看該作者

回覆 # 的文章

is SJ good actually?  i live in hunghom, the school bus route is not good ... my son has to take the school bus at 6:45 and back home at 4:45.  i think it is too tired for the kids ... if it is not a very good school, i think i won't register.

Rank: 4

發表於 08-11-16 23:11 |只看該作者

I also got the acceptance letter, so happy..................
now I can relax & have a good sleep tonight, just wait for the 1st round government result calmly.........

Rank: 4

發表於 08-11-16 15:34 |只看該作者
原帖由 estherangel 於 08-11-16 14:46 發表

你唔駛太擔心,因為我住市區都係星期六才收到,有好多地區可能會下星期一才收到架,仲有呢度有好多家長都話唔會選st. Jo,仲有reg個日剛巧是自行收生放榜日,我想d家長reg之前一定會check吓自行收生個結果係點,如果派到心儀小學我想佢地都唔會hold住個位呱,咁25號會有好多位出來架

Rank: 4

發表於 08-11-16 14:46 |只看該作者

Rank: 2

發表於 08-11-16 14:33 |只看該作者
Yes, I got the acceptance letter too. I have been waiting for the results from another 2 schools next week.  I need to figure out which school suits my son in case there are new offers.  I 'll make registration for one school only.

原帖由 FungMm 於 08-11-16 09:03 發表
Hi belle,

I also got the acceptance letter yesterday but same as you la.....

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-11-16 09:03 |只看該作者
Hi belle,

I also got the acceptance letter yesterday but same as you la.....

原帖由 belle 於 08-11-15 16:27 發表
I received the acceptance letter from St. Jo., but I got a place in another school.  I think I will go for that school instead of St. Jo for 80%.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-11-16 00:47 |只看該作者
Is St. Joseph being treated as "Second" priority??  Why so many parents giving up the place??
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