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教育王國 討論區 德望學校 (幼稚園) welcome all 2010/11 K1 ^^
樓主: sin_928

welcome all 2010/11 K1 ^^ [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-7-16 23:08 |只看該作者
Hi GHCat,

What do you think of the situation of the K3 students and parents this year?
Both of the K3 students were interviewed by the primary school teachers before and they still need to have another interview from the primary school in the coming september. All of us know that the term is just started in the same month.

原帖由 GHcat 於 10-7-16 22:52 發表

What is wrong with interviewing the students? The teachers in the primary are not the ones teaching the girls in KG.

The secondary school also interviews all primary students so as to know their st ...

Rank: 4

發表於 10-7-16 22:52 |只看該作者
原帖由 chunlaifat 於 10-7-16 17:06 發表
why need to interview their own students? GH should know them well, they are not outsiders.

What is wrong with interviewing the students? The teachers in the primary are not the ones teaching the girls in KG.

The secondary school also interviews all primary students so as to know their strengths and weaknessess with the view to have better follow up.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-7-16 20:28 |只看該作者
Me too
原帖由 elmolly 於 10-7-16 20:01 發表

i bought 2 dresses and 1 PE set.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-7-16 20:01 |只看該作者
原帖由 BBElsa 於 10-7-16 19:15 發表
Sorry to interrupt, but can anyone tell me that do I need to buy one more uniform for spare?  Or just one is enough?

i bought 2 dresses and 1 PE set.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-7-16 20:00 |只看該作者
folks, Miss Chiu called me this afternoon and I asked her for the P1 issue. she said they won't guarantee primary section will take up all kg students as some students may not do well in the kindergarten. however, we'll all have priority as they spend "3 years" to train up the girl. she said primary section 點都要見下個小朋友 and they'll also take the performance throughout the 3 years into consideration. from what she said, seems like most students will be promoted to primary section except for some exceptional case?!

btw, she said the sec of primary got too many calls so she chose not to answer anyone and she really doesn't know the details.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-7-16 19:15 |只看該作者
Sorry to interrupt, but can anyone tell me that do I need to buy one more uniform for spare?  Or just one is enough?

Rank: 4

發表於 10-7-16 17:06 |只看該作者
why need to interview their own students? GH should know them well, they are not outsiders. If GH has to compare their interview marks with the applicants from outside, I will not let daughter study this new KG. Frankly, current KG is much better.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-7-16 16:40 |只看該作者
Hi Elmolly,
Agree agree~!!! My girl is the same as yours =(
I'm very worried of the interview... not good for our kids...if we fail, it's better not to change

原帖由 elmolly 於 10-7-16 15:52 發表

if only priority, I won't treat it as privillege and rather not to go to GH...

internal assessment is fine, but if interview again at p1, then very slim chance as my girl is the type that takes ve ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-7-16 15:52 |只看該作者
原帖由 Bert 於 10-7-16 15:12 發表
I agree with you that 50% will be too low !   My girl also sacrified a very good KG to join GH.   
But I think they will not tell us how many % they will accept at this moment.   What they emphasised  ...

if only priority, I won't treat it as privillege and rather not to go to GH...

internal assessment is fine, but if interview again at p1, then very slim chance as my girl is the type that takes very very long time to warm up. she can do well at school but not for interviews.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-7-16 15:12 |只看該作者
I agree with you that 50% will be too low !   My girl also sacrified a very good KG to join GH.   
But I think they will not tell us how many % they will accept at this moment.   What they emphasised is that piority will be given to KG students.   If just 50%, it should not be treated as piority !  

原帖由 elmolly 於 10-7-16 10:01 發表

but what's the % of P1 seat they'll hold for kg students? honestly, if it's only 50/50 or even less, I don't prefer to go as the school my girl attending now is very good to me.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-7-16 14:33 |只看該作者
If 100% guarantee is so important to you, why not choose St. Clare or SH ?

原帖由 sin_928 於 10-7-16 09:20 發表
but what will u do if u were me, please:

my girl is lucky enough to be accept by:

st clare's am~ guarantee P1 seat, english primary, KG has 學卷

scarted heart am~ guarantee P1 seat in their am prim ...

Rank: 1

發表於 10-7-16 11:09 |只看該作者
比我會揀 SH , GH and St Clare, 有GH offer o既人通常都係會去考SH or SPK , 我相信呢兩間是但一間ok 都會放棄GH 個offer .

而家7月中﹐ 都差唔多要有final decision﹗﹗﹗

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-7-16 10:01 |只看該作者
原帖由 Bert 於 10-7-16 01:45 發表
I also personally asked them long time ago and before registration and their answer was "perference will be given to KG students, but it is not a guarantee".   From my conversation with them and many  ...

but what's the % of P1 seat they'll hold for kg students? honestly, if it's only 50/50 or even less, I don't prefer to go as the school my girl attending now is very good to me.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-7-16 09:59 |只看該作者
原帖由 sin_928 於 10-7-16 09:20 發表
but what will u do if u were me, please:

my girl is lucky enough to be accept by:

st clare's am~ guarantee P1 seat, english primary, KG has 學卷

scarted heart am~ guarantee P1 seat in their am prim ...

if you have paid everything already, suggested you to give up st. clare's first because of its location and in terms of academic, i think SH is better. then hold SH until the parents meeting of GH to find out  more to decide.

Rank: 4

發表於 10-7-16 09:38 |只看該作者
我知道唔 guarantee 的消息, 都唔開心, 我唸好多家長都同我一樣, 係唸著一條龍升 primary, 先入 gh kg (一間甘新, 甘亂的kg)。

of course Scared Heart, 唔理 gh 是否guarantee 直升, 起碼 kg 都 run 左一段時間, 唔似 gh 甘亂.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-7-16 09:20 |只看該作者
but what will u do if u were me, please:

my girl is lucky enough to be accept by:

st clare's am~ guarantee P1 seat, english primary, KG has 學卷

scarted heart am~ guarantee P1 seat in their am primary, KG has 學卷 and primary is the cheapest between these three schools and gd result in their P6 and have gd secondary as a backup

GH am~ finally got a message at this moment telling that not guarantee P1 seat, new re-open KG, no 學卷 and expensive school fees in the future

please please please give me some advise what will u mummies choose if u were me ><

原帖由 Bert 於 10-7-16 01:45 發表
I also personally asked them long time ago and before registration and their answer was "perference will be given to KG students, but it is not a guarantee".   From my conversation with them and many  ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-7-16 01:45 |只看該作者
I also personally asked them long time ago and before registration and their answer was "perference will be given to KG students, but it is not a guarantee".   From my conversation with them and many other parents posted in this forum, the school really have not mentioned that the primary school will guarantee to accept 100% students from GH KG.

I also think that most school will allow themselves the flexibility not to accept some very poor students, but it should be exceptional cases.

原帖由 sin_928 於 10-7-15 23:28 發表
咁又唔係咁講呀!當日interview吳校長千真萬確話過一條龍,講真如果當日佢無講過的話,無咁樣派定心丸的話,相信未必咁多人肯博一間新校。再講,我絕對無意製造恐謊或無中生有,只係我都覺得旁惶同無奈!好怕咁多unknown! 如果其他 ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-7-16 01:08 |只看該作者
sorry, i dont mean to make you mummies worry, but as i got this answer from the school, i think i should tell and speak out, maybe you try to call and ask the school directly and see what they say la ><

吳校長會係黎緊正式校長,趙校長係暫時幫手開校既校長 ..... as mentioned by 趙校長 on the phone!

原帖由 小天使kiki 於 10-7-15 23:42 發表
唉!其實我都好擔心,我由st cat轉過嚟讀K3,如果到頭來小學唔收,我真係覺得好對唔住呀女,可能讀st cat反而可以考到 ...

Rank: 4

發表於 10-7-15 23:42 |只看該作者
唉!其實我都好擔心,我由st cat轉過嚟讀K3,如果到頭來小學唔收,我真係覺得好對唔住呀女,可能讀st cat反而可以考到

Rank: 4

發表於 10-7-15 23:36 |只看該作者
我成日覺得應該好大机會收,如果我地今年呢屆K3收得少,下年都會少咗人報讀K1, 我諗佢地開得幼稚園又係私校,應該唔會唔照顧自己幼稚園嘅,如果佢唔收,咁咪即係話比人聽佢地嘅幼稚園差開出面嘅學校,笑都比人笑死啦,何況佢係新校一定要賺番啲口碑同保證,我諗佢唔保證直升嘅原因係可能有少數學生佢地發現真係唔啱佢地間小學,咁到時都可以out出局,咁嘅分析可能好啲
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