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教育王國 討論區 國際學校 HELLO~ESF WKS 家長
樓主: anpanman

HELLO~ESF WKS 家長 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-10-13 10:09 |只看該作者
Last week I received the Admission report of my son,  I am really suprised by the detailed observation.  Most of the comments are true. So I am not much worried now as they really have their way to teach him.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-10-13 10:09 |只看該作者
Last week I received the Admission report of my son,  I am really suprised by the detailed observation.  Most of the comments are true. So I am not much worried now as they really have their way to teach him.

Rank: 2

發表於 09-10-1 10:50 |只看該作者

原帖由 cbau 於 09-9-30 21:56 發表
想親自去ESF WKS交form,但見lake silver好似未開放咁。上次駕車經過仲好似個地盤,只見有個牌寫住ESF 校車由此進的字眼。想問可泊車在那兒,從那兒進入學校呢?
謝謝WKS家長指教。 ...

Rank: 1

發表於 09-9-30 21:56 |只看該作者
想親自去ESF WKS交form,但見lake silver好似未開放咁。上次駕車經過仲好似個地盤,只見有個牌寫住ESF 校車由此進的字眼。想問可泊車在那兒,從那兒進入學校呢?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-9-29 18:58 |只看該作者
Today I saw an advertisement about the school is now recruiting the helpers.  I really hope that they can have more helpers soon to take care our children.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-9-25 14:38 |只看該作者
原帖由 anpanman 於 09-9-25 14:31 發表
Hi All ,

Does anyone know that What is "Half term Holiday" ? Is that no school in this week?

that is the term-break for many international schools. Holiday...of course.

發表於 09-9-25 14:31 |只看該作者
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發表於 09-9-25 00:19 |只看該作者
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Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 09-9-22 11:18 |只看該作者
Agree, i will send email to them AGAIN....

Mqchris, thanks for your info. So lucky that my girl is in Kookaburra class and i also found Grace is a very good and patient teacher.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-9-21 22:55 |只看該作者
i am sorry for late reply...as havn't online these days....

開火車那班是中間課室的KOOKABURRA CALSS.... 抱歉我不懂估她是什麼國籍...或是否ABC...我可能講錯..不過我留意過這老師,她真的好細心..安排得也很好...雖然她不是外籍....真是希望女女是她那班...

各家長... 我們不如一齊再send e-mail去比學校... 講下concern洗手間的問題.、提醒飲水的問題...安排小朋友我指無人理的問題...


洗手間問題--我同10個家長分享,10個都""吓""... 我愈想愈接受不到..雖然我女女去vee vee可以無問題..但"嗅嗅"的話..她會不敢說..不懂清理就只會忍...我都不敢想..假若有小朋友不小心"賴"出來... 咁更不敢想他們會用咩態度去處理....

飲水問題-- 就如其他家長說... 基本都3小時..school bus的就前後5小時... 你唔提他.. 掛住玩有d都真係唔會去飲...尤其細仔...i really can't accpet this... 以前join其他國際學校.. 係一樣狂玩..但玩完後gather埋一齊飲啖水,先入課室... 咁樣做...不太難.. 係照顧周詳的需要....

最大問題就係... 唔理及安排的問題... 他們真的當他們很大...不會留意小朋友做唔做到.. 小朋友會覺好無助...相信大家都明白....甚至有d家長都睇會到...:cry:

我相信係佢地太過忘記了幼稚園最基本是要照顧好幼兒.. 照顧都不好..怎說學好...我不相信讓他們獨立..是就什麼也沒人理就可以學到...我知雖然他們最後會幫小朋友收拾手尾..不著indoor shoe, 他們可以解釋他們有完善清潔..雖然我都不認同, 但照顧不周我又不知他們有咩解釋...

我會send 左以上的去esf...  
Send e-mail together ... my vocie is not only concern, but complain...

[ 本帖最後由 Mqchris 於 09-9-21 23:24 編輯 ]
Mqchris :>

Rank: 1

發表於 09-9-21 20:02 |只看該作者
Hello myjasmine and other parents,
My daughter is in WKS ESF, too!
I wrote to the school about the cancellation of indoor shoes policy and the short of staff members concerns but the reply was (as you said) formal and official. i.e. They will not do anything about our concerns.
My girl didn't eat or drink at school.  She told me she went to the toilet by herself.  I saw girls went to toilets by themselves.  No one helped!!!
Guess, we need to feed our children well before and after school.  Also, help them to go to the toilet before and after class.  Tell our children to wash hands when they finish going to the toilet.  Sterilize them from top to bottom once get home.
God blesses our children and good luck to us all!!!

原帖由 myjasmine 於 09-9-20 00:20 發表
Yes i also agree that they can provide more support to the kids, especially for the K1 kids, say, around the toilet or the snack area.  Also the class teacher can remind the kids to go have snack righ ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-9-20 23:41 |只看該作者
Hi charlotte_bee,

Yes, my son is am class.  I also just heard that from my friend who lives in  Tai Wai. She called  me that she saw my son's school bus and there were many students in the school bus or may be even exceed the no. of the seats.  I will also ask Mrs. Yuen and Mrs. Wong tomorrow what's the matter.

原帖由 charlotte_bee 於 09-9-20 10:54 發表
bbirene ,

請問你仔仔是否am class? 因為上星期我陪囡囡搭時,我見小朋友坐得好迫,記得校巴Mrs Wong同我講係12座,但係當日一共坐左12個小朋友,有司機同保母ee,未計我都有14人,仲有最後一行的小朋友迫到成日企左喺身. ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-9-20 13:15 |只看該作者
原帖由 charlotte_bee 於 09-9-20 10:54 發表
bbirene ,

請問你仔仔是否am class? 因為上星期我陪囡囡搭時,我見小朋友坐得好迫,記得校巴Mrs Wong同我講係12座,但係當日一共坐左12個小朋友,有司機同保母ee,未計我都有14人,仲有最後一行的小朋友迫到成日企左喺身. ...

They don't have enought staff to look after the childhood? There are 1 teacher and 2 EAs in each class in other ESF kindy like TY , SW and Abacus, what about WKS? In Abacus,I saw a  cleaner around checking if children are allright in the toilet  , and sometimes with 1 EA too.

In ESF Abacus, EAs from each class would go to the car park and pick up their children from the school bus? it is not the same in ESF WKS?

even it is under ESF name but it's still new, so better talk to the principal about all these matters.
成功的人放眼於機會,失敗的人放眼於障礙。 生命長短我無法控制,但內容就可以由我發揮!

Rank: 2

發表於 09-9-20 10:54 |只看該作者
bbirene ,

請問你仔仔是否am class? 因為上星期我陪囡囡搭時,我見小朋友坐得好迫,記得校巴Mrs Wong同我講係12座,但係當日一共坐左12個小朋友,有司機同保母ee,未計我都有14人,仲有最後一行的小朋友迫到成日企左喺身...我覺得唔安全lor.仲有TW MTR已經有10個小朋友,我覺得冇必要再用多20mins去大圍接多2個小朋友,一來超左人數,二來真係浪費左時間去接左唔同區嘅小朋友.最主要係唔安全嘛.....

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 09-9-20 00:20 |只看該作者
Yes i also agree that they can provide more support to the kids, especially for the K1 kids, say, around the toilet or the snack area.  Also the class teacher can remind the kids to go have snack right before the studio time.  But i doubt why they still think they should do nothing.  I think at least some direction to the kids is required.

I have also sent an email to school to express my concern about the school bus arrangement and the cancellation of the indoor shoes policy, their response was real fast and was very "formal" and "official", no heart at all.  I think this is the N times they answer such kind of email but it seems that they will never take any suggestion into consideration.  

Mqchris, can you tell us who the good class teacher is , or in which class, to see if anyone of us here is so lucky.  Thanks.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-9-19 18:30 |只看該作者
Yes, I also think that learning is important than eating.  But my son is taking school bus, and it costs one hour per trip, that means he doesn't eat or drink in five hours.  That's the issue.  

Moreover, I also  think that there is not enough helpers to help the students to go to toliet.  Some of them are still very small especially the K1 students, does it supposed all of them can go to toliet by themself?  Hi, mqChris, is the ABC teacher is in Flamingo Class? Pls reply.  Thank you very much.

Hi Charlotte-bee, what's wrong with school bus no.4, my son is one of them, can u tell me more?  Thank you very much.

[ 本帖最後由 bbirene 於 09-9-19 18:32 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-9-19 17:43 |只看該作者

Is the ABC classteacher tall and in short hair?  cuz' my son's classteacher is an ABC. I hope that is my class. and i feel a bit relaxed about the toilet issue then!!  thx a lot.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-9-19 17:40 |只看該作者
原帖由 bbirene 於 09-9-17 00:07 發表
Hi all,

I am very worried now as I found that my son didn't eat or drink anything for the last three days in school.  I have written my concern to his teacher but the reply is "It's his own choice".  ...

Exactly the same feedback from the teacher!!! "it's his own choice"!  if my kid decides to go home early, will they let him go? cuz' "its his own choice"?

Yes, learning is more important than eating snacks, but i think at least they should guide the young kids for the first few weeks.  my son is only 2 years 9 months!!

Every day when i see my son after school, i will ask if he wee wee in school? does he wash hands after wee wee? Does he touch the "waterfall" in the washroom? Does he eat or at least drink a bit?

Maybe ESF is an org w/ a long history and guranteed "primary school interview", that's why they don't really care about what parents' think!!!

I did voice out my opinion on "indoor shoes" and "snacks time" arrangement! And they just give me some very formal feedback.

Rank: 2

發表於 09-9-19 14:30 |只看該作者
不過今個星期,我囡囡開始搭校巴,第一日我就跟左車,咁去到學校,有d K1嘅小朋友唔識返自己課室,佢地行來行去都冇老師去幫佢地.其中有一個就跟住左我同我囡囡,咁我見佢名牌寫左係某一班,我就帶左佢返去先,佢個表情真係好無助,見到我帶佢行就好開心咁拖實我,果一刻我都好唔開心,點解佢地咁細個返到去會冇人理佢。帶左佢去課室我就同左佢bye bye,諗住佢地老師會幫佢手,點知我望返轉頭,佢放唔到書包上個架(又係冇人幫),咁我同囡囡行返轉頭,果小朋友同我講佢唔夠高放唔到上去,咁我幫佢掛左佢就返左課室。



Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 09-9-19 10:47 |只看該作者
I wonder why they think it is absoultely ok to leave the kids alone in the toilet.  At least they should have a helper around to help if necessary.  But it seems that there is no helper around the toilet?  I heard that there is helper in Tsing Yi.  May be we need to send email to school to express our concern.
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