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有無 2009 Victoria(Harbour Green) N1同學, K1 會唔會轉校? [複製鏈接]

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發表於 10-5-13 10:45 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
煩惱中, Need to make desicion before 14/05. My son love teacher and go to school very much, I afraid he can't adapt new school.
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發表於 10-5-13 10:53 |只看該作者
原帖由 bbeasy25 於 10-5-13 10:45 發表
煩惱中, Need to make desicion before 14/05. My son love teacher and go to school very much, I afraid he can't adapt new school.

So why don't you stay in Vic for K1?  Did you get a better offer?  My fd's daughter won't stay there as she' got a one-dragon kg in HK island.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-5-13 16:04 |只看該作者

Young children could adapt changes easily.  

Besides, quite a number of the children of the same age would change their schools when they are in K1.   Some of them would go to schools which they think are "better", while the others would find a more suitable school for their children.  You are in the same "boat" with them.  

What you have to consider is that if your child is suitable in studying in this school and what you want after a 3-year education.  Do you want to study in a subsidized, local school or a DSS school?  This should be placed as your prioirty when you decide which school your child is going to study in the next academic year.

There are good and bad teachers everyday.  Don't worry!

As for me, i have sent them the tuition fee of the first month.  NO Change la... but i may change when my childe is promoted to K2.

I want to wait and see if my child's character changes in the coming year.  If she is suitable in studying in a traditional kindergarten, i would let her change when she is in K2.

原帖由 bbeasy25 於 10-5-13 10:45 發表
煩惱中, Need to make desicion before 14/05. My son love teacher and go to school very much, I afraid he can't adapt new school.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-5-13 16:06 |只看該作者
Changes of my part: There are good and bad teachers everywhere (not everyday) .  Don't worry.

Sorry for the wrong word!!!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-5-13 17:00 |只看該作者
Thanks for advise.  I don't want him to study in International school and target DSS school.  Hope this change is good for him.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 10-5-13 23:52 |只看該作者

VIC的學生,應該都容易適應DSS的小學,不是嗎? 我想聽吓你的看法,以及轉校的考慮,因為我幾個月之後亦可能會面對你呢個問題.


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-5-14 07:26 |只看該作者
bbeasy25, 其實vicotoria (HG)的老師怎樣?熱心教學嗎?與家長的溝通夠嗎?你喜歡它的教學模式及評估方法嗎?是否K1-K3仍是用兩grade的評分標準?你的小朋友是活動形嗎?

我相信victoria should be a HAPPY school..........但4年開心過後,前景會是怎樣?如果你的小朋友能考入DSS/private school (同樣主張活動教學,愉快學習那種),升小應沒有問題;但萬一考不入入任何一間津小/管小也是傳統的呀!或你希望的是傳統谷讀書那種,就要從小預備。

小女來年入讀victoria (HG) PN.............我心中亦有好多疑問,怕選錯了誤她一生。最怕是其他家長所說的易放難收。希望有多些victoria家長比些意見!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-5-14 09:05 |只看該作者
Vicotoria (HG)的老師是好和熱心教學. 喜歡和家長溝通. I don't know the grading of K1-K3 since my boy is just PN now.  I like the school and they allow student to explore and seems not much control, if my boy don't like to join in, and teacher allow him to walk around.  That is the style of Victoria.   I don't know DSS can accept this or not.
The reason I want to change is transportation problem, no school bus can be reach to my home and other kinder can provide school bus service and also good kinder, so that change.  I don't know it is right choice.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 10-5-15 01:38 |只看該作者

但是,現在如果沒有另一KG OFFER 在手,其實很難答你的問題,因為不知將VIC與什麼學校比較.例如,如果將來有另一KG OFFER,但你並不十分滿意,那麼,也無理由單單因為沒有校車而轉去新校;相反,如果將來另一給你們OFFER的KG,程度與VIC相若或更好,或是你們的心頭好,又有校巴到,那,當然要轉,仲駛諗.


Rank: 5Rank: 5


發表於 10-5-15 07:32 |只看該作者
原帖由 mayleong 於 10-5-14 07:26 發表
bbeasy25, 其實vicotoria (HG)的老師怎樣?熱心教學嗎?與家長的溝通夠嗎?你喜歡它的教學模式及評估方法嗎?是否K1-K3仍是用兩grade的評分標準?你的小朋友是活動形嗎?

我相信victoria should be a HAPPY school..........但 ...

我果班(大女班)我就覺得同老師溝通只是一般,很喜歡它的報教學模式,評估就覺得太general,無乜分grade,女女果份全tick做到,但見家長時就不停同我講女女點百厭,無乜提到優點 女女係超活動形,佢班主任同我講好少女仔咁active

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-5-16 08:07 |只看該作者
agree, teachers are caring. 'encouragment' is full of school, my girl's class even learn buckle up buttons by themselves and 唐詩
原帖由 bbeasy25 於 10-5-14 09:05 發表
Vicotoria (HG)的老師是好和熱心教學. 喜歡和家長溝通. I don't know the grading of K1-K3 since my boy is just PN now.  I like the school and they allow student to explore and seems not much control, if m ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-5-16 17:46 |只看該作者
我果班(大女班)我就覺得同老師溝通只是一般,很喜歡它的報教學模式,評估就覺得太general,無乜分grade,女女果份全tick做到,但見家長時就不停同我講女女點百厭,無乜提到優點 女女係超活動形,佢班主任同我講好少女仔咁active

I remeber your girl's teacher is Ms Tong, My son like Ms Tong Tong very much.  I have same feeling with you (好唔捨得) since my son is starting from playgroup to Nursery.  My new offer is HKPS(International), I hope my son like the new kinder.

Rank: 5Rank: 5


發表於 10-5-16 19:26 |只看該作者
原帖由 bbeasy25 於 10-5-16 17:46 發表
我果班(大女班)我就覺得同老師溝通只是一般,很喜歡它的報教學模式,評估就覺得太general,無乜分grade,女女果份全tick做到,但見家長時就不停同我講女女點百厭,無乜提到優點 女女係超活動形,佢班主任同我講好少女仔咁 ...

Only playgroup teacher was Ms Tong. PN is another one. Anyway, my girl also like her very much

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-5-17 12:47 |只看該作者
Hi jl118

I think my girl is of the same class with your girl. (the bigger children in the morning session)

Totally agree with your comments on Vic's education and teaching.

As for the assessment report, the critieria and the grading system is too general and the child's behaviour could not be accurately reported and explained.  This may mislead those (or other schools) when you apply for their K1 or K2.

Their teachers have never said anything good about my child.  This is their "practice"!!!

They just keep saying how bad our child behaves without giving their professional advice or assistance.  They only ask us, (Parents) to do something to help the child.  We surely know that is our responsibility.  But how about them? Have they done or planned anything to help the children who are in the classroom for the whole 3 hours in the morning?  

What i am thinking is they just pass the "role" to us as parents.  They do not have actual "plans" or "actions" to help their students...

I actually do not like their ways of "reporting" students' behaviour in school. "Reporting students' behaviour in school" is only one basic role of being a kindergarten teacher.  

We don't need their "report".  We need their "action"!!!

Sorry for being too direct and frank!!!

原帖由 jl118 於 10-5-15 07:32 發表

我果班(大女班)我就覺得同老師溝通只是一般,很喜歡它的報教學模式,評估就覺得太general,無乜分grade,女女果份全tick做到,但見家長時就不停同我講女女點百厭,無乜提到優點 女女係超活動形,佢班主任同我講好少女仔 ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5


發表於 10-5-17 17:29 |只看該作者
原帖由 ranicanice 於 10-5-17 12:47 發表
Hi jl118

I think my girl is of the same class with your girl. (the bigger children in the morning session)

Totally agree with your comments on Vic's education and teaching.

As for the assessment r ...

Oh, classmate  may be we know each other
Agreed you too. May be it's their style or just you and I have same experience Anyway, the most important is my girl enjoy her pn life. My girl told me she love to go to school because she like to talk with Ms X yesterday. Thus, no regret for my pn choice

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-5-17 20:24 |只看該作者

My girl also likes to attend her school.  For me, she has to be here for another year.  

If her personality suits this school or we find she does make improvement in this school, we would let her continue...

It's good to have choices ...anyway ...

i mean a choice which you prefer...

發表於 10-5-18 08:29 |只看該作者
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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-5-18 09:00 |只看該作者
You are right.  We, as parents, have to accept this because this is our choice.  We need to take our responsiblity in our child's education.

"Free Play" is a kind of learning mode.  While playing, children could be able to learn as suggested by some education psychologists in the western countries.

"Structured Play" is more important while tutors or parents could facilitate children's learning at any time.  Toddlers are too young who need adults' guidance from time to time.

As parents in Hong Kong, we are practical and rational. We are happy to see children who can make "obvious" progress in their school.   

The kind of "free play" should not be over-used in learning while other methods of teaching should be more emphasised because this is the primary key learning stage for children.  

We very much hope that the school should consider this to further boost children's academic level in kindergarten education.

We should help children to develop a good and a balanced learning approach, right?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-5-18 10:00 |只看該作者
原帖由 ranicanice 於 10-5-18 09:00 發表
You are right.  We, as parents, have to accept this because this is our choice.  We need to take our responsiblity in our child's education.

"Free Play" is a kind of learning mode.  While playing, c ...

其實你所講既boost academic level係乜意思?係咪串多d字定係做多d數?如果係我諗你都唔認同學校行IB了。當然除家長buy唔buy IB呢套外,亦要睇小朋友性格,有d透過啟發小朋友就能自發學懂好多嘢,但係有d小朋友又可能喜歡田鴨式灌輸呢!


[ 本帖最後由 brrbaby2007 於 10-5-18 10:15 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-5-18 10:35 |只看該作者

Boosting children's academic (knowledge/learning) level does not necessarily mean or equal to spoon-feeding approach.

There are quite a number of ways to make children learn and at the end, their "level" could be boosted.

I mean, continuous and effective assessments should be done in school to help students to learn efficiently and effectively.

Whatever it is IB or spoon-feeding or traditional Hong Kong approach, they are only an "approach" of learning.   And these are the kindergartens' "selling points"  only.

The most important thing of all is how the school and teachers motivate the students in learning and how they make students learn effectively.  

Would the teachers supervise the children's progress closely?  There must be a very clear learning assessment so that students' progress could be observed in each stage and by interpreting their progress in each stage, we could then devise other possible methods to help our children.  This is my point of view only and must be made clear here.

No matter what the learning approach is, students' learning and progress must be achieved at the end.

原帖由 brrbaby2007 於 10-5-18 10:00 發表

其實你所講既boost academic level係乜意思?係咪串多d字定係做多d數?如果係我諗你都唔認同學校行IB了。當然除家長buy唔buy IB呢套外,亦要睇小朋友性格,有d透過啟發小朋友就能自發學懂好多嘢,但係有d小朋友又可能喜歡田 ...
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