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HK Preschool (Ascot) 樂基幼兒學校 / 幼兒樂園 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 2

發表於 05-9-22 09:07 |只看該作者

HK Preschool (Ascot) 樂基幼兒學校 / 幼兒樂園

can anyone share about the HK Preschool (Ascot)? i've heard it's good and many children go on to famous schools. the children-teacher ratio, however, does not seem as good as some other schools (2 teachers in 1 class with 30 students). however, their bi-lingual cirriculum does appear attractive and they seem to have a good range of extacurricular activities as well. are the teachers professional & caring? are the teachers native (English & Putonghua) speakers?
please share.

Rank: 1

發表於 05-10-14 19:27 |只看該作者

Re: HK Preschool (Ascot) 樂基幼兒學校 / 幼兒樂園


我個好今年9月開始係Hk Preschool(Ascot)讀 Playgroup,我覺得都OK,我個仔班有3個老師。

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-10-14 20:11 |只看該作者

Re: HK Preschool (Ascot) 樂基幼兒學校 / 幼兒樂園

上年我囡囡讀2歲班,無論學校課程,環境及老師都好好,但因考到入St. Catherine K1,所以今年已轉校,講真真係有d唔捨得!

Rank: 1

發表於 05-10-17 17:49 |只看該作者

Re: HK Preschool (Ascot) 樂基幼兒學校 / 幼兒樂園

另外,有無讀HK Preschool(Ascot)D家長有興趣上嚟傾下。   

Rank: 2

發表於 05-10-18 09:11 |只看該作者

Re: HK Preschool (Ascot) 樂基幼兒學校 / 幼兒樂園

Dear cherriemama and boy...,
thanks for sharing. i actually didn't notice till today that you've responded to my questions! the messages get replaced by newer ones very fast on this message board, you see....

actually, i cannot read Chinese very well (i'm not Chinese, though i can guess much of the meaning in chinese), but i understand that you think both the environment and teachers at the HK preschool are quite good. (is this correct?) You don't think the school is too crowded? Each class seems a little small for 30 children, but do they seem to manage that alright? (the receptionist said they divide the class to 2 groups most of the time, except for the snack time and singing time--does this system seem to be working well?).

Some people said the English teachers at the HK preshool are not native English speakers and thus the children also learn to speak English with accents. Is this true?

Also, do most of the children after 2-3 years seem to be able to speak both English & Putonghua well?

Do you think that the activities such as singing, art craft, etc. are well run and the children's creativity is well enhanced? Or do you think the school enphasize more on academic work?

please share!


Rank: 2

發表於 05-10-18 09:15 |只看該作者

Re: HK Preschool (Ascot) 樂基幼兒學校 / 幼兒樂園

Dear boy..
i didn't understand the last sentence of your message below. do you mind translating it to English? are you saying the teachers at the HK PS is better than those at the St. Catherine?

also forgot to ask you one more question. though we live not so far away from Fotan, we were told that it'd take 40 minutes by a school bus from our place (appearantly, our daughter will be among the first to be picked, the last to be dropped :cry: )

the receptionist told me that the teachers and other school staff take turn and sit in the school buses and they don't hire school mothers from the bus company. Is this true? If it's true, do the school teachers/staff seem to be talking and entertaining the children on the bus well?

thanks in advance for your sharing!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-10-18 10:00 |只看該作者

Re: HK Preschool (Ascot) 樂基幼兒學校 / 幼兒樂園

I let my daughter study at St. Catherine just because I plan to let her study in private primary school at Kowloon side. So I think those private schools are very welcome to St. Catherine's students because of its reputition! That's why I give up HKPS which is also a very good school!

I don't think the classroom is crowded. Compare with SC, HKPS's classroom is very big la! Besides, the ratio is 1:15 is very reasonable!

I don't understand why you said the English teachers at the HK preshool are not native English speakers? As I saw last year, almost all of the English teachers are foreigners!

Yes, the activities such as singing, art craft, etc. are well run and the children's creativity is well enhanced. My daughter enjoyed the school life very much last year! I think the school not only enphasize on  the academic work, but also the extracurricular actitives like gymnastic, music, arts & some tasks for parents and children complete together....Besides, the school is very concern the communication with parents. There are many talks and parents day.

For the school bus, it's really true that the teachers or minor staffs take turn to sit on it. They are more sincere and concerned than the school mothers! At least they know your child very well!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-10-18 23:27 |只看該作者

Re: HK Preschool (Ascot) 樂基幼兒學校 / 幼兒樂園

Dear HKPS Mummy

I'd also like to know more about HKPS as their daily bi-lingual teacher in class is sound attractive.

My daughter is studying K1 at normal nursury school in Whampoa. She can speak limited English with helper at home but not fluent. If I let my daughter join HKPS in the 2nd term of K1, is it quite difficult for her to adapt.

1) Actually what is the combination of 2 teachers in class - Native English teacher + Native Putonghua OR Native English + Chinese only

2) How about the English standard compared with St Cat or St Nicholas 金巴侖 (SN) as they have English Dictation in K3

For SN, start from K1, they study 12 English story books each year and have Eng IQ, Eng Math and daily writing - How about HKPS

3) When did they start teaching Phonics

4) How do they teach Putonhua, just simple singing or have particular curiculum and pronouce

5) I heard that K2 student can join Volin class free of charge?

6) any linkage with Brand One Primary School

Hope to receive your kind advice and opinion. Thank you so much

Rank: 2

發表於 05-10-19 08:58 |只看該作者

Re: HK Preschool (Ascot) 樂基幼兒學校 / 幼兒樂園

hi there,
chrriemama, thanks for your sharing in details. you sound very confident about the HKPS--I'm now more interested in this schoo! I'm thinking of visiting the school once again with my partner so I'll have a second opinon, then will apply for the next term should we decide that this school will fit out needs.

beside being the native English speakers, are the teachers caring and energitic? Do they, for example sing songs in a creative way? (rather than sitting and just clapping hands)

for primaries, i'm thinking of enrolling our daughter either to ESF or the PLK-Cameros TSL..... do you think the standard of the pupils from this school is good enough to pass these schools?

i cannot answer most of your questions, but i know the answer for the first one! they have two different stream--if your child attends in the international stream, each class with English speaking teacher and Putonghua speaking teacher. If your child attend in the anglo-chinese class, they'll have English & Cantonese speaking teachers--they'll still have Putonghua lessons like 20 minutes a day or something, though.


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-10-19 10:44 |只看該作者

Re: HK Preschool (Ascot) 樂基幼兒學校 / 幼兒樂園

Hi Rikachandoll,

My son is attending Kentville Kindergarten at the moment.  He doesn't like to go to school due to language problem (he doesn't know cantonese at all).  His teacher told me that my son doesn't talk wi in school at all. I am so worry about him and just thinking to switch him to a bi-lingual kindergarten. The reason why I push my son to learn chinese is because I want him to be good in both of chinese and english in the future.  Therefore international school is not my cup of tea.

I did visit HK Preschool (Ascot) with my son last week.  My son had a interview on that day and they accepted him. That kinder. seems to have good arrangment in extracurricular activities .The native english speaking teachers seems are friendly there. I found that students there are not so active.  I just wondering what sort of teaching program they are running. The school bus arrangement isa big problem for me.  It needs to take around 50 minutes travel from Tai Wai to HK preschool FO TAN .  The travelling time is too much for my son.  I have to make an decision ASAP regarding switching school issue.

My elder daughter is attending PLK TSL primary school.  I found that quite a few of her classmates were from Kentville kindergarten.  I am so struggling that should I switch school for my son.

Any comments about this issue?

Anyone can help?

Rank: 2

發表於 05-10-19 19:33 |只看該作者

Re: HK Preschool (Ascot) 樂基幼兒學校 / 幼兒樂園

hi tingmum,
yes, regarding the school bus, it's  headache for me, too. we also live in tai wai and i was very surprised to hear that it takes 40 minutes to get to Fotan by the school bus...

their curriculum does look interesting; i'm particularly fond of the idea that my daughter could learn putonghua!

however, i've noted that you said according to your observation last week, the children there don't seem active? can you elaborate more? what gave you the impression? actually, one of the reasons why i want to switch my daughter from her current school to another one is that  i felt the children in my daughter's class didn't seem as excited about the school activities as those from her previous classmates in other school. i cannot switch her back to the previous school due to lack of school bus from our place, though.

so, if you think the children at the HKPS are not active, it'll be a BIG problem....

i've also visited the school but only briefly, so it's a bit hard for me to judge on this. when i visited they were having a music class (drum) and it seemed like fun....

i may anyway apply for this school and decide... how many days will they give you before you make the final decision after the interview?

also you mentioned your elder daugher goes to PCK.. do you think it's a good school? i've heard their english and chinese standard is good and their academic performance is also good. what kind of secondary will the graduates go on to?


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-10-20 23:21 |只看該作者

Re: HK Preschool (Ascot) 樂基幼兒學校 / 幼兒樂園

Please check pm.

Rank: 2

發表於 05-11-5 23:43 |只看該作者

Re: HK Preschool (Ascot) 樂基幼兒學校 / 幼兒樂園

Hi,  I am having headache too becasue of my son.
I will like to know the levels between Ascot and St.Catherine.  Is Ascot much more easlier than schools in Kowloon Tong?  Can your daughter catch up the lessons with no problem?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-11-26 23:17 |只看該作者

Re: HK Preschool (Ascot) 樂基幼兒學校 / 幼兒樂園

I can share some about the Kowloon Tong site.
It really depends on which teacher you get cos my daughter had 1 very poor Chinese teacher. The English teachers, some were young and very inexperienced. But I observed the teachers in the International classes (older gweipors) - they were very good. So it really depends on which teachers you get.
Also cos when we voiced our concern about the poor teaching quality of the Chinese teacher in particular, the reply we got from the principle were not encouraging- siding the teachers, which she had to but in our view as parents, of course, not very 'parent-oriented'. So we pulled our kid out.
Another issue I had with this school was the hygiene - children do not have to remove shoes before they go into the classroom. So they step from the toilet to the classroom and sit on the floor for story telling - the mats which could have been stepped on by all, including the teachers. in this age of flu, it's bad, i think.
Besides, as U have mentioned, the ratio - 20 kids to one class is big. If the teachers are experienced, ok. But the 2 teachers I got were inexperienced (chinese one was bad), they could not handle the kids.
So the story telling in my observation was really boring - sorry to say that. The playgroup teacher my girl had may  be too good, that's why but there again, with kids, you have to be interesting enough or they'll switch off.
These are just my personal experiences. Like I said, I observed some teachers to be very good.

Rank: 2

發表於 05-11-26 23:31 |只看該作者

Re: HK Preschool (Ascot) 樂基幼兒學校 / 幼兒樂園

recently, i also went to HK Preschool (Kowloon Tong) for site visit and i also noticed that the school facilities seemed quite old and dirty !!!

momfromhkg 寫道:

Another issue I had with this school was the hygiene - children do not have to remove shoes before they go into the classroom. So they step from the toilet to the classroom and sit on the floor for story telling - the mats which could have been stepped on by all, including the teachers. in this age of flu, it's bad, i think.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-11-28 19:42 |只看該作者

Re: HK Preschool (Ascot) 樂基幼兒學校 / 幼兒樂園

Hello Tingmum,
I have the same belief as you. I wanted to send my daughter to Kentville cos I want her to learn Chinese but having read your thread, I'm having 2nd thought. Could you give me any advice about Kenville cos I hear the chinese teaching is very good, sets a good foundation for the kid.
Do they teach mainly in Chinese? Do they have Chinese and English teachers in the same class? How much English do they teach (as in hours?)
Hope you could advice cos my daughter is very used to English environment.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-11-28 19:45 |只看該作者

Re: HK Preschool (Ascot) 樂基幼兒學校 / 幼兒樂園

Hi Tingmum, one more thing about HK Preschool. I noticed the school children from K1, even after they finish class, they have to sit and wait for the school bus. I think it's not very healthy cos they are already tired. Cos the playground is at the back of the school, they could not play and wait but have to sit and wait inside the school, which I think is quite boring for the kids, they all look tired.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-11-29 00:41 |只看該作者

Re: HK Preschool (Ascot) 樂基幼兒學校 / 幼兒樂園

Hello cherriemama,

This year my son 讀2歲班,無論學校課程,環境及老師都好好, 講真真係有d唔捨得!
但因考到入St. Catherine K1, Would you give me more suggestion.  


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-11-29 09:57 |只看該作者

Re: HK Preschool (Ascot) 樂基幼兒學校 / 幼兒樂園

My daughter is also attending the playgroup class (for 2 years old) at HK Preschool (Ascot). She enjoys the school so much and also requests to go to school even on holidays.

But she was accepted by Kentville. As I want her to go to private primary school in Kowloon, I have applied KV for her. My girl loves to speak English and so she loves her English teacher at HKPS so much. Now, I am not too sure whether I should let her switch to Kentville next year or not.

Anybody, please advise.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-11-29 12:24 |只看該作者

Re: HK Preschool (Ascot) 樂基幼兒學校 / 幼兒樂園

Dear momfromhkg,

Sorry for my delay reply.  I just saw your message.  I didn't switch my son from Kentville to HK preschool.  After serious consider, I prefer keep my son in Kentville. To be honest, I am happy with what my son have learnt from Kentville so far.

My son is attending K1 in Kentville right now.  He's got two class teachers, one mainly teaching chinese and the other mainly teaching english. Both class teachers are local chinese.  My son can recognise many chinese words (more than 20 words) right now. It seems that he is quite enjoy his school life in Kentville right now but not last two months. This may due to he is new in Hong Kong.  I am fully satisfy with their teaching method in K1 - learn how to recognise chinese words from playing games (e.g. put the cards on the floor and then ask children go to pick it up, once the kid pick up the card he/she must read the word on the card.) My son quite enjoy this game and always play it with me at home.

Regarding english.  It is up to letter G so far.  I am not worry about this area too much as my son is strong in english reading skill.  He loves reading and his reading skill has reached primary standard (I should thanks for his previous teacher in Australia).  I plan to send my son to either La Salle (father )or PLK TSL(sister) if he is lucky enough to get in either one of them after K3.  Therefore, I expect him must be good in both chinese and english.

If you want your daughter go to traditional school, I think Kentville is a good choice.  If you daughter is very used to english environment, let her stay in Kentville to learn more chinese.......

As for the school bus, it is acceptable for kids waiting for the school bus in class.  I have no complaint.  My son reach home at 12:30p.m. every day.  I think the school bus arrangment is perfect for me.

Hope the above information is help.
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