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教育王國 討論區 小學雜談 英文唔係好好報德望學校有冇機會
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英文唔係好好報德望學校有冇機會 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 4

發表於 06-8-18 13:06 |只看該作者



Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-8-18 13:54 |只看該作者

Re: 英文唔係好好報德望學校有冇機會


Hochingman 寫道:

Rank: 4

發表於 06-8-18 14:12 |只看該作者

Re: 英文唔係好好報德望學校有冇機會


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-8-18 15:38 |只看該作者

Re: 英文唔係好好報德望學校有冇機會

我記得我的囡說問她喜歡吃什麼, 用英文問 , 其他我囡沒有告訴我聽?    問吓其他人可否幫到你?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-8-18 17:56 |只看該作者

Re: 英文唔係好好報德望學校有冇機會

Hochingman 寫道:

You mean "Mother" or "daughter"?

Rank: 4

發表於 06-8-18 22:23 |只看該作者

Re: 英文唔係好好報德望學校有冇機會


Rank: 1

發表於 06-8-18 23:09 |只看該作者

Re: 英文唔係好好報德望學校有冇機會

if you are a full time mom, thats no problem la

but if you are working mom, your daughter not come from rich family, chance not so much loh...

sometimes, school will receive lower level student to balance rich & poor gei~~~

My daughter's english so poor at the begining, so do I la~~ hahaa,,,but I am a working mom and come from rich family,,,so my daughter get a seat from first round. I heard from my daughter, her classmates few of them come from not so rich family gar~~~  but they usually ....oops don;t talk too much others lah...so grossip

Rank: 1

發表於 06-8-19 00:38 |只看該作者

Re: 英文唔係好好報德望學校有冇機會

tintin_mama 寫道:
if you are a full time mom, thats no problem la

but if you are working mom, your daughter not come from rich family, chance not so much loh...

sometimes, school will receive lower level student to balance rich & poor gei~~~

My daughter's english so poor at the begining, so do I la~~ hahaa,,,but I am a working mom and come from rich family,,,so my daughter get a seat from first round. I heard from my daughter, her classmates few of them come from not so rich family gar~~~  but they usually ....oops don;t talk too much others lah...so grossip

妳係全職 Mommy 都好 d, 將教女ge責任交俾學校 la, 放心, 佢地會教得妳個女好好的, 不會像妳個d 咁 ge 英文...

但妳一定要將妳的美德- 環保意識, 傳給妳的囡囡, 話哂妳都係來自一個 " rich family", 斷估妳在其他 thread  話賣2手校服, 都係唔想浪費, 不會旨在區區幾拾塊錢....

Rank: 2

發表於 06-8-19 01:00 |只看該作者

Re: 英文唔係好好報德望學校有冇機會

你老公就好lar, 又有錢,又有自已公司,有500個職員。

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-8-19 09:55 |只看該作者

Re: 英文唔係好好報德望學校有冇機會


Scar 寫道:
tintin_mama 寫道:
if you are a full time mom, thats no problem la

but if you are working mom, your daughter not come from rich family, chance not so much loh...

sometimes, school will receive lower level student to balance rich & poor gei~~~

My daughter's english so poor at the begining, so do I la~~ hahaa,,,but I am a working mom and come from rich family,,,so my daughter get a seat from first round. I heard from my daughter, her classmates few of them come from not so rich family gar~~~  but they usually ....oops don;t talk too much others lah...so grossip

妳係全職 Mommy 都好 d, 將教女ge責任交俾學校 la, 放心, 佢地會教得妳個女好好的, 不會像妳個d 咁 ge 英文...

但妳一定要將妳的美德- 環保意識, 傳給妳的囡囡, 話哂妳都係來自一個 " rich family", 斷估妳在其他 thread  話賣2手校服, 都係唔想浪費, 不會旨在區區幾拾塊錢....


Rank: 1

發表於 06-8-21 13:53 |只看該作者

Re: 英文唔係好好報德望學校有冇機會

Scar 寫道:
但妳一定要將妳的美德- 環保意識, 傳給妳的囡囡, 話哂妳都係來自一個 " rich family", 斷估妳在其他 thread  話賣2手校服, 都係唔想浪費, 不會旨在區區幾拾塊錢....

You must really want those uniforms la~~, nevermind lah~~...if you want, I free for you la~~....         
Just like sometimes, I give money to some beggers lah~~~     

Rank: 1

發表於 06-8-21 14:01 |只看該作者

Re: 英文唔係好好報德望學校有冇機會

General speaking, they will separate two major groups.

Those students who come from RICH family and/or adore school crazy. The other groups are those students who come from "lower" level (not really poor gar~) or not much adore school crazy.

Especially, those Parents who adore school crazy. They will stick together to fright with those parents who against school policy or regulation.

From forum, you can easy to find out what I said. Anytime, if someone dislike or say something bad on school, they will come up to score them, yell them. The words from their mouth are very rude and dirty.

Although my husband is RICH ( I think la~), I seldom gather with them. I hate "BIG NOSE" parents. This year is the last year my daughter in that school so I don't afraid their "2-5 boy".

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-8-21 14:01 |只看該作者

Re: 英文唔係好好報德望學校有冇機會

德望不須要好有$ 先讀得, 我隔離屋3 個女都係讀呢間. 有個已經大學畢業.

Rank: 4

發表於 06-8-21 18:00 |只看該作者

Re: 英文唔係好好報德望學校有冇機會

佢地係唔係各方面都好醒 :  :

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-8-21 18:01 |只看該作者

Re: 英文唔係好好報德望學校有冇機會

tintin_mama 寫道:
General speaking, they will separate two major groups.

Those students who come from RICH family and/or adore school crazy. The other groups are those students who come from "lower" level (not really poor gar~) or not much adore school crazy.

Especially, those Parents who adore school crazy. They will stick together to fright with those parents who against school policy or regulation.

From forum, you can easy to find out what I said. Anytime, if someone dislike or say something bad on school, they will come up to score them, yell them. The words from their mouth are very rude and dirty.

Although my husband is RICH ( I think la~), I seldom gather with them. I hate "BIG NOSE" parents. This year is the last year my daughter in that school so I don't afraid their "2-5 boy".

Is it necessary to mention that you are so 'rich' in every feedback?  I think rich people seldom tell others how rich they are.  Even if you are that 'rich', there is no need to label others as 'rich family' or 'lower level', which you may label me as.  Do you think this may affect your children's views on others?  I hope my children will not have such classification on others.  :cry:

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-8-21 21:15 |只看該作者

Re: 英文唔係好好報德望學校有冇機會


wanyiumama 寫道:
Is it necessary to mention that you are so 'rich' in every feedback?  I think rich people seldom tell others how rich they are.  Even if you are that 'rich', there is no need to label others as 'rich family' or 'lower level', which you may label me as.  Do you think this may affect your children's views on others?  I hope my children will not have such classification on others.  :cry:

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-8-21 21:49 |只看該作者

Re: 英文唔係好好報德望學校有冇機會


Rank: 1

發表於 06-8-21 21:50 |只看該作者

Re: 英文唔係好好報德望學校有冇機會

tintin_mama 寫道:
Scar 寫道:
但妳一定要將妳的美德- 環保意識, 傳給妳的囡囡, 話哂妳都係來自一個 " rich family", 斷估妳在其他 thread  話賣2手校服, 都係唔想浪費, 不會旨在區區幾拾塊錢....

You must really want those uniforms la~~, nevermind lah~~...if you want, I free for you la~~....         
Just like sometimes, I give money to some beggers lah~~~      [/quote]

我以為妳英文差, 誰不知妳中文理解能力都有問題。

講白點, 免妳要周圍問人解 :

妳省點吧, 沒人相信妳講甚麼有錢人家, 甚麼 500人公司, 轉頭走去賣幾件2手校服, 好心就分兩個 ID, 一個繼續吹噓完妳自己發錢寒夢 , 另一個咪周圍兜售妳個幾件校服囉。

發表於 06-8-21 22:21 |只看該作者

Re: 英文唔係好好報德望學校有冇機會

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-8-22 13:04 |只看該作者

Re: 英文唔係好好報德望學校有冇機會

Some said children just like a sponge and will absorb everything you give as far as possible.  I agree with it and so, I applied GHS for my daughter even though her English is not very good and she will study in GHS in the coming Sep.  Many GHS parents said their daughters' English improve a lot after studying here.  I believe P.1 - P.6 is a critical time for language development, like grammer, tense, etc., and I also hope the learning atmoshphere here could help her study.

I think '英文唔係好好' is not a big problem but at least the child must not be scared of English.  We may need to provide some guidance or even learn with them but we should have confidence on our children.  Even we may fail but at least we have tried! Sometimes, you may find that your children's ability is far above your expectation!


GHS should become whole-day after 2-3 years.


I don't know right now but I will observe if '佢地係唔係各方面都好醒'.
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