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TomLee MW class [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3


發表於 10-1-22 20:57 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
planning to enroll my son, any comments??

approx how many children per class?

I read from their website, there will be 24 classes total, is it going to be once a week?

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-1-25 23:32 |只看該作者
How old is your son? If your son is 3 years old above, I suggest you to let your son have a prviate piano tutor better than those course. It was waste time. As my girl has joined this course for few months, it just like a playgroup for elder kid.

After the course, my girl teach by the private piano teacher. It was more useful and she can play a song e.g. Old Macdonlad for few months later.

And the important things, there are too many kids at one class la.

[ 本帖最後由 玩火 於 10-1-25 23:34 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-1-25 23:37 |只看該作者
complete waste of time and money.
原帖由 zillyzizi 於 10-1-22 20:57 發表
planning to enroll my son, any comments??

approx how many children per class?

I read from their website, there will be 24 classes total, is it going to be once a week?


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-1-26 00:36 |只看該作者
Well, it depends on what you are looking for.  If you want a piano class, this would not be your cup of tea.  I would say this is more a music induction class for young kid.  I did enjoy that very much with my kid and she joined the JMC class  afterwards.

原帖由 zillyzizi 於 10-1-22 20:57 發表
planning to enroll my son, any comments??

approx how many children per class?

I read from their website, there will be 24 classes total, is it going to be once a week?


Rank: 4

發表於 10-1-26 01:47 |只看該作者
My son LOVED MW class. I think 3 years old is WAY WAY too young for private piano lesson. You COULD, but why? At 3 years old, the best time of the child's life and window to enjoy interacting with other children, to hear more music, and clap to rhythm, to sing, to dance, to hear stories along with the music.

MW is LIKE playgroup setting, but much better. BUT, it also depends greatly WHO is the teacher. It makes a huge difference.

My son completed MW, and now going to JMC, my daughter graduated from JMC, now doing private piano lessons.

The foundation the child gets from MW and JMC is indescribable. I highly recommend all toddlers and pre-schoolers take such courses.

My musikbox has developed similar course, but improved in certain areas.....

During JMC, it's best to introduce private piano lesson when the child is 5 years old.

At 3 years old, the child's motor skills and strength cannot play properly on an acoustic piano hence the electone piano keyboard is suitable for 3 and 4 year olds. At 5-6 years old, proper piano private lessons with good teacher will ensure proper and correct posture and finger positions.

Alot of work but rewarding at the end!

Rank: 1

發表於 10-1-26 16:31 |只看該作者
I agreed with Pianokc.  And I've done what she/he recommended.

Both of my sons (9 and 6 years old) completed the MV and JMC.  They loved the music courses very much.  We seldom missed the classes unless they were sick.  

The courses had provided them a very good foundation for further study in musical instruments.  Their aural skills are good and have better performances than those whom have not taken the courses.  These were commented by their music teachers.

Both of them started private piano classes when they were five in parellel with JMC.  After finished JMC, my elder son also learns cello.  And he had passed the grade 6 cello last Oct and now preparing for grade 6 piano exam in April.  

If not for the foundation laid when he was young, the progress will not be that promising.  He's also a member in the school senior orchestra.

My little son just completed JMC last Oct, and now is also preparing the grade 2 piano exam in Sept.  He also learns  violin now. The progress is good.

Since I had accompanied my sons all these years, I really want to say that if you want to get the designated effects of the course, your child and you really have to pay efforts and follow the teachers' instructions to practice at home.  And, also be patience.  Result will not be shown in just a few lessons.  

Indeed, a lot of work, but rewards will be granted.

Above is just my sharing on the courses.  

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