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教育王國 討論區 國際學校 有冇後悔比仔女讀IS?
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有冇後悔比仔女讀IS? [複製鏈接]

發表於 09-9-25 18:19 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-9-25 21:25 |只看該作者


他在esf2年,starter1年,esf小學1年,現在於st Margaret 小學p2
他沒有香港人朋友。他個仔的英文比香港小朋友好,他讀英文書的時候,口音全是鬼仔。我同他傾談的時候,他有時會用英文,當英文用不當的時,又會說廣東語。他同本地仔玩,久不久說英文,d小朋友不同他玩,因為不明。廣東話又不及local仔。香港小朋友見你說英文,又怕同你玩! 鬼仔又認為你的英文不地道,因此他只會同南亞仔如印度、巴基斯坦、日本人玩。(他又沒有教會朋輩本地朋友!)

讀那間st Margaret的學校,個外表好像是int'l但實際是本地課程,中文又跟不到,英文又不是好好,總之常常是半天吊那隻。

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 09-9-25 22:20 |只看該作者


読本地学校的学生中文也不一定好、説話時満口懶音的多的是。  不看中文文字書、只看漫画的也一大堆。  読本地学校等於中文好 = 不一定的。

説甚麼「廣東話又不及local仔。香港小朋友見你說英文,又怕同你玩! 鬼仔又認為你的英文不地道」、這只是大人父母的COMPLEX、小朋友如果是双語的、自己会調節的、在我女児学校所見、朋友仔種種配達都有、不可只LABEL一類人。  

「啲學生會否hea吓又一日, 就係因為happy school嘅代價, 換嚟好似好廢咁, 我知唔係個個都係咁, 我只係擔心學校讀書風氣唔夠, 啲細路太輕鬆始終會懶, 有幾多個真係咁自發性同自律, 香港啲IS邊間真係讀書風氣好?」


love you for you

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-9-25 23:05 |只看該作者
Like you, we are a typical middle class family.
Both my husband and I were born and raised in
HK, and received education in local schools.
Our daughter is six years old now, studying
in an IS school. We are quite satisfied and
we would select IS if we had to make a choice

We put her in IS school since kindergarten.
We hired a Filipino maid who could speak
good English. Therefore, our kid has to speak
two different languages since she was small.
Now, she can communicate using both
Cantonese and English fluently. We put her in
summer school in the US for 7 weeks in July
and August. Her teacher told me she could not
tell she were from overseas. I have to confess
that she cannot read and write Chinese. On
the other hand, her English reading skill should
be similar to a native level. She can read a
whole book of several hundred words by
herself. I have to give all the credits to her
school since I seldom read books with her.
In school, she needs to write diaries of a
few sentences almost daily. Parents are given
a list of words and requested to help the
kids to memorize the spelling. Therefore,
I do not worry much about her English.
Of course, if you demand a Chinese proficiency
as a local student, it is definitely not your choice.

Since she does all the homework in school
and there is no test or exam or dictation,
she can spend almost all the after-school time in
leisure activities. She loves school very much
and goes to school every day happily since the
first day.

Having said all these, I believe whether IS
is suitable for your kid also depends on what
you want from the education. To me, fostering
her interest on learning is far more important
than raising her knowledge level at this ago.
We also do not consider a high level of
Chinese proficiency is a must. Therefore, IS
is definitely a better choice than local schools
to us.

原帖由 cuteb 於 09-9-25 18:19 發表
好少聽家長講佢哋嘅內心感受, 可否交流吓..

我哋只係好一般、唔係富豪嘅家長, 仔仔宜家近1歲, 諗緊讀IS/local, 睇太多BK家長嘅留言, 話諗住將來讀IS就唔好讀local kind., 驚又追唔上local primary, 讀local kind.英 ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-9-26 00:16 |只看該作者
原帖由 cuteb 於 09-9-25 18:19 發表
好少聽家長講佢哋嘅內心感受, 可否交流吓..

我哋只係好一般、唔係富豪嘅家長, 仔仔宜家近1歲, 諗緊讀IS/local, 睇太多BK家長嘅留言, 話諗住將來讀IS就唔好讀local kind., 驚又追唔上local primary, 讀local kind.英 ...

As similar as u, i listed out all the pros and cons of IS (I guess u have analysed thoroughly) before making my decision(s). After i made up my mind; as a grass-root parent, i'm struggling to strive to my goals. No regret.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-9-26 07:24 |只看該作者
你朋友仔個case,我深表同情,但以旁觀者睇,instead of 放錯個仔入IS,佢係錯在將個仔轉去local school。另我覺得你朋友仔可能性格上有問題,好多IS小朋友雖然prefer 講英文,但同local school kids一樣可以玩到癲,尤其貪玩嘅男孩子。

原帖由 alunsweeney 於 09-9-25 21:25 發表


他在esf2年,starter1年,esf小學1年,現在於st Margaret 小學p2
他沒有香港人朋友。他個仔的英文比香港小朋友好,他讀英文書的時候,口音全是鬼仔。我同他傾談的時候,他有時會用英文 ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-9-26 10:02 |只看該作者
Yes, my kid can speak Cantonese, English and Mandarin fluently without communication problem with her friends and relatives. She can switch language well with them. But I do agree that their Chinese writing may be a bit behind the local school standard.

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 09-9-26 10:08 |只看該作者
原帖由 alunsweeney 於 09-9-25 21:25 發表


他在esf2年,starter1年,esf小學1年,現在於st Margaret 小學p2
他沒有香港人朋友。他個仔的英文比香港小朋友好,他讀英文書的時候,口音全是鬼仔。我同他傾談的時候,他有時會用英文 ...

你朋友個仔的情形, 在真正 IS 唔會發生; 其實國際學校好多唔同背景的, 冇人會 CARE 你的口音, 好多外國人都唔係 NATIVE ENGLISH SPEAKERS, 法國德國日本人的英文都可能有自己的口音,

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-9-26 10:30 |只看該作者
Have friends in different local elite schools, and local "average" schools.

All I can say is that, local schools and international schools are totally different. It is going to take me a whole day explaining the differences. But generally, I think international schools provide a more supportive, more positive and yet more dynamic environment for children to grow.

International schools are not "an easy way out". Ask parents of senior primary or secondary IS. They will tell you that the curriculum is very demanding. But at the same time, children are always getting encouragements from teachers.

My children are happy, sportive, artistic, musical and very knowledgeable. There are things that you could never imagine kids at their age would know. They love school and love to learn.

It is very important that children have the love and drive to learn on their own. The knowledge out there is unlimited, so it is important that children have the time, love and encouragement to learn in their own spare time.

If my children were put in a local school instead, I think they would have been two totally different persons.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-9-26 11:39 |只看該作者
原帖由 almom 於 09-9-26 10:30 發表
Have friends in different local elite schools, and local "average" schools.

All I can say is that, local schools and international schools are totally different. It is going to take me a whole day ex ...

Yes. I am always amazed by my Year 1 girl the way she thinks and learns and makes use of the knowledge from kindergarten from books and even from Playhouse Disney at age of 5.
Comparing with my days when i was 5, i was just an "idiot" (should this word be banned when describing myself?). Simply following parents and teachers instructions...that's all.
I don't want my children following my footprints.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-9-26 18:57 |只看該作者
想問下大家如果小朋友一路都讀開IS kinder, 家長都prefer IS, 但考小學時小朋友話鍾意local school, 咁大家會點選擇呢?

Rank: 2

發表於 09-9-26 20:11 |只看該作者
除了負擔比較重之外, 其他一切都很如意, 所以無悔.

原帖由 cuteb 於 09-9-25 18:19 發表
好少聽家長講佢哋嘅內心感受, 可否交流吓..

我哋只係好一般、唔係富豪嘅家長, 仔仔宜家近1歲, 諗緊讀IS/local, 睇太多BK家長嘅留言, 話諗住將來讀IS就唔好讀local kind., 驚又追唔上local primary, 讀local kind.英 ...

Rank: 2

發表於 09-9-26 21:51 |只看該作者
其實會有這種情況嗎?考小學時小朋友應該是5或6歲吧.他們會知道local school或IS 的分別嗎? 唯一想到的是他們兩種學校都試過.  否則佷難想像讀IS Kinder 會知道什麼是Local School.

原帖由 babyoush 於 09-9-26 18:57 發表
想問下大家如果小朋友一路都讀開IS kinder, 家長都prefer IS, 但考小學時小朋友話鍾意local school, 咁大家會點選擇呢?

[ 本帖最後由 eaymom 於 09-9-26 21:58 編輯 ]

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 09-9-26 23:35 |只看該作者
I very much envy you guys who have put your kids in IS.  It is a big commitment in terms of financial resources.  

My elder kid is in a local school for my various fears - Chinese standard, discipline and drug problem.  She is now 10 and I found that she is pretty disciplined and drug problem is a territory-wide issue anyway, so these concerns are no longer valid and I wish her to change path.  For Chinese, I may need to give up! This is not an easy language for her!  

I know that IS is not a way out at all.  Good IS always got a long waiting list.  I'll let her try anyway!  I hope she can benefit from a supportive learning environment.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-9-27 10:44 |只看該作者
原帖由 eaymom 於 09-9-26 21:51 發表
其實會有這種情況嗎?考小學時小朋友應該是5或6歲吧.他們會知道local school或IS 的分別嗎? 唯一想到的是他們兩種學校都試過.  否則佷難想像讀IS Kinder 會知道什麼是Local School.


因為佢見過/參觀過local kinder, 有親戚讀緊, 我有講過local school會有好多功課同test, 好辛苦架喎, 不過唔知係咪佢見到全部都係中國人, 有親切感d掛, 佢話唔怕做功課, 咁點算呀??

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 09-9-27 15:11 |只看該作者

回覆 1# babyoush 的文章

I think you should tell her all the pros and cons of international vs local schools. But honestly, I don't think in the first place you should let her choose if she's so small.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-9-27 15:39 |只看該作者
其實我擔心佢會唔會因為咁而唔開心者, 係o既話搞到好似逼佢讀IS咁, 還是真係可以唔理佢幫佢選?? 會唔會影響將來讀書投入度呢??

Rank: 1

發表於 09-9-28 00:16 |只看該作者
原帖由 babyoush 於 09-9-27 15:39 發表
其實我擔心佢會唔會因為咁而唔開心者, 係o既話搞到好似逼佢讀IS咁, 還是真係可以唔理佢幫佢選?? 會唔會影響將來讀書投入度呢??

我個case係RC(插班p.2)同幾間直資都收左呀女,我地好想佢去RC,但唔知點解,佢好中意一間直資學校,就係基於你既諗法,我地俾佢揀  。而家開左學約兩個月,佢好開心,就算我地有時講笑話叫佢轉校,佢既答案係:「俾多一個機會我,學期尾考試考得好,我係咪可以讀落去?」

我知道佢而家好中意間學校,但我地依然十五十六,唔知有冇決定錯。因為講緊既係香港既教育制度同local 高考,真係要到十幾年後先知。

[ 本帖最後由 weiwei01 於 09-9-28 00:37 編輯 ]

發表於 09-9-28 08:55 |只看該作者

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-9-28 09:27 |只看該作者
原帖由 cuteb 於 09-9-25 18:19 發表
好少聽家長講佢哋嘅內心感受, 可否交流吓..

我哋只係好一般、唔係富豪嘅家長, 仔仔宜家近1歲, 諗緊讀IS/local, 睇太多BK家長嘅留言, 話諗住將來讀IS就唔好讀local kind., 驚又追唔上local primary, 讀local kind.英 ...

If you know what you expect, and do some detail research directly from your target schools (not hearsay from others), then you won't regret from your own choice.

There are many types of schools now - very traditional famous one, semi-traditional, semi-IS, real IS.  Each type of schools have their own pros and cons.  So you need to check for details and match with your kids' personality and your own criteria (academic, financial, future secondary and U destination, etc).

In real IS, it is not just happy studying.  It is more about motivating the kids to have interest to learn, enjoy the learning process, and know how to learn continuously by themselves for life.  Assessment is done for each child to help improving oneself, not to compare with others.  Parents also need to spare much time to help at home, such as accompanying the kids to read books everyday, going to excursions, etc.

Now there are many new type of local DSS using activity approach, such as WKF, CKY, HKUAS...yet I don't know the effectiveness and results of them.  You may also like to see if those are suitable for you or not.

[ 本帖最後由 WYmom 於 09-9-28 09:29 編輯 ]
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