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浸會大學附屬學校王錦輝WKF [複製鏈接]

發表於 08-11-14 16:33 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
1. I attended the 2nd interview in late October and received the “Waiting Letter” the next week. Did anyone attend the above interview and then get the offer after?

2. As told my friends, the turn-over rate of WKF teacher was very high and the school administration was in a mess. Has it been settled down yet ? If your kid is studying in WKF, please help to clarify.

Thank you…
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Rank: 6Rank: 6


發表於 08-11-14 18:59 |只看該作者
我係 13/10 收到 waiting letter, 到而家都未有消息

原帖由 rosamann 於 08-11-14 16:33 發表
1. I attended the 2nd interview in late October and received the “Waiting Letter” the next week. Did anyone attend the above interview and then get the offer after?

2. As told my friends, the turn ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-11-14 22:38 |只看該作者


Hi guys;

This is a good school. The questions you have mentioned was 2 years old already. Kindly check it out by yourself. You can see their students, how they look like. Talk to them, see how they react. Don't listen to some one only.

If it is not good, why you choose it. Why you like it, ask youself and answer it yourself. You will find the answer.

We love the school and teachers. They are so pro-active and care our childs. No hard feeling if they can reach their standard, but they will find the way to help him. That is my personal feeling and experience. This school has a big support from University. Look at the teams and Principle, you will find the answer.

發表於 08-11-15 00:57 |只看該作者

Glad to hear some positive comments on WKF. Please be aware that I haven't mentioned in my last message  whether WKF is bad or not.  Please don't get over-excited. I 'll not only listen to one or two information source (actually my friend's friend whose kid is studying in WKF).  That's why I need to get more information from other channels. Anyway, thank you for your information.

I like the hardware support of the school, including the facilities and the wide-ranged subject curriculum.

Is the new principal (the ex-vice principal ?) better than the one  who quit suddenly last year? The school policy and stable staff support are very important to the students. if the new principal stands firm on the policy, then it will be a definite benefit to the kids. I really hope that everything has been settled or to be settled very soon so that both the hardware and software (teaching & administration) provide a very good foundation for paving the good development of WKF, a first-class school.  

Just one more question. How many NATs are there ?  Thx.

原帖由 iberia 於 08-11-14 22:38 發表
Hi guys;

This is a good school. The questions you have mentioned was 2 years old already. Kindly check it out by yourself. You can see their students, how they look like. Talk to them, see how they r ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-11-15 07:40 |只看該作者
Pls note the most important is parents instead of school. How you support your son daily. School is a kind of tools only. I have 2 sons. The elder son is studying in Pui Ching.

Pls do not expect such a new school can be comparing with 100 years old school. In my personal feeling, I do beleive they are doing very well sooner or later. In fact they are doing great at this moment and keep improving. I lover their teacher so care my child.

原帖由 rosamann 於 08-11-15 00:57 發表

Glad to hear some positive comments on WKF. Please be aware that I haven't mentioned in my last message  whether WKF is bad or not.  Please don't get over-excited. I 'll not only listen to on ...

發表於 08-11-15 10:05 |只看該作者
Yes, I agree that WKF is quite new and it needs to take time before it is fully geared. I haven't compared WKF with any other schools in my last messages because of their history and foundation.
I mean it is not fair to have the comparison at this stage, too early.

It is absolutely true that parents are essentially important to the development of kids in their childhood.  Parents can't count on school only. Instead, they are the role models of their kids  - what you behave, what they learn. There are more than 25 kids in  class. I never expect  a teacher to take care of everything in the class. (Sorry, I am not a teacher but a parent.)
However, we can't deny that a relatively quality group of students (the good peer ) at school, good teachers and good school policy are good assets for providing a better starting point to the students. This is my own view. You or other parents may not agree.

If your kid studies in WKF or your work for WKF, may you mind telling us the no. of NATs in the school and how do you feel about the new principal when comparing the last one. These information will be useful to the parents including me.  Thank you.

Pui Ching is a very good school, a good starting point for your kid. Congratulation...

原帖由 iberia 於 08-11-15 07:40 發表
Pls note the most important is parents instead of school. How you support your son daily. School is a kind of tools only. I have 2 sons. The elder son is studying in Pui Ching.

Pls do not expect suc ...

Rank: 2

發表於 08-11-15 13:58 |只看該作者
I am also a parent of Pui Ching, I wonder why didn't you send your younger son to Pui Ching??

原帖由 iberia 於 08-11-15 07:40 發表
Pls note the most important is parents instead of school. How you support your son daily. School is a kind of tools only. I have 2 sons. The elder son is studying in Pui Ching.

Pls do not expect suc ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-11-15 14:09 |只看該作者
It was the 'play day' at WKF last week.  Parents are invited to join every year and students will have a period (45 mins) to enjoy the most creative games ran by parents.  My husband went and he was so glad that we found a best match school for our son.  My husband was touched by all the kids, hugging each other and asked him to take photos; he talked to one of his teacher and was amazed that he can know him so well in less than 3 months.  My husband did not involve a lot in choosing a school and keeping track of my son's school life but he's very happy after seeing him in school.

You'll be glad to see how well they play and enjoy their school life.  The school values parents' involvement and students can learn through playing and activities. (many schools don't have many activities because teachers are tired to prepare so many things, also afraid of receiving parents negative comments).  We have already attended the sports day and play day in these 3 months.

For staff turn over rate, many DSS have the same problem because schools only hire teachers as contract teachers.  The school can evaluate staff performance to ensure the teaching quality, or the teacher can find a school that suits him/her better.  So it is easy to understand.

All English teachers are NET teachers although they don't have to be white.  My son picks up very good accent from his English teacher. Students need to do 'show and tell ' all the time to practise their public speaking.

That's all I want to add.


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-11-15 14:32 |只看該作者
原帖由 3lamma 於 08-11-15 14:09 發表
It was the 'play day' at WKF last week.  Parents are invited to join every year and students will have a period (45 mins) to enjoy the most creative games ran by parents.  My husband went and he was s ...

Most of the international kindergarten already started the "Show and tell" since K3,
if the kids not from international kindergarten, how to chase up and cope with the progress?

[ 本帖最後由 Santa_Maria 於 08-11-15 14:34 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-11-15 16:31 |只看該作者

Because my younger son is not that type. He is the type of WKF. In fact both of my sons were graduated from HKBUK. But the HKBUAS was not open during the year of my elder son graduated.

原帖由 boringggggggg 於 08-11-15 13:58 發表
I am also a parent of Pui Ching, I wonder why didn't you send your younger son to Pui Ching??

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-11-15 16:36 |只看該作者
Pls note the new Chief Principle has joined the school since last September. I will not comment him for such short period of time. It is not fair to him. I will tell you after one year.

I am not working there, only my sone is their student at this moment.

I trust this is a good school after one to tw years. In fact, it is well known by most of the parents.

原帖由 rosamann 於 08-11-15 10:05 發表
Yes, I agree that WKF is quite new and it needs to take time before it is fully geared. I haven't compared WKF with any other schools in my last messages because of their history and foundation.
I mea ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-11-20 17:37 |只看該作者
It is a good school, maybe not the best, but with a lot of potential.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-11-20 23:43 |只看該作者
WKF的英文课程着重Phonice, 经过几年的学习,也看见了成效,我认识的三年级同学,都已在看英文的chapter book了。
  数学用英文教,教材是Manhattan的Maths & You.


Rank: 2

發表於 08-11-21 00:09 |只看該作者
A parent, I met in a previous interview, told me her child got acceptance letter already but she at last turn down the offer coz she wanted to try the lucky draw.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-11-21 08:40 |只看該作者

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-11-21 22:02 |只看該作者

Hong Kong Parents

原帖由 pingoj 於 08-11-21 08:40 發表

I don't think so. A lot of parents has lost their direction. Most of them focus on money. In fact they have to understand the school and their child. They have to find a school to suitable their child. Let them like to read and learn freely. They will enjoy reading and learning.

I like HKBUAS is they will provide special service for special need student. Which I never think any school can provide. Because they can afford it.

Like you said, this school is a well-know school in Shatin already.

Rank: 2

發表於 08-11-21 23:09 |只看該作者
The parents may not focus on money. When they submitted the application form, they already knew the school fee.

Usually, it is not unusual to see that  the parents whose kids study in the school would not like the negative comments on their schools.  Don't get so nervous and angry about the comments, the WKF's fans.

To be fair, I believe WKF has really got the potential of being a good school in the future as the history is rather short. At this stage, it looks like a  big local school riding on the goodwill of HKBU. Many parents may not want to take the risk of giving up the lucky draw because of WKF's offer. Perhaps, when its development is good enough and the students' performance can be comparable with other well-known schools such as DBSPD, SPCC, LS , etc., the parents will take WKF's offer and give up the lucky draw.  

原帖由 iberia 於 08-11-21 22:02 發表

I don't think so. A lot of parents has lost their direction. Most of them focus on money. In fact they have to understand the school and their child. They have to find a school to suitable their chil ...

發表於 08-11-21 23:27 |只看該作者

原帖由 timtim852 於 08-11-21 23:09 發表
The parents may not focus on money. When they submitted the application form, they already knew the school fee.

Usually, it is not unusual to see that  the parents whose kids study in the school wou ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-11-22 00:29 |只看該作者

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發表於 08-11-22 19:45 |只看該作者
Yes, thanks for timtim852's independent and wise analysis. I also hope that WKF can be a famous school in one day so that the parents have more choices on the "famous school list".
原帖由 pingoj 於 08-11-22 00:29 發表
  只不过很多DSS学校都一样,都还没有成绩出来,惟独是对WKF的负面意见多。可能是这样,有些WKF的家长有些气愤难平吧. ...
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