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教育王國 討論區 智能評估 請問有無人去過越己堂做智能評估 ? 請俾意見 ...
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請問有無人去過越己堂做智能評估 ? 請俾意見 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-8-30 16:40 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
如題 !  想同小朋友(3歲半)去做智能評估, 請問越己堂好唔好 ?  因為收費都幾貴, 想問下大家意見先決定 !   

有朋友介紹另外一間香港兒童心理健康中心, 收費同越己堂相差好遠(差成$1,000), 但又好似大家都係做同一個綜合智能評估測驗, 所以有d心大心細, 但我朋友話解釋唔夠詳盡.
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Rank: 4

發表於 07-9-11 17:12 |只看該作者
I went to see the consultant there. After an initial  meeting, we decided not to conduct any test for my son who was about 3. They are very experienced and they could tell your child is gifted or not generally. The charge for private consultation was about $750, very fair & nice people.
I went to other "specialists" (all charged $2000/hr up)before & they also did not recomend to do test that early. My point is that the IQ score is not important, but I want to find "outlets" for my son - like where I could find suitable schools & help.  So far, I think for the money I spent on seeking specialist's advice was not worthwhile, no one could help child before 5 in H.K. What are you going to do if  your child has IQ200? No facilities & help are available.Leave it until later.
My son is 3, crazy about maths,he could do grade 3 maths, what about yours?
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