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教育王國 討論區 優才(楊殷有娣)書院 優才(楊殷有娣)書院 vs 播道書院
樓主: 林生及林太

優才(楊殷有娣)書院 vs 播道書院 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 4

發表於 07-10-6 21:14 |只看該作者

Sorry for my wrong interpretation on your message regarding the school fee.

However, I still could not understand why IB course would take up more resources than the local stream.  Does IB course require more NETs?  Is the class size of IB course even smaller than the existing GT's one?  Does IB course need to have more subjects than the local stream?  If the quality of IB course is better than the local stream, why is it not common in Hong Kong?  Sorry for so many questions and my lack of knowledge in this area.


原文章由 chunhei 於 07-10-5 22:32 硐表

I would like to clarify here.  Prof Li didn't mentioned the IB Course cost would close to 耀中.

He just mentioned the school under pressure on increasing cost such as teacher salary increment. For I ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-10-6 23:47 |只看該作者
原文章由 AFSL2007 於 07-10-6 21:14 硐表

Sorry for my wrong interpretation on your message regarding the school fee.

However, I still could not understand why IB course would take up more resources than the local stream.  Does IB  ...

I don't have any idea what resource required to run IB stream. But I understand some schools would like to run IB but it has been refused by education department. It seems that is not straightforward. I didn't spend much time to do research in that area because I don't plan to send my son to overseas collage due to limited pocket money on hand.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-10-7 00:27 |只看該作者
原文章由 AFSL2007 於 07-10-6 21:14 硐表

Sorry for my wrong interpretation on your message regarding the school fee.

However, I still could not understand why IB course would take up more resources than the local stream.  Does IB  ...


一般人講IB課程, 係指IB Diploma(IBD), 係一個兩年課程, 讀完就入大學, 既係香港既預科課程o

IB仲有小學同初中課程, 即PYP同MYP, 有時間先再講。

IBD的確要投放多D資源先攪得成既, 程度唔單止比香港課程高, 甚至比英國A-Level同美國Advance Placement課程高, 响歐美, 一般係資優生先至會讀IBD既。

其實香港而家推行既新高中考試, 基本上係抄IBD; 不過程度會低D, 拿A會容易好多。

IBD係通往歐美大學既金添招牌, 响IBD囉倒好成績, 好多美國大學會比Advance Standing, 既係直入大學二年級既; 如果想入名牌大學, 好似Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Cambridge Oxford咁, IBD既幫助就更大嘍。

[ 本文章最後由 中天英 於 07-10-9 00:09 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-10-7 01:40 |只看該作者

IBD is not just for studying overseas.  One can use result of IBD to apply local universities.

I had heard with my own ears from a pro-vice chancellor of HKU that IBD is treated more favorably over local exam.     

原文章由 chunhei 於 07-10-6 23:47 硐表

I don't have any idea what resource required to run IB stream. But I understand some schools would like to run IB but it has been refused by education department. It seems that is not straightforwar ...

Rank: 4

發表於 07-10-7 17:09 |只看該作者
Thanks for your explanation.


原文章由 中天英 於 07-10-7 00:27 硐表


一般人講IB課程, 係指IB Dilpoma(IBD), 係一個兩年課程, 讀完就入大學, 既係香港既預科課程o

IB仲有小學同初中課程, 即PYP同MYP, 有時間先再講。

IBD的確要投放多D資源先攪得成既, 程度唔單止比香港課程高, ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-10-8 21:59 |只看該作者
原文章由 中天英 於 07-10-7 00:27 硐表


一般人講IB課程, 係指IB Dilpoma(IBD), 係一個兩年課程, 讀完就入大學, 既係香港既預科課程o

IB仲有小學同初中課程, 即PYP同MYP, 有時間先再講。

IBD的確要投放多D資源先攪得成既, 程度唔單止比香港課程高, ...

It sounds IB course would be label as good student from rich family. It should be direction to go for gifted child. I think my son is not bright enough to take this course with his poor dad.

I just read the information from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IB_Diploma_Programme. IB Diploma should not be easy one. You can find PYP and MYP information there are well.

[ 本文章最後由 chunhei 於 07-10-8 22:11 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-10-9 00:20 |只看該作者
I would say IBD is a demanding course.  Students need to be all rounded and have strong analytical mind & original research capability.  English capability is also important, as all subjects (include science subjects) need essay writing in English(except Chinese of course)

But not necessary come from rich family.  GT has financial assitance scheme to enable those from low income family to enrol into the school.

原文章由 chunhei 於 07-10-8 21:59 硐表

It sounds IB course would be label as good student from rich family. It should be direction to go for gifted child. I think my son is not bright enough to take this course with his poor dad.

I just ...

Rank: 4

發表於 07-10-9 14:57 |只看該作者
原文章由 中天英 於 07-10-9 00:20 硐表
I would say IBD is a demanding course.  Students need to be all rounded and have strong analytical mind & original research capability.  English capability is also important, as all subjects (include  ...




Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-10-9 18:23 |只看該作者
原文章由 Dennisk 於 07-10-9 14:57 硐表



Dennis ...

囡囡讀G8,但我沒擔憂IB定local課程問題,因IB需孩子英文書寫能力佳才可應付4000字essay!看到時她有此能力才算! 即如現在不能選定G10讀文或理科一般!不是想選就可以,要看孩子程度、興趣及財力!不過若學生真的十分適合IB課程,能力又達到,相信學費不是大問題,因GT有獎學金給予優異學生。校方估計選IB課程學生不會超過供應學額。

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-10-9 22:12 |只看該作者
原文章由 中天英 於 07-10-9 00:20 硐表
But not necessary come from rich family.  GT has financial assitance scheme to enable those from low income family to enrol into the school. ...

I don't believe much about financial support to poor family in GT school.  In my son's parent network, majority are from middle class or government servants. It is no way for them to meet the requirement of school financial support.  

Also, GT school was private school 5 to 6 years ago. The school fee was up to HK5000 a month.  They should be studying in GT secondary school now. They must not from poor family.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-10-9 23:53 |只看該作者
Yes, there are students from middle class and government servants, but in the same time, some students are from less affluent families.

I know some students are from Single Parent Family, 综援family and  low income family.  They received financial assistance from the school in terms of school fee reduction.  The school even sponsor some less affluent students for overseas trips to widen their global perspertive.

The school kept secret for who is receivng financial assistance.

The school's financial assistance policy is posted in the school's web site as below,

Of course, if a student can afford to pay the full school fee, he has to pay!!!!!!

原文章由 chunhei 於 07-10-9 22:12 硐表

I don't believe much about financial support to poor family in GT school.  In my son's parent network, majority are from middle class or government servants. It is no way for them to meet the requir ...

[ 本文章最後由 中天英 於 07-10-10 00:00 編輯 ]

Rank: 4

發表於 07-10-10 10:38 |只看該作者
原文章由 ecore 於 07-10-9 18:23 硐表

囡囡讀G8,但我沒擔憂IB定local課程問題,因IB需孩子英文書寫能力佳才可應付4000字essay!看到時她有此能力才算! 即如現在不能選定G10讀文或理科一般!不是想選就可以,要看孩子程度、興趣及財力!不過若學生真的十分適合IB ...


這都是要考考校長,正如校長在GT網內所提到,“我們認為成功的教育必須達到兩大目標:愉快的學習卓越的表現。但現今的中學教育,大都不能兼顧,平衡兩者的發展。” 優才書院校長 - 陳家偉博士
如果讓學生知道愉快的學習不一定換來愉快的結果,這會不會是對校長最大的挑戰呢?如校長能滿足所有GT學生及家長的訴求,就真能實現以上那番說話了。其待!:) 希望能理性討論


[ 本文章最後由 Dennisk 於 07-10-10 10:44 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-10-10 22:48 |只看該作者
原文章由 Dennisk 於 07-10-10 10:38 硐表


看到你的回覆,可以想像你的囡囡是如何在一個快樂的家庭長大,有著美好的童年(一個負責任的家長帶給子女的)。你所題及的理據就是那些客觀的條件,是能力的配合,這點IBD課程需要有良好的英語能力,而不能就中文能力高的 ...

就我個人而言卓越的表現,並不一定指孩子入讀IB-DP課程,能力高的學生未必需一定選擇IB-DP,我不想將label 加於孩子身上,就如『選理科的女孩是聰明些的、男孩是成績佳的』一般。其實IB課程是為英語為母語的學生設計,原本是為外交官、駐外人員子女而設,讓他們在跟隨父母轉換居地時,也有统一課程進讀,全球每年只約2萬學生作IB-DP考核,因此並不是所有學生能適應!
在GT,子女在愉快學習環境中達到高要求,於公開試中取佳績,於我而言已是卓越的表現〔可能我要求低 〕!況且不讀IB-DP,還有其他國際考核IGCSE....HK公開試也可,條條大路通大學:香港、中國、國外.......

[ 本文章最後由 ecore 於 07-10-10 22:54 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-10-10 23:12 |只看該作者
原文章由 中天英 於 07-10-9 23:53 硐表
Yes, there are students from middle class and government servants, but in the same time, some students are from less affluent families.

I know some students are from Single Parent Family, 综援family ...

You probably right. I don't see those families in my network that doesn't mean they don't exist.  It was my wrong assumption.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-10-11 00:21 |只看該作者
原文章由 Dennisk 於 07-10-10 10:38 硐表


看到你的回覆,可以想像你的囡囡是如何在一個快樂的家庭長大,有著美好的童年(一個負責任的家長帶給子女的)。你所題及的理據就是那些客觀的條件,是能力的配合,這點IBD課程需要有良好的英語能力,而不能就中文能力高的 ...

I would like to respond to Dennis on following points.
1) 試問家長如果知到遊戲的規則,是要有如此高的英語需求又怎會不希望自己的子女達到呢?就是現在家長對英語如此渴求的情況下,社會上已有不少的壓力,再加上如此吸引的美好前景(中兄所講的IBD課程之好處),如此一來會不會又是一場惡夢的開始呢?
sw : I think it would be depending on parent's expectation.  If parent are really looking for that level of result, GT school should not be their primary choice.  Traditional school or international school probably more suitable for them.  On the other hand, I don't agree IBD would be prefect system. Personally, I don't buy in the concept in this stage.  Specially, Hong Kong got 1.3 billion china market next to us.  We will never be able to speak better english than western.  Don't waste time !

2) 本人非常認同GT的教學理念﹣「喜悅」和「卓越」。但如果我相信學校要是成功做到「卓越」的成績(學生能應付4000字的英文essay),
sw : I don't see the connection between 「卓越」and 4000字的英文essay.  If students can't finish 4000 words essay,  it can still be outstanding students.  The strength of outstanding students are not necessary in language area.

3) 到了中五的時候,可能就會有一班因未能如願的中學生得不到「喜悅」的結果而傷心了。校方如何估計選IB課程的學生不會超過供應學額呢?除非學校已估到能有卓越(英語)的學生不會超過總數的一半。
sw : I think it would be depending on how to manage the expectation.  If the student can't study in IB course, they can still be happy.  Not everyone looking for IB course and 4000 words essay. It is not our golden rules ?  Also, that is supply and demand issue. Some parents are looking for IB course but some are not. Can Steve Jobs correctly forcasted the demand of iPhone ? If he can, iPhone price would not be dropped. It is unrealistic management expectation to have 100% absolute forecast. It is impossible in the real world. "Mission impossible" is not our target.

4) 如果讓學生知道愉快的學習不一定換來愉快的結果,這會不會是對校長最大的挑戰呢?
sw : Firstly, we need to define what's 愉快的結果.  IB course and 4000字的英文essay are not definted as 愉快的結果 from most of parents.  

In my personal view, I just want my son have simple and happy life.  Top students in the school may not be happy at the end. They just got the ticket to get in the good University. It just a new chapter in their life. Good or Bad ! Never know

[ 本文章最後由 chunhei 於 07-10-11 11:54 編輯 ]

Rank: 2

發表於 07-10-11 00:40 |只看該作者
Totally agreed!

原文章由 chunhei 於 07-10-11 00:21 硐表

I would like to respond to Dennis on following points.
1) 試問家長如果知到遊戲的規則,是要有如此高的英語需求又怎會不希望自己的子女達到呢?就是現在家長對英語如此渴求的情況下,社會上已有不少的壓力,再加上如 ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-10-11 14:08 |只看該作者
其实, 除了学业上追求卓越, 那其他的智能呢? GT 是一所培養小朋友成為資优的学校, 這並不只局限於学術上呀.

IB or local course, 各家長應因應自家孩子的能力和preference 去選擇最適合的課程.
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