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教育王國 討論區 特殊教育 有無好的言語治療師介紹?
樓主: 承承媽媽

有無好的言語治療師介紹? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 1

發表於 04-10-20 12:19 |只看該作者

Re: 有無好的言語治療師介紹?

Hi Katharine,

How's the ST assessment result? I wish you could accept it la.

Personally, I'm a practicing ST, and also an external supervisor to HKU students. Yeah, according to my past experience, they are really green. Even the Year 4 students, they are not sure what to do, and why they need to do and how to set the objectives.

So, whether to choose private or HKU clinic, you need to think about it la.

If you have any queries or questions concerning your son, you are welcome to post it here, or send me PM.

Halu ;-)

Rank: 2

發表於 04-10-20 15:06 |只看該作者

Re: 有無好的言語治療師介紹?


昨日仔仔(今個月25日就5歲)的評估結果,他的認知能力是4至4.5歲,言語能力是3.5歲(與在raymond lee的測試一様),表達能力及理解能力也是4歲左右。整體上是慢了一年。

幸好的是,兒科醫生說在這一刻她覺得他不是自閉,雖然他在言語能力差,表達/理解能力也較弱,但不足以証明他是,因他也有與人有交往(雖然比較怕醜),但間中也有eye contact,也沒有很固執的行為。當然也要繼續觀察,在p1之前會見一次心理學家。不過他有一個問題,就是不是每一次叫他,他也會即刻應你,可能你要叫他兩次才去回答你,所以會安排他驗耳及眼。我們覺得他不是聽不到,因他會知你叫他做乜的,但多數也response delay,所以驗
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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-10-20 15:10 |只看該作者

Re: 有無好的言語治療師介紹?

Welcome on board, halusan! Appears that BK will soon to have its own unofficial team of expert advisors...forget their original team:wink:

May be we should ask the webmaster to pay for our broadband connection fee...   

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-10-20 16:04 |只看該作者

Re: 有無好的言語治療師介紹?


我試過step啦, 佢比我的感覺係新仔.

我之前都係到講過, 佢地搵個無experience的姑娘比我, 佢每堂半個鐘, 我不記得幾多錢啦, 但我上過一堂, 一堂assessment, 都應該有千幾元, 我覺得同'dum'落海無分別.

佢會用一張半月形的檯, 迫軒軒埋牆角, 等佢郁不到, 再拿粒蜜糖餅引佢講野, 喊就有得佢喊, 完全不理, 我都知道不可以太就軒軒, 但不可以用d活d的方法咩? 玩具遊戲都得架.

佢半個鐘喊足25分鐘, 你話同'dum'd錢落海有無分別?


我依家呢個都係bk 媽咪介紹比我的, 佢會同佢玩玩具引軒軒, 軒軒走佢就跟住佢(初初幾堂), 依家上左2個月度啦, 軒軒已經知道入去就要坐定定, 雖然有時都會自由行, 但1個鐘都有40分鐘度坐定定既.

佢係cwb, 對你黎講太遠啦.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-10-20 16:51 |只看該作者

Re: 有無好的言語治療師介紹?

Dr. T, Halusan,

My son, 2 and 6 month old. He was diagnosed as Global delay for more than 8 months and with A feature. According to one Phychologist, his score concerning A feature is very marginal. 29.5. Mainly because of lang. delay and not sufficient eye contact.

He was checked by government end of July, and we put many effort on him during these three months and make home training with him after I go home from work every day. (before, most of the time, he was with our maid who does not talk too much). He attended normal N1 on Aug. and attends SCCC far away from home (1 hr 20 min. by mini bus, by train, by feet every day) from Sept.  My own home training gave him big improvement reg. language part. End of July, he could talk only very few words, now he could speak sentence such as: xxx (his own name) is crying, ngng.. xxx is laughing, hahaha.., mummy is reading the book, sister is playing piano and so on..

However, the intention to talk in a commnunication way is still weak. e.g. he will not come and ask you:
I want a candy. He will only say that when you hold the candy and ask him. But when he does something special eg. saying above sentence, he will look at me and wait for praise and all the time he will get that.
His memory and imitation is not bad, as I showed him once his sister's leg and told him sister is hurt and aching. The next day, when I stepped on his leg to make fun of him when he was sitting on floor, he immediately pulled up his trousers and looked at me, smiled and said:
ah Yu is hurt, is aching. HU HU.. (I asked him to use his hand to HUHU his sister's leg the day before).
He will imitate the doctor's behaviour using his block which is similar to doctor's instrument after seeing doctor once.

From his progress, I am in a dilemma and would like to seek your professional idea reg. the following:
1) he is still lining up the SCCC near our home 协康
    and social worker said we could change to "I" kindergarden later if we want and doctor agree.   
I want my son to have more stimulation with normal children. But on the other hand, I am afraid to miss the more intensive training from the SCCC.  According to your professional opinion, which choice I should make?  

2) As my son is a very passive boy, how can I make him more attentive and take my order while doing home training (home trainning recently has been changed from my own way to finishing school homework only)? Maybe I am not professional enough.
We have 7-8 homeworks to finish every day from school from ST, OT, teacher.. He will sit there absent minded for ten minutes, playing toys in his own way while I am begging him to finish the task OT given. The day before yesterday, I lost temper and gave the instruction in a louder voice,(very sad, I should not do that, I know), he was shocked and put the blocks one by one very quickly into the bag according to the color instructed.  Less than 1 minute, finishing the task I begged for 15 minutes. After finishing the task, he pulled the chair out of his room and left me sitting in front of the training table alone. He stopped the training by himself! Fortunately, next night, he was willing to make it again, but in a passive way again. I do not know what is the problem. I feel sad and frustrated when I can not finish the task school gives me and on the other hand missed my own way of training to him via playing.

3) When you say a child is delayed, how can you test his IQ then? His IQ can not cop with his age, does that mean he is with low IQ?
If he has a chance to catch up, IQ will be changed or?
Sorry if I asked a stupid question.

Looking forward to your professional opinion and precious time.

Mickey Ma

Rank: 1

發表於 04-10-20 17:26 |只看該作者

Re: 有無好的言語治療師介紹?

Dear Mickey,

From your sharing, I know you're a good mother and had put lots of effort to train your beloved son.

For your first question, seeing that your son is having global delay, this means he is not only having delay in speech and language, but includes motor skills. I agree that putting him in normal nursary would give him more chance to learn and cope with normal children. However, this would have less chance for him to have special training, including ST, OT, PT services in SCCC. You may need to consider that Ah Yu has an elder sister, who may give him normal interaction as he'd in normal nursary. If Ah Yu can receive the 3Ts services earlier, this would be more benefitial to him in the future.  
We always advocate early training is better. And that explains why the private clinic charges you much.

Concerning your son is quite passive in learning. This is probably related to the learning motivation. In most of my cases, if the child has no mood or motivation to join in the activities, they seldom have effective treatment result. So, planning interesting activities are very important. Please let me know what the ST treatment goal(s), and the activites being done. May be I can give little advise.

Add oil to train Ah Yu!
Halu ;-)

Rank: 1

發表於 04-10-20 17:27 |只看該作者

Re: 有無好的言語治療師介紹?

Hi Dr. T,

Thanks for welcoming me. You're in which profession?
Halu ;-)

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-10-20 17:37 |只看該作者

Re: 有無好的言語治療師介紹?

Dear halusan,

I am an private practising EP. Possibly we know each other by names but never meet before. HK is a small place  :

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-10-20 18:24 |只看該作者

Re: 有無好的言語治療師介紹?

Dear Halusan,

Thank you very much for your quick reply and precious time!

Yu has received 6 ST training so far in SCCC since Sept. Once per week.
1st & 2nd training, task ST asked us to do was Washing dishes and cups. Goal is to let him say : wash, cup, dish.  Homework: repeat 10 times at home per day. First several days, result was ok,2nd week, he refused to do. We communicate with ST, she reduce the nr. of homework to 5 times per day.
3rd training: cutting fruits. As we often did this with Ah Yu at home after end of July assesment, he could do it well. (Goal: to say cut, apple,banana,orange...)
But he could not pronounce 1st sound of apple well. ST commented it is normal at his age.)
4th & 5th training: dress & undress & wash &  hang clothes, trousers, socks and shoes. (Goal: to say the above verbs and nouns.)
6th training: to blow the bubble and seek adult's help to open some bottles to get candy. (Goal: to say blow bubble and to get help with eye contact from adult)

ST is very nice and willing to discuss with me all the time and give me advise. However, I can not find the way to rise the insterest of my son. He will do the task better at first few days and lost insterest soon.

Must we make sure he can do the task 100% while moving to another one?
How many times do you think we should practise at home?
how many times per week ST training is necessary do you think in my case? I would seek for more ST training in addition to school's one if I it is necessary.

Sorry to ask you so many question as I tried hard to do my best, but do not know how to make his motivation high.

Dear Dr. T,
Can you give me some advise on my question 3?
I have read all your message here and really very appreciated of your kindness to give us comfort and professional advise with your limited time. I remember once you commented that giving more stimulation is more important than putting our child in SCC if your kids learns quicker than others?

Thank you so much in advance!
Mickey ma.

Rank: 1

發表於 04-10-20 19:24 |只看該作者

Re: 有無好的言語治療師介紹?

Hi Mickeyma,

Thanks for your detail training summary.
The training objectives are pretty direct and focus on problem that Yu would be benefit. However, his lack of motivation is an obstacle in learning. In this case, I'd suggest you to train Yu during free play and follow the child's lead which could help Yu on task. Child can focus on things they like for hours. So, try to explore what kind of toys he likes, and introduce new things to him to raise his interest.

It's not necessary to achieve 100% before proceeding to the next training level. We usually set the target at 80-90%, depends on the child's ability.

For home practice, 30 minutes each day is recommended. And it'll be ideal to train and grasp every opportunity to elicit speech and language in any moment. It really depends how fast your son can learn to set the no. of sessions per week. I can only suggest, the more the better. But the quality is more important than quantity. And perhaps, ask your child's ST to have more parent training, I mean to train the trainer is the ultimate goal. As in reality, we, ST can't stick with the child longer than the parents do.

Your questions are welcome, and wish they are useful to others too.
Halu ;-)

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-10-20 20:46 |只看該作者

Re: 有無好的言語治療師介紹?

mickeyma 寫道:
I remember once you commented that giving more stimulation is more important than putting our child in SCC if your kids learns quicker than others?

Thanks for your trust.

One possibility that your kid is not willing to do those home training is because he's bored and the task is too easy for him. For a skillful professional s/he might modify the task according to the child's progress but may be it'll be asking too much from a parent.

Well, I once have a client who was diagnosed as developmental deay at the age of 3 or 4 (can't remember exactly, getting old... :-| ) and got the IQ score of around 80 (assessed by CAC CP). Obviously SCCC was recommended. Her mother is a very determined lady and would not let her kid went there. She enrolled her in a ordinary KG (rather traditional one) but also provided the girl with loads of external professional support. By the time I first saw her, her IQ score was around 110 already and she was not yet 5 at that time. I assessed her again last year before she promoted to P.1 and she scored over 130 on Wechsler!

What I want to say is with sufficient and suitable training we can bring out the best from a previous labelled "delayed" child. May be you can try making an arrangement with a KG and have your kid trained at SCCC in the morning but also allowing him to "study" with kids of his age in ordinary KG. I'm sure you can identify a KG which is willing to do so nowadays.

Hope it helps.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-10-21 10:42 |只看該作者

Re: 有無好的言語治療師介紹?

Dear halusan

I am so glad that there are more professionals in this forum answering parents' queries.

I have a 16-year old son with developmental delay & mild A-features.  When he took the W. IQ test at the age of eight he scored 85 non-verbal & around 40 verbal (quite a big difference!)  He had ST till the age of 7 but could not benefit much from it due to attention deficit problem.  He finished his primary education in normal school & is now in Form 3.  He has great improvement in attention & motivation to communicate with people now, yet lacking the language skill.  He can communicate in simple dialogues but cannot elaborate.  Sometimes he keeps asking simple questions to relatives or friends he likes (usually adults) merely to show his intention to communicate.  This makes others quite impatient.  He also likes to communicate with others through E-mails, sending out more than 10 per day to friends & relatives.  The contents are also simple questions, but he feels very happy in receiving feedbacks.  I wonder whether he can still receive ST this stage or that the therapy should be in different forms, say, through counselling from ST or social worker.  He had some counselling from school social worker but eventually they closed his file, saying that his problelm was not serious compared with others in a Band 3 school.  

Right now I am looking for a private social worker to do counselling for him, but the right person is difficult to find.  What I want is home visit or bringing him out, rather than formal table counselling.  From your professional point of view, is that a correct approach to have counselling like that?  At this age he is quite unwilling to talk to parents due to 青春期.  Thus it's difficult for him to undergo formal ST which needs parent involvment in training.  Besides, the knowledge of most ST is mainly for training small children.  

Pls give me your professional advice.  Many thanks in advance.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-10-21 10:46 |只看該作者

Re: 有無好的言語治療師介紹?

Dear Dr. T

I have posted some queries to ask halusan.  Can you give me your professional advice as well?  My heartful thanks for all your help!

Rank: 1

發表於 04-10-21 14:53 |只看該作者

Re: 有無好的言語治療師介紹?

Dear 思佳媽咪,

Thanks for your question.

Your son is now in S3, ordinary school. How's his academic result? As you've mentioned that he's developmental delay, I guess his language skills may be week. And you also mentioned that he only says simple dialogues but cannot elaborate the concept. This means his story schema is quite weak. And he can only understand the superficial meaning, which is not enough for his age. He may need more training on story telling, or may start with story re-telling.

It's better to be late than never. So, if he still has chance to receive ST service, try to receive some therapy. It's really better than nothing.

For counselling, I'm not quite sure for his case. Can you tell me why you think he needs to receive counselling? May be I can give more advise if more detail information is provided. Coz' I am a counsellor as well.
Halu ;-)

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-10-21 19:39 |只看該作者

Re: 有無好的言語治療師介紹?

Dear halusan

My son's development is a long story.  He was diagnosed to be mild grade MR (70+) at the age of 5 after taking the W. IQ test at Child Assessment Centre.  For A-features, some psychologists said he's mild & others said he has none.  However, he was suggested to study in normal schools with remedial class instead of special schools.  At the age of 8 he took the W. IQ test again, the result was 85 non-verbal & 45 non-verbal.  His academic result is poor throughout the years.  Usually he fails or gets a bare pass in most of the subjects.  But he has very good memory in Chinese word recognition & English spelling which enables him to score high marks in dictation.  He has undergo various training like ST, OT (sensory integration), visual, attention…..till the age of 12.  He did not benefit from ST training.  He lacked the concentration, motivation to talk or communicate.  Most of the time the speech therapist could only squeeze out some words from him with great effort.  Every therapy lesson was like torture so I stopped it when he was 7.  However he continued other trainings till 12.  All these therapies are money & energy consuming.  Apart from the cost I paid, can you imagine a child, using nearly all his leisure time during weekends, to go to therapies?  Besides, there were learning pressure from school.  He grew up to be a child with limited confidence & no friends.  Although I tried hard to help him in his development, I have to accept the reality since everybody has his limitation.  At last I gave up all the therapies & let him learn swimming & piano like normal kids.  After he has entered secondary school, he gained back some confidence since the teachers in his Band 3 school are more caring.  He won some medals in the school swimming gala which gave him great sense of achievement.  In these two years his attention has greatly improved & he can catch what the teachers say in class.  The teachers always praise him of having good learning attitude whereas most of his classmates are sleeping or playing in class.  He also gains back the motivation to communicate with others.  Thus at this stage I think training might help.  He never makes friends of the same age since nobody has the patience to talk to him.  My friends & relatives treat him well just because of me.  That’s why I am thinking of counselling from social worker in an informal way, liking making friends with him.  The aim is to motivate him to talk.  I am seeking professional advice from you & Dr. T, to see what will do him best.  Is ST (like story re-telling) suitable for youngsters like him?  

Sorry, I have wasted a lot of your time.  Many thanks for your help.  

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-10-21 22:59 |只看該作者

Re: 有無好的言語治療師介紹?

Dear 思佳媽咪,

I'm not sure individualized therapy is the first priority to your boy at this stage. In fact he needs to learn more life skills in order to live independently in the future, and that cannot be taught in counselling session alone.

May be it'd be better to identify a suitable peer group for him so that he can mingle with teens of similar abilities. I think of 健樂會 but do not have any contact info in hand. May be you can contact some of the Skill-oriented School (such as Methodist at Fortress Hill) and find out more about what their graduates will do after graduate. BTW, this kind of school now operates F.4 & 5 and is no longer considered to be a special school.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-10-21 23:51 |只看該作者

Re: 有無好的言語治療師介紹?

Dear Dr. T

My son is already a member of 健樂會.  It's an organisation linked with 明愛家長資源中心, sharing their facilities & social workers.  It's in fact their teenager group.  He sometimes joins activities there.  However my son also has difficulties in mixing with the group since all the teenagers there are mild autistic or slow learners.  All have difficulties in social behaviour to certain extent.   My son will benefit more to make friends with normal people, but normal people are impatient to make friends with him.  That's the main conflict of our children!

The Methodist at Fortress Hill is the so-called 技能訓練學校. I have considered to enroll my son in when planning for secondary school.  I gave up the idea after school visit since they are teaching simple English like ABC, what's your name.......even for Secondary 1.  

I am going to attend the 中三出路&青年就業seminars of Caritas in the coming 2 Saturdays.  May be I can get some information there.  Anyway, thanks for your concern.  Hope I can get more advice from you.

Rank: 2

發表於 04-10-27 22:45 |只看該作者

Re: 有無好的言語治療師介紹?

我想問一下,有冇人試用過CHAN, PO CHU, POLINA,及WIDEX的JANET NG﹖好不好﹖還有 WONG, LIVIA呢﹖這幾個我也問過,價錢差不多。
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