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教育王國 討論區 幼校討論 Cannan Nursary
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Cannan Nursary [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5


發表於 07-8-7 11:54 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
Hi, parents of kids who are going to Cannan Nursary !!

Have you experienced the same ?? Is it normal that they have no-logistics-at-all arrangements ??  I am seriously considering finding another school for my girl.

"I  spent half an hour to queue for getting the uniform last Fri !!!! I can't believe that they didn't let us know the size of the uniform but simply randomly gave out the smallest size to us (thinking that the N1s' are the shortest without actually looking at the height of the kids.....the one I got can't even reach the knees of my girl.......... ) AND then nearly ALL of us (from my observation) have to go back to the front of the line and get replacement for a bigger size !!!!  The queue wasn't reducing but actually getting more crowded at the beginnning of the queue.............I reckon that the staff (from the uniform company not the school but I believe that they belong to the same group !!) there should have been fired many times for this kind of efficiency !!!!

Last time at the Parents' Day (before school actually starts), we fill in the form for ordering uniform and other stuff.  I've counted (and calculated) the total amount and pass it to a teacher who looked like that is in charge (I didn't realize that there were other arrangements announced), she requested me to go back to another teacher for checking the final amount (who has the only calculator !!!!).  It was a long queue there and she seemed very 得閒 at that time.  I   and thought 'OK, I do what you require la'.  I originally thought that the teacher would at the same time do whatever she needed to record the items I order (and then I can go lar........after such long queue........and slow processing.......).  However, I have to go back to the first teacher I asked for making the recording !!!!!  Can't imagine that could happen nowadays nei ??  It did, at my girl's school.  It turned out that we have to queue twice and waited very long for the slow moving teachers to check and mark the items separately !!!!  I really .


Thank you for reading the above.  Please share your experience.  Thankx.
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發表於 07-8-7 13:53 |只看該作者
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Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 07-8-8 08:16 |只看該作者
I know what you mean.

Radiculously, I spent only 30 minutes to get all the stuff , change the stuff + photo taking. Guess what - I lost all my materials thus I have to pay cash for the uniform and the queue is .... EMPTY.... so, one server one job...

I've got disappointed with the quality of uniform which usually has dirt spot every where.

Frankly speaking, I don't have much expectation to the school. The only and the most important reason that I choose it is because it is the only full-time nursery in the area, where I live within walking distance. I know the price is... extra-ordinary.... expensive... but at the beginning I already plan to swift my kid to other half-day kindergarden at K1.

Rank: 1

發表於 07-8-8 14:59 |只看該作者
Yes, I also agree that the administrative arrangements of Cannan Nursury is poor, although some of the class teachers are really nice.

My experience was that the teachers did not communicate well with one another and they conveyed different messages.  Worse still, they requested parents to do repeated things for the same purpose, like repeated lining up for paying for the school uniforms, launching our requests in written format etc.  As an administrative manager in other fields, I'm not sure whether my expectation on school administration is too high, or whether this school is really so poor in logistics arrangements.

From my observation having attended classes with my child for three days, a number of teachers are nice and kind to the children, but they relied the parents quite a lot for settling down/ taking care of the children.  Hopefully the situation would be better, i.e. teachers taking more inititatives, when no parents are allowed in the classroom.

Rank: 5Rank: 5


發表於 07-8-8 15:12 |只看該作者
Thanks all for your comments.


I reckon your comments as I did find that it was MUCH QUICKER if you pay on the spot, ironically !!!!

To all,

I was heading to Baptist Hospital for medical appointment with my daughter on that Fri (she has to skip school on teh first school day eventually).  I have arrived earlier in the hope that I could finish everything off the latest by 10:15am so that we could make our appointment at 10:30 (my girl had fever that day and so need to consult doc ASAP).  However, all my plan went in vain. :-| :-|

She hasn't yet had her school photo taken (as we have to join another queue for the photo taking..........with the uniform on........ ).  We can't spend another half an hour to get photo taken.  I phoned the nursary in-charge telling her that we haven't taken the photo and asked her to give me the specification of the photo so that I can make one (soft copy) to suit their specification at home.  But she hasn't yet got back to me up to now............

Today was my first day to really sit in the classroom with my girl (yesterday was done by her nanny).  Yes, I agree with chanfamily's view that the teachers depends very much on the parents to calm the kids down (some even need to stick to their mom.......all the time.......1 hr).  I really also can't imagine what could happen tomorrow (if not Typhoon No. 3) when all parents are gone.

Rank: 4

發表於 07-8-8 18:51 |只看該作者
Hi! Do you remember me? I'm your ex-neighbour ar. My girl is also studying in Cannan (but in Waterloo Rd), I didn't need to get the uniform at the school, but I got it from地利公司, it's quite good.
Frankly speaking, Cannan is good and my girl's studied for half year.

Rank: 1

發表於 07-8-9 00:11 |只看該作者
My son will join the AM nursery group (yellow group) at Cannan (Waterloo Road) in Oct this year when he's 2.  I choose this centre because it's new formed and convenient.

On my son's enrollment date, we arrived there at 4:30pm and saw 3 teachers with about 8-10 kids, awaiting for the school bus/their parents and were listening their classmate (4/5 years old) telling them a stroy.

The one who entertained us was nice and honest.  She has the enthusiasm and brought us for a small tour after the enrollment.

I have no idea if Cannan is a good nursery/kindergarten, hope I won't regret to send my son to there finally lar.

Rank: 5Rank: 5


發表於 07-8-10 10:36 |只看該作者

Of course I remember you lar !!!  Haven't heard from you for a long time la.  How are you ??

I still got the information note you gave me the other day about the Club @ Kln Bay.  Do you still need those ??

What do you mean by ex-neighbour ??  You've moved mer ?!  What for ah ?!  For school ar ??     (be careful to be Mang Mo 3 Moves ar ~~~)

I think the Cannans' @ Kln Tong will be more organized in terms of the logistics at meeting the parents than those 屋村 ones.  But because my sis-in-law's son had studied nursary @ this school (near home ma) and we don't need to travel by those awful 保母車, I let my daughter study here lor.........but I've never thought that a school could be so less organized as that ga..............always do the things in the most difficult way.....

原文章由 MrsBunBun 於 07-8-8 18:51 發表
Hi! Do you remember me? I'm your ex-neighbour ar. My girl is also studying in Cannan (but in Waterloo Rd), I didn't need to get the uniform at the school, but I got it from地利公司 ...

Rank: 4

發表於 07-8-10 13:51 |只看該作者
which Cannan does your child go to?

原文章由 fungwongphie 於 07-8-10 10:36 發表

Of course I remember you lar !!!  Haven't heard from you for a long time la.  How are you ??

I still got the information note you gave me the other day about the Club @ Kln Bay.  ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-8-11 16:29 |只看該作者
Hi all mums,

My son was studying in Cannan Nursery (Kowloon Tong Branch).  The teachers, auntie, headmaster etc...are good.  My son learnt much more things in Cannan.  He loves to go to school.  Now, he is 3 years old and I helped him to switch other school for K1.  

Frankly speaking, Cannan Nursery is a good school and the administration is not poor.  The teachers is very experienced, nice and patient.  Don't worry.  I highly recommend this school for my friend.

If you have any queries, please don't hesitate to ask me.
My Little Prince, Naoki Kam - 諱諾BB.   

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-8-11 23:39 |只看該作者

Which one is better?  Waterloo Rd branch or Kowloon Tong?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-8-12 15:12 |只看該作者
My son was studying in Kowloon Tong Branch which is the large one but there is not provide full day class.

原文章由 gloriahung 於 07-8-11 23:39 發表
Which one is better?  Waterloo Rd branch or Kowloon Tong?
My Little Prince, Naoki Kam - 諱諾BB.   

Rank: 5Rank: 5


發表於 07-8-13 10:30 |只看該作者
It is Cannan (Fu Wing) lor.  I didn't expect too much ga la ~~ but I have never thought that it could be so disorganized as that jei.  However, my sis-in-law's youngest son wene to this and she said OK so I applied it for my daughter lor..........no need to take the 保姆車 ma......

原文章由 tongbetty 於 07-8-10 13:51 發表
which Cannan does your child go to?

Rank: 5Rank: 5


發表於 07-8-21 13:28 |只看該作者
er............I just noticed today that my girl's 班主任 has resigned !!!!  We learned that only when we rang the school ja !!!!  It is normal for a school to hide such information to the students and parents ??

[ 本文章最後由 fungwongphie 於 07-9-13 14:05 編輯 ]
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