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有無在Victoria畢業, 分享升小學後的情況? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-12-2 03:59 |只看該作者

有無在Victoria畢業, 分享升小學後的情況?

小兒現正就讀於Victoria的PN班, 聽聞有人講維多利亞唔夠深, 我想請教小朋友已經畢業於Victoria的家長, 分享一下:

1./ 報讀小學時有沒有遇到任何困難(e.g.往往考唔到出面的傳統名校/直資/私校, 如有, 哪一間?)

2./ 如果你們升上任何傳統學校, 有沒有因維多利亞唔夠深, 而有接唔上的情況.

3./ 如果你們是直上維多利亞的聯繫小學, 點解會有這個決定, 是沒有選擇? 是有學校收了, 但最終決定在維多利亞升學?

4./ 如果, 可以時光倒流, 你們會否後悔在K1之後無轉去其他幼稚園?


Rank: 4

發表於 05-12-2 09:27 |只看該作者

Re: 有無在Victoria畢業, 分享升小學後的情況?

hi nov03bb

我囡囡以前在k2轉入victoria,今年已經小三了. 我自己十分滿意呢間kinder, 囡囡初上小一只是一點點秩序問題, 在成績上更沒有問題. (她在傳統小學讀)


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-12-2 17:50 |只看該作者

Re: 有無在Victoria畢業, 分享升小學後的情況?

[size=large]Thank you!  

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-12-4 05:54 |只看該作者

Re: 有無在Victoria畢業, 分享升小學後的情況?


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-7-4 19:09 |只看該作者

Re: 有無在Victoria畢業, 分享升小學後的情況?

小兒現正就讀於Victoria的PN班, 聽聞有人講維多利亞唔夠深, 我想請教小朋友已經畢業於Victoria的家長, 分享一下:

1./ 報讀小學時有沒有遇到任何困難(e.g.往往考唔到出面的傳統名校/直資/私校, 如有, 哪一間?)

2./ 如果你們升上任何傳統學校, 有沒有因維多利亞唔夠深, 而有接唔上的情況.

3./ 如果你們是直上維多利亞的聯繫小學, 點解會有這個決定, 是沒有選擇? 是有學校收了, 但最終決定在維多利亞升學?

4./ 如果, 可以時光倒流, 你們會否後悔在K1之後無轉去其他幼稚園?


Rank: 2

發表於 06-7-4 19:37 |只看該作者

Re: 有無在Victoria畢業, 分享升小學後的情況?

My daughter was a graduate from Causeway Bay Victoria.  She enjoyed every minute in Victoria and she likes the school so much.  She still misses her teachers in Victoria.  I wonder why you used the word "後悔".    For us, Victoria provides happy school life and very good English learning environment.  My daughter is now attending a 傳統學校.  She has done quite well in her studies.


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-7-4 19:59 |只看該作者

Re: 有無在Victoria畢業, 分享升小學後的情況?

Dear ononyoyo,

My son is studying at HMT Victoria, and he also enjoys and likes the school very much.  Since I tend to give up the offer from St. Cat's K1 am, and keep on studying in Victoria, wanted to hear any comment, especially if any -ve one (because parents always told the best and ignored the worse).

Thanks for your share!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-7-4 20:55 |只看該作者

Re: 有無在Victoria畢業, 分享升小學後的情況?

我囡囡今年都是VICTORIA K3 的畢業生, 亦是銅鑼灣校舍, 我在7月1日去了囡囡的畢業禮, 感覺非常好, 真係冇幾多間幼稚園可以做到咁大形, D 小朋友無論說話語言及跳舞都做得很好.   

1.  報讀小學時, 我從未聽過有任何VICTORIA 家長話會遇到任何困難, 基本上VICTORIA 出的小朋友有好多出名的私校都較喜歡收的.  好像我囡囡識的有幾個入到ST. PAUL CO-EDU; 港大同學會; MARYMOUNT 和聖心.

2.  "維多利亞唔夠深" , 維多利亞是1間行 IB而不是傳統學校, 人地有1條龍的, 基本上吾會因為外面D 傳統學校而特別要迫小朋友學深D, 因為VICTORIA PRIMARY 可以接住 VICTORIA KINDERGARTEN 的進度.  若家長們怕唔夠深咪最好自已在家或在出面補多D lor, 但這對小朋友亦可能做成一定的壓力.  接吾接得上都要睇下小朋友的能力和事乎家長怎去輔導.

3.  上吾上番VICTORIA 小學, 相信都好睇經濟能力可否SUPPORT 先, 如果經濟能力許可我一定會揀番上VICTORIA PRIMARY 和 VICTORIA SECONDARY... 我自已比較討厭香港傳統式填鴨式教學, 因為現今的教學都已變晒質..依家小朋友讀書就好像父母要一起讀書一樣, 里D並不是親子時間

4.   入讀VICTORIA 之前或考入 VICTORIA 之前家長們都應該已

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-7-4 21:47 |只看該作者

Re: 有無在Victoria畢業, 分享升小學後的情況?


If I were you, I will let my kid studying at St Catherine K1. I found the primary allocation of
Victoria was not as good as St Catherine.
(Primary allocation : DBSPD, DGS, St Paul Co-edu)

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-7-5 09:58 |只看該作者

Re: 有無在Victoria畢業, 分享升小學後的情況?

I found the primary allocation of
Victoria was not as good as St Catherine.
(Primary allocation : DBSPD, DGS, St Paul Co-edu)

Victoria 一樣有學生入 DBSPD, DGS, St Paul Co-edu, St Catherine 冇公佈學生 primary allocation 的詳情, 你點知 St Catherine 好過 Victoria
如果你係以入得呢幾間學校的學生多, 做為判斷間幼稚園好唔好既標準, 我會話 St Catherine 畢業生呢塊招牌絕對唔係主要因素.

Rank: 2

發表於 06-7-5 10:25 |只看該作者

Re: 有無在Victoria畢業, 分享升小學後的情況?

As parent of a K3 Victoria student, I highly recommend the school as the school has given my daughter a very happy kindergarten life.  She is very confident in using English.  Her listening (of English) is good and she is completly not hesitant in communicating with foreigners (though sometimes not with perfect grammar).

I agree that the "standard" of Victoria may not be as high as other Kowloon Tong kindergartens in terms of writing, test or homework.  But I don't think it's appropriate to judge a kindergarten solely on this factor.  My kid likes the school and the teachers.  She is initiative in learning and has developed confidence through the teachers'guidance and care.  As a matter of fact, she is accepted by some famous primary schools which put much emphasis on academic performance.      

All in all, if I have a second child, I'll also put him/her in Victoria for kindergarten years.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-7-5 11:50 |只看該作者

Re: 有無在Victoria畢業, 分享升小學後的情況?

小囡正就讀維小一年級.  維小是一間Billigual school, 有NAT and Local teachers雙班主任制.  英語環境絕對有,但小朋友是否願意講是另一回事.   課程絕對唔深, 主要原因是無考試, 只有評估.  某程度上可以用輕鬆來形容.  但這也是我家長的意願.  有一個最大好處是小朋友可以自願地用時間去reading. 試問日日都要做很多功課及測驗, 他們怎樣enjoy reading?  我也有試考外面的小二(因我想搬九龍), 都沒沒問題.  如果家長的想法是希望小朋友在Band 1 學校生存, Victoria 是不適合.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-7-5 18:58 |只看該作者

Re: 有無在Victoria畢業, 分享升小學後的情況?


基本上,在victoria 讀的小朋友都是happy & enjoyable.至於課程方面,當然不能用深去形容。因為課程基本上為銜接its primary 而設。升上傳統primary,就視乎學生個人資質和升讀的primary程度要求而有所不同。
我以前亦就這問題問過其它家長,有啲話完全no problem,有啲話初時的中文追唔到,尤其係寫字,因為Kinder時,老師要求唔高(因為著重encourgement),到咗小學就一筆一劃要執番正。(但過一輪都無問題)另外,victoria的小朋友,好多在出面都再學珠心算、速算、公文........我小朋友啲同學還自組班學普通話。(我哋係英粵班,小朋友啲普通話同一般kinder差唔多)當然,這涉及不同的分校;雖然circu一樣,但個別師資的影響不謂不大。
至於讀唔讀its primary, 除了經濟能力,主要亦是佢行IB,雖然校長話its secondary 一樣有回頭路畀學生考local試,但觀乎小學的circul,相信學生很難在grade7 or 8 pick back up.
集合各家長的不同意見,有一樣嘢無人反對,小朋友的listening 很勁,就算講得唔啱grammar,但發音都很準。這樣嘢係victoria kinder學生的強項,亦係佢哋讀小學時,英文比人好的原因。

nov 03bb

如果你心儀某些private primary,而嗰啲primary 又有自己的幼稚園,有得轉就轉,唔需煩派位。
如果你心儀的pri 是要派位,你無分嘅話,讀邊間都no different, 但victoria的學生knock door 時比一般kinder係容易啲。
在香港島,無乜victoria同級的kinder,所以很多早已夠分入famous traditionl primary 的小朋友都照讀victoria, 因為在經濟能力許可又唔需煩派位,many parents都想畀小朋友讀問有信譽的,當然,住九龍區又唔同,因為more choices, right?
以上只係個人意見,希望其它kinder家長don't mind   :  

Rank: 1

發表於 06-7-10 11:44 |只看該作者

Re: 有無在Victoria畢業, 分享升小學後的情況?

As you know, Victoria is not a traditional kindergarten with a lot of homework, writing and copying.
The strength of Victoria is the interactive learning and English standard.
Compared with other kindergarten (more traditional one), Victoria's kids are relatively weak in writing skills but personally I feel most of them are more open to others and active.
Thats what I want my son to be.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-7-10 20:39 |只看該作者

Re: 有無在Victoria畢業, 分享升小學後的情況?

My son was an old boy from Victoria. He always says that the time in Victoria was happier than he is now at school. I do think so.
Victoria adopt an active approach in learning. She helps students to expose to a wide range of activities, so as to encourage their interest to learn. I am quite appreciate this learning approach.
One important point I would like to say is most students from Victoria are very likely to be one of the top students in their primary school. Some of them can even attain level 5 in piano exam when they are only seven.
I would say Victoria is a very good school in all aspects. And I would like to say thank you to all the teachers in Victoria.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-7-10 22:14 |只看該作者

Re: 有無在Victoria畢業, 分享升小學後的情況?


維多利亞係一間很開心既幼稚園, 小朋友好enjoy學習和思考. 程度就一定冇其他Kowloon Tong名牌幼稚園咁深, 畢業後能否適應傳統名校就要睇小朋友既character喇.

我就好buy維多利亞既教學方法, 所以我俾仔仔直升了維多利亞小學. 現在仔仔很主動學習, 每天都自己搵書看, 我從來沒有後悔過喎!

Rank: 4

發表於 06-7-15 14:58 |只看該作者

Re: 有無在Victoria畢業, 分享升小學後的情況?

My girl is studying at Victoria kinder too and I do plan to let her study at its primary and secondary school too.  However, just wonder how's the discipline of the students in the primary session.  Anyone who has kids studying there can share?

Thanks in advance for any sharings!

Rank: 4

發表於 06-7-20 21:09 |只看該作者

Re: 有無在Victoria畢業, 分享升小學後的情況?

Any more sharing...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-7-21 00:40 |只看該作者

Re: 有無在Victoria畢業, 分享升小學後的情況?

I found the primary allocation of
Victoria was not as good as St Catherine.
(Primary allocation : DBSPD, DGS, St Paul Co-edu)

From my discussion with other Victoria kinder's parents, it seems that DBSPD, DGS, St Paul Co-ed are not the no. 1 dream schools of many Victoria parents.  We like HKUGA, St. Stephen's College prep, Ramondi, international schools, etc better.  
For myself, I don't plan to apply DGS and St. Paul's Co-ed at all.  

Rank: 4

發表於 06-7-21 21:46 |只看該作者

Re: 有無在Victoria畢業, 分享升小學後的情況?

Me too coz I'm really attracted by the IB concept!  The only thing I concern about Victoria primary is the discipline of the school coz I seldom heard about any comments on this area.  Anyone who could PLEASE share something?
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