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樓主: leshita

不如組織一個 BK 港版DWE User Fans Club! (教材使用意見/Everyday with Zippy)) [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 03-7-24 11:59 |只看該作者

Re: 不如組織一個 BK 港版DWE User Fans Club! (教材使用意見/Everyday with Zippy))


I ask my mom to play the PA / SA / MP to my son once a day but I will sing the songs and play with him when I have time (after work / weekends / holidays).  He really enjoy.

My consultant never ask me not to sing / play with him several times per day.

Any moms have comments?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 03-7-24 12:07 |只看該作者

Re: 不如組織一個 BK 港版DWE User Fans Club! (教材使用意見/Everyday with Zippy))

I do it same with Cutie.  My mom play the DVD with her, and my mom will let her along because she need to do the house work.

I will sing with her when I have time only,eg  bedtime.

Rank: 1

發表於 03-7-25 00:58 |只看該作者

Re: 不如組織一個 BK 港版DWE User Fans Club! (教材使用意見/Everyday with Zippy))


我都係全職媽咪, 會陪 BB 玩, 但亦都要做家務, 其實真正陪住佢玩的時間都唔係好多, 當佢仍是 10 個月大時, 我只係會播 CD 或 DVD 俾佢自已聽/睇, 不過每日唔會超過一個鐘頭,有時都會陪住佢一齊睇, 但不是成日都陪, 因為 D 家務做極都做唔完, 唔係好多時間, 到 BB 大 D, 就抽時間同佢玩 Card 及睇書, 不過每日都唔會超個半小時, 因為 BB 都唔會有咁好耐性坐定定玩咁耐. 反而我就會成日唱番 D 歌俾佢聽, 但無話特定係邊個時間唱, 在同佢換片, 沖涼, 換衫, 玩其他野時.... 就隨口唱, 佢的反應係好開心咁笑或拍掌等等...

我覺得雖然咁貴買了這套教材, 都唔使成日都要小朋友對住佢, 佢都要玩下及學下其他野, 要多方面發展, 所以我同意妳個 agent 話 "it will interrupt my son's self-learning process", 所以我每日唔會花太多時間用這套教材, 反而我會播多 D CD 佢聽, 就唔會花太長時間玩 Card 及睇書, 就算 BB 係玩緊其他野, 都可以一直播住 CD, 等佢在不知不覺間入晒腦, 好過太刻意用長時間要佢玩 Card 及睇書.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 03-7-25 15:48 |只看該作者

Re: 不如組織一個 BK 港版DWE User Fans Club! (教材使用意見/Everyday with Zippy))

Cutie, Leshita, Samsam,

多謝各位媽媽意見,我現在開始一天給他看一次DVD, 平時就多播CD。

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 03-7-30 11:03 |只看該作者

Re: 不如組織一個 BK 港版DWE User Fans Club! (教材使用意見/Everyday with Zippy))


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 03-8-2 09:47 |只看該作者

Re: 不如組織一個 BK 港版DWE User Fans Club! (教材使用意見/Everyday with Zippy))

Dear all mum

WF will not give CD Mate to buyer fm now on.  They are now give buyer DVD player.  I think that now very useful as most family got it.  

CD Mate Vs DVD, I like CD Mate more.

That all I know after visited book fair 2003.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 03-8-5 16:31 |只看該作者

Re: 不如組織一個 BK 港版DWE User Fans Club! (教材使用意見/Everyday with Zippy))

Dear all mom,

Hi, as I saw many mom asking for "How to use DWE in their life", would any mom can share your experience with us?

Thank you very much.


Rank: 2

發表於 03-8-5 20:09 |只看該作者

Re: 不如組織一個 BK 港版DWE User Fans Club! (教材使用意見/Everyday with Zippy))

My son is just 4 months old and I am planning to buy the DWE for him.

Can anyone tell me what's minnie set, donald set, super mickey set?

The sales told me that the DWE is HK$42K???!!!

Please share yours.

Rank: 4

發表於 03-8-6 00:30 |只看該作者

Re: 不如組織一個 BK 港版DWE User Fans Club! (教材使用意見/Everyday with Zippy))

各位媽媽你地好呀,我個bb岩岩三個月大,上星期先買左套super mickey set, 我都唔係太識用,個教育顧員講解用法o既時候,我見佢好似好趕時間咁(成晚上十點半先上到黎),所以有唔明都唔係點敢問.佢話bb而家仲係細,叫我只係播play along CD, Bedtime Song, Wake Up Song , Song along & 朗誦版 CD 俾亞B聽就夠, 我想問係咪真係咁用??!

Rank: 1

發表於 03-8-6 12:14 |只看該作者

Re: 不如組織一個 BK 港版DWE User Fans Club! (教材使用意見/Everyday with Zippy))

Hello every mom

I hesitate a lot over whether I should write this article but eventually I think I must tell others, especially those concerned parents like you, what I have found so far, so can I share with you all the potential harmful effect of letting your children view too much TV/video, educational or otherwise?

Please study the following very carefully first:-

1)  http://home.datacomm.ch/rezamusic/tv_johnson.html

2)  http://www.trelease-on-reading.com/rah_chpt8_p1.html

3)  http://www.limitv.org/preschool.htm

Don't be put off by the technical terms used in the first article (1).  This is a very good article, neutral and resourceful and has changed/adjusted my view on TV/video educational materials, be they DWE, English Time, Sesame Street or whatever.

In the second material (2), it gives you some statistics in the USA on the relationship between watching TV and the educational performance of young childs.

Information 3) provides you more on the effect of tv on pre-schoolers.

There are lots of articles and resources on the internet about this topic.  you can search by typing "limit TV' etc in any internet search engine.

I tell you my experience.

I recently bought the English Time from the Smart-Kids Club when my daughter was around 11-month old.  (I am not suggesting to any parents that English Time is better than DWE, or vice versa. I am not making a comparison here with any material too, so don't get me wrong.  In fact I think both DWE and English Time are far too expensive than they are worth.  If you have sufficient time I am sure you will find some cheaper and value for money products from various sources and suppliers just to get the similar results claimed to be able to offer by DWE and English Time).

Initially, knowing that TV viewing for a baby or toddler should be limited, I only let my baby watch 1 hour per day with the help of my domestic helper.  I warned my maid of the potential harmful effect of TV/video viewing on the baby so that I asked her to play along and try to focus the baby's attention more on the spoken language, and less on the image viewing, by have my baby take part in the interactive actions provided by my maid in conjunction with her viewing the video.

After one week of viewing at 1 hour per day, she started to have bad sleep at night.  I cannot tell whether it was due to the video viewing or not.  As she is too young I cannot also tell if she has had any physical or emotional problem since viewing.  But one thing I am sure - every time when she watched the video playing or TV, she stared at it steadfastly without moving her eyes or head.  She just stared firmly at the TV almost throughout each viewing time.  My maid tried to "interrupt" and provide some conversational or interactive scene such that my baby would not just stare at the TV but do it interactively, however the effort was in vain.

I've got a nephew, a son of my brother-in-law, who is 10-11 years old now.  He watches TV or plays TV/computer games at least 4-5 hours a day after school.  His literacy skills in Chinese, not to mention English, are poor and, I can say, horrible.  I once asked him why he didn't like reading (Chinese) books.  He told me that there had been too many words and he found it difficult to read.  This is a common problem in both HK, USA and perhaps some other places in the world as well - too much tv.

What I do now with the English Time?  I limit the viewing time to 16 minutes per day (8 in the morning and 8 in the afternoon) [the reason is that research has suggested that for child under age 2 there should be no tv at all so I try to limit TV for my baby to less than 1 hour per week] and each time before viewing, my maid will read to her the relevant books first.  Sometimes she just played the sound without the image and did the actions herself to mimic those of the English Time with a view to enhance the active involvement of my baby.  I try not to over-stimulate my baby and I am still carefully monitoring her daily routine and behaviour.

What I want to say is that your child will not learn good english just by passively viewing the video.  The video itself cannot produce a truely interative english learning environment.  Even though she plays the sound flash cards, this is not interactive learning too.

You may argue that your toddler is just doing fine and you have not seen any apparent adverse effect on him/her yet after watching DWE or English Time or Sesame Street, etc.  But I still do invite you to read the above articles and make an informed and smart decision on your child's future.

Please also try to follow the suggestions made at the end of the first article (1) given above.  Of course I am sure that every one of you already knows what is good for your baby.

Happy reading!!


Rank: 5Rank: 5


發表於 03-8-6 13:54 |只看該作者

Re: 不如組織一個 BK 港版DWE User Fans Club! (教材使用意見/Everyday with Zippy))

Hi cyfung,

Thanks for the sharing.

I have just read article (1) you recommended and it is really inspiring.

To my suprise, TV really does more harm than good, and even danger, towards infant/child development.

Simiar to the author of the article, my 2-year old boy loves watching TV so much. Every time I wanna turn it off, he cried and screamed for the TV to be turned on.

It seems ridiculous that most educational materials in the form of visual DVD/VCD claimed that they are able to develop a child to a genius, but in fact they ruin a child's senses, learning and language ability.

I am now most regret that I have allowed my kid to watch TV that much. From now on, think I need to stay him away from the TV set as far as possible.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 03-8-10 09:49 |只看該作者

Re: 不如組織一個 BK 港版DWE User Fans Club! (教材使用意見/Everyday with Zippy))

見到有好多人sell 二手 DWE,不過好似反應一般,問的人多,就算好平都沒有人要,點解呢?係因為沒有會籍,定係其他呢?


Rank: 1

發表於 03-8-13 01:39 |只看該作者

Re: 不如組織一個 BK 港版DWE User Fans Club! (教材使用意見/Everyday with Zippy))

我一定唔會考慮買2手, 無會籍當然係一個很重要的原因, 其次是這套教材其中的優點係佢既配套, 如果 2 手買了這套教材, 只得聽及睇, 我倒不如買其他英文教材, 唔使用 2 手買這套.

Rank: 4

發表於 03-8-13 10:02 |只看該作者

Re: 不如組織一個 BK 港版DWE User Fans Club! (教材使用意見/Everyday with Zippy))



咁遲先回應你以上問題, 唔知你有資料未, 我個sales幾好, 好有心機講解, 估佢唔會唔做啦, 因見佢職位係District Manager (Vivian )

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 03-8-13 11:53 |只看該作者

Re: 不如組織一個 BK 港版DWE User Fans Club! (教材使用意見/Everyday with Zippy))


我打過電話比Vivien Ho了,佢無話唔做,唔好亂講啦.


我個Consultant 都係Vivien,所以我識佢.

Rank: 4

發表於 03-8-13 15:02 |只看該作者

Re: 不如組織一個 BK 港版DWE User Fans Club! (教材使用意見/Everyday with Zippy))

我上文係話:  估佢  唔會 唔做啦, 係唔會呀, 邊個話佢唔做呀, 係就唔會介紹比BK mama啦.......

我寫電話出黎係唸住方便各mama, 同埋冇唸過BK D mama 會得閒整估人.......

另外佢地D咭片都會成日派比人架啦, 但我都要del 番個電話 (始終我冇問過佢本人) , 我係1年前同vivian 買左Super Mickey..........期間佢有繼續跟進, 所以覺得佢好...  

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 03-8-14 09:03 |只看該作者

Re: 不如組織一個 BK 港版DWE User Fans Club! (教材使用意見/Everyday with Zippy))



Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 03-8-21 15:30 |只看該作者

Re: 不如組織一個 BK 港版DWE User Fans Club! (教材使用意見/Everyday with Zippy))

My 11 month old son used the DWE for almost 2 months.
He is very interested on the "lay along" & "Sing Along" DVDs and will stare at the TVs without blinking.
However, if I play the Basic ABCs, he will seldom look at the TV.
Then, if I play the story book CDs and show the books to him, he even walk away from me.
As for the cards, he plays them with his mouth but not eyes.
Dear all moms, what shall I do to arouse his interest on other DWE materials. I'm so worried.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 03-8-22 11:46 |只看該作者

Re: 不如組織一個 BK 港版DWE User Fans Club! (教材使用意見/Everyday with Zippy))


你個小朋友仲細個呢,又只係用咗咁短時間. 佢都未理解到Basic ABCs 佢地做緊啲咩.等下先啦.千其唔好心急.如果你一定想要係用,你試下播story books cds or basic abc+ cds 比佢聽下先啦. 不過以個個人意,玩住Play along 先啦.同埋聽住Singalong cds.

Cards 佢唔玩,咪你自己玩囉!BB好鐘cop & paste.如果佢見你玩得好開心,佢一定會跟住上啦.以佢仲細,你咪必要佢坐定定,比佢聽到都ok o架啦.


Rank: 1

發表於 03-8-26 00:43 |只看該作者

Re: 不如組織一個 BK 港版DWE User Fans Club! (教材使用意見/Everyday with Zippy))


同意小B媽咪的說法, 妳 BB 只是 11 個月大, 都唔使咁快俾佢用 Basic ABC & Story Book 的 CD 及 DVD, 至於 Books & Cards, 佢未有興趣玩, 妳就自已睇及玩, 佢見到妳咁做, 慢慢佢就會跟住做, 暫時俾佢聽及睇 Sing Along 及 Play Along, 其他可以慢慢來, 試完俾佢聽, 睇或玩而發覺佢未有興趣, 就遲些再試, 千祈唔好急, 迫得佢太緊要而令佢全部都唔鍾意時就更加難搞.
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