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教育王國 討論區 教材閱讀 不如組織一個 BK 港版DWE User Fans Club! (教材使用意 ...
樓主: leshita

不如組織一個 BK 港版DWE User Fans Club! (教材使用意見/Everyday with Zippy)) [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 03-6-29 19:19 |只看該作者

Re: 不如組織一個 BK 港版DWE User Fans Club! (教材使用意見/Everyday with Zippy))


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 03-6-30 01:05 |只看該作者

Re: 不如組織一個 BK 港版DWE User Fans Club! (教材使用意見/Everyday with Zippy))


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 03-6-30 08:03 |只看該作者

Re: 不如組織一個 BK 港版DWE User Fans Club! (教材使用意見/Everyday with Zippy))

My daughter is only 6 months old.  She uses DWE for 1+ month only.  May I join in?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 03-6-30 08:08 |只看該作者

Re: 不如組織一個 BK 港版DWE User Fans Club! (教材使用意見/Everyday with Zippy))

My daughter uses super Mickey set.  She is very concentrated when watching Play Along.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 03-6-30 09:28 |只看該作者

Re: 不如組織一個 BK 港版DWE User Fans Club! (教材使用意見/Everyday with Zippy))

matthew_mama 寫道:

You mean CAP?  Of course, just call them and they will send you the materials.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 03-7-6 09:39 |只看該作者

Re: 不如組織一個 BK 港版DWE User Fans Club! (教材使用意見/Everyday with Zippy))

Zippy and me 及 Everyday with Zippy 的分別?  那種有趣一些呢?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 03-7-8 11:00 |只看該作者

Re: 不如組織一個 BK 港版DWE User Fans Club! (教材使用意見/Everyday with Zippy))


Zippy and me (與 play a long 差不多模式)

Everyday with Zippy (有兩個月曆,每日一句句子,每月有一首主打歌)

話説八月份有個summer fun,你地會唔會參加呢?我報咗24號,星期日.有冇媽咪都係o個日呢?

Rank: 1

發表於 03-7-8 14:01 |只看該作者

Re: 不如組織一個 BK 港版DWE User Fans Club! (教材使用意見/Everyday with Zippy))

大家好!我B B而家4個月大,好想開始俾D English 的 'play & learn' tool 俾佢。DWE d sales 來講解過,心思思想買。好開心見到BK噤多人用緊,希望有經驗的媽咪可以分享下:

1. 除DWE 外,有冇類似產品呢?價錢争得遠唔遠呢?
2. 我有興趣買 full set, 係咪可以慢慢來,買D低D version之後再upgrade呢?
3. BB 4个月係咪太早買呢?
4. Zippy and me etc 係咩呢家?係咪DWE一部份呢?
5. singapore version 係咪一樣呢?價錢係咪平D呢?
6. 其實媽咪們覺得好唔好用,滿唔滿意個result 呢?

sorry for having so many questions, 希望各媽咪賜教!

thanks a lot!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 03-7-16 12:54 |只看該作者

Re: 不如組織一個 BK 港版DWE User Fans Club! (教材使用意見/Everyday with Zippy))


I've just bought the Super Mickey set for my son of 10-month old.
Would be very glad to join you gals to share the joy & difficulties in using these learning tools.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 03-7-16 14:31 |只看該作者

Re: 不如組織一個 BK 港版DWE User Fans Club! (教材使用意見/Everyday with Zippy))

1. 除DWE 外,有冇類似產品呢?價錢争得遠唔遠呢?
有, SmartKid 既價錢差不多, 比DWE平少少.  DWE裡面既人物, 小朋友好容易見到或接觸到, 佢地會更加有興趣繼續睇

2. 我有興趣買 full set, 係咪可以慢慢來,買D低D version之後再upgrade呢?
你可以先買DWE俾細D小朋友既一套, 睇0下佢既反應先再決定upgrade, 不過到時要俾多千幾蚊(好似係儲存費)

3. BB 4个月係咪太早買呢?
我個仔仔都係4½個月開始睇, 舊年我係BB展度買了'Louie Set'

4. Zippy and me etc 係咩呢家?係咪DWE一部份呢?
Zippy and me 並不包括係DWE套教材裡面, 與Play Along相似, 只係人物唔同

5. singapore version 係咪一樣呢?價錢係咪平D呢?
Singapore Version 只係得DWE 裡面既Main Program, 無連貫性.  以我所知宜家新加坡都無得買

6. 其實媽咪們覺得好唔好用,滿唔滿意個result 呢?
我同老公都覺得好滿意, 而且舊年買既時候, 我老公都話貴, 但佢見到仔仔學到0野就好開心, 係今年5月我地個Consultant問我地會唔會upgrade, 我老公就一口答應upgrade, 仲upgrade到World Family Set

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 03-7-17 10:03 |只看該作者

Re: 不如組織一個 BK 港版DWE User Fans Club! (教材使用意見/Everyday with Zippy))

All mum
你地用成點呢?我囡囡學到好多了,而家識turn around,講bath, car, bus, dad, ma, fish, bird 及波等,真的好鍾意DWE.

Rank: 1

發表於 03-7-17 13:51 |只看該作者

Re: 不如組織一個 BK 港版DWE User Fans Club! (教材使用意見/Everyday with Zippy))

dear cutie,

mny tks for the info!


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 03-7-18 11:29 |只看該作者

Re: 不如組織一個 BK 港版DWE User Fans Club! (教材使用意見/Everyday with Zippy))


What is your final decision?  Wish to see you again there.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 03-7-18 20:20 |只看該作者

Re: 不如組織一個 BK 港版DWE User Fans Club! (教材使用意見/Everyday with Zippy))

Dear all mums,

I've just bought the set and I find my son (10 months) loves the "lay along" set very much. I play the DVDs for him at least 2 times per day (1 hour each time).
May I seek your opinion:
1. will the baby get tired/ bored of the programme very soon if I play the DVDs so frequent?
2. ususally, my son gets tired of the new toys very quickly. I'm afraid he will lose his interest of the DWE very soon. How other mums duel with this problem when using DWE set?

Thanks for help.

Rank: 1

發表於 03-7-21 02:16 |只看該作者

Re: 不如組織一個 BK 港版DWE User Fans Club! (教材使用意見/Everyday with Zippy))


妳有無去聽首部曲呀? 個度會教妳點樣用.

我個人認為妳不要咁快俾晒 D 課程佢用, 首先俾佢聽下 CD, 如 Bedtime Song & Wake Up Song, Sing Along, 然後才俾佢睇 DVD, 唔好咁快俾佢睇 Play Along, 先入為主, 佢睇得 Play Along 多, 妳再俾番佢睇 Sing Along, Main Program 等等就唔會咁有興趣睇, 可以播 Play Along CD 俾佢聽, 但暫時唔好俾 Play Along DVD 佢睇, 另外, 妳說 "play the DVDs for him at least 2 times per day (1 hour each time)", 我覺得太多了,  每日妳可以俾佢聽多 D CD, 但睇 DVD 的時間就不要咁多, 其實聽的吸收效果係好過睇的, 同時 BB 對著電視太耐都唔係咁好.

BB 好易玩厭玩具, 我只是久唔久拿出來俾我仔仔玩, 等佢有新鮮感.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 03-7-21 11:51 |只看該作者

Re: 不如組織一個 BK 港版DWE User Fans Club! (教材使用意見/Everyday with Zippy))

Agree. My agent also said 30 minutes per day is enough for babies under 12 months. Play more CDs to him no matter songs and stories. For DVDs, I think it's not a matter to start with PA, SA or ABC+, the main concern is be more systematic and keep him in a position, e.g. high chair, that he can't walk away easily. He will like PA most first but he will soon likes PA and ABC+ as well when he gets older, be more patient. Parents' involvement is of utmost importance. Suggest u to get familiar with all the songs and video, I sing to my son when I play with him and bathe him and I know how to play all the games in the PA.  For the toys, u can play with him in another ways when u feels he gets bored. For example, u can use the cups to play "My ball" and change the word 'ball' in the song to 'cups'. U can use ur other soft toys (Pooh, Elmo or teddy bears) to play the 'What's inside'. You change the lyrics when u sing to match the toys u r playing. DWE not only help my son, I become more creative as well now.

BTW, I have a question to other DWE users. I talked to my son in English when I play the DWE, like singing, playing toys, reading stories etc. but I can't communicate in English all the day at home with my hubby and maid because my home's language is Cantonese. Do u think the babies will get confused? My son is 14 months now, it looks that he understand but he can't talk well. He can only say 'Baba', 'Mama' and 'Che Che (my maid) and other non-understandable baby words. I am afraid I confuse him. Do u have same problem? Thanks for ur help.  

Rank: 5Rank: 5


發表於 03-7-21 15:50 |只看該作者

Re: 不如組織一個 BK 港版DWE User Fans Club! (教材使用意見/Everyday with Zippy))

Dear all DWE user,

I have a spare set of "Zippy & me" (100% new) and wanna sell at almost 40% off at org price, interested mommies may PM me.

Rank: 1

發表於 03-7-22 00:49 |只看該作者

Re: 不如組織一個 BK 港版DWE User Fans Club! (教材使用意見/Everyday with Zippy))

我都曾經聽過有人話如果 BB 一時聽英文, 一時聽中文, 佢係會好易 confuse, 我仔仔依家 2 歲都只是講 Baba, Mama 及 Baby Words, 不過我覺得我仔仔唔肯講野, 唔係因為佢有 confuse, 而係佢懶惰唔肯講野, 唔好心急, 只要佢唔係有其他問題, 遲 D 講野都唔怕的.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 03-7-22 12:10 |只看該作者

Re: 不如組織一個 BK 港版DWE User Fans Club! (教材使用意見/Everyday with Zippy))


1. will the baby get tired/ bored of the programme very soon if I play the DVDs so frequent?

My baby see SA/PA DVD one time a day.  Even she have seeing it so many many time, she still love it.  She will fellow " WOO " when it start.

My method is, change color every 2 months before.  (Need 8 months to finish all color) and now, change it every month.

2. Ususally, my son gets tired of the new toys very quickly. I'm afraid he will lose his interest of the DWE very soon. How other mums duel with this problem when using DWE set?

My baby still play with the PA toys, (I bought them over 8 months).  She will play with the toy when she see the DVD

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 03-7-22 17:28 |只看該作者

Re: 不如組織一個 BK 港版DWE User Fans Club! (教材使用意見/Everyday with Zippy))

Dear all mums,
thanks for your feedback.
I still have a question:
I'm a full-time mother and I always spend most of the day playing with my son/ or at least accompanying him.
So, I asked my agent if I can sing the PA/ SA songs with my son all day or play the talkalong cards with him several times a day so as to help him pick up the language easier & quicker. However, my agent told me not to do so. He suggested me to play with him or sing with him no more than 15 mins a day. The rest of the day, we only play the CDs/ DVDs for him to listen/ watch by himself. Or otherwise, it will interrupt my son's self-learning process.
So what's yr comment on this? did yr agent suggest the same to you?
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