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比D意見,靈糧堂、寶血、聖瑪加利大,嶺南,邊間好呢? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-11-11 03:40 |只看該作者



Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-11-11 09:00 |只看該作者

Re: 比D意見,靈糧堂、寶血、聖瑪加利大,邊間好呢?

Hi Hokkaido,

寶血都收左我個仔, 我會交留位費, 但聽日都會去IN靈糧堂, 留個保障好啲, 如果靈糧堂收我個仔, 到時再諗!   不過你係孖B, 咁就傷啲

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-11-11 10:03 |只看該作者

Re: 比D意見,靈糧堂、寶血、聖瑪加利大,邊間好呢?

According to my friend whose girl is studying in PB, they accept applicant all year round in pm class as they don't have enough students....
Everyone just take PB as backup.

My preference is St. Margaret, PB, LLC

Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14

醒目開學勳章 王國長老

發表於 05-11-11 10:30 |只看該作者

Re: 比D意見,靈糧堂、寶血、聖瑪加利大,邊間好呢?

我都聽過人咁講, 佢係中港2邊走, 後來決定俾個女o係香港讀書, 佢搵到唯一(我唔知佢搵左邊d啦)有位收佢個女既就係寶血, 所以咪讀lor
其實寶血都唔錯既, 只係英文差d, 同無私小做backup, 咁d學生個個要自己去搵小學, 但英文底又唔好, 就蝕底lor!

Rank: 4

發表於 05-11-11 18:09 |只看該作者

Re: 比D意見,靈糧堂、寶血、聖瑪加利大,邊間好呢?

1. 聖瑪加利大
2. 寶血
3. 靈糧堂

Don't worry 2003 SARS year not much BB U will find much easy than others year.

寶血 is the first to paid deposit vs other kinder although (especially if they accept your boys AM session)  u may not study there at last U will paid finally.  Like me I lost $500 reg fee last year.  It's a good school but the location always my concern.  

Because 靈糧堂 too many students apply if u choose PM session or either AM or PM session U will find they most likely put u PM session as consideration.  Last year 6 of us (Mummy's friend) apply 靈糧堂 6 accepted but only 1 accept AM class now 4 students study K1 2005 at PM session.  I didn't paid the reg fee cos I paid 寶血 pm session and more interview on progress before Feb.

I apply 7 school last year 6 schools accepted 2 only accept pm session.  St. Paul is the one not accept my girl.  Because all traditional kinder with primary school only choose big BB(born from Jan - May) or currently study nursary starting from 2 years.  Then u've got large chance.  

Good luck to your twins boys.  Take it easy !!


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-11-11 18:50 |只看該作者

Re: 比D意見,靈糧堂、寶血、聖瑪加利大,邊間好呢?

多謝你的意見!我都有考慮過03會少dbb的問題,還有許多媽咪都用寶血做back up,都曾經見有媽咪話過6月去in都重有位,都收。所以我都諗唔須要留位,還有佢地25/11仲有得in,這表示還未收足人數了。其實我am、pm都無所謂,我自已揍的,我首選係pm添..........因為bb好夜訓。

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-11-11 18:58 |只看該作者

Re: 比D意見,靈糧堂、寶血、聖瑪加利大,邊間好呢?


Rank: 2

發表於 05-11-11 21:39 |只看該作者

Re: 比D意見,靈糧堂、寶血、聖瑪加利大,邊間好呢?


Many of your friends' kids studies in LLC, how they commented to this school?  Could you share some?  Almost all mom would apply this school, but is it that great?

After the interview today in LLC, my feeling to this school is not as good as I thought. I guess it's because the format of the interview -- 1st part is good that one teacher interviews one kid, so the kid can have the chance to chat with the teacher (different from SKH, some kids got no chance to perform themselves); but then the 2nd part which is singing time with headmistress... I know that she wants to see whether the kids are patient and calm... but it makes me feel nervous. Any kid makes noise during that time will look very embarassing. I saw one kid lost temper and then cried while the headmistress was singing... he then left the room with his mom and got no chance to say goodbye to the headmistress face-to-face. I guess he must fail co'z I saw the headmistress wrote something in the form after the kids was willing to say bye bye to her.

The playground is small. I hope they have some other outdoor areas for kids doing exercise, etc. But I am not sure co'z I never walked around in the school.

But I can tell the teachers are nice, patient and professional.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-11-11 22:36 |只看該作者

Re: 比D意見,靈糧堂、寶血、聖瑪加利大,邊間好呢?

My preference is St. Margaret, 嶺南,PB, LLC

Rank: 4

發表於 05-11-12 00:37 |只看該作者

Re: 比D意見,靈糧堂、寶血 邊間好呢?


Yes because all 媽咪都用寶血做back up,that why 6月去in 都有.  寶血  must accept student over 10% quota for back up themselve purpose because more Mummy finally choose other kinder after CNY.  Every year happens they knows that the first block of accepted students will somehow a bit difference with final final  Sep K1 students beacuse they registered 1st vs other kinder.  They really understand the situation so if u don't mind to choose pm session 1 or 2 sits to fitted in has no problem.   


After reviewing 7 schools I should say my personal opinion for 靈糧堂 only at 3rd.  I don't want to black mouth 靈 I can say it's only not suit my own requirement.   The real school live u may check 談幼稚園 forum to talk to current student's Mummy.

It's a happy school with 85 points my friends say.  e.g. fun,  musical, level a bit simple, Student with great confident both speaking and performing, NO text books Mummy can see child school life through web photos and the contents of their study to be download on paper through web by yourself if u want a hardcopy to keep.  So u should prepred to check with web closely if u very concern what they study and how's their school life.  For the interview every year is the same methods.   (Me too, after interview the school I can definately say my child will not accept by them didn't say one word except "bye bye" to headmaster at the end.  The teachers gave more chance to encourage her answer my child just like doesn't see her)  It's make me ??? they accepted my child as pm session finally and others mummy's child too.

(remember kinder only 3 years prepare to start choosing 6 years primary is the main point to choose back from which kinder may get more chance to walk closely to your target primary & secondary)  there is 11 years school life to come.  (U live in competitive world as Mummy like me I will only see the far way to come (so basic MUST good)  Then u have the Right to CHOOSE school not which primary will accept your kids right of course if u don't mind the gov to allocated your kids by luck to choose primary JUST IGNORE MY WORRY (Myself I've no luck at all time so I need to 99% to make sure its safety) after interview 7 kinder to face the competition not real.   The TRUE competition starting from choosing P1 games harder follows by the child growth.  The choosing method much harder (U know why every year some Mummy cry over TV after getting P1 result).  Thinking to prepare the pofilio I want to die.  

I may thinking too much !

Once again take it easy !

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-11-12 01:29 |只看該作者

Re: 比D意見,靈糧堂、寶血、Racheltcy,邊間好呢?

tyytnc :
其實上小學,我都諗住讀直資或私小。因為我住的地區性不太利我們lucky drew。亦無心儀學校係附近。有都係私小。
所以都係首選st.mm,以你所知寶血教學與st.mm差不多嗎?is basic嗎?

Rank: 4

發表於 05-11-12 14:15 |只看該作者

Re: 比D意見,靈糧堂、寶血、邊間好呢?


U can say same same but St. Margaret at least have great chance to accept by some good gov support primary.  I saw their chart last year shows by headmaster around 30 students goes to St. Paul.  I appreciate the headmaster very considerate and billiant concepts to lets students to widen their horizon through all kinds of activities especially encourage students explore outside the classroom to learn  things and meets people.  She's the only one I saw vs other 101% true heart, well experience,  to aim to education kids without any query.  She's a open mind person.  I still remember what she's say during the end of the interview.  I'm so glad I didn't miss the chance to meet her in persons she puts a lot of $ into my pocket the expenation regarding the word "LOVE".  So if let me to choose again I have no doublt to choose St Margaret again (If I don't mind drawing the gov support primary by luck).

Their standard not bad ga... It's hard to compare with difference methods between St Marg vs 寶.  Each of them did very outstanding out of their own teaching methods I should say.  It's not easy to be OUTSTANDING.
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