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教育王國 討論區 海外留學 澳洲升中雜談
樓主: hk_woman68

澳洲升中雜談 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-5-19 20:59 |只看該作者
我自己想小朋友去澳洲升中學, 本身在國際學校讀緊, 不知道有沒有boarding school 可介紹給我,   另澳洲的 grade 跟英國的同不同, 例如英國 Year 8等如澳洲那一班?    Boarding School一年費用要多少?   

我有想過搵次一家人去澳洲旅行, 順便去各學校參觀及報名, 不知可行嗎?

Rank: 2

發表於 12-6-2 16:12 |只看該作者

Rank: 2

發表於 12-6-3 00:06 |只看該作者


原帖由 恩悅禮品店 於 11-05-20 發表
有否考慮前往新西蘭呢,我的弟弟在那兒開店舖定居的,他今年曾經幫助一位學生成功地入讀當地的大學。 ...


Rank: 13Rank: 13Rank: 13Rank: 13

發表於 12-6-4 08:23 |只看該作者
888aliu 發表於 12-1-4 16:05
My son is now F7, he would like to study accounting / business administration in Australia. Can you  ...


請參考以上link.  Accounting在HK的專業認受性可能又足, 畢業後回學可能需考試領牌才可執業(朋友說的, 請check清楚).  

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 12-6-4 21:54 |只看該作者

回覆:hk_woman68 的帖子

Hi, I study in melbourne as overseas student before but not citizen. My boy now age 10, and I plan to send him to Mel as well. What should I do to send him to student now??

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-6-12 00:41 |只看該作者
Will you let him to stay in boarding school.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 12-7-11 08:42 |只看該作者
回復 CFHung 的帖子

i want to send him to boarding school but my hubby reject. he want me to go to Mel together with my boy and live in mel. Really don't know how to plan.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-7-12 13:23 |只看該作者
Hi Edith, My son is 11 years old and will promote to F1 this year.  For my case, we all have PR and plan to go back to Mel after 2 years.  What I suggest you should go with your son. Otherwise, it may have risk to let him to stay alone in OZ. Keep in touch.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-7-20 19:25 |只看該作者
Edith912 發表於 12-7-11 08:42
回復 CFHung 的帖子

i want to send him to boarding school but my hubby reject. he want me to go to M ...

same as my husband

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-7-20 19:38 |只看該作者
Hi! I am thinking about this question at the moment.

We are citizen and back to HK over 10 years. My elder daughter (14 years old) is studying in HK.  
I have another kid (7 years old). If my elder daughter goes to Melb, my husband wants me to go with 2 daughters.  My husband will stay in HK.
It is a big decision to my family. I need to have a plan if my elder daughter cannot enter to HKU or CU.  What is the best time for her to go for U in Melb?


Macusmama  my daughter is studying in Melbourne  will turn to grade 9 next year.Named:http://www.sion.catholic.edu.au/our-school/20/p/principal-s-message/  發表於 13-7-29 17:07

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-7-21 17:55 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 weiwei 於 12-7-21 18:00 編輯
hk_woman68 發表於 10-10-5 09:54

我住係澳洲三年,個女家陣係澳洲讀緊 high school,所以都算有少少領悟可以講下, ...

Want to study hotel management in Griffith University in Gold Coast.  Any comment or advice pls.


a :hammer: :yawn:

Rank: 4

發表於 12-7-28 16:04 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 elmkc 於 12-7-28 16:06 編輯

回復 JJBBCC 的帖子

As compared to HKU, CU or UST, only University of Melbourne has similar status (in Melbourne). If you want your daughter to study in University of Melbourne, I think the best time should be year 10 so that your daughter has one year to adapt to the environment and the last two years to work hard to get a good secondary result. However, if your daughter is a high-performing student in Hong Kong, then perhaps years 11 and 12 are sufficient.


JJBBCC  thanks  發表於 12-8-14 13:34

Rank: 4

發表於 12-7-28 16:11 |只看該作者
weiwei 發表於 12-7-21 17:55
Want to study hotel management in Griffith University in Gold Coast.  Any comment or advice pls.

t ...

Griffith University is a good university. In Queensland, it is number two (with similar status as Queensland University of Technology). Of course the best is University of Queensland. I've got a friend who was a graduate of Griffith University and worked in a very senior position in Hong Kong. Gold Coast is a good place to live if you like to go swimming. Hotel management is also a hot subject in GU as Gold Coast is a place with a lot of hotels and resorts.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-8-10 10:54 |只看該作者
We are citizens of Aust and back to HK for almost more than 15 years. My daughters are now studying in HK and are 14 and 8. Am thinking whether it is worth to send the elder one to foundation course after she finishes studying F.5? I am sure she might not be able to cope with those history / geography subjects over there. Can I have some comments pls? Also, for those mums living in HK, pls give comments on this, my friend said "有能力可以去外國讀大學好過係香港讀大學" , do you all agree?


JJBBCC  hi! your situation is similar to our family.  發表於 12-8-14 13:34

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 12-8-13 13:42 |只看該作者
Dear HK woman 68

Thanks for your kind offer. MY son will go to G6 in this coming Sept. He told me he would love to go and study in Australia.
1) Are there any good bording school in town or village-don't want to have too many chinese.
2) If I am not the citizen. Is it possible to get in?
3) Which place in Australia better for a teenager boy to study alone? More safe. I don't really prefer to stay in CITY.
4) Which is the best boarding school?

I am a Canadian citizen and never been in Australia (except 7 days vacation), therefore would appreciatre to hear from your valuable comment.

Million thanks in advance.

Rank: 4

發表於 12-8-15 02:12 |只看該作者
sleepingbeauty 發表於 12-8-10 10:54
We are citizens of Aust and back to HK for almost more than 15 years. My daughters are now studying  ...

The most important is what university she would like to study and her current performance in school. If she is a high performing student in Hong Kong, then studying in Australia would not be a problem for her. If not, then perhaps her aim should not be set too high. However, the most important is that she likes to study in Australia.

For the statement "有能力可以去外國讀大學好過係香港讀大學", I can't totally agree with it. Yes, it is certain that even if entering lower level Australian universities, Hong Kong students can still enjoy a wider exposure in Australia, such as the practice of English, knowing Australian people and culture, etc. However, I usually observe that those, who obtained a degree from lower level Australian universities, are always difficult to find a job in Hong Kong. It may be because universities in Hong Kong always help their graduates to find jobs in order to improve their graduates' employment rate. Overseas universities will not have this for their graduates from Hong Kong, and they usually help local graduates to find jobs rather than graduates from other countries. Although your daughter is an Australian citizen, it may still be hard for her to find a job in Australia unless she will study professional degree programmes, such as engineering, accounting, nursing, medicine, dental, therapy, etc.

Sorry that I don't have experience about foundation course, but know more about university studies.

Rank: 4

發表於 12-8-15 02:56 |只看該作者
Clau86 發表於 12-8-13 13:42
Dear HK woman 68

Thanks for your kind offer. MY son will go to G6 in this coming Sept. He told me h ...

I know you are asking HK woman 68, but she seems disappearing from this thread. Hope she will read your message and reply to you.

I could not answer all of your concerns as I am not an expert of them. I may answer some of them as I have many relatives in Australia and have lived there for many years.

Wow, your son is only grade six, but he has already loved to go and study in Australia. It seems that he has a vision for his future.

1) I don't know any boarding schools in Australia as my relatives' children mainly study in state schools only. I only know that there are some famous private schools that have boarding services. You can check the Australian Government on education with these websites (http://www.studyinaustralia.gov.au/) or (http://www.hongkong.china.embassy.gov.au/hkng/study.html). They have IB courses for your children.

2) Yes, it is possible to get in some local secondary and primary schools. Check the above websites for more information.

3) If your son is very good in English and enjoys an English speaking environment very much, then you may consider Adelaide or Perth as schools there have not yet been crowded with Chinese. However, safety or not is hard to say. I've been to all big cities as well as remote towns in Australia, but I don't think they are safety at all. Australians like drinking beer and they (similar to other English speaking countries) have serious discrimination (although they always don't admit this). So, when they drink too much, they often do some unexpected things. Even if they don't drink, they may still ....... If your son is only grade six, you need to find a guardian for him. Perhaps you may consider to go there with him.

4) No information as I am not familiar with boarding schools.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-8-17 16:39 |只看該作者

I heard that even if you are australian citizens, when you go back to study in australia, besides medicare, you will need to buy student medical insurance, is that correct? Thanks.

Rank: 4

發表於 12-8-18 02:23 |只看該作者
sleepingbeauty 發表於 12-8-17 16:39

I heard that even if you are australian citizens, when you go back to study in australia, bes ...

Who tell you this? I haven't heard of any obligation for buying the so called student medical insurance. Medicare is what Australian citizens freely enjoy. However, there are two things for your consideration:

1. Medicare card only covers health clinic consulting and state hospital benefits. The so called student medical insurance may cover more than this, such as private hospital benefits. You can check what benefits are covered by the insurance if you are interested in it.

2. If you want to choose a private school for your daughter, some private schools may request students to buy this or that. But, I don't think state schools would have this request.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 12-8-20 15:39 |只看該作者
Dear elmkc

Million thanks for your info. I will try to spend some time on your website.

Good day
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