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認字, 閱讀, 認知 - Doman's flash card method [複製鏈接]

Rank: 2

發表於 05-1-26 12:55 |只看該作者

認字, 閱讀, 認知 - Doman's flash card method

I have a few questions regarding "How to teach your baby to read" by Glenn Doman. I have some comments about the method and would like to seek for advice.

I agree that the 5-stage flash card method described in the book is an effective way of raisng a kid's interest towards reading. However, I feel that there is something is lacking. The cards may only be able to achieve word recognisation 認字and reading 閱讀, but omit the cognition part 認知.

As there isn't any picture accompanying the words, will babies really understand the meaning of the words or the sentences?

e.g. Babies may remember the pronounciation and recognise the word "dog", and feel comfortable when reading the sentence "A dog is running", but don't know what a dog is.

Besides amking the word flash cards, do we need to use other flash cards with pictures to "explain" the meaning of words to babies (like the MBLE)? e.g. Show the picture of dog beside the word "dog" and let babies listen to their barks. Or, is the word flsh card enough already? Did I miss any essential part of the Doman method?

Rank: 4

發表於 05-1-26 13:24 |只看該作者

Re: 認字, 閱讀, 認知 - Doman's flash card method

I just visit a GD method parents talk organized by KInder U. Very good, the speaker is the GD ctr in Singapore , which ctr already starts for 13 years.

The reading word cards is no problems, but u need to help the kid to related to the word 's meaning.  the speaker said, he did brought along the animals word cards to the ZOO in sing with her daughter.

Bring bb the real carrots after reading the cards.
or just visit the supermarket will do.

Also, as per the speaker, the reading program cannot starts until bb eyesight is well developed. which means around 7-8 mths.

Have u read the GD book which is about the Bits of intellegence??

My own comments for MBLE is : My girl will prefer a real Photo rather than the cartoon photo.
hope its help.

Rank: 2

發表於 05-1-26 14:25 |只看該作者

Re: 認字, 閱讀, 認知 - Doman's flash card method

I see. Thanks for your information and suggestion.

When I try to explain the meaning of words to my baby, do I need to let them see the word too?

e.g. Let baby see a real carrot and the word card "carrot" at the same time. Later, I integrate the word card "carrot" into the set of word cards and use them in senence as described in GD's book.

Or is it sufficient if I just let them hear the word (i.e using sounds to relate the words and image)?

e.g. Let baby see a real carrot and say the word "carrot". Later, I let baby read the word card "carrot" and say the word carrot again as in GD's method.

Rank: 4

發表於 05-1-26 22:33 |只看該作者

Re: 認字, 閱讀, 認知 - Doman's flash card method

Well,just make it simple.  day one read the word carrot , another day  or day two take bb to the supermarkt to let her know it is carrot will do.

of course, keep on tell her this is carrot if u see it anytime later. just like revision !!

Rank: 2

發表於 05-1-27 06:29 |只看該作者

Re: 認字, 閱讀, 認知 - Doman's flash card method

I'll try this method~ Thanks thanks ne~  
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