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教育王國 討論區 幼校討論 聖心明天 Interview la
樓主: Yipapa

聖心明天 Interview la   [複製鏈接]

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 12-1-16 15:06 |只看該作者

Rank: 2

發表於 12-1-16 15:30 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 GandL 於 12-1-17 12:17 編輯

very interesting post.  

have been following this post for quite some days.  finally want to join in as well (at the risk of being criticized though).

To be fair, i should first declare that: -

1.  I did submit application to (and for which I lined up for over 1.5 hours) and bring my daughter to SH for interview (waited for around 45 minutes, followed by an interview of no longer than 5 minutes) 2 weeks ago

2.  I am an old girl of Sacred Heart kindergarten & primary school ~  and frankly, I still have a strong sense of loyalty and pride for being a graduate.  

This post is very interesting in the sense that, some people just turn so critical and defensive whenever any criticism arises as to the interview / application arrangements of SH.  

It seems like whenever a criticism / opinion on how things could be improved has been raised, there is bound to be "feedback" / criticism saying that this is indicative / reflective of the "complaining" culture of HK, the selfishness of HK people/parents, "monster-parents", those parents must be "bad" role models for their kids ... ...

On this, I really could not agree.

1.   the purpose of a forum is for everyone and anyone to express their view.  I am frankly puzzled by such comments as "it serves no purpose to keep complaining here ~ if you have so much grievance, the proper channel should be to communicate your dissatisfactions to the school".   Come on, this is exactly the purpose of a public forum ~  if a parent feels that something is wrong (whether this view is shared by anyone), why can't they speak out?  why should people who voiced out dissatisfaction need to be negatively labelled?  This is a public forum on education, we are not in a support group for any school .... how discouraging it is for the parents who genuinely felt the grievance and wanted to voice out ...

2.   I cannot stress how much i love this school, and how strongly I wish my girl could be admitted (though the chance is extremely low).  I can still my strong connection to it.  However, I (as a parent who also applied to other kinders for my girl) just could not deny that the entire arrangement is far from satisfactory.  The fact that I like the school does not mean the school should be "untouchable", or that I could not allow any negative words about it.

3.    In my view, the worst part of the entire process is the application stage.  I still could not understand what necessitated the need for requiring all parents to line up solely for the sake of submitting an application form?  The school must know from experience that there are bounds to be thousands of application.  it is not difficult to imagine the chaos by only allowing a total of 5 hours for thousands of in-person applications.

With the modern technology (or even without any technology), what stops the school from accepting applications by post (like most kinders do), or allowing a longer application period if they for any reason insist on in-person application (Precious Blood allowed like a week or two for this process).  That could ease so much of the hassle and stress and waste of time on the part the parents.  Seriously, despite my love for the school, when i was actually lining up just because I needed to hand in the few sheets of paper, I do feel that it is wholly inconsiderate and unreasonable.  (yes i know, some of you may say, if you want to play the game, follow the rules.  I did, so i lined up and applied.  But that doesn't mean i do not have the right to have my own thoughts / views).

I know it has been said earlier that the school needs in-person application so that they could check the originals of the docs submitted.  This, with respect, is not sufficient justification.  If the school has such doubt, they could always request for inspection of originals before registration upon acceptance of any student. This would not (I believe) add on too much to the admin costs since (a) the use of forged documents should be highly exceptional, and (b) in any event, there are bound to be students who would give up the places, and the school would thus need to call up students on waiting list in any event.  as such, if the school does discover that a parent submits forged documents (which i believe and hope is very very very rare), they could simply withdraw the acceptance and then call up another student on the waiting list to replace the vacancy.  why trouble thousands of parents just for this slight slight possibility that someone might cheat?

thus, I do remain of the view that this part of the application is entirely unsatisfactory.  

4.    Re the actual interview, I don't have much complaint though.  No doubt, we did need to wait for 45 mins, but i do feel this is not something that the school could control.  there are simply too many applicants.  it is definitely a tough task for the school.  As such, the need to line up and wait is, kind of, unavoidable.  On this, I could understand the practical difficulty of the school, and I can see that it (as well as all the parent volunteers) already did their best in the limited resources available.

As to whether they should open the playgrounds etc, seriously, i am fine either way.  I respect that this is something for the school to decide (considering such factors like chance of chaos, capacity of the facilities, safety, etc etc).  Whether I like it or not, I will respect the school's decision on this (though for me, it might be better if my daughter could have some external assistance in maintaining her patience ~ though i would say, she did well well during the entire waiting process, as we kept looking around at and chatting about the things we saw , talking about the art works displayed, coupled with non-stop singing, dancing and chit-chatting, etc ~ but yes, i can't deny it is exhausting).  But again, no complaint on this.

Seems like I have written a lot more than i planned to.  But what i want to say is, whether or not you are related to the school (by e.g. having daughters studying there, and is well-known as being a die-hard fan) is entirely irrelevant when it comes to the specific question of how satisfactory the interview process is.  I still remember that one thread (which appeared on the first day of application) when a parent expressed her unhappiness/anger as the school stopped the queue after she lined up for like over an hour, and then asked her to come back like 2 hours later ~ that poor parent was being so strongly criticized to such an extent that, to me, was outrageous and not justified ~ all she wanted was to express her own feeling (whether you agree to it or not), there is just no need to feel so offended or be that defensive whenever your dream school is under criticism.  

Hope we could still respect everyone's right to voice out whatever they want to (except, of course, if it involves personal attack or the use of foul languages etc).  if you disagree with any views, do feel free to state your position (preferably with reasons), but pls don't lightly label or mock others who have different view as being "selfish", "self-centered", "inconsiderate", "monster-parent", "lacking the ability to appreciate efforts paid by others" ... ... ...  this is just not necessarily the case.  

I still believe a public forum should be capable of accommodating different views from different people.  

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-1-16 16:21 |只看該作者
GandL 發表於 12-1-16 15:30
very interesting post.  

have been following this post for quite some days.  finally want to join i ...
"if you don't like the interview arrangement, PLEASE don't let your child get into this school"This is "friendly" reminder I got and supported by board admin.
You should try to think twice whether you want to let your child get into SH even you are an old girl who truly understands what's happening.....

My friendly reminder to you is not to mention "unsatisfactory" / etc. to any school in EK as many parents want to protect the reputation of their school, which actually makes sense as a human being.

There are only application process / interview arrangement that are NOT SUITABLE for you / your child
but there ain't any unsatisfactory application process / interview arrangement - Please stop complaining so as to avoid any unnecessary flaming war.


GandL  Yes, i see what you meant from yr previous posts, and the "friendly" reminders you got from the board admin. and others ...I can also see that you have since been very cautious in your choice of wor   發表於 12-1-17 19:05

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-1-17 01:43 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 janettsui 於 12-1-17 01:53 編輯

回復 GandL 的帖子



面試還面試, 實際還實際,
唔代表批評間學校唔好 學生唔好


GandL  exactly! 面試還面試 實際還實際 抒發面試安排唔理想 唔代表批評學校唔好.sadly still see comment like"if you don't like it, don't take the offer! Relax!offer is still far away!   發表於 12-1-17 19:03

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-1-17 11:36 |只看該作者
Give big hands to GandL. I used to be a slient reader in this forum. I really cannot express how much I agreed with GandL. I applied 4 schools for my girls last year and I can say the application process of SH was the worst amongst those schools I had have submitted the applications. GandL, Thumb up!

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 12-1-17 12:36 |只看該作者
It's all about perspective. What do you expect from the school? More than 2000 applicants for the school...if you don't like it, then don't take the offer. Don't bother to whine in the forum.

To me, as long as the line up is keep moving and won't make my daughter feel boring, i think the arrangement is ok. There are a lot of stuff you can share with your kids during the line up, lots of pictures, lots of decoration.


GandL  whether i like the application process has nothing to do with whether i like the school, or whether it suits my girl ~ with respect, i can't follow the logic in linking it to taking the offer or not.   發表於 12-1-18 16:51
sansquare   Agreed!! Also, We should never say the kinder has the "worst" arrangement among others.. Just comparatively, it may not be the best.  發表於 12-1-17 12:46

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 12-1-17 12:53 |只看該作者
Also, when you look into detail during your "trip", you can observe a lot of things. E.g. the school is stressed on moral education and 自理. There are a lot of classrooms for different purpose.

Rank: 2

發表於 12-1-17 18:54 |只看該作者
sansquare   Agreed!! Also, We should never say the kinder has the "worst" arrangement among others.. Just comparatively, it may not be the best.

Can I be enlightened since when there is such a rule / restriction on EK (or only on threads which touch on SH?) that certain words, like "worst", "unsatisfactory", "bad" are forbidden, and all we are allowed to say is "well, comparatively, it may not be the best ... " ???!!!???

if so, in case i want to use the word "negative", is it that i must instead say "well, it may not be entirely positive"?

if i want to use the word "unsatisfactory" (which I now know is strictly forbidden), does it mean that I can only say something like:  "well ... I know you are doing more than fair already, and I know you have paid the efforts ... um ... just that perhaps may still be a little bit of room for you to improve before you can achieve perfection" ... ?

Will the above make you feel better?  Is this the way a forum is supposed to be?   are users supposed to go through such a struggling exercise before he / she could post some personal feelings on a forum?

except myself, does anyone feel like living in an autocratic society where citizens are only allowed to praise?  what is that?  "self-censorship"?  河蟹?  


hangyodon  咁你講乜野當然要睇咩對象, 對人講人話, 對鬼講鬼話...

可惜除咗EK外仲未有一個更好platform可以講人話:(  發表於 12-1-19 14:25

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-1-18 00:18 |只看該作者
GrandL, support u !

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 12-1-18 00:50 |只看該作者
Let's take it easy and be open to hear different points of view. Stay calm

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-1-18 01:28 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 janettsui 於 12-1-18 01:32 編輯

回復 GandL 的帖子


發表於 12-1-18 08:56 |只看該作者
提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-1-19 13:30 |只看該作者

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-1-19 14:17 |只看該作者
janettsui 發表於 12-1-19 13:30
我深深為此 ...
我之前講完比版主插已經delete咗; 乜你又攞出黎講

SH 係一間好學校, 只係你唔識欣賞, 我勸你唔好讀SH啦

我經過EK教育後, 已經進步咗好多

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-1-19 15:15 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 janettsui 於 12-1-19 15:16 編輯

回復 hangyodon 的帖子


唔係主流 唔代表唔應該受到尊重!

我無攻擊他人及學校, 無標籤任何野, 無講粗口, 無鬧人
如果我既發言真係有問題, 版主佢有權delete我d posts
否則, 我個人係唔會delete既

而且我一早都講明, 經過比較後,

Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


發表於 12-1-19 15:44 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 iantsang 於 12-1-19 15:54 編輯
hangyodon 發表於 12-1-19 14:17
我之前講完比版主插已經delete咗; 乜你又攞出黎講

SH 係一間好學校, 只係你唔識欣賞, 我勸你唔好讀SH啦

我經過EK教育後, 已經進步咗好多





Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


發表於 12-1-19 15:47 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 iantsang 於 12-1-19 15:52 編輯






版主 iantsang

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-1-19 16:00 |只看該作者
iantsang 發表於 12-1-19 15:44

我當時見你驚比人誤會,我 ...
板主唔使咁嬲喎, 冷靜啲


Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


發表於 12-1-19 16:08 |只看該作者
hangyodon 發表於 12-1-19 16:00
板主唔使咁嬲喎, 冷靜啲
我無嬲,都係想您好唧。 但您唔領情......

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-1-19 16:29 |只看該作者
iantsang 發表於 12-1-19 16:08
我無嬲,都係想您好唧。 但您唔領情......
我都係好心叫janettsui唔好講咁多; 因為EK真係好多家長接受唔到對學校有貶義既說話
其實我都想大家係EK可以暢所欲言, 表達自己感受
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