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教育王國 討論區 國際學校 HKIS vs CIS
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HKIS vs CIS [複製鏈接]

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發表於 11-6-11 12:36 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
We live in Island side and now consider HKIS or CIS for my girl.  I am more than happy to have your comments or advice for HKIS and CIS.  Many thanks.
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Rank: 4

發表於 11-6-11 18:57 |只看該作者
It's quite funny to me how you are considering these two schools while students at HKIS and CIS actually hold grudges against each other

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-7-7 12:29 |只看該作者
原帖由 arielle.w 於 11-6-11 18:57 發表
It's quite funny to me how you are considering these two schools while students at HKIS and CIS actually hold grudges against each other

I'm thinking of sending my girl going to CIS. Any comments, Arielle. Many thanks!

發表於 11-7-8 22:39 |只看該作者
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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-7-8 22:48 |只看該作者
原帖由 babyemma 於 11-6-11 12:36 發表
We live in Island side and now consider HKIS or CIS for my girl.  I am more than happy to have your comments or advice for HKIS and CIS.  Many thanks.

In my opinion they both are top IS.

Rank: 4

發表於 11-7-9 21:43 |只看該作者
I actually have always been quite interested in knowing HOW MUCH parents actually know what happens at their children's, or at the other schools in reality. I have been at BK for quite some years and what I have observed is that it is indeed hard for parents to know the exact situation in school or between students since they are not an "insider". Be reminded that observing and experiencing are two very different objectives which offer you different useful information.

Like moca said, indeed, HKIS and CIS are both top IS in HK. This, we cannot deny. And like cookingmama857 said, there also indeed are more westerners at HKIS than CIS. To this, I can only say that these two schools target at two completely different group of students and have two completely different aim - one aims at providing an American education, another aims at providing a strong bilingual education in IB style. The fact that these two schools have a larger portion of some certain races of students can be understood for sure. Put it simpler, which parents would wish to put their children into, say for example, Hong Kong Japanese School? Of course Japanese parents, those who have spent a considerably long time in Japan, or those who really admire a Japanese education.

I believe most parents put their children in international schools because they want their children to be able to speak good English, and to receive an education very different from the local ones, which could contribute a lot to their mind and personality. Mostly, parents compare how "international" schools actually are. But how do you define "international"? Just by the students' nationality or race? Are some of us actually being "racist" subconsciously?

How would you consider the "actual" race of a Chinese who have lived in an English speaking country for his whole life (western-cultured) and does not speak or understand Chinese at all?

From my perspective, students' ability in English, and the life background of students are far more important than just looking at students' nationality and race. AND when you look at HKIS' information on students' nationality, be aware that nationality does not reflect race. A Chinese in race can be American in nationality. So this sort of information can be very misleading.

By evaluating students' English ability and their life background, I actually don't think HKIS and CIS differ that much. (Please note that Chinese students at CIS are also overseas citizens who have really spent some years overseas) Actually, I would even say that, perhaps, some American students at HKIS lack a bit of "international experience", if they come to HK straight from the US, still receive an American education and have lived in nowhere else. But of course, we do need their input as "international students" in our eyes, in this Chinese society of Hong Kong.

Lastly, about my earlier comment that students from these two schools hold grudges against each other...I'm not gonna lie, nor did I. They really do.

Lately I read a blog entry by a parent, who was trying to pick a school for her child. She went on a tour at CIS and this is what the student tour guide told the group of parents:

"The other was clearly a clown, and his only serious moment came when he warned us that – whatever we do – we should not send our children to HKIS, “They do drugs there! And drink vodka!”"

If any parents are interested, below is the link:
http://blog.seattlepi.com/redlan ... hinese-or-american/

When I read this, I actually laughed. I have always known about their "grudges", but have never heard such a daring and precise line that totally highlights the fact.

I don't intend to blackmouth about any particular schools or people, so I am not going to pinpoint the obvious reason why problems rise when it comes to some particular schools. But I guess, HKIS and CIS students hold grudges against each other because these two schools are both very top IS in Hong Kong. When there's competition, there're gossips. You never see people really comparing HKIS or CIS with the other more low-profile IS, do you?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-7-13 21:12 |只看該作者
原帖由 arielle.w 於 11-7-9 21:43 發表
I actually have always been quite interested in knowing HOW MUCH parents actually know what happens at their children's, or at the other schools in reality. I have been at BK for quite some years and  ...

It is a good piece of information, you have made some interesting points. Now I have learnt more. Thank you for sharing.
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