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教育王國 討論區 小一選校 今日叩門面試問題....
樓主: 2LittleMonkey

今日叩門面試問題.... [複製鏈接]

Rank: 4

發表於 11-6-15 10:06 |只看該作者
Your son is so smart.  Seem to be small boy born in Oct?  My daughter is also a small bb born in Oct.  She is quite shy and quiet.  She dislikes to talk with others, sometimes.  She is still not quite mature and easy to cry.  That's why I am so worry.  I think it is hard to let her admit esteemed school.  Yesterday, she made me cry again as she did not answer the questions just raised from aunties/uncles.  I can't know what is happened for the teachers of P1 schools??

Are u a full-time mami?  Have u bought your son to attend interview class?  

原帖由 2boysmami 於 11-6-15 09:52 發表
Don't worry... 我仔上年未成熟, 你既係女會好好多, 講野, 心態各方面會比男仔好.  上年TSL係reject, 因為佢話比我知佢2ND時係入面喊, 佢話搵唔切顏色筆之類... 好心急, 就喊左出黎... 唉....

至於starters同mover ...

[ 本帖最後由 cutebear123 於 11-6-15 10:07 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-6-15 10:06 |只看該作者

回復 1# 2boysmami 的帖子

Your son is very lucky to have a mummy like you!

Can you share how to prepare the oral part of mover?

Rank: 4

發表於 11-6-15 10:14 |只看該作者

回復 1# eggmama 的帖子

Dear 2boysmami,

You are really good mami.  I am now preparing the profolio (maybe late, but need to do, right?).  Have u prepared for any profolio, reference letter or letter for knocking door?  Would you mind giving a copy to me for reference please?  


Rank: 4

發表於 11-6-15 10:46 |只看該作者

回復 121# cutebear123 的帖子

我仔係9月頭出世, 我要返上班的, 並冇參加任何面試班, 不過已經in過好多.. 唉... 所以經驗多... haha...

我覺得你可以當小朋友一答到小小問題, 就即刻讚佢叻, lee樣野我成日都做, 有時無無聊聊時, 我都會突然讚佢, 我會突然話, 媽咪覺得你大個左好多, 同埋進步左好多呀... 係咪呀? 佢實話係, 我會再話 e.g. 係la, 你成日都會將老師講个d野記住係心入面, 真係好乖呀, 你要學多野, 教番媽咪呀, 知嗎? 總之要不停讚佢地, 直頭話佢地進步左好多.. etc... 我個仔就好受落, 你試la!!

Rank: 4

發表於 11-6-15 10:57 |只看該作者

回復 1# 2boysmami 的帖子

Thank you.

I will give her appreciation when she do right.  But, she always says to me: "I feel myself not doing too good, just OK la.  Not doing well... ".  She always lacks of confidence.  I will try my best and hope the situation will be improved before interview.   

Seeking P1 place exercise is always making mami's nervous and crazy.   When you love your kid more, you will fill with much anxiety - So poor HK parents.  Hope my daughter have a good luck in future.

Good luck to your son too!

Rank: 4

發表於 11-6-15 11:02 |只看該作者
About oral for movers, actually, my son is studying in international class, all his classmates speak in eng everyday, they speak in eng even out of school, so, he does not have any problem on it.  He got 5 shields on speaking.  But i think you dont need to worry, you can download the sample paper from cambridge and practise more with kid, and speak more with him is fine....

yes, i have prepared profile for my son, nothing special with others, of course more certs is good, colour print all the school results, public exam certs, awards from outside (e.g. story telling, poem awards), of course put the stronger on the top, plus some family/kids pictures at the last.  Be reminded that some of the school only accept a few pages, u can reduce the certs size, maybe 3-4 certs into a A4.

About reference letter - ask school to do so.

About knocking door letter - i didn't put it into the profile, only write letter to the waiting list school after i didn't get offer.

其實我應該冇乜資格講以上的, 因為我係失敗的例子, 似乎最重要還是小朋友的臨場表現, 只係我地做大人的, 也要盡力而已~~ 大家努力吧!

Rank: 4

發表於 11-6-15 11:08 |只看該作者
如果比我, 我會同你個女講... 吓???? 但係媽咪覺得你做得好好, 好叻女wor, 點解你覺得自己未夠好呢??? 點解呀? 你講出黎先呀???? 根住就繼續同佢拆解... 希望你成功!!!

原帖由 cutebear123 於 11-6-15 10:57 發表
Thank you.

I will give her appreciation when she do right.  But, she always says to me: "I feel myself not doing too good, just OK la.  Not doing well... ".  She always lacks of confidence.  I will t ...

Rank: 4

發表於 11-6-15 11:13 |只看該作者
2boysmani, 你唔好成日內疚, 話自己失敗, 你同你小朋友已經好叻, 只係你欠咗少少運同埋D學校唔知點揀小朋友啫, 你要繼續努力呀!

原帖由 2boysmami 於 11-6-15 11:08 發表
如果比我, 我會同你個女講... 吓???? 但係媽咪覺得你做得好好, 好叻女wor, 點解你覺得自己未夠好呢??? 點解呀? 你講出黎先呀???? 根住就繼續同佢拆解... 希望你成功!!!


Rank: 4

發表於 11-6-15 11:19 |只看該作者

回復 128# 2LittleMonkey 的帖子

多謝你呀... 我真係好緊張... 我今朝仲打左去油天問係咪有2nd in, 但佢話佢地校務處唔清楚, 又話應該要再考, 但又話考分班試... 所以都唔知答案, 不過我估, 上次一次過見老師同家長, 應該冇2nd in, 除非校長想親自再見...

2LittleMonkey, 我應該之前唔知係邊度見過你, 你應該有考某些直資/私校, 對嗎?? 黎緊你有冇報tsl?

Rank: 4

發表於 11-6-15 11:43 |只看該作者

回復 129# 2boysmami 的帖子

我之前都有報直資, 私校, 只有兩間waiting, 其他全軍覆沒!

我有報tsl, 但係都係唔去考剌, 因為我發覺我個仔已經對自己失去信心, 有時佢會同我講"間間都唔收我嫁啦" (好失望) or "xx學校實唔會收我" (xx=佢最心儀嘅學校), 好心痛 ... 想留番Dinterview quota 比D唔係咁出名D學校(如果有得 in 的話), 又或者叠埋心水讀已註冊嘅學校,  .... tsl 太多人爭, 成功好渺茫, 當係為自己慳返$5O!

你個仔入到tsl 2nd round, 即係証明你個仔係佢地要嘅類型, 所以你要比心機呀!

Rank: 4

發表於 11-6-15 12:20 |只看該作者

回復 130# 2LittleMonkey 的帖子

aiya... 你唔好咁la... 我真係好鍾意bk, 係一個好好既平台互相鼓勵....

點解??? 點解明明有機會你唔去試多次??? 可能你仔仔已經長大呢?? 半年前同而家, 已有分別... 比d信心仔仔, 叫佢當去玩... 我都知, 係好心up, 好似我仔, 都有話, 間間學校都唔收我... 我亦因此而喊足十公噸眼淚, 但我仍然叫佢去試, 我唔會放過任何一個機會, 不過可能我個仔, 儍下儍下, 我一話... wah... 又有得interview la... 好野.... 佢見我咁雀躍, 佢又好興奮咁... anyway... 比d信心你仔仔, 話佢已經大個仔, 再試下la, 你又可以話, 你黎緊仲有interview, 不如去tsl warm up下, 攞d經驗吧...

Rank: 4

發表於 11-6-15 12:40 |只看該作者
sorry, 我好似好醒咁安慰別人, 但諗諗下, 其實人地安慰我時, 固中感受... 只有自己知... 唯有祝福大家, good luck!!

Rank: 4

發表於 11-6-15 13:42 |只看該作者
你地去面試, 是否全家一齊去, 你地好少提及爸爸的睇法.

我老公就唔讚成我去叩門, 但我都想試一試, 我最驚如果面試得我一個, 我都唔知點答, 你地會點答 ?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-6-15 14:11 |只看該作者

原帖由 2boysmami 於 11-6-15 12:40 發表
sorry, 我好似好醒咁安慰別人, 但諗諗下, 其實人地安慰我時, 固中感受... 只有自己知... 唯有祝福大家, good luck!!

Rank: 4

發表於 11-6-15 14:50 |只看該作者
好多謝你嘅鼓勵!睇完你嘅回覆, 我就大喊咗一場, 而家舒服D喇!如果無咗bK, 我諗我而家已經"雌"咗線!

其實我隻馬騮係呢幾個月真係有進步咗, 由佢 daddy 話佢唔掂 ("係乜野料子就入乜野學校"), 到佢 daddy 話佢都幾好, 佢真係生性咗好多, 無以前咁懞, 自己要求我同佢温英文, 又要求考公開英文試, 眼瞓就自己攞濕毛巾洗面, 然後繼續温習, 雖然都要我叫佢做功課温習, 唔係自動波, 但係真係進步咗, 連D先生都話佢有明顯進步, 所以係下學期成績表都寫得佢幾好!所以我都收貨嫁啦!不過我知道其他小朋友更出色, 所以我哋 (我同隻馬騮) 以後仍需努力, 希望係未來6年時間追番上去, 唔好落後大多嘛!

啱啱發覺叩門D學校已經 call 咗人 interview, 不過我無份, 所以都唔再要 interview quota, 至於去唔去 tsl, 等我再諗下先啦!


原帖由 2boysmami 於 11-6-15 12:20 發表
aiya... 你唔好咁la... 我真係好鍾意bk, 係一個好好既平台互相鼓勵....

點解??? 點解明明有機會你唔去試多次??? 可能你仔仔已經長大呢?? 半年前同而家, 已有分別... 比d信心仔仔, 叫佢當去玩... 我都知, 係好心up, ...

Rank: 4

發表於 11-6-15 15:26 |只看該作者

回復 135# 2LittleMonkey 的帖子

pls check pm

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-6-15 22:37 |只看該作者
請問係唔係真的有第二輪面試 ? 有冇人收到通知? 請分享下!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-6-15 23:11 |只看該作者

回復 1# 森森美 的帖子

新油天 is no 2nd interview, will receive the result before this SAT by mail. 舊油天 will have 2nd interview on next week.

Rank: 4

發表於 11-6-15 23:32 |只看該作者
咁新油天有冇waiting list?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-6-16 00:03 |只看該作者

回復 1# 2boysmami 的帖子

i don't know..... 新油天 interview information is came from their web site, 舊油天 call me yesterday, and say my son can entry to 2nd interview on next wk
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