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教育王國 討論區 小一選校 Is Band 1 school 100% suitable for my kid?
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Is Band 1 school 100% suitable for my kid? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 1

發表於 10-11-22 09:19 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
On the release day of Points system for P.1, the night before that day, I was very nervous and could not sleep.  On that day at 7:00am, I started to check the result.  Until 9:00am, it was released and my son was successfully drawn to a band 1 primary school ranking  no.1 or 2 amongst the parents.  I was so excited and would like to tell everyone the good news.  I began to tell my son to make more effort on your study and hopefully he will  be successfully admitted to its secondary school, then HK University and to be a doctor, lawyer, etc.   In the Summer holdiay, I tried to teach him the P.1 Chinese, English and Maths.   At that moment, my son is very much obeyed to me and he sat every morning to learn the three subjects.  
In Sept , my son was very happy to wear the new uniform and studied in that school.  He took around 30-min rest only including taking bath and then immediately did his homework after back to home.  It generally tooks 45 ,mins - 1.5 hours to finish it.  He never leaves any homework to next day.  
Around end of Oct , the nightmare started to me and my son.  My son was complained distraction in the lesson by the class teacher.  Since my son  still has distraction  and he like playing.  On Feb next year, the teacher asked me to accompany him to have  evaluation and even asked me to give him medicine starting from April, then almost every month talked to me and my kid the same.  One time, she told my kid that mother gave harm to you without giving you medicine.  As a mother, I was really very unhappy and my heart is likely hurt by a sharp knife whenever I heard her words. I burst into tears at home every time after her words.  Starting from April, my son was daily punished with the same method - no playing in the recess time (it is very means for an active boy) - and standing in front of the blackboard when there is no teacher in the classroom (it  really deprived of his self-esteem).  My son started to change from a cheerful boy to unhappy boy in May, sometimes he kept quitely and suddently cried.  He started to easily lose the temper and scold his parents.   He like saying the word "dead" in Chinese and some strange behoviour also come out.  In P.2, he started not to pay effort on his study and would not like to do homework also.  He hate going to school.   Sometime he tried to beat himself and said he would like to die.  He is useless and he is not as good as others.    He did not like that school.  The teachers only punished.  There was no encouragemenet.  He could only hear scolding to him or to somebody else in the classroom.         
From then, I knew when selecting school, we must understand the character of the kid.  If the kid is active or has some obstacles, we should find a caring school in which the teachers would like to understand his difficulty and  pay some time  to teach him. If a school only concerns the academic result, it will give too much pressure for the kid and mum.  When you force the kid to do, there will be more argument on both of you.  Once you join the game, you also hope your son can keep the progress and would not like to fall behind. The importance is falling behind also giving the side effect on the kid with losing confident to keep progress.   More pressure and forcement will bring to the kid.
Also, the moral education is more important for P.1 to P3. that the academic achievement.  The kid understands his responsibility and arouse his interest in it.  He will push himself to do instead of being forced by mum.  Forcing only sustains for a short period.  If the kid is active and creative, the traditional school will block some of his merit.
Hopefully, all of you may find an appropriate school for your kid.  Your kid and  you are happy in there.
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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-11-22 09:36 |只看該作者
Thanks for your sharing, that's the reality that we as parents all needs to know. I totally agree with your point!
Your sharing is so good that I appreciate your courage to share and your good care and love to your kid.
All the best and wish we all have courage to face uncertainties in our life as parents
原帖由 yyckmy 於 10-11-22 09:19 發表
On the release day of Points system for P.1, the night before that day, I was very nervous and could not sleep.  On that day at 7:00am, I started to check the result.  Until 9:00am, it was released an ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-11-22 10:16 |只看該作者
  thanks a lot for sharing!!
"Being the richest man in the cemetery doesn't matter to me.... Going to bed at night saying we've done something wonderful... that's what matters to me."
    -Steve Jobs-

Rank: 4

發表於 10-11-22 10:24 |只看該作者
Thank you for your sharing, especially in this critical moment. Did you take your son to have evaluation as the teacher advised? Will you consider to change school?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-11-22 10:47 |只看該作者
Totally understand. After many interviews, it's time to sit down and calm down to think about the needs of our children. We usually say that we want our children to be happy and healthy, but except that, we want more and more. Too greedy????

Rank: 1

發表於 10-11-23 14:37 |只看該作者

回覆 2# junemum 的文章

Dear Junemum

In that kind of circumstance, I accompanied my kid to have the evluation via the gov't clinic, private doctor and psychologist.   My son has the distraction, but not as the class teacher said having that kind of matter and needed to take medicine.  The doctor said he was not suitable for traditional teaching in which there will be much problems in the coming years.  

I gave up that band 1 school already.  I hope pressure for both of us (mum and the kid) can be relieved then.

Rank: 4

發表於 10-11-23 21:54 |只看該作者
I understand it's not easy to make such a decision. Hope your son would enjoy a happy school life again and your pressure be released.
原帖由 yyckmy 於 10-11-23 14:37 發表
Dear Junemum

In that kind of circumstance, I accompanied my kid to have the evluation via the gov't clinic, private doctor and psychologist.   My son has the distraction, but not as the class teacher ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-11-23 22:21 |只看該作者
It must have been a very difficult time for both of you and your child.  That kind of band one school is not a lost if u give it up.  If you are in HK Island, i guess i know which one you were referring to.

Anyway, lucky that your son has a good mother like you.  Giving up a dream school of others is not easy.  I've given up one as well and allowed my kid to study in a real good school.  The teachers are caring, especially the Principal.  Confident and encouragement are important to everyone of us, especially children.  

Let's add oil...

原帖由 yyckmy 於 10-11-23 14:37 發表
Dear Junemum

In that kind of circumstance, I accompanied my kid to have the evluation via the gov't clinic, private doctor and psychologist.   My son has the distraction, but not as the class teacher ...

Rank: 4

發表於 10-11-23 23:57 |只看該作者

回覆 1# yyckmy 的文章


Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 10-11-24 01:17 |只看該作者
As a mother, totally understand how you feel. Seems it’s a good start when wearing a uniform at the first day going to school and well prepare of his study. Why suddenly changed?
I’m worry about the same thing recently as my boy is super active. Can’t allow the school broke his confident and take away her smiling face.
Hope your son can adapt and enjoy his new school live
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