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教育王國 討論區 國際英文幼稚園 st cat interview
樓主: pandabonita

st cat interview [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-11-10 01:15 |只看該作者
我又真係識個mami話sc eng 5 夠好然後轉左個女去international school,可能佢要求特別高,點都好sc應是一間好kg,不過入不到是否=世界沒日就見仁見智la.
原帖由 brrbaby2007 於 10-11-9 14:22 發表

其實我重比較緊SC有乜好過我b而家讀緊果間,但問親人都話SC好,包括我以前同事、我c6個老細、住我隔黎果個、住我樓下果個、教會朋友、BK mami都話好,又見唔到有人話唔好。

但好響邊,講真個個只答到Eng好、admin好,Btw完 ...

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 10-11-10 11:17 |只看該作者
int'l school既學費同sc又同唔同呢?

原帖由 pandabonita 於 10-11-10 01:15 發表
我又真係識個mami話sc eng 5 夠好然後轉左個女去international school,可能佢要求特別高,點都好sc應是一間好kg,不過入不到是否=世界沒日就見仁見智la.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-11-10 23:18 |只看該作者
SC的課程真的不錯,不太深亦不算是很淺。不會有太多抄抄寫寫的家課,反而著重培訓學生的思巧、組織能力及創意。課堂上,小朋友有許多發表意見的時間和空間。每年都有一星期做Project,題目由學生投票决定,然後由老師帶領從不同角度去研習、探究。SC的活動教學做得真的不錯。而老師在課堂上不單教基本課程,還跟小朋友分享許多課外知識。 特別是我的小朋友K3時的NET Teacher,她跟小朋友分享的知識範圍之廣實在令我十分surprised !

其實學校的好與不好,許多時是取决於家長的expectation。在個人而言,SC是一間很好的幼稚園,值得入讀的學校,我的小朋友亦十分喜愛SC,過了3年很愉快及充實的幼稚園生活 !(很抱歉在這裏很難跟大家分享全部的個人經驗,因我打中文實在太慢)

Wish you all good luck !!

p.s. certainly,  the school should have done better in organizing the interviews...... 8000 applicants !! Amazing !! Competition must be fierce this year !

原帖由 babyhappy88 於 10-11-9 20:15 發表
我係SC媽咪, 想講句公道說話, SC羅福道校舍真係舊, 但我唸學校唔選雅息士道新校舍來interview, 除左因為細D, 主要都係想方便家長搭MTR! 我覺得佢地用左多D資源係老師度, 所以冇錢裝修校舍, 你有冇見過有其他K有咁多 ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-11-11 00:12 |只看該作者
原帖由 pandabonita 於 10-11-10 01:15 發表
我又真係識個mami話sc eng 5 夠好然後轉左個女去international school,可能佢要求特別高,點都好sc應是一間好kg,不過入不到是否=世界沒日就見仁見智la.

讀international school 好處係k3 英文有普通小3 程度; 相反中文, 讀到小3 都只得k3程度.

Rank: 1

發表於 10-11-11 00:29 |只看該作者
My girl was interviewed on 6/11 9:00am.  The staff at first cannot find my application doc. on the table but finally got it in 5 minutes.

I agree the school is a bit old  and out of my expectation.   I choose this school because of its activity base which suitable for my active girl.

When waiting in the interview room, I found that my waiting time is longer that others.  Because the teacher I was waiting is interviewing a crying kid.  The teacher tried to calm down that kid but it didn't work.  She still kept on trying many methods to attract  that kid's attention and hope he can answer her questions.  I thought this behavior should be appreciated at least by the kid's mother.   I did experience in another Kln Tong school, the teacher stopped the interview after my girl refuse to do 2 things.  At that time, I really feel so bad!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-11-11 09:16 |只看該作者
原帖由 kenfi 於 10-11-11 00:29 發表
My girl was interviewed on 6/11 9:00am.  The staff at first cannot find my application doc. on the table but finally got it in 5 minutes.

I agree the school is a bit old  and out of my expectation. ...

Oh the teacher stopped the interview after the kid didn't answer 2 questions??  That hurts the mother so much!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-11-11 14:07 |只看該作者
that was bad... stop asking after your girl refused to answer to questions.  May I know which one is it...?

原帖由 kenfi 於 10-11-11 00:29 發表
My girl was interviewed on 6/11 9:00am.  The staff at first cannot find my application doc. on the table but finally got it in 5 minutes.

I agree the school is a bit old  and out of my expectation. ...

發表於 10-11-11 17:32 |只看該作者
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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-11-11 22:47 |只看該作者
原帖由 EJM 於 10-11-10 23:18 發表
SC的課程真的不錯,不太深亦不算是很淺。不會有太多抄抄寫寫的家課,反而著重培訓學生的思巧、組織能力及創意。課堂上,小朋友有許多發表意見的時間和空 ...

非常多謝您的分享! 另外, 請問SC這般大的學校如何建立師生間的關係, 學生被重視的感覺會否被忽略呢?
SC絕對是一間理想校園, 但對於這點, 我真不大清楚, 亦很少家長提及.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-11-11 23:10 |只看該作者
EJM, 謝謝你的分享~
可否講講你小朋友升到邊間小一同埋過程順唔順利呀? 同埋知唔知小朋友k3畢業升邊幾間小一多d呢? Tks~ :)

原帖由 EJM 於 10-11-10 23:18 發表
SC的課程真的不錯,不太深亦不算是很淺。不會有太多抄抄寫寫的家課,反而著重培訓學生的思巧、組織能力及創意。課堂上,小朋友有許多發表意見的時間和空 ...

Rank: 1

發表於 10-11-12 00:37 |只看該作者
原帖由 chowhui97 於 10-11-11 09:16 發表

Oh the teacher stopped the interview after the kid didn't answer 2 questions??  That hurts the mother so much!

First, the teacher asked my girl to do number 0-9 matching.  Then, she asked what transport she took to there.  After that, she said 'Let's do painting'. My girl replied 'no painting'. The teacher suggested to do another thing but my girl also said 'no'. She then gave her a sweet immediately (that means 'bye bye").    

I understand she didn't want to waste time because there were many candidates outside.  But at least she should not show on her face what she was thinking.

Rank: 1

發表於 10-11-12 00:47 |只看該作者
原帖由 nataliepsc 於 10-11-11 14:07 發表
that was bad... stop asking after your girl refused to answer to questions.  May I know which one is it...?

It is SN.  I received their decline letter which stated "this yr the demand for admission has been extremely high and the quality of students has been excellent.  It is for this reason that we regret to inform you......."  I don't know what other parents will feel after reading this letter but I just think no need to write like this. This school is quite "inch".

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-11-12 01:37 |只看該作者
我情願教英文...我教個女中文嘔到成地都係血, 請問點教先可以令佢地認多d中文字呢?  sc又係幾時開始寫字? thanks,

原帖由 babyhappy88 於 10-11-11 17:32 發表
Yes, k1中文字開始都幾淺, 我阿b之前讀pn班已識晒, 不過而家學埋pth發音!
中文用數學可以自己教嘛, 令親子時間更充實! 這兩項難唔到家長(暫時), 媽咪教中文, Daddy教數學咁!
Good luck!


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-11-12 01:38 |只看該作者
heard that SN & York are both "owned" by the same company/owner... I thought they would be quite "pleased" to recruit as many as possible...see the latest news about York...

原帖由 kenfi 於 10-11-12 00:47 發表

It is SN.  I received their decline letter which stated "this yr the demand for admission has been extremely high and the quality of students has been excellent.  It is for this reason that we regre ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-11-12 06:52 |只看該作者
My kid is studying in SC. To be frank, SC is:GOOD in terms of:
Very organized - you can see it from the interview arrangement
Very transparent - you know what your kid is learning every week. A lot of the notices are also online.

NOT SO GOOD in terms of:
Teachers' "passion" towards kids: they are not very "Loving" like what you can see from other kinder's teacher. (Maybe my girl is very lucky to meet very patient and loving teachers in her PN; so it is a big contrast).

I have also seen teachers scolding kids for not very reasonable reasons (I need to tell stories in school and was waiting for the teacher to call me to go to the classroom, and I can see how the teachers interact with the kids). I can tell you that a few of them are not friendly and patient at all. They scold the kids for not lining-up properly, or riding bike too fast (which, to me the kids are actually absolutely fine).

My girl's teacher-in-charge in these few years in SC have not been very very "nice". Just ok la, i think they are too busy to deal with the homework as they get into K2 and K3 and have little time to deal with the kids lovingly).

This not-so-friendly teachers include both local and NET teachers.

But that's my personal observation only. Don't criticize me if you don't like this truth.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 10-11-12 09:33 |只看該作者

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-11-12 10:01 |只看該作者
原帖由 newmommy 於 10-11-12 06:52 發表
My kid is studying in SC. To be frank, SC is:GOOD in terms of:
Very organized - you can see it from the interview arrangement
Very transparent - you know what your kid is learning every week. A lot of ...

其實你講SC果2個優點好多2文3語kinders都做到,而佢既缺點就真too bad.....
"即使你是友善的,人們可能還會說你自私和動機不良,不管怎樣,你還是要友善。即使你是誠實的,人們可能還會欺負你,不管怎樣,你還是要誠實。你今天做的善事,人們明天可能就忘記,不管怎樣,你還是要做善事。” 杜麗莎修女。

發表於 10-11-12 12:39 |只看該作者
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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-11-12 12:49 |只看該作者

回復 215# newmommy 的帖子

英普係咪只係多左普通話上堂? 同英粵少左英文堂時間?同無普通話上堂?

Rank: 1

發表於 10-11-13 23:40 |只看該作者

回復 4# sadsam 的帖子

對不起,不應在這裡講得太多其他學校。只是見有些家長在SC interview 時不愉快,想講講自己見到的另一面jet.
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