密      碼:


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-11-8 14:20 |只看該作者
no thanks, i think your son perform well, right?
but i am very worry about my son's performance.
would you mind to share the interview's content.
hope all mamis here will get offers from sc.

well, my son will also attend the kv's interview on nov. 14 9:00am, so that i will share the contents again, and will have interview at victoria on nov. 21, keep in touch!

原帖由 sengaguru 於 09-11-8 13:41 發表
Thank you so much!!
Thanks for disclosing the SC interview content and my son had his interview at 1:45pm on Saturday!! All thanks to you, it went smoothly. Even if he did not get the offer from SC, I ...

[ 本帖最後由 BB豬MUMMY 於 09-11-8 14:23 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-11-8 14:22 |只看該作者

Rank: 4

發表於 09-11-8 15:22 |只看該作者
我老公冇幫佢手, 只係叫佢砌高去, 不過我囝唔聽, 但我老公見到有媽咪幫個囡整晒出黎比個囡玩, 但老師見唔到, 之後個老師問個小朋友係咪你整, 個小朋友答係...另有家長幫手砌高少少跟住個小朋友自己再砌, 都唔知家長係咪可以幫手

而老師問放假去邊到玩多同埋點解choose 哩間kg ..

原帖由 cherylyau_b 於 09-11-7 16:26 發表


Rank: 4

發表於 09-11-8 15:24 |只看該作者
我囝本身都係7號朝去km in, 不過後尾都冇去到..

原帖由 jl118 於 09-11-8 10:30 發表

我In 左崇真、St cat, 劍嗚同德望,St Cat係佢第2間In,有時小朋友唔係咁易control,有媽咪話老師惡個小朋友返而又答又follow,我個女都有時會咁,In劍嗚時老師好nice,我個女9唔撘8,問佢隔離係邊個,佢話XXX(我個中文名),問佢乜 ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-11-8 16:57 |只看該作者
我個仔都 in 完了, 爸爸話阿仔係 play room 果到玩既時候, 佢坐果張台( 加埋佢先得 2 個小朋友) 有個小朋友係到勁喊, 喊到要抱出去冷靜下, 冷靜完入返尼坐果時,我個仔無理隔尼個小朋友自己一個坐定定玩, 到叫全部人走果時, 個 miss 同爸爸講阿仔同另一張台其中一個小朋友要坐多一陣未走得住, 跟住 miss 走埋去搭住阿仔膊頭唔知問乜野, 因為爸爸聽唔到佢問乜, 又唔知阿仔有無答......我地諗唔明點解阿仔同隔尼台個小朋友唔走得住???
跟住到 INTERVIEW 果時, 個外籍老師問阿仔叫乜名, 幾大, 阿仔答得好細聲, MISS 問佐幾次, 阿仔都答好細聲, 都唔知係 MISS 聲唔到定係想阿仔大聲D......結果 MISS 只有問其他問題了, 基本上全部都答到晒, 而且全程只係好專心望住 MISS 問問題, 無周圍望,阿仔連爸爸都無望一下..但到個扣時, 阿仔整佐好耐都整唔到, MISS 唯有同佢講 OK 喇 ( 即係唔駛扣喇) 阿仔仲堅持要扣到為止, 結果 MISS 話俾多次機會佢扣, 跟住 MISS 揸住一個, 另一個由阿仔扣入, 甘阿仔先做到, 到最后 MISS 俾張貼紙佢, 佢唔記得講 THANK YOU, 甘爸爸只係同阿仔講, 你要同 MISS 講乜野呀? 阿仔即刻答 THANK YOU, 爸爸跟住再同阿仔講要拍好張椅喎, 阿仔亦照做, 之后佢同 MISS SAY GOOD BYE, 但行出房個門口時, 另一個外國 MISS ( 企係到睇同安排既人), 佢同爸爸講, 阿仔坐得好定同好聽話喎, 跟住爸爸只係笑笑口 SAY THANK YOU........聽完爸爸講完成個 INTERVIEW 過程同埋相比上次阿仔 IN YORK既表現, 我覺得阿仔 WELL DONE 架啦! 所以請佐佢食 2 粒朱古力獎勵下佢 ^.^


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-11-8 17:10 |只看該作者
有冇人知根德園考咩呢?有冇上年考過嘅媽咪比啲貼士呢? 謝謝!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-11-8 23:21 |只看該作者
原帖由 jl118 於 09-11-7 13:47 發表

我事後都後悔當時無話佢知new york啲的士係黃色
我諗唔起away from the city啲的士係黄色

好彩你冇講咋. 唔係bad list 你呀. 串佢即係話佢見識小啦! 個人見解.

Rank: 1

發表於 09-11-9 10:20 |只看該作者
I think your son is really blessed to have such a selfless mother!!
My son is a big baby, he was born in Jan 07, so he is a bit more mature than most other kids.
He answered all the questions very quickly but he did not recognize the picture of a bird at once, the teacher had to hint him that it can fly, then he answered it.
My son did not answer the teacher's question when he was being observed in the playroom, maybe he would have marks deducted??
I can share with you some things that I did and I think they have helped me and my son:
  • To avoid his energy level to drop, I gave him sips of water and small chocolately biscuits while we were waiting outside. It can help your child too, esp. if he is cranky from lack of sleep!
  • While we were waiting, I ask my son to look around the school, I told him this is very nice and big school with lots of toys. This can be a motive for him to be more cooperative. Don't underestimate your child, no matter how young you think they are, they understand, they know. In fact, I even told him I was afraid that he would not answer the teacher. My brilliant son even told me not to be afradi, and that he would answer all the quesitons...Indeed, he answered to the best he could. I was really touched. To tell the truth, while we were waiting I was so nervous that I almost cried!! So tell him what you want him to do, and I think he will do it.
  • I praised him when he can complete a task during the interview, I think the teacher allow and appreciated it. Afterall, I know you are not supposed to help him in answering questions, but I don't think there's any harm in giving your baby some positive re-enforcement during the interview.
  • Promise him a treat or a gift after the interview.
People(yes, even babies) work best with motives, desires work well as a motives for young child.

Good luck for your coming interviews.
Thanks for your generosity.

Rank: 1

發表於 09-11-9 10:29 |只看該作者
原帖由 BB豬MUMMY 於 09-11-8 14:20 發表
no thanks, i think your son perform well, right?
but i am very worry about my son's performance.
would you mind to share the interview's content.
hope all mamis here will get offers from sc.

well, my ...
I think your son is really blessed to have such a selfless mother!!
My son is a big baby, he was born in Jan 07, and so he is a bit more mature than most other kids.
He answered all the questions very quickly but he did not recognize the picture of a bird at once, the teacher had to hint him that it can fly, and then he answered it.
My son did not answer the teacher's question when he was being observed in the playroom; maybe he would have marks deducted??
I can share with you some things that I did and I think they have helped me and my son:
  • To avoid his energy level to drop, I gave him sips of water and small chocolaty biscuits while we were waiting outside. It can help your child too, esp. if he is cranky from lack of sleep!
  • While we were waiting, I ask my son to look around the school, I told him this is very nice and big school with lots of toys. This can be a motive for him to be more cooperative. Don't underestimate your child, no matter how young you think he is, he understands, he knows. In fact, I even told him I was afraid that he would not answer the teacher. My brilliant son even told me not to be afraid, and that he would answer all the questions...Indeed, he answered to the best he could. I was really touched. To tell the truth, while we were waiting I was so nervous that I almost cried!! So tell him what you want him to do, and I think he will do it.
  • I praised him when he can complete a task during the interview, I think the teacher allow and appreciated it. After all, I know you are not supposed to help him in answering questions, but I don't think there's any harm in giving your baby some positive re-enforcement during the interview.
  • Promise him a treat or a gift after the interview.
People (yes, even babies) work best with motives, desires work well as a motives for young child.
Good luck for your coming interviews.
Thanks for your generosity.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-11-9 11:23 |只看該作者
I went to SC to interview on Saturday with my daughter.  Overall I am very impressed with the logistic arrangements of the interview.

Our appointment was at 3pm but I arrived at 2:30pm.  Upon waiting for around 10 to 15 minutes, we were able to go in.  We first went to a room to get the original application form, then waited for a while in another waiting room.  After that, we went to the 'Observation Room' to play the Lego blocks.  I sat away from my daughter and she did not play the blocks, just held on to a Lego figure and looked around.  Then the teacher spoke to her but she just looked at her without answering.  The only thing my daughter said to this teacher was 'Bye Bye'.

Then as we were walking to the interview room (2 sets of interviews in the room), my daughter wanted to cry but I told her that we will be talking to a teacher for a while and then we will go play slide.  And she said 'OK'.

In the interview room, I noticed that the child in front of me took a very long time to interview.  But when it was our turn, the teacher first asked my daughter her name.  No answer.  How old she is.  I showed her my two fingers hoping she will say 'Two'.  Instead she held out eight fingers.  And then the teacher pointed to me and asked her who I am.  This time, she said 'Mommy'.  Then the teacher asked 'Where's Mommy's nose?'  At first she pointed to her own nose but when asked again, she was able to point to my nose.  By that time, I think the teacher thought that she is warmed up and asked her name one more time.  This time, she put up her hand.  And then the teacher asked, 'Who's Katrina?' and my daughter was able to point to herself in the chest.  

Then came the color matching blocks.  The teacher started with putting a red block to a red colored grid, and asked my daughter to put a blue one to the blue grid.  For the yellow one, she asked her what color it was and my daughter fortunately answered correctly.

The next 'test' is matching a bird, dog and fish on a picture.  She was able to match all but refused to say the names of the animals.  

The last thing is the hooks.  The teacher said, 'Now you try to put the hooks together while I talk to your Mommy.'  That's when she asked me why I picked this school and what do we do during the weekend.  I was looking at the teacher as I was answering those questions and she was looking at me sometimes and other times, writing her evaluation.  Although I told myself I will attend the interview without any pressure (since my daughter is already studying in PN class), I was really nervous when I was asked the questions.

Finally, the teacher said, 'Let's see how you did with the hooks.'  My daughter just held all of them in one hand (pretending that she has finished) but actually she did not succeed, but I think the teacher wants us out of there already and said, 'Well Done!'

We didn't even get a sticker!

All in all, I think SC is a very good school and the teachers are very well-qualified.  The logistics and administration are all well-managed.  And I am saying this from experience.  Because last year, when I went to interview for HKPS Kln Tong, I felt like I was a refugee, it was inhumane!

Anyway, considering my daughter does not usually answer other people, I think she did well during the interview.  (so I took her to McDonald's afterwards).  However I don't know if she will get admitted or not, I think it's 50/50.  But I do wish all parents' children here be able to get into a school they enjoy!  Good luck!

Rank: 1

發表於 09-11-9 12:32 |只看該作者

Thanks for your sharing

Thanks for your sharing. I wish that your daughter be admitted. you know, as a parent, cannot worry that much...ah....

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-11-9 13:03 |只看該作者
I noticed the subtle difference from each interviewers, their questions mostly with same area, but different way in asking, that might leading to difference answers.

I select ENG interview, the interviewer only ask me 2 questions, and no any feedback when I am talking, just keeping smile to me, and drop down her notes.

Rank: 5Rank: 5


發表於 09-11-9 13:07 |只看該作者
原帖由 linglingng 於 09-11-8 23:21 發表

好彩你冇講咋. 唔係bad list 你呀. 串佢即係話佢見識小啦! 個人見解.

Maybe blacklist already

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-11-9 13:07 |只看該作者
Good luck to you!  
The best is let our son keep in a very happy mood on the way to interview.

I share my way to capture his interest in interview is:
Today we go to meet a new teacher, remember everytime if you answers question you will get a bonus suprise from a teacher?  Let's guess this time is a candy or stickers?

My way to my boy is effective, wish it does work to you~

原帖由 BB豬MUMMY 於 09-11-8 00:52 發表
perform the excellent in SN, that let me think about -  得來不易, AND IT WAS FIRST IN, SO PAID $660 BUT STAFFORD ON NOV. 17 (UNDER CONSIDERING), WAITING THE  ...

Rank: 2

發表於 09-11-9 13:11 |只看該作者
Katrina has already done pretty well, don't forget she is only at 2.  Wish you could get admission from SC as this is a very good school.
原帖由 KarenKKK 於 09-11-9 11:23 發表
I went to SC to interview on Saturday with my daughter.  Overall I am very impressed with the logistic arrangements of the interview.

Our appointment was at 3pm but I arrived at 2:30pm.  Upon waiting ...

Rank: 4

發表於 09-11-9 13:17 |只看該作者
My daughter attended St. Cat's interview on Sat pm. As I were not feeling well, so I did not attend.  My husband said he was very nervous too....

Overall I was satisfied with her performance as my husband said she was willing to answer questions that teacher asked her except she didn't know how to play with the hooks

We chose English/PTH class.  So she also took a PTH test.  Teacher asked her to say "ni hao", hand over biscuit, a cup and a handkerchief to daddy or teacher.   Repeat some words like books, bread, etc

When interviewing the parent, the English teacher asked why did you choose this school? what does she do in weedends & do you think it is better for her to learn English through an academic approach or in a more natural way.

The PTH teacher asked what language she uses at home and why PTH is important.

Rank: 5Rank: 5


發表於 09-11-9 13:20 |只看該作者
Thank you for all tactics' sharing
It's really useful for my others' coming interviews

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-11-9 13:26 |只看該作者
process is almost the same ONLY the animal part is different. Teacher showed a lunch box (paper art) to my girl, there are 10 food inside, asked 'which one do you like the most?', my girl pointed to box of milk and 'what is it?'. Then 'can you show me one more food you like?', my girl point to an orange and also named it.

Agree that SC teachers are qualified though some are not hanging smiles on face.
原帖由 KarenKKK 於 09-11-9 11:23 發表
I went to SC to interview on Saturday with my daughter.  Overall I am very impressed with the logistic arrangements of the interview.

Our appointment was at 3pm but I arrived at 2:30pm.  Upon waiting ...

Rank: 4

發表於 09-11-9 13:47 |只看該作者
原帖由 eggmama 於 09-11-9 13:26 發表
process is almost the same ONLY the animal part is different. Teacher showed a lunch box (paper art) to my girl, there are 10 food inside, asked 'which one do you like the most?', my girl pointed to b ...

After asking "what do u like the most" and then the teacher ask " what do your daddy and mammy like the most?"  then my girl stuck and then answer after few second  and the teacher was very patience to give her the hint  .

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-11-9 14:02 |只看該作者
interview是我先生帶他去, 我問我老公阿仔in成點, 佢只答我唔ok, 人地問阿b幾多歲, 佢就答人3歲, 再問我老公阿仔唔識d乜, 佢都無心機同我講, 唉, 佢都唔上心, 只答我, 最後老師同佢講, "我地有機會再見啦", 唉, 早知唔叫老公帶他去. 都係唔得傢la
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