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教育王國 討論區 國際學校 請RC的家長幫忙?
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請RC的家長幫忙? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-9-17 11:32 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
1.請問你們的小朋友有冇比Mrs Peggy Tham教過呢,我從網頁中看 見她是星加坡人,在北京教過6年書,專科PE,若她當班主任OK嗎?啲英文會否有星加坡音?
2.另外,你們有否有買RC的書包,其實是否SPI來的,好用嗎?我覺得個款唔夠其 他spi款靚,你們点選呢?
3.Library bag有什麼用?要買嗎?
4.有什麼女生款式的校服值得買?因唔知邊件常用,要買多啲,又唔知邊隻色好,有什麼是best buy item?
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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-9-17 13:37 |只看該作者
1. She is a Singaporean Chinese. She does have slight Singlish accent. Teachers at RC are from everywhere and they all have their own accents. Peggy is a qualified IB PYP teacher.
2. I do not like SPI school bags.
3. The library bag is for taking books to and from the library. Kids have library sessions once a week and they are taking their library bags to school on that day.
4. My daughter has 3 sets of uniforms (beige tops and grey skorts) and 2 sets of PE kits (house tees and PE shorts). Basically that is enough for the whole 5 day week. You need to find out which house your child is in to get the right house tees. Ask the classroom teacher (Peggy Tham?) which house she is in. The old version white PE tees will not be allowed next year (school year of 2010-11) so I think they only selling leftover stocks at really cheap price. For the uniform, you can choose any colour and mix and match. I think darker pants or skorts would be better because they all like to it on the ground. Your child also need a hat/cap (there is a "no hat no play" policy; children cannot play under the sun with no hat on), some socks, and a swimming cap for swimming lessons later (in house colour again). Until the weather is cooler, you do not need long pants and jackets yet.
Hope this helps.

[ 本帖最後由 almom 於 09-9-17 13:42 編輯 ]

Rank: 4

發表於 09-9-17 13:37 |只看該作者
3.無library bag借唔到書的。一定要買,40元一隻,有3個款呢。
4.小朋友著衣服很粗的,故你買多幾件都唔怕。我自己每個colour的t shirt各買左6件,和4件pe,因為我個女一個星期著2-3日pe。

原帖由 sabun 於 09-9-17 11:32 發表
1.請問你們的小朋友有冇比Mrs Peggy Tham教過呢,我從網頁中看 見她是星加坡人,在北京教過6年書,專科PE,若她當班主任OK嗎?啲英文會否有星加坡音?
2.另外,你們有否有買RC的書包,其實是否SPI來的,好用嗎?我覺得個款唔夠 ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-9-17 22:18 |只看該作者
very useful information!Thank you so much!!!!!!
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