密      碼:
樓主: silvia_ng

09年小一 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 8Rank: 8

發表於 09-8-28 09:44 |只看該作者
原帖由 kaifu 於 09-8-27 12:14 發表
Just called and they are not ready to provide the info for Sat yet!


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-8-28 10:37 |只看該作者
no call till now ????

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-8-28 11:00 |只看該作者
Me too, no call till now....

原帖由 ljsze 於 09-8-28 10:37 發表
no call till now ????

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-8-28 11:18 |只看該作者
No letter and no call at all and their phone is always busy.  We plan to drive there tomorrow and we will talk to the school directly about the school bus arrangment.  

原帖由 SueBeeCheung 於 09-8-28 11:00 發表
Me too, no call till now....

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-8-28 12:07 |只看該作者
Hi all,

My girl in 1D Japanese stream, 多多指教.

I also have the same feeling that the school bus services is not professional at all.  It's hard to imagine picking up time for tomorrow is still not fixing until now!!!  I called the lady who'll be taking care of student in school bus yesterday and she said bus driver will call me today but still no call yet....  They're not running the school bus services for the first year, they should have experience to handle.  I don't dare to complaint to the lady nor bus driver yet as both of them will take care of my girl in 6-year time

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-8-28 12:22 |只看該作者
Yes Kaifu,  same as you.  May drive to school tomorrow if no call till tonight.

Actually really want to take the chance to take school bus tomorrow in order to understand how the estimate route of the bus.

原帖由 kaifu 於 09-8-28 11:18 發表
No letter and no call at all and their phone is always busy.  We plan to drive there tomorrow and we will talk to the school directly about the school bus arrangment.  

Rank: 1

發表於 09-8-28 13:40 |只看該作者
Just received the call from the school bus driver, but he was not told me the pick up time nor the pick up point ... he just asked me the location of my building since he just got the order from bus company on today .. he has to run the routing first and advise us the actual pick up time and point on coming Monday ( just a day before the school day !!!!) ... of course, he is unable to provide me the trial school bus service on tomorrow ...
It really hard to believe that the school can tolerate a school bus company like that !

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-8-28 15:11 |只看該作者
Hi All,
FYI, 有關明天的校車安排, 我也是未收到電話通知, 剛剛打去查問,才知道上車去程沒有安排, 只安排回程.  因為我的case是只參加放學校巴 ,但是當時校巴公司確定無論單程 or 雙程, 都可以參加29/8之校巴服務, 可是, 今日的答案不同了.

原帖由 Opal 於 09-8-28 13:40 發表
Just received the call from the school bus driver, but he was not told me the pick up time nor the pick up point ... he just asked me the location of my building since he just got the order from bus c ...

[ 本帖最後由 mabelzero 於 09-8-29 18:07 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-8-28 18:28 |只看該作者
Anyboby will prepare snack box tomorrow?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-8-28 18:31 |只看該作者
rec'd the call at about 3pm.  the driver was very nice.  he was patient enough to answer all my questions.  since we are the only ones (new P.1 student) taking that route tmr, so we can't really try the real route.  so, i told the driver that we would get there by ourselves.

hope that you'd all received call by now.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-8-28 23:48 |只看該作者
Got the call finally and the driver did sound nice - perhaps the same guy?  
Now our little prince is fast asleep.  He said he was very nervous about tomorrow before going to bed.  I am actually quite excited as he is now a primary school kid finally...still remember the time when I first went to my primary school decades ago.  
Have a great orientation everyone.  Good night!

原帖由 ljsze 於 09-8-28 18:31 發表
rec'd the call at about 3pm.  the driver was very nice.  he was patient enough to answer all my questions.  since we are the only ones (new P.1 student) taking that route tmr, so we can't really try t ...

Rank: 8Rank: 8

發表於 09-8-29 20:20 |只看該作者
hi all,
今日好開心呀! 真係睇到仔仔返小一, 佢自己又咁獨立, 真係好安慰呢...
今日仔仔係課室, 自己已經識到兩個男同學, 一個係brian, 一個係calvin, 佢地仲約左之後一齊放小息添。
希望佢好快適應到小學生活啦! ^o^


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-8-30 00:14 |只看該作者
Hi Silvia_ng,

It's really happy today...  Brian is my son.  Nice to meet you.

原帖由 silvia_ng 於 09-8-29 20:20 發表
hi all,
今日好開心呀! 真係睇到仔仔返小一, 佢自己又咁獨立, 真係好安慰呢...
今日仔仔係課室, 自己已經識到兩個男同學, 一個係brian, 一個係calvin, 佢地仲約左之後一齊放小息添。
希望佢好快適應到小學生活啦! ^o ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-8-30 23:17 |只看該作者
We have finally tried the bus service both ways on the orientation day.  Since we can try the route with the new students only, we cannot have the full picture of the whole route when the bus is full.  Anyway, the service was satisfactory.

After reading a pile of the school notice, I have some questions that want to share:

Will you order the Chinese or English newspapers for kids?  My husband wants the English one but I worry if it will  be too difficult for P1 student to read.  Any suggestion?  

Will you let your kids to join the speech festival this year?  We are interested in it but if there is no training from school,  I'm a bit worry.  Any of you know if the school will provide other supports for the candidates?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-8-30 23:31 |只看該作者

Will you order the Chinese or English newspapers for kids?  My husband wants the English one but I worry if it will  be too difficult for P1 student to read.  Any suggestion?  

- Daily 7 may be one choice as there are only 4 little pages with lots of colourful pictures and photos.   
This newspaper should be rather easy to read by P1 pupils.  
Is this newspaper on the recommended list this year?

Will you let your kids to join the speech festival this year?  We are interested in it but if there is no training from school,  I'm a bit worry.  Any of you know if the school will provide other supports for the candidates?

- Theoretically, there will be no training provided for P1 pupils.
You may need to find some centres in town or train by yourself.
Actually, for P1 pupils, I think most parents just want their children to join the Speech Festival to gain some experience and broaden their horizon.

原帖由 henryesther 於 09-8-30 23:17 發表
We have finally tried the bus service both ways on the orientation day.  Since we can try the route with the new students only, we cannot have the full picture of the whole route when the bus is full. ...

[ 本帖最後由 principal 於 09-8-30 23:33 編輯 ]

Rank: 8Rank: 8

發表於 09-8-30 23:49 |只看該作者
原帖由 SueBeeCheung 於 09-8-30 00:14 發表
Hi Silvia_ng,

It's really happy today...  Brian is my son.  Nice to meet you.

Really? 我聽仔仔講, 佢地班有兩個BRIAN呢...你仔仔係咪戴眼鏡, 最後同我地影相果個小朋友呀?
如果係, 我地真係有緣呢! ^O^

Rank: 8Rank: 8

發表於 09-8-30 23:52 |只看該作者
原帖由 henryesther 於 09-8-30 23:17 發表
We have finally tried the bus service both ways on the orientation day.  Since we can try the route with the new students only, we cannot have the full picture of the whole route when the bus is full. ...

我地訂左經濟果份, 一星期一份, 都好似OK。其餘兩份都冇訂呀。
另外我地有報英詩朗誦, 普通話就冇。仔仔K3時已經去過比賽, 兩樣出黎既結果都不過不失。但係英文就我地自己TRAIN, 普通話就搵外面老師TRAIN。今年小一剛適應, 同仔仔相量過, 佢都係PREFER去英詩。如果到時連學術上都遇到困難, 大不了唔出席個比賽囉 =P

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-8-31 09:05 |只看該作者
Yes, we are that one.  My son is very shy and need your son's help to warm him up.  Nice to meet you!!!!

原帖由 silvia_ng 於 09-8-30 23:49 發表

Really? 我聽仔仔講, 佢地班有兩個BRIAN呢...你仔仔係咪戴眼鏡, 最後同我地影相果個小朋友呀?
如果係, 我地真係有緣呢! ^O^

Rank: 8Rank: 8

發表於 09-8-31 10:24 |只看該作者
原帖由 SueBeeCheung 於 09-8-31 09:05 發表
Yes, we are that one.  My son is very shy and need your son's help to warm him up.  Nice to meet you!!!!

我個係百厭仔, 你怕唔怕比BRIAN同佢玩, 會學壞
聽日會再換位, 唔知佢地仲會唔會一齊坐到呢...

Rank: 4

發表於 09-8-31 11:12 |只看該作者
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