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Kentville or St. Teresa? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-12-2 23:01 |只看該作者

Kentville or St. Teresa?

我個女本已被 Kentville 取錄進 AM class, 今天又收到
St. Teresa (AM class) 的取錄通知, 現在有點不知如何
選擇... 我本來比較喜歡 Kentville, 但看到很多家長都說
St. Teresa 也不錯, 請問各位家長如果在這兩間學校選
一間你會如何選擇? 謝謝...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-12-2 23:04 |只看該作者

Re: Kentville or St. Teresa?

I want to know how to select also. I think STS teachers are more nice. I just open the same topic.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-12-2 23:12 |只看該作者

Re: Kentville or St. Teresa?

I just read your post. I also believe that the teachers in St. Teresa should be nicer, however, it seems like children graduated from St. Teresa might have a hard time to get accepted by famous primary schools.

Rank: 1

發表於 04-12-3 08:53 |只看該作者

Re: Kentville or St. Teresa?

Hi charwes,

From your message below, it seems that you have a wrong understanding to the kids graduated in this kindergarten.
As a parent of graduate in this kindergarten, I can say that the graduates from St Teresa Kindergarten are favour by most famous primary schools.
For instance, in my kid's class, most of them were accepted Maryknoll Convent School, St Mary School, 聖家小學(Both Kowloon Tong & Kowloon City), St Paul Convent, 喇沙小學, 拔萃小學(直資), 德望小學, 聖芳濟各小學 .
Please don't forget the kindergarten only has 4 classes K3!
The percentage of admitting to Good primary school is rather high.

however, it seems like children graduated from St. Teresa might have a hard time to get accepted by famous primary schools.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-12-3 09:12 |只看該作者

Re: Kentville or St. Teresa?

我囡囡兩間都幼稚園均被取錄, 但我自己比較喜歡st. teresa 因為班數較少, 而SC及根德園比較商業化, 大量招收學生, 其實每年收大概600-700人, 是否全部入到好的名校, 我就不太清楚,不過這兩所幼稚園是很多家長夢寐以求的.但 據我所知st. teresa 的程度亦很深, 其實要是乎自妳想小朋友升讀怎麼小學.   

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-12-3 10:09 |只看該作者

Re: Kentville or St. Teresa?

Hi smily,

I got that impression because my nephew is a K3 student of St. Teresa and he failed to be accepted by all the DDS primary schools that he applied for (DBSPS, St. Joseph, St. Paul co-ed, etc.) I understand I shouldn't take one single example to portrait the whole picture, that's why I try to consult other parents' comments here.  

By the way, could you tell me what is the teaching language in St. Teresa? Do the teachers possess good English standard? Would you mind telling which primary schools did your kids go to?

Many thanks.

smily 寫道:
Hi charwes,

From your message below, it seems that you have a wrong understanding to the kids graduated in this kindergarten.
As a parent of graduate in this kindergarten, I can say that the graduates from St Teresa Kindergarten are favour by most famous primary schools.
For instance, in my kid's class, most of them were accepted Maryknoll Convent School, St Mary School, 聖家小學(Both Kowloon Tong & Kowloon City), St Paul Convent, 喇沙小學, 拔萃小學(直資), 德望小學, 聖芳濟各小學 .
Please don't forget the kindergarten only has 4 classes K3!
The percentage of admitting to Good primary school is rather high.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-12-3 10:13 |只看該作者

Re: Kentville or St. Teresa?

Is there any difference on the admitted primary schools for these two kindies? And how will you choose between the two? Seems like you will go for St. Teresa, right?

Nonna 寫道:

Rank: 1

發表於 04-12-3 11:05 |只看該作者

Re: Kentville or St. Teresa?

Hi charwes,

I am sorry to learn that your nephew was not accepted by the schools you mentioned. Which primary school is he studying now? If the school is not so good or satisfactory to his parents, may be your nephew can apply primary 2 of other schools.
Honestly speaking, DBSPS, St Paul co-edu are the most favour schools for almost every parent. The number of successful applicants is so less every year from the no-link public.
As a truth, successful in applying private and DSS primary schools is subject to the kid, parents, relationship and mostly, luck in central allocation. Also, applying primary school technique is an ‘ART’. The process is either a comedy or buskin.
My experience is that primary schools will select their students according to their own criteria. No one can know what criteria at the back but most primary schools will identify which kindergartens can have a certain standard, especially academic meeting their requirement.
Certainly, St Teresa Kindergarten is one of these schools.
Teaching language medium  in kindergarten is Chinese (Cantonese). If all English medium is expected, I think it is not the one you want.
To be a good kindergarten teacher in a Chinese medium kindergarten, is ‘possess a good English standard’  so important than others?
In my kids’ kindergarten life, she certainly learnt more than what she need for her good development and growth.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-12-3 11:12 |只看該作者

Re: Kentville or St. Teresa?


             我會選擇st.teresa 這一所幼稚園, 因為是心儀巳久的!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-12-3 14:15 |只看該作者

Re: Kentville or St. Teresa?


Nonna 寫道:

             我會選擇st.teresa 這一所幼稚園, 因為是心儀巳久的!
[size=large]Honney的美食廣場<b><font size="medium"><font color="CC9933">Honney & Monogram 私房菜

Rank: 2

發表於 04-12-3 15:27 |只看該作者

Re: Kentville or St. Teresa?

揀呢兩間難揀 過kentville & st. cat.因為academic results & teaching style 都 比較似. 我大仔個年都係兩間都係收am.但我最後都揀左 kentville. why??

1) 我大仔報個年政府都未announce話會轉小一入學制. 兩間既成績係唔需懷疑. sts 重有小學. 而我讀書時:st.mary’s 最叻個d同學係 sts出來既. 我細佬 亦係sts畢業,考入 la salle.而讀返sts 既中學時會去華仁最多因華仁冇小學 -- 應該同 sfa差唔多平分.),  
我揀kentville 係比我朋友影響: 佢話 lasalle(我的 target)and other private primary schools (考p1 時)會睇下個小朋友的幼稚園有無小學, 有幾話, 個 chance會低d. 因為你未必會讀. 如過 兩 個小朋友差唔多時, 會比個
no  primary school  affiliation 既 kid. 我心諗, 死啦, 我個仔p.6 未必咁標青 to stand out 去同人爭華 仁.
p1都可以搏下第二d小朋友鬧情緒, 又搏下眼緣呀. p6 要真材實料架播.再加 D說服自己既想法 (STS 有埋小學個校舍似乎逼左D, 又驚d BB 比 小學生撞. 所以,為有放棄sts. 點知我仔開學k1時, 教署話p1入學大轉制, 我仔會係第一界, 我直情晴天霹靂!無得考,只係大抽獎. 所以要考私校. 咁未兜一大轉考返 sts??早知揀 sts K1 唔洗煩,有私校 backup.比政府玩死.

好彩我大仔第一 round 搞掂 la salle.而家唔洗煩.  
係 la salle, 我仔讀得好輕鬆. 有 sts既 插班生 -- which means sts 既課情同 LA SALLE都差唔多.

既然小學p1 係抽獎, 而且, sts已要停辦 小學 , 跟本兩間既 入學 infrastructure 都已差唔多 (based on my opinion only). if 我 係 你, 我 會 揀 sts, 因為可以搏入sfa (p1 做 back up ) 我大仔個年應該只得一,兩個入到, 重要係 KENTVILLE 有 HONOUR d 學生tim wor ! STS 應該唔 少入到sfa (我friend 個女 3rd round -- ”埃”入 maryknoll -- 都係憑真材實料. 佢考到sfa & 話有幾多同學都 ok. 
當然, 每學校都有D 學生無咁好彩, 但大部份都係有保障既.

因為哥哥關係, 我細仔 LA SALLE 應該 無問題. 所以我今年只報了 kentville& st. cat.  st. cat. 我原先諗住比個 WARM &CUTE既 ENVIRONMENT 佢 WARM UP, 點知重遲一日考. 
我細仔會入翻 KENTVILLE 因為我收起晒我大仔d校服 比佢同埋我本人唔想重新適應幼稚園形式.
[img align=left]http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid61/p093b2f8d9a326f07fec7160770ffeec4/fc28be39.jpg.thumb[/img]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-12-3 15:45 |只看該作者

Re: Kentville or St. Teresa?

Hi smily,

My nephew is still studying in St. Teresa's K3 class and he will probably enter Raimondi College PS coz his brother is a current student of this school.

I think it's important for the teachers to have a good English standard, at least they can teach the children with correct pronounciation and grammar in the English lessons.

I think I will discuss seriously with my wife about choosing the right school in the next couple of days and I really thank you for your valuable information and advice.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-12-3 16:08 |只看該作者

Re: Kentville or St. Teresa?

Hi Happymama,

You said your elder son got accepted by La Salle in the 1st round, would you mind telling me how many marks did your son have? You should have less headache as both of your sons are boys    

Actually I am targetting DGSPS as my daughter's first choice, do you think STS can help on this? For sudsidized schools, MCS would be my dream school, however, my daughter will have only 15 marks for the 1st round, so I think she will need a miracle to get into the school.

What does SFA stand for? Is there a linkage between STS and SFA?

Thanks for sharing your experience.

Rank: 2

發表於 04-12-3 16:51 |只看該作者

Re: Kentville or St. Teresa?


We only got 20 points at that time -- just the minimum to get into La Salle. If you only get 15 points -- its too unlikely to get in, really. You must have at least 20 points in order to get a chance for the draw in the first round. My friend -- the one who got in teh 3rd round -- didn't get a place in the first round with 20 points.

If your target is DGS -- you need to try your best to get into CHristChurch -- I think STS is better still because its English standard is higher (they got a more difficult syllabus ) than Kentville in K1.

SFA is Saint Francis of Assisi's English School 聖芳濟各 .

In terms of affiliation , both are Catholic schools and are of similar standard. Since SFA doesn't have any kindergarten, it surely would like to accept students from Catholic kinders with an aligned standard in all subject areas! Easier to teach, right!

BTW, not sure whether you're aware that DBSJS accepted at least 2 classes of SFA students last year in the open test (not sure whether its per grade 2 classes or overall) my friend's son got in (he was from SFA) and told me that.
THis could mean that Diocesan schools recognised SFA's academic qualifications and since SFA likes to take STS's kids owing to its standard and ease of alignment -- all these (based on my own deductions) mean that STS kinder is also highly recognised by them, right? Of course, CCKG is another story...

[img align=left]http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid61/p093b2f8d9a326f07fec7160770ffeec4/fc28be39.jpg.thumb[/img]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-12-3 17:02 |只看該作者

Re: Kentville or St. Teresa?

Dear Happymama,

I see you have mentioned CCKG in your message.  Do you have any comments about this kindy?  I like it because it is an English kindy and it provides religious study for their children.  It helps a child develop his/her personality through moral education.  Would you please share?  Many thanks.   

Rank: 2

發表於 04-12-3 17:24 |只看該作者

Re: Kentville or St. Teresa?

Hui TUng,

My son didn't go to CCKG, so my opinion discussed below is based on my friend's experience and my observations only:--

I've seen some of the exercise papers of CCKG, you think its main language medium is English and Chinese standard is lower than Kentville or St. Cat? The answer is No!!!!!   Their Chinese standard is compatible.  About religion, I'm a Catholic and basically I'm not very comfortable with Protestants' eagerness to invite people to join their gatherings and get baptized. But I have no doubt that kids brought up in a Christian environment could have a  better moral development than schools without.  

CCKG is really a good kinder but its so difficult to get in as it only takes 80 kids per year (40 boys and 40 girls, am I right?) And to be able to get in, its best that you've got affiliation with Sing Kung Hui (聖公會)
Otherwise, it;s better to study in St. Cat -- (I met a few of the CCKG's students in teh P1 preparatory classes when I signed my elder son up for the course) most of them told me they studied in St. Cat for K1 and got in CCKG. So for those whose target is DGS or DBSJS , it might be more beneficial to get into St. Cat than Kentville -- but since Charwe's  choice is between Kentville and STS, I still think STS is better than Kentville in terms of ENglish standard in preparation for DGS. Personally speaking, DBS has never been my first choice as I got no extra points for this school!!  THerefore I didn't apply for CCKG at that time and thus, didn't consider St. Cat. More still, I prefer Kentville to St. Cat. So my choice at that time was between Kentville and STS.

There have been speculations prevailing at the time my elder son was applying for P1 seats - Since La Salle and MCS's P3 and P6 Catholics' confirmation will be held in St. Teresa's Church, so if your kid  studied there, it might be easier for the sisters or  Fathers to write a recommendation letter for your son / daughter to get into LSPS or MCS. People once said that if you could find the Father from St. Teresa's church to write a letter , you've got a higher chance to be accepted (likely in the 3rd round) by La Salle and MCS . But of course at teh same time, STS's philosophy and standard are also recognised and very much aligned with La Salle adn MCS. One of my friend's son didn't get in LA Salle in the 1st and 2nd round, but asked the La Salle brothers to write in a recommendation letter and he got in in the 3rd round.
Sometimes I felt sorry for our kids in a sense that we can't choose a school that we like for our kids,....we need to play strategies depending on how much bargaining power we have.

Before the lucky draw thing came out, my friend (whose son was in CCKG) told me that the headmaster of DPS (at that time no DBSJS) came down to CCKG to observe them in class and marked down notes to select kids  personally after they handed their P1 application form. My friend's son got in.

My friend's daughter was from CCKG and got in DGS. Thus, CCKG really has priority --

[img align=left]http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid61/p093b2f8d9a326f07fec7160770ffeec4/fc28be39.jpg.thumb[/img]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-12-3 19:30 |只看該作者

Re: Kentville or St. Teresa?

Hi Happymama,

Really appreciated your help and sharings. I think I need more time to decide which kindy I should go for, so I will pay the deposit for Kentville tomorrow first and see how it goes.

You mentioned about your friend's daughter succeeded to get in MCS and she got 20 points in the 1st round, is it necessary for the kid to have 20 points in order to have a chance in the 3rd round?

Many thanks.

Rank: 2

發表於 04-12-3 19:57 |只看該作者

Re: Kentville or St. Teresa?

Sorry to have confused you Charwes,

my friend who got in MCS -- yes she got 20 points but failed in the 1st round -- there were basically too many applicants. FOr the third round -- it does not matter how many points you get basically because it depends on your academic results -- they need to go for interviews and application tests-- so it's basically depended on the academic performance of the kid and the relationships you have.
It just happened that this friend of mine got 20 points and failed in the first round.
After the 2nd round, she immediately handed in her portfolio . Since the first round and the second round are based on luck (first round based on points , if same points -- draw based on luck, second round based on luck only, its only in the third round that relationships count. Basically the principal got at least 8 discretionary seats, and more stilll if students gave up during the registration.

Taking La salle as an eg, some who got in the third round had only 10 points or 15 points, they got in because they had attractive results and they really did well in the interviews. My friend's son who got in (referred by LSPS brothers) wasn't so good in academic, he studied in the estate kindergarten, but the letter got him in.

Hope you can choose the right school for your daughter.
[img align=left]http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid61/p093b2f8d9a326f07fec7160770ffeec4/fc28be39.jpg.thumb[/img]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-12-3 20:07 |只看該作者

Re: Kentville or St. Teresa?

Hi Happymama,

I see. It seems like St. Teresa really got good relationship with La Salle & MCS, which is an obvious advantage over Kentville. My preference starts shifting...    

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-12-3 22:05 |只看該作者

Re: Kentville or St. Teresa?

Charwes, I would like to remind you that St Teresa may have advantage for LS & MCS , but you may need to apply other Private or DSS primary schools as back up at K3 !

STS may not have advantage over Kentville in applying those Private or DSS schools !
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